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Music thread - Cliff Varnell - 22-07-2016

Tracy Riddle Wrote:All Rock Gods (and Goddesses) must go to Japan...


Good idea...

Music thread - Michael Barwell - 23-07-2016

Woke-up this morning to this being transmitted into my head -

Oh, stop it..

Music thread - Michael Barwell - 11-08-2016

This one's for mum

& this one's for the shitehounds & their microwave auditories & neuralgics & muscle tremours & heart effects that I've had very many of at every stage of the last 2weeks & which I'll have thru' the funeral service shortly too -it's just tooo good an opportunity for the yapping shitzus & psychological basket-cases to miss:

<font size="3">

..and seeing as how for the last few weeks, after one single 'action' here on DPF, the site crashes/reloads interminably, to 'time out', I may as well add the img below, which is the same for IE, FF & Chrome, 'cos after this post, the site will become inaccessible.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8500&stc=1]
..and I might as well add, that I get alot of "elected/voted" & "democracy" from the shitehounds; they like to ref from the news, things that'll run for a while; "Trump"'s one I get all the time. 'Noticed that the GOP Senator Susan Collins isn't a Trump fan - "With the passage of time, I have become increasingly dismayed by his constant stream of cruel comments and his inability to admit error or apologize. But it was his attacks directed at people who could not respond on an equal footing either because they do not share his power or stature or because professional responsibility precluded them from engaging at such a level that revealed Mr. Trump as unworthy of being our president."
That's a not too bad [oooh, neuralgic... right side of face] 1st step description of the shitehounds, even if it is waayy too far short of the bullseye.

Music thread - Michael Barwell - 11-08-2016

Well, well, well, 3 holes in the ground & quelle surfuckingprise... music frenzy
[video=youtube] [/video]

Music thread - Lauren Johnson - 12-08-2016

Music thread - Magda Hassan - 12-08-2016

Nice one Lauren! I can never remember the name of that one but was always played at the parties.

A change of pace.

Music thread - David Guyatt - 12-08-2016

Or Maverick Sabre's version...

Music thread - Tracy Riddle - 12-08-2016

Hi Ho Silver Away...

Music thread - Michael Barwell - 16-08-2016

Pour les 'droids.

Music thread - Michael Barwell - 16-08-2016
