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40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - Ed Jewett - 13-11-2009

Magda Hassan Wrote:
Ed Jewett Wrote:Simply said, if "the state" can get you to participate in a drill or table-top exercise with your critically-placed colleagues, it can tap into your insights and knowledge. The nature of that process is to put a perplexing scenario or problem in front of you and ask you and your co-responsible colleagues to address it, tackle it, solve it, etc.

If the process is computerized (thus enabling very high quality capture and storage) and/or if the post-exercise debrief is captured in print, or on tape, then the state can analyze it and all its similar events faster and more effectively, and with deeper insights, than you can. Those doing that analysis [at a level well above and removed from your own] can then "see" where the "seams" are in the socio-political response system so it can better sidestep or defeat that system.

Essentially, it is a very subtle method of espionage.

We now return you to your regular-scheduled pandemic.

Nice observation Ed

Consider too the simulations we know about at the Lawrence-Livermore labs in which pandemic spread across cities has already been played out, about the use of the Purdue simulation capabilities in defense (?!) of the 9/11-related Pentagon and WTC debates, about the not-very-well-known-or-understood uses of simulations based on all that raw data collected in those gargantuan new NSA facilities, or this recently-discoverd tasty tidbit from Dr. James Steiner via way of Cryptome and the agency whose web site hosts the paper:

Improving Homeland Security at the State Level

Needed: State-level, Integrated Intelligence Enterprises

Dr. James E. Steiner
Needed is a single, integrated intelligence enterprise with well-defined lanes-in-the-road for each large, complicated state like New York.
Following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, a revolution has been underway in the relationships of federal, state, and local homeland security, law enforcement, and intelligence organizations. At the federal level, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been created, the “wall” between law enforcement and intelligence has been nearly obliterated, some law enforcement organizations are being directed to become more like intelligence agencies, and the foreign intelligence community is being fundamentally reformed.
The impact of these changes has been even greater at the state level: state governments have been assigned the lead role in homeland security. Most states have responded by bringing together existing public security, law enforcement, and emergency response capabilities—linking them to similar local assets—and opening channels to other states.
But a piece has been missing. Before 9/11, none of the states had a robust intelligence capability. Most now have created multiple intelligence cells in existing structures, as well as fusion centers, which for the first time connect state and local homeland security and law enforcement—and especially the new intelligence organizations—with federal, community, and, in some cases, foreign intelligence services.
Needed is a single, integrated intelligence enterprise with well-defined lanes-in-the-road for each large, complicated state like New York. We will see that this challenge is as daunting at the state level as it has been in the national Intelligence Community (IC).
States need to tailor the structures they build to accommodate the robust capabilities that national organizations with intelligence capabilities maintain within their geographic boundaries.
One thing is clear—replicating the federal IC structure in 50 states is NOT appropriate. Some of the concepts we use in analyzing national intelligence missions and structures are useful—for example, differentiating between national (or state-level) intelligence and departmental intelligence. But for the most part, the federal model is just not relevant: collection is less a state function than is analysis; single-function collection agencies such as NSA and NGA have no comparable state analogue; HUMINT (confidential informants) is the dominant collection discipline at the state level; and we clearly do not want any state-level entities developing covert action capabilities. Finally, most states simply do not have the resources to create and maintain the multilayered, redundant structures so prevalent at the federal level. On the other hand, states need to tailor the structures they build to accommodate the robust capabilities that national organizations with intelligence capabilities maintain within their geographic boundaries. In addition, state requirements vary significantly across the country, and a single model will not meet every state’s needs.
State and local fusion centers are the designated focal points connecting the federal IC to state and local intelligence collectors and analysts on counterterrorism threats. In most cases, state police manage state fusion centers. The centers’ primary mission is to move counterterrorism (CT) intelligence from the local level to the federal community and from the federal level back to local law enforcement. But as we shall see below, state-level intelligence missions go well beyond providing operational intelligence support to law enforcement CT programs. Some fusion centers have taken on broader missions, especially in the public safety arena, and have other customer sets, including state executives and the public. Others have remained narrowly focused on CT or intermediate all-crimes intelligence.
Much has been written about fusion centers from the perspective of their primary mission and their relationship with federal law enforcement and the IC. This article will not duplicate that discussion. Rather, I will emphasize state-level intelligence requirements beyond the support-to-law-enforcement mission and focus on the primary, non-law enforcement customer—the state governor and his executive-level homeland security team.
The article is informed by multiple state models, but it focuses on New York state. The Empire State has international land and maritime borders, coastal and riverine international ports, and a huge immigrant community from countries of special interest. It faces a broad array of threats emanating from terrorism, natural hazards (including floods, hurricanes, tornados), and pandemic diseases. But most importantly, the bulk of specific, credible terrorism threat intelligence collected since 9/11 specifies targets in New York City. (See table on facing page.)

Know your Customer –the Governor

The president has a director of national intelligence (DNI), but New York’s governor has no such focal point for intelligence. Intelligence is not seen as a separate function, but something embedded into other disciplines. For example, the governor looks to the superintendent of the state police to manage most law enforcement issues and expects that department to conduct law enforcement intelligence. Similarly, the governor looks to his homeland security adviser to help him define the homeland security threat and to manage risk (strategic mission) and meet his immediate public security priorities (operational)—the most basic of which is crisis management and recovery. He assumes that his homeland security adviser has built the intelligence capability to do his job.
New York’s homeland security strategy demonstrates the centrality of both strategic risk management and operational crisis management/recovery to the governor and his senior resource managers in Albany.
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Major Plots, Arrests, and Threats in New York State
during 2001–2008

The list below is representative of the terrorism-related cases and plots the state has faced over the past eight years. They vary in their severity and their plausibility.
September 11 (2001): The most deadly terrorist attack in history, when Al Qaeda operatives targeted the World Trade Center with commercial airliners, resulted in thousands of deaths in Lower Manhattan.
Anthrax Letters (2001): The mailing of letters containing weaponized Anthrax spores, mainly to media and political targets, resulted in five deaths as well as numerous injuries.
The Lackawanna Six (2002): A group of Yemeni-Americans from outside Buffalo were convicted of providing material support to terrorism after spending time in an Al Qaeda training camp.
Iyman Faris/Khalid Sheik Mohammed Brooklyn Bridge Plot (2003): Iyman Faris, a truck driver who had been in contact with numerous Al Qaeda leaders, was involved in a plot to damage or destroy the Brooklyn Bridge.
Subway Poison Gas Plot (2003): Reports suggest that a Bahrain-based Al Qaeda cell intended to target the New York City subway system with a device that would disperse cyanide gas.
Herald Sq. Subway Plot (2004): Two men from Queens and Staten Island were convicted of conspiring to bomb the subway station at Herald Square.
Albany Missile Sting (2004): Two Albany residents were convicted of supporting terrorism for an incident in which they agreed to help launder money to purchase a shoulder-fired missile for a militant group.
East Coast Buildings Plot (2005): Three British nationals were charged with conspiring to bomb buildings along the eastern seaboard of the United States, including the Citigroup Center and New York Stock Exchange.
PATH Tunnel Plot (2006): This plot, disrupted in early planning stages, centered on a Lebanese national and several other individuals planning to attack the Port Authority Trans Hudson Tunnel connecting New York and New Jersey.
JFK Airport Plot (2006): Four men, from the Caribbean and South America, were convicted of conspiring to bomb the fuel distribution pipeline at John F. Kennedy Airport in Queens.
Aafia Siddiqui (2008): An American-trained neuroscientist wanted for supporting terrorism, Siddiqui was captured in South Asia with detailed information about numerous targets including Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, the subway system, and the Plum Island biological facility.

Strategic Threat Assessments

At the national level, the DNI is required to provide the president and Congress an annual worldwide threat assessment as a necessary context for discussion of national security budget requests. Similarly, in New York strategic intelligence in the form of an overall state threat assessment comes first. In fact, state law requires that the homeland security adviser present a threat-to-New York briefing to selected legislators by 31 January every year. Some threats, such as terrorism, are new to governors but familiar to intelligence officers, but most of the threats facing a governor—blackouts, floods, hurricanes—are familiar to New York state but new to intelligence officers. Governors prefer a single, integrated threat assessment and look to their homeland security advisers to develop it.
At the national level, threat analyses are used to justify programmatic requests. At the state level, threat assessments are also a key input to the risk management process. As defined by DHS and included in New York’s State Strategy for Homeland Security, risk is the potential for an unwanted outcome resulting from an incident, event, or occurrence. It is determined by the event’s likelihood and any potential consequences. Unwanted outcomes include loss of life, compromised essential services, economic damage, public anxiety, and other societal problems resulting from an attack or natural disaster. Preparedness efforts are designed to minimize the risk to the state, its infrastructure, and its citizens. The level of risk facing a region is a function of three components: threat (or natural hazard), vulnerability, and consequence. Addressing each of these components individually enables New York state to develop a cohesive strategy and to limit the risks it faces.
The driving force for the DHS Intelligence and Analysis state fusion center program is intelligence support to law enforcement.
There are simply not enough resources to eliminate all of the risks we face. Risk management is the process by which senior leaders identify risks and threats, prioritize them (by likelihood and potential impact), and then direct federal, state, and local resources to act to minimize the likelihood of their occurrence and mitigate their consequences. The risk management process enables state leaders to prioritize mitigation steps that can be taken based upon potential occurrence of a risk, the potential impacts of that risk, and the economic and political capital available to take such action. The federal government alone has provided more than $3 billion to New York since 9/11 to buy down risk.
Responses to risk take many forms and fall into four major categories—prevention, protection, response, and recovery. A few of the many risk-reduction strategies New York and its partners are pursuing include increasing the capabilities of first responders, constructing and installing physical security systems, purchasing insurance, conducting public outreach campaigns, and sharing intelligence.
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Operational Intelligence

Be it a terrorist attack, a pandemic, a flood, a hurricane, or a blackout, the governor is immediately in the public (often national) spotlight. The governor is
  • CINC of the state forces responding to the incident,
  • chief executive officer of the government,
  • chief communicator to a worried public,
  • chief liaison to the governors of neighboring states, and
  • chief liaison to the federal government.
In fulfilling these roles, the governor must make decisions on declaring emergencies or disasters, using the National Guard, requesting mutual aid, calling for federal assistance, authorizing emergency spending, suspending state regulations, requesting waivers of federal regulations, and ensuring that state agencies are responding appropriately. No governor can begin to take on these roles effectively without advance preparation and excellent, intelligence-driven situational awareness.
The driving force for the DHS Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) state fusion center program is intelligence support to law enforcement. But savvy governors look to these centers for their comprehensive situational awareness, although they do so through their preexisting organizations. In New York, the State Emergency Management Office (SEMO) is responsible for the development and maintenance of state-level response plans and manages the multiagency emergency operations center.
Eventually, as they mature, most fusion centers and emergency operations centers almost certainly will be combined or co-located as they become focal points for information- and intelligence-sharing among local, state, and federal agencies from a variety of disciplines, including law enforcement, fire, EMS, emergency management, and, increasingly, public health, transportation, energy, and even the private sector.
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Where the Strategic and Operational Meet...

Advance preparation is crucial to crisis management. The governor and his state apparatus need to be prepared and practiced before a crisis. Effective crisis-management programs encompass five critical components:
  • Assessment of the threats facing the state;
  • Development of a plan to mitigate those threats;
  • Development of a strategy to prepare for all hazards;
  • Development of and regular testing of response plans;
  • Planning for short- and long- term recovery.
State governors support law enforcement efforts to disrupt and dismantle terrorist groups and prevent violent acts, and they enthusiastically support the DHS I&A fusion center initiative. But counter-terrorism (as opposed to homeland security writ large) is primarily a federal mandate. With the possible exception of New York City, the FBI, through the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), has first right of refusal on all CT leads/cases, and governors will not be held directly responsible if terrorists strike.
Governors are personally responsible for recovery after a terrorist incident, so it is not surprising that their focus is on minimizing the impact of a terrorist incident (or a natural or nonterrorist manmade event). Governors focus on mitigating threats to critical infrastructure and on facilitating quick recovery by preparing for and responding effectively to all hazards. As noted above, the strategic mission of state-level homeland security is risk management.
Critical infrastructure analysis and policy actions are central to this task. Governors understand the federal government’s role in infrastructure protection (especially funding) and develop plans and strategies in the context of that federal role. Governors focus on ensuring that vulnerability and risk assessments have been conducted and are adequate for the entire infrastructure in their state. Interdependencies among industrial sectors are identified and governors invest in public infrastructure and work with the private sector and other states to increase the resilience of infrastructure on a regional basis. A governor can take a number of steps to protect critical infrastructure. He can
  • identify the state’s critical infrastructure;
  • conduct vulnerability and risk assessments;
  • identify and understand interdependencies;
  • invest in infrastructure improvements;
  • develop regional strategies; and
  • coordinate with the private sector.
New York State’s Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources list (CI/KR) is as wide-ranging and important as in any state in the country. The items listed in the CI/KR are assets, systems, and networks—physical and virtual—that are so vital to the state that their loss, destruction, or incapacitation would have major cascading effects on security, economic security, public health, or public safety.
These sectors are not, however, just subject to terrorist threats. Natural disasters, human error, and poor maintenance can compromise critical infrastructure. Another key vulnerability that crosses all critical infrastructure sectors is their increasing reliance on computers and information technology. The threat of cyberterrorism or other cyberattack is illustrative of the interdependencies of modern society. New York’s CI/KR have come to rely upon networked computers, data security, and the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems that control infrastructure of all kinds.
Threats to state-critical infrastructure are assessed in the context of natural, man-made, terrorist, and technological events, and risks are determined based on these threats, their likelihood of occurrence, and the impact they would have on the immediate infrastructure and on interdependent systems and facilities. (Governors currently look to intelligence to provide the terrorism portion of these threat assessments.) This type of analysis is used to prioritize infrastructure for protection and to develop and implement a critical infrastructure protection plan that identifies measures to prevent, eliminate, or mitigate the threat.
New York’s state fusion center is the locus of its intelligence support to state and local law enforcement.
National-level intelligence analysts once had significant expertise on critical infrastructures—albeit from a radically different perspective. During the Cold War, CIA and DIA analysts used input-output analysis and other econometric techniques such as linear programming to identify economic targets that, if destroyed or damaged, would maximize the disruptions to the Soviet economy. Remnants of this broad expertise still exist at CIA, and more recently the IC has built world-class expertise in the cyber area. The National Labs at Sandia and Los Alamos also have created an exceptionally capable group conducting such studies at the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center.
At the state level, similar expertise exists in nonintelligence government and academic centers, focused mainly on analyzing the economic impact of various natural disasters and (nonterrorist) man-made events. Many states also have similar cybersecurity efforts. Some targets are obvious, such as infrastructure in areas prone to flooding, but most are not. Analysts are thus forced to conduct sophisticated, data-intensive studies to identify critical nodes, single points of failure, and other high-value infrastructure that might warrant extra protection or redundancy to improve resiliency of the entire system. Intelligence must identify the most likely terrorist targets.
[Top of page]
The 18 DHS Defined Critical Infrastructure Sectors:

Agriculture and Food
Banking and Finance
Commercial Facilities
Commercial Nuclear Reactors, Materials and Waste
Critical Manufacturing
Defense Industrial Base
Drinking Water and Water Treatment -Facilities
Emergency Services
Government Facilities
Information Technology
National Monuments and Icons
Postal and Shipping
Public Health and Health care
Transportation Systems

The Bottom Line on Customers, Roles, and Missions

State-level intelligence has three primary functions and customers—providing CT intelligence support to law enforcement; ensuring situational awareness for state-level executive and legislative decision makers; and providing critical infrastructure threat analyses to executive decision makers and policy implementation staff. State-level intelligence also provides unclassified information and assessments to the private sector and to the public when it is possible and appropriate to do so.
New York’s state fusion center, NYSIC (New York State Intelligence Center), is the locus of its intelligence support to state and local law enforcement and is managed by the State Police. Its primary focus is CT support to law enforcement, but it has a broader “all crimes” mandate. The fusion center directs a network of over 1,500 field intelligence officers (FIOs) throughout New York state to collect intelligence on suspicious activities and persons. Virtually all of these FIOs are part-time intelligence officers and full-time law enforcement officers. They move intelligence directly to the NYSIC but are organized administratively through 16 counterterrorism zones (see map on facing page).
On the federal side, the NYSIC interacts with the IC through the National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) and the DHS National Operations Center (NOC). The FBI has the domestic lead in CT intelligence and is connected to other law enforcement through the JTTF. The Bureau’s Field Intelligence Groups (FIGs) are the lead domestic terrorism intelligence analysis centers outside Washington (with the exception of New York City where the NYPD intelligence and CT components dominate all other entities).
Homeland security advisers work for the governor and are responsive first and foremost to the governor's priorities, including intelligence priorities. A governor’s top need for intelligence is not support to law enforcement, but to understand the terrorist threat as part of the risk-management process. The governor also needs to receive situational awareness in the run-up to a crisis and during ensuing crisis management. Both current intelligence and longer term threat analyses—especially on threats to critical infrastructure—are required to enable the governor and his staff to plan for, mitigate, and recover quickly from crises. Effective crisis management and recovery requires extensive intelligence support and executive action before the crisis.
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Intelligence Capabilities in New York—Today’s Realities

New York’s state and local intelligence heavyweights include the NYPD, the State Police, and the National Guard, all of which have hundreds or at least dozens of full- or part-time intelligence officers. Within New York state’s borders, several federal agencies have significant intelligence capabilities, and many other US law enforcement organizations have substantial intelligence assets. All are focused primarily on terrorism prevention through law enforcement.
[Image: NYZone-Map_mini.jpg]The NY State Police, through the NYSIC, have taken the lead in state-level intelligence support to law enforcement. NYSIC is a model fusion center that includes intelligence cells on major crime areas such as gangs and narcotics. But its central effort is on counterterrorism. NYSIC has open storage of SECRET-level material, connectivity to secure intelligence systems, and a significant and growing cadre of analysts and agents from federal agencies, including DHS I&A, FBI, ICE, and Coast Guard. (See table on right.)
Federal analysts have connectivity to secure systems at their desks (as do a limited number of State Police). NYSIC coordinates intelligence collection and dissemination through its network of counterterrorism zones and FIOs. It maintains strong ties to CT initiatives on the state’s border with Canada. These efforts are models of “jointness,” being composed of officers from state, local, tribal, provincial, and US and Canadian federal intelligence and law enforcement organizations. On the downside, NYSIC currently has only modest linkages to the NYPD.
Strategic intelligence support to the governor is provided by the intelligence component (referred to as State Intelligence) of the state’s Office of Homeland Security (OHS). This small unit provides strategic threat assessments and broad situational awareness to the director of OHS, the governor, other executive branch leaders, and selected members of the legislature.
New York state’s OHS oversees the allocation and distribution of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal and state homeland security funding each year. In addition to funding law enforcement and emergency response, significant resources are directed toward developing a resilient critical infrastructure. OHS has developed a modest (albeit underresourced) internal intelligence capability to identify, collect, evaluate, and assess terrorist threats to critical infrastructure. The effort is modeled on the DHS Homeland Security Infrastructure Threat Reduction and Risk Analysis Center (HITRAC) office. This program is called CI/SAR, which stands for Critical Infrastructure/Suspicious Activity Reports. It is a GIS-based system which correlates SARs and New York’s critical infrastructure. It is designed to identify proxy measures of threat (using the SARs) and targets (using CI) and then apply pattern analysis techniques to predict potential danger zones. Since the inception of this project in New York state in early 2007, the national level IC (acting through the DNI) has supported a similar approach nationwide.
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New York State Intelligence Center (NYSIC) Current
and Former On-Site Partners

City Police and County Sheriff representatives
New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority
New York National Guard Counterdrug Task Force
Department of Corrections
Department of Motor Vehicles
Division of Parole
Office of Homeland Security
US Attorney’s Office
Department of Defense-Defense Criminal Investigative Service
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Coast Guard
Customs & Border Protection
Social Security Administration

The State Intelligence Vision

The list of state intelligence missions below is a vision for statewide intelligence analysis. It minimizes redundancy by tailoring the effort to support a primary customer—the governor—within existing threat assumptions, institutional arrangements, and other guidelines. Specifically for New York state:
  • New York City is the prime target for terrorists in the United States.
  • NYPD Intelligence and Counterterrorism Divisions are and will remain the dominant intelligence organizations in New York City.
  • State intelligence should not attempt to engage in all areas of intelligence. The state intelligence function is primarily analytic and has no role in the collection or analysis of tactical intelligence.
  • Intelligence support to protect critical infrastructure through efforts such as CI/SAR is the “natural” intelligence domain for the state. In New York, OHS is the lead agency for the critical infrastructure account, OHS directs the homeland security funding process for infrastructure protection, and CI is central to the governor’s roles in protecting the state through risk management and especially in recovering from an attack.
  • The state’s law enforcement and IC intelligence partners at the local, regional, national, and international levels produce massive amounts of intelligence on CT. State intelligence should focus some of its resources on identifying finished national intelligence and key producers or information nodes, gather relevant reports, and assess the implications for New York. This same approach should be used to harvest and tailor for the state open-source and academic research.
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The State Homeland Security Intelligence Mission

The mission areas for state intelligence listed below, when integrated into the matrix of existing organizations and capabilities, yield a single, integrated intelligence enterprise. The missions areas include:
  • Developing and maintain a center of excellence in critical infrastructure threat intelligence using methods such as CI/SAR for the entire state.
  • Developing and maintaining formal contacts with major local, regional, national, and international partners to ensure full situational awareness and access to intelligence/information products: specifically,
    • Working with state, regional and local fusion centers, which have primary responsibility for support to law enforcement, crisis management information flow, and tactical intelligence support.
    • Working with NYPD intelligence (staffed at roughly 500 officers) in its role as the primary developer of CT intelligence regarding New York City. Expand on NYC finished intelligence products to address implications for the entire state.
    • Working with the federal Intelligence Community in its role as primary developer of foreign and domestic CT intelligence.
    • Identifying high-value IC intelligence products and providing value-added by assessing threat implications for New York state.
    • Working directly with Ontario and Quebec intelligence partners. Border states are uniquely positioned to develop intelligence liaison relationships at the sub-national level.

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The Federal Support Needed by State Intelligence

  • New York and other major target states need federal resources and policy support for intelligence-sharing to meet this vision, and President Obama has promised to step up to the challenge. His campaign platform states:
    • Improve Information Sharing and Analysis: Improve our intelligence system by creating a senior position to coordinate domestic intelligence gathering, establishing a grant program to support thousands more state and local level intelligence analysts, and increasing our capacity to share intelligence across all levels of government. (from [External Link Disclaimer]

    The following steps would help New York state achieve this vision of an integrated intelligence enterprise:
    • DHS should provide grant funding for most state-level intelligence analysts.
    • DHS, as the primary conduit for moving intelligence to the states, must view the states as its primary customer.
    • DHS must ensure that the substance of all CT intelligence (raw and finished)—on which the federal government spends roughly $50 billion per year—is made available to the states.
    • DHS must take as a top priority strengthening of the fusion center system of states, regions, and localities. These centers are now at the outer end of the spokes that move intelligence from the national level hub.
    • DHS should accelerate production and deployment of the the Homeland Security Data Network (HSDN) system. HSDN is the primary pipeline for moving classified intelligence (at the SECRET level) from the federal hub to the states’ fusion centers. In 2008, only about 50 HSDN terminals were deployed and operational outside Washington, DC. There are roughly 1,000 pending requests from states and major cities for HSDN terminals.
    • Virtually all HSDN’s scores of homepages and sites should be made available to state officials. Currently, only two are available to state-level intelligence officers and officials—NCTC’s and DHS’s. Even outside of the Washington, DC, area, federal officers have access to all sites.
    • The Interagency Threat Assessment Coordination Group (ITAC-G) at the NCTC should include state-level intelligence officers, and ITAC-G representatives from NSA, NGA, and CIA should have the mandate and authority to generate tear-line, SECRET-level reports from compartmented intelligence. ITAC-G is responsible for reviewing all national-level intelligence and ensuring that highly classified intelligence is downgraded to the SECRET level so that it can be disseminated to state fusion centers. Currently, ITAC-G is minimally staffed and all state and local representatives must be sworn law enforcement officers.
    • Finally, the security clearance process must be fixed. The federal government should be able to process SECRET-level clearances within a month and higher level clearances for compartmented intelligence within 3 months. States facing major threats should have a number of intelligence officers and elected officials cleared at the highest security level.

* * *

A Note on Sources
This paper draws heavily and often directly from two studies. “A Governor’s Guide to Homeland Security,” prepared by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, and the “New York State Strategy for Homeland Security,” prepared by the Office of Homeland Security and available at:, especially the sections on risk, threat, and critical infrastructure prepared by Brian Nussbaum.

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - Ed Jewett - 13-11-2009

Here are four that come by way of Michael Rivero's

Polish Health Minister says no to the H1N1 Swine Flu Shot for the entire country (in Polish, with English subtitles)


The Media International Group:

"/ 12.11.2009 // 12:16 // Shock! New types of influenza found in Ukraine. 85 cases of swine influenza (updated at 05:47 pm)
Besides swine influenza, AN3N2, AN2N2 and group B have been found in the territory of Ukraine. In particular, at present at least 8 different viruses are circulating in the territory of Bukovyna. Such conclusions are made by experts of regional sanitary epidemiological stations following the results of almost 6,000 studies on the identification of acute respiratory viral infections, said the chief state sanitary doctor of the Chernivtsi Region Oleksandr Svitlichny on November 11 at the briefing.
According to him, all the acute respiratory viral infections, which are currently circulating in the territory of Bukovina, are treated. However, due to the fact that they collided, clinical disease and the tactics of his treatment change. Therefore, a doctor needs to know exactly which virus is detected in the patient.
Among the viruses that are registered in Bukovina, Oleksander Svitlychny told about AH3N2, AH2N2, AH1N1, a large group of influenza B, parainfluenza viruses of three types, reports
Ministry of Health notes the lack of vaccines against seasonal types of influenza and influenza A (H1N1) in the world, the first deputy chief sanitary doctor Ludmyla Muharska told about it in the air of TVi IV channel on November 11.
She noted that the Ministry of Health asked the World Health Organization with a request to reserve the vaccine for Ukraine. Also Ludmyla Muharska stressed that during the epidemic there is a definite strategy for vaccination of the population.
"When the active epidemic has begun, population does not need mass vaccination, and it is absolutely correct opinion, and we support it," - she said and added that the vaccination of risk groups with a purpose to have to individual protection or closed groups is necessary, Ukrainian News reported.
As a reminder, experts believe vaccination against influenza A (H1N1) is possible during the epidemic.
Ministry of Health has confirmed 213 deaths of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections as of November 11 in 21 Regions, Kyiv and Crimea, Health Ministry states. Out of 213 deaths 24 fatal cases are recorded over the past day, Ukrainian News reported.
Since October 29 81 cases of death has been recorded in the Lviv Region, 30 - in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, 22 - in the Chernivtsi Region, 20 - in the Ternopil Region, 8 – in the Kyiv and Khmelnitsky Regions, and 7 - in the Rivne and Volyn Regions, 6 - in Kyiv, 4 - in the Vinnytsa Region, 3 - in the Donetsk Region, 2 - in the Transcarpathian, Zaporozhye, Poltava, Kharkiv and Chernihiv Regions, and 1 - in Crimea, Odessa, Kherson, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Mykolayiv and Sumy Regions.
In general, since October 29, 1 mn 192,481 people have become sick with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. Since the beginning of the epidemic 62,462 people have been hospitalized, 25,968 people have been released. In Kyiv 83,243 people ill with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are recorded.
05:46 p.m. 85 cases of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 are confirmed in Ukraine, including 16 – fatal one. This was reported by chief doctor of the Central sanitary-epidemiological station Lyubov Nekrasova at a press conference in Kyiv on Thursday.
"According to the preliminary conclusion, we can assume that today this type of virus (A/H1N1 - editor.) prevails in the country, and most of all the diseases are caused by this same type of virus. But now other types of viruses are circulating - a seasonal influenza and respiratory viruses" , - she added.
Lyubov Nekrasova reported that since the beginning of the epidemic 533 samples had been taken, out of them 108 specimens were analyzed and pandemic influenza A/H1N1 is confirmed in 85 cases.
She also noted that currently there is no need to conduct research on each case of disease, because the cost of a study is Hr 220.
In addition, Lyubov Nekrasova stressed that the spread of the virus occurs so rapidly that it is necessary need to define a certain number of studies for the objective analysis, which would confirm indeed the majority of cases among men is a pandemic of influenza A/H1N1. These studies should be done in order to understand how to act when the next wave of the epidemic will appear, Interfax-Ukraine reports.
Lyubov Nekrasova also said that the central laboratory conducts up to 50-60 researches daily. "According to these data, we can say that up to 85 percents of all positive results is influenza A/H1N1," - she said."

Presidential Candidate of Ukraine - Claims it IS Pneumonic Plague (trans.)11/12/09 4:13pm

By: jo-ann F.
The candidate accused the government of concealing information about the flu epidemic in Ukraine, but representatives of the NSDC refute it.
Recall that in nine regions of Ukraine introduced quarantine because of epidemic influenza. Quarantine announced in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil (these areas are most affected by the flu), Transcarpathian, Chernivtsi, Rivne, Volyn, Brussels and Vinnitsa regions


Ukranian Doctor Speaks to Local Media About Epidemic

The epidemic of eye doctor: what silence officials

02 листопада 2009, 20:49
02 November 2009, 20:49

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Лікар однієї із львівських лікарень, що погодилася поспілкуватися з нами на тему теперішньої епідемії, попросила не називати ані її імені, ані посади, ані навіть лікарні, у якій працює.
The doctor of one of the Lviv hospital that agreed to talk with us on the current epidemic is asked to call either her name or position, or even hospitals, which works.
З огляду на те, що вона розповіла, думаємо, що читачі з розумінням поставляться до такого її бажання.
Given the fact that she mentioned, I think that readers understand a treat to her desire.
Ми гарантуємо, що йдеться про реальне інтерв'ю реального лікаря реальної львівської лікарні, котра безпосередньо працює із хворими на ГРЗ.
We guarantee that this is a real interview with real real Lviv hospital doctor who works directly with patients in acute.

Хочемо запевнити, що метою цього матеріалу не є нагнітання й без того напруженої атмосфери.
We want to assure you that the purpose of this material are not escalate the already tense atmosphere.
Ми лише вважаємо, що читачі повинні знати, як насправді проходить боротьба з епідемією.
We just believe that readers should know how to actually pass the epidemic.

Як зараз виглядає ситуація з епідемією у вашій лікарні?
As now the situation of the epidemic in your hospital?

Ми справді маємо зараз дуже багато звернень з приводу гострих респіраторних захворювань.
We really have now is a lot of requests from acute respiratory diseases.
Більшість із них – панічні.
Most of them - Panic.
Зараз у нас фактично закриті планові надходження – переважну більшість місць віддано саме під надходження хворих на грип.
Now we actually closed ua - the overwhelming majority of seats given to it under the arrivals of patients with influenza.
Таких маємо надзвичайно багато.
Such have very many.

При цьому офіційних даних щодо того, про епідемію якого саме різновиду хвороби йдеться, ми не маємо.
Thus official data as to the epidemic which is the variety of disease states, we do not have.

Ми не маємо відповідних лабораторій для того, щоб проводити аналізи.
We do not have appropriate laboratories to conduct tests.
Тому чи йдеться про «свинячий», «телячий» чи іще бозна-який грип – ми насправді досі не знаємо.
So if it comes to "pork", "calf" or even knows, that influenza - we really still do not know.

Чи можуть мати під собою підставу чутки, що насправді йдеться не про «свинячий» грип, а про легеневу чуму (як це нещодавно озвучила Інна Богословська)?
Can be baseless rumors that really is not about "swine" influenza, pneumonic plague and about (as recently voiced gallery contains)?

Абсолютно ніякої підстави для подібних чуток немає.
Absolutely no grounds for such rumors do not.
Легенева чума – це лише один із проявів чуми.
Pneumonic plague - this is just one manifestation of the plague.
Вона має лише один збудник – чумну паличку, Yersinia pestis.
She has only one agent - pestilential stick, Yersinia pestis.

Якби зараз справді йшлося про легеневу чуму, то ми мали б і її інші прояви – наприклад, чуму бубонну.
If the matter is really about pneumonic plague, we would have and its other manifestations - such as bubonic plague.
Не кажучи вже про те, що смертність у такому випадку була б справді величезною.
Not to mention the fact that mortality in this case would be really great.

Що дійсно не виключено, так це те, що йдеться про накладення декількох вірусів.
What is really not possible, it is that it is imposing a few viruses.
Тобто що ГРЗ викликають одразу декілька збудників.
That is what causes acute multiple pathogens.

Зараз загальним місцем є, що йдеться все ж-таки про «свинячий» грип.
There is a common place that it is all the same about "swine" influenza.
Наскільки ж високим є реальний процент хворих, заражених саме цим штамом вірусу?
It is a real high percentage of patients infected with this strain of virus is?

Цього ми не знаємо – і навряд чи коли-небудь дізнаємося.
This we know - and hardly ever know.
По-перше, як я казала, у нас немає можливості провести відповідні аналізи.
Firstly, as I said, we are not able to conduct appropriate tests.
По-друге, ті аналізи, що все ж-таки будуть проводитися, будуть вибірковими.
Second, those tests that all the same will be held to be selective.

Ніхто зараз не може взяти зразки вірусу у кожного хворого.
Nobody now can not take samples of the virus in each patient.
Отже, реальну, репрезентативну статистику встановити просто неможливо.
So real, representative statistics simply can not be set.

А як ви ставитеся до думки, що насправді нічого страшного не відбувається, просто ЗМІ роздувають «цікаву тему»?
When you think of the idea that nothing really terrible happens, just the media inflates "interesting topic"?

Нічого це не «цікава тема».
Nothing is not "interesting topic".
Так, кожного року ми маємо велику кількість хворих на грип із ускладненнями – тією ж пневмонією, менінгітом і так далі.
Yes, every year we have a large number of patients with flu complications - the same pneumonia, meningitis and so on.

такого спалаху захворювань, як зараз, не пам'ятають навіть ті лікарі, які працюють вже дуже давно.
outbreaks of diseases such as now, do not remember even those doctors who are already very long.

Інша справа, що не було можливості одразу зорієнтуватися, що коїться.
Another matter that was not possible immediately to navigate what is happening.
Велика кількість хворих до нас почала надходити іще від початку минулого тижня, коли ще не було абсолютно ніякої інформації про новий вірус.
Many patients began to come to us even from the beginning of last week, when there was absolutely no information about the new virus.
Вони надходили як хворі на звичайне запалення легенів.
They come as patients on regular pneumonia.
Лише після того, як їх лікували звичними методами протягом декількох днів, а краще їм не ставало, стало зрозуміло, що йдеться про щось інше.
Only after they were treated as usual methods for several days, but rather they failed, it became clear that this is about something else.

Окрім того, не можна навіть порівнювати вірус, з яким ми маємо справу сьогодні, із тими, що були у попередні роки.
In addition, you can not even compare the virus with which we deal today with those that were in previous years.

Зараз хвороба часто перебігає справді блискавично, в людини миттєво починається сильна гарячка, вона просто гасне.
Now the disease often runs really lightning, the person immediately starts strong fever, she just goes.

Можливо, при цьому ви вже встигли принаймні визначити якісь групи ризику людей, що особливо вразливі до цього вірусу?
Maybe while you have managed to identify at least some risk of people who are particularly vulnerable to this virus?

Складно сказати.
Difficult to say.
В нас основна частина хворих – це все ж таки молоді та діти.
We have the bulk of patients - is still young and children.
Дуже мало є тих, кому за 40.
Very few are those over 40.
Вразливі до цієї хвороби і вагітні – на сьогодні ми маємо чотирьох вагітних жінок у дуже важкому стані.
Vulnerable to the disease and pregnant women - today we have four pregnant women in very serious condition.

Ви казали, що у лікарів не було змоги одразу зорієнтуватися, що йдеться про епідемію нового вірусу.
You said that doctors were not able to immediately sort out that question about the new virus epidemic.
Значить, вони не могли вжити відповідних заходів безпеки?
So they could not take appropriate security measures?

А ми і тепер їх вжити практично не можемо.
And now we take them almost can not.
Скажімо, масок у достатній кількості нам просто не постачають.
For example, masks in sufficient quantity we simply do not deliver.
Лікар повинен за 12 годин змінити як мінімум 6 масок.
The doctor has 12 hours to change a minimum of 6 Masks.
Отже, їх потрібна просто незліченна кількість!
So, they need simply uncountable number!
А ми не маємо, де їх узяти.
And we have no where to take them.

Чи, наприклад, славетне «Таміфлю».
Now, the glorious "Tamiflu".
До нас цей препарат надійшов лише у п'ятницю ввечері.
To us this drug acted only on Friday evening.
З профілактичною метою потрібно вживати одну капсулу на день, не більш як 2 доби після контакту із хворим.
In order to take preventive one capsule a day, no more than 2 days after contact with patients.
Хворий, до речі, повинен почати лікуватися ним не пізніше, як за 42 години після появи симптомів.
The patient, incidentally, must begin to treat him no later than 42 hours after onset of symptoms.

Так от, те «Таміфлю», що до нас надійшло, призначене лише для хворих.
Well, that "Tamiflu", which came to us, is for patients.
Для лікарів немає нічого.
For doctors there is nothing.
Лише після того, як у нас захворіло двоє лікарів, то вдалося із величезним скандалом «вибити» декілька таблеток і для персоналу.
Only after the two of us sick of doctors, he managed a huge scandal "beat out" a few pills and staff.

Що ж ви можете сказати про цей препарат?
What you can say about this product?

Можу сказати, що у тих лікарів, про яких я казала, від нього почалися страшні побічні ефекти – сильна інтоксикація, нудота.
I can say that those doctors, about which I told him started terrible side effects - severe intoxication, nausea.
Тож я особисто з профілактичною метою приймати «Таміфлю» не буду – краще вже забезпечуватися «народними» методами.
So I personally take preventive purpose "Tamiflu" will not - better already provided "folk" methods.
Адже справа ще й у тому, що препарат наразі погано досліджений, і може мати ще багато інших шкідливих ефектів.
It is also the case that the drug is currently poorly studied, and may be much more harmful effects.

Однак давайте уточнимо – тут я маю на увазі лише той препарат, який виробляє «Хоффман Ля Рош».
But let's specify - here I mean only those drugs that are produced by Hoffman La Roche.
Про той, що випускається іншим виробником, я нічого сказати не можу, бо з ним не стикалася.
On the one produced by another manufacturer, I can not say anything, because with him not encountered.

Як загалом виглядає у Львові ситуація з забезпеченням лікарень необхідними засобами для боротьби із цим вірусом?
As a whole the situation in Ukraine looks to hospitals providing the necessary tools to fight this virus?

Частину ліків хворі досі змушені закуповувати самостійно.
Some medicines patients are still forced to buy their own.
Що ж до персоналу, то про нього взагалі ніхто не піклується.
As for the staff, then do it no one cares.
І це – при тому, що, за чутками, кожен четвертий лікар, що займається хворими на ГРЗ, заражається.
And that - despite the fact that, according to rumor, every fourth doctor, who is suffering from acute, infected.
У нашій лікарні зараз із запаленням легенів лежить п'ятеро лікарів.
In our hospital with pneumonia now is five doctors.

Фактично нас кинули, немов гарматне м'ясо на фронт, без будь-якої зброї.
In fact, we were thrown as cannon fodder to the front, without any weapons.

Як же тоді бути із тим, що Юлія Тимошенко заявила: до епідемії грипу готувалися вже дуже давно і підійшли до неї у всеозброєнні?
How, then, be to the fact that Yulia Tymoshenko said: preparing for a flu epidemic has a very long time and came to her fully armed?

Я дуже рада за урядовців, що вони підійшли до епідемії у всеозброєнні.
I am very happy with the government, they came to the epidemic in armed.
Про нас цього сказати аж ніяк не можна.
About us say this is not possible.

Якби лікарні справді були до чогось подібного готові, то такого, що зараз відбувається на Західній Україні, просто не було б.
If the hospital were really ready for something similar, then this is now happening in western Ukraine, just would not.

До сьогодні (понеділок, 2 листопада –
Until today (Monday, November 2nd -- [Image: 4.gif]
) ми взагалі мали лише ту інформацію, що надходить по телевізору.
) We do have only the information that comes on TV.
Досі ми не отримували жодних особливих розпоряджень у зв'язку із епідемією.
So far we have not received any special regulations in connection with the epidemic.
Готуватися ми почали лише після того, як грім вже вдарив – фактично, самотужки.
Decks we started only after the thunder has struck - in fact, alone.

Можливо, ви можете хоча б спрогнозувати, як довго триватиме ця епідемія?
Maybe you can even predict how long will this epidemic?

Це спрогнозувати насправді неможливо.
It's really impossible to predict.
Єдине, що я можу сказати – це те, що на неділю та понеділок в нашу лікарню надходило вже набагато менше хворих.
The only thing I can say - is that on Sunday and Monday at our hospital has received far fewer patients.

У тяжкому стані за цей час вже ніхто не потрапляв.
In critical condition at this time nobody fell.

А далі – побачимо.
And then - we'll see.
Що ми можемо гарантувати – це лише те, що сьогодні ми маємо готові ліжка на випадок, якщо потрібно буде приймати нових пацієнтів.
What we can guarantee - it is just that today we are ready to bed in case you need to take new patients.

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - Peter Lemkin - 13-11-2009

Don't forget how the 'Anthrax Mailer' scare just after 9-11 was used to 'test the system' - and it worked rather well (for those behind the plot)..... :five:

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - Jan Klimkowski - 13-11-2009

Quote:Now, the glorious "Tamiflu".
To us this drug acted only on Friday evening.
In order to take preventive one capsule a day, no more than 2 days after contact with patients.
The patient, incidentally, must begin to treat him no later than 42 hours after onset of symptoms.

Well, that "Tamiflu", which came to us, is for patients.
For doctors there is nothing.
Only after the two of us sick of doctors, he managed a huge scandal "beat out" a few pills and staff.

What you can say about this product?

I can say that those doctors, about which I told him started terrible side effects - severe intoxication, nausea.
So I personally take preventive purpose "Tamiflu" will not - better already provided "folk" methods.
It is also the case that the drug is currently poorly studied, and may be much more harmful effects.
But let's specify - here I mean only those drugs that are produced by Hoffman La Roche.
On the one produced by another manufacturer, I can not say anything, because with him not encountered.

As a whole the situation in Ukraine looks to hospitals providing the necessary tools to fight this virus?

Some medicines patients are still forced to buy their own.
As for the staff, then do it no one cares.
And that - despite the fact that, according to rumor, every fourth doctor, who is suffering from acute, infected.
In our hospital with pneumonia now is five doctors.

In fact, we were thrown as cannon fodder to the front, without any weapons.

The Lwow doctor above tells it how it is from his frontline perspective.

The doctor isn't a fan of Tamiflu or the "emergency planning"....

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - Magda Hassan - 17-11-2009

Ukraine Flu Outbreak: Virus Is a Mixture of H1N1 and Parainfluenza, Causes Cardiopulmonary Failure
Interview with Dr. Victor Bachinsky

By Anna Yashchenko

URL of this article:

Global Research, November 15, 2009
Unian News Agency (Ukraine), Russian original. Infowars Ireland (English translation) - 2009-11-14

[Translated from Russian, first published in English by Infowars Ireland]
[Image: victor_bachynsky1.jpg]

Based on autopsies, we have come to the conclusion: it's not pneumonia, but cardiopulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock... The virus enters directly into the lungs, there is bleeding... Antibiotics should not be used...

Why do we have such a high mortality rate in the country?

Because people are going to pharmacies to get medicine instead of going to their doctors to be treated... No it is not pneumonic plague. It's all nonsense... antibiotics do not help... Those with strong immune systems will survive. People with weak immune systems will succumb to the illness... Face Masks provide 30% extra protection. Wearing glasses gives an additional 10% protection, that is 40%, because the virus penetrates the mucose membranes.

The Head of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, Professor Victor Bachinsky M.D. makes a strong statement: all the victims of the virus in Bukovina (22 persons aged 20 to 40 years) died not from bilateral (double) pneumonia, as previously thought, but as a result of viral distress syndrome, i.e. the total destruction of the lungs. We caught up with Professor Bachinsky, to find out how he came to this conclusion, and how people can protect themselves from this disease.
Professor, you said earlier that the virus, from which many people have died – is a mixture of types of parainfluenza and influenza A/H1N1. How do you cure this disease?
The question of how to treat this virus is not up to me. I am a pathologist. I just found out what it is and made an exact diagnosis. It is important to provide the correct treatment based on diagnosis.
There are strict protocols and standards of treatment in medicine. If a doctor treats a patient who dies, their relatives can make a complaint that they were not treated properly (misdiagnosed). The Ministry of Health has set the protocols and standards of treatment for each diagnosis. If diagnosed correctly, the treatment should be correct...
In the Chernivtsi region 18 people have died. We studied all the history and evidence from this disease, preclinical, clinical, resuscitation. When we perform an autopsy organs and tissues have histological studies (cell analysis) and we concluded that it was not pneumonia, and has no relation to pneumonia whatsoever.

These results are the foundation to ensure that doctors who treat this disease all over Ukraine, change their tactics and standards of care.

Can this new virus be cured?
It depends on the immune system. If a person's immune system is strong, they will overcome it. There are people who carry this strain of H1N1 and remain on their feet and don't even realise they are sick.
Antibiotics definitely should not be taken. Antibiotics are the reason we have such a high mortality and infection rate in this country, because people go to the pharmacy, describe their symptoms to the pharmacist and ask for drugs. They buy antibiotics, take them, this lowers their immune system and as a result they become sick. If prescriptions were required to buy these medications, like in other countries, this would not have happened. It is the ability to buy antibiotics over the counter without a prescription which has done so much harm to the State.
During autopsies, what did the lungs look like? Were they really black, which gave rise to so much talk of pulmonary plague?
No, they are not black... This is not pneumonic plague. It's all nonsense. Pneumonic plague has a very different morphology. We have, for example, 60 thousand people who became sick and 23 have died. With pulmonary plague, we would now have a mortality rate of 59 thousand...
This is a viral attack that destroys the lungs.

It turns out that not only in Bukovina, but also throughout the Ukraine people did not die from pneumonia, but from this toxic strain?

Yes, It's not pneumonia! This destruction of the lungs. This strain is very toxic, and if the immune system is weak, there is bleeding in the lungs. In the lungs there is a tiny structure – acinus, which looks like a bunch of grapes. When you breathe, oxygen enters this tiny “bunch of grapes” ( pulmonary alveoli ). On the surface of the acinus are the capillaries, where red blood cells saturate with oxygen and give blood, which supplies all tissues and organs in the body.
And once the virus enters the lungs – hemorrhaging begins immediately in the acinus. A continuous hemorrhage... It takes several hours. In the blood fibrin is formed, and from it – giolinovaya membrane, resembling a plastic bag. It envelops the acinus, and the person breathes in oxygen, but it is not transferred to the tissues. And people just gasp. There is a cardio-pulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock. People die of cardiogenic shock. And there is no pneumonia. Pneumonia – an inflammation, which is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics cannot help at any stage. There should be absolutely different treatment.
And how about Tamiflu – does it help?
This is not an antibiotic, it is an antiviral drug, which should be applied on the second or third day of the disease. But you can not use Tamiflu as a preventitive, because it is toxic.
What are the best measures to resist the disease? Is it advisable to use a mask, garlic, vitamin C?

The primary method of prevention is a face mask. This give 30% extra protection. If you wear glasses [goggles] – it is 40%, because the virus enters through the mucous membranes.

It is necessary to improve the human immune system. Not only now, but in general. Garlic, onions, wild rose, viburnum (guelder rose), raspberries, citrus fruit, honey, and other fruits and vegetables – whatever you want. Those with a strong immune system will survive. Those with weaker immune systems will succumb to the disease.
We have a lot of people in Ukraine who like shopping at the open markets. If we can avoid open markets, the less people will be in contact with each other and more lives will be saved.
You have contacted the Health Ministry and advised them to review the standards for treatment of patients. What did they say?
We sent them all our data, the necessary protocols and standards of treatment, our diagnosis. But it is clear that decisions cannot be instantaneous.
And why until now has nobody else known about this disease? What were the leading specialists in the Ministry of Health doing all this time?
Perhaps this is due to the fact that there are scientists who are working on a purely theoretical basis. And there are scientists who have seen the autopsy results. I practice as head of the regional forensic bureau and as a professor. The fact that we have established this diagnosis – it is not just to my credit, and this is not my personal opinion. This is the opinion of specialists, morphologists and doctors in Bukovina. There are five professors in our group – I just head the group.
Professor Victor Bachinsky, M.D. is a coroner in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. He also teaches at the Department of Anatomical Pathology and Forensic Medicine of Bukovynian State Medical Academy.

Original interview in Russian by Anna Yashchenko published by Unian:

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - Ed Jewett - 17-11-2009

Deadly Flu Spreads Across Ukraine

November 17th, 2009 Via: Zero Hedge:
Deadly flu continues to spread across Ukraine, criminal World Health Organization lies to the public, MSM maintains radio silence.
There are many aspects to this story. It is impossible to know where to begin — let alone cover all the pertinent facts in just one article. Those who have followed my Zerohedge columns in the past may be aware the subject of pandemic influenza has been a regular feature, precisely because there have been multiple signs indicating a global pandemic would be exploited (and perhaps even initiated) by governments and international banks for political purposes.
Research Credit: sh4m.w0w
Posted in Elite, Health, Kill Off | Top Of Page

2 Responses to “Deadly Flu Spreads Across Ukraine”

  1. realitydesign Says:
    November 17th, 2009 at 5:50 am The Israeli DR. Joseph Moshe called into the Dr. True Ott radio show in AUGUST to blow the whistle on a bioweapon attack that was to be kicked off in the UKRAINE.
    He was later intercepted on an L.A. Freeway by police with ROBOTS and EMP weapons. He has now been sent back to Israel.
    Check for the Joseph Moshe videos on youtube.
    He called this in august!
  2. Kevin Says:
    November 17th, 2009 at 6:51 am “He has now been sent back to Israel.”
    Joseph Moshe is in custody. His next court date is 1/25/2010:
    Los Angeles County
    VINE Service Number : (877) 846-3452
    Return to Search Results
    Offender Details
    Offender Record
    Offender ID:
    Offender Name:
    Date of Birth:
    Custody Status:
    In Custody
    Location of Offender:
    Twin Towers Correctional Fac
    From the Los Angeles Inmate Information Center:
    Fill in joseph moshe in the appropriate fields and click Search:
    (The information was current as of: 11/16/2009 22:22 PST)
    Booking No.: 2019293 Last Name: MOSHE First Name: JOSEPH Middle Name:
    Sex: M Race: W Date Of Birth: 12/05/1952 Age: 56 Hair: GRY Eyes: BRO Height: 511 Weight: 145
    Charge Level: M (Misdemeanor)
    Arrest Date: 08/13/2009 Arrest Time: 1845 Arrest Agency: 4241 Agency Description: LAPD-METRO DIVISION
    Date Booked: 08/13/2009 Time Booked: 2355 Booking Location: 4273 Location Description: LAPD – JAIL DIVISION
    Total Bail Amount: 0 Total Hold Bail Amount: 0.00 Grand Total: 0.00
    Housing Location: TTCF
    Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 09/02/2009 Assigned Time: 1548 Visitor Status: 0
    Public Visiting Guidelines Facility Visiting Schedule
    For County facility visiting hours, Please call (213) 473-6080 at Inmate Information Center.
    Next Court Code: M141 Next Court Date: 01/25/2010 Next Court Time: 0830 Next Court Case: 9WA0026501
    Court Name: LAX LA MUNI COURT DIV 141
    Court Address: 11701 S. LA CIENEGA BLVD. Court City: LOS ANGELESUPT

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - Ed Jewett - 17-11-2009

My pre-set Google News Alert just disgorged this:

Google News Alert for: pneumonic plague ukraine
Pneumonic plague, United States Patent 7572449, anything to do ...
FTO - Cape Town,Western Cape,South Africa
Whether this has anything to do with whats going on in the Ukraine I am not sure but in ... against Yersinia Pestis otherwise known as the pneumonic plague. ...

Following the link, here's the full text:

Pneumonic plague, United States Patent 7572449, anything to do with the Ukraine?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 14:23

[Image: screen-capture-2_1.png]

Whether this has anything to do with whats going on in the Ukraine I am not sure but in August there was a patent filed for antibodies against Yersinia Pestis otherwise known as the pneumonic plague.
It was filed by Hill, James (Salisbury, GB) ,Williamson, Ethel Diane (Salisbury, GB) and Titball, Richard William (Salisbury, GE) and the assignee was The Secretary of State for Defense in Her Britannic Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GB).
A interesting part of the patent is this part:
"Mab 7.3 was administered −4 hours, +24 hours, +48 hours, or +96 hours relative to s.c. Y. pestis challenge. Protection was observed when antibody was given up to 48 hours post-infection. Also, a delayed time to death was observed in the +96 hours treatment group. One of +96 hours treatment group had died prior to antibody administration and the remainder displayed signs of plague indistinguishable from untreated control animals, suggesting that even when symptoms of plague are apparent antibody therapy can delay death. Mice were treated with Mab 7.3 at −4 hours, +24 hours, +48 hours or +60 hours relative to aerosol infection. Protection was seen in groups that received antibody 24 hours and 48 hours after challenge. All mice treated at +60 hours died, but a statistically significant delay in the TTD was observed, compared with untreated animals."
What is more interesting is why was this patent filed in August this year. Maybe its just coincidence but we felt like putting out there so people can decide for themselves.


Ed adds:
This FTO News out of South Africa has been following this story from the beginning. I've been reluctant to post what they have offered because I didn't knew who they were or what their 'angle' is. However, the above has enough data in it that it can be cross-checked or verified.

What is below, however, was cross-posted earlier in the day at WhatReallyHappened[dot]com, did not, and I hold it out at arms' length as a result... it 'feels' like a pre-potent political act.

There are, it seems, more than a few 'political' actors with investments and patents in the bio-warfrare/pharmaceutical/vaccine arena (DynCorp comes to mind, as does Donald Rumsfeld, and South Africa, it was said at some point in the past, was also working along wiht other state entities on genotype-specific biowarfare agents), so I'll "throw it out there".

Shoot it down if it deserves it, requires it, or if you can illuminate it or aerate it as it flies by.

Here it is:


From :

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 22:00

Barack Obama has shares in Baxter

The President of the United States, Barack Obama has shares in Baxter, the company many say is responsible for the h1n1 swine flu pandemic. Back 2005 Barack Obama bought $50,000 worth of stock in two companies. Right after he bought the shares also in 2005 Barack Obama (still a senator at that time) introduced the first comprehensive bill to address the threat of avian influenza pandemic. AVIAN Act (S. 969)
Then it makes it even more interesting that over $60 million dollars was awarded for a vaccine against the bird flu (2007) that at the time did not mutate till afterwards.
The guy sure knows his planning, I guess that is change you can believe in. From investor to President.

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - David Guyatt - 18-11-2009

I've been searching the net on the Dr Joseph Moshe story to see what hard facts there are. On his arrest and secret service involvement there are various youtube newsfeed videos AVAILABLE.

What I have not been able to find is any hard evidence that Dr. Moshe made the call about the bioweapon that is attributed to him or that he was arrested for making this alleged call. There is, imo, too much smoke and mirrors surrounding this story for it to be taken at face value.

It all sounds a bit too driven and sensational to me to be true.

But I am prepared to be convinced if solid evidence is made available.

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - Ed Jewett - 18-11-2009

It appears you are right, David. I just ran through a bunch of "stuff" myself including a review of 15 pages of the Google search for "Joseph Moshe" and what there is appears to be some YouTubes and MP3s of people talking about the phone call, no recordings, and no clear sense even that indeed it was him who called, just presumptions and assumptions. The one thing I did find, on page 4 at the bottom of that Google search is this:

Democratic Underground - Joseph Moshe appears to have a court date [B]...[/B]

1 post - Last post: Nov 11
Joseph Moshe, 56, was wanted in two misdemeanor cases charging him with trespassing, violating a restraining order and elder abuse, ... - Cached

... which is you follow leads to

25. Joseph Moshe appears to have a court date in LA on January 25, 2010.
Looks like the court date is relating to mental status:

(above from this log of pending cases: )

More info on this fellow:

Standoff suspect had been charged with elder abuse aganst mother
By Larry Altman Staff Writer
Posted: 08/14/2009 06:36:21 PM PDT

The Westchester man suspected of threatening to blow up the White House and engaging in an eight-hour standoff with police was already being prosecuted for allegedly terrorizing and abusing his mother.

Joseph Moshe, 56, was wanted in two misdemeanor cases charging him with trespassing, violating a restraining order and elder abuse, Los Angeles Deputy City Attorney Mitch Fox said.

He was arrested Thursday after withstanding four blasts of tear gas into his car, where he sat for hours, refusing to come out. Special weapons team officers blasted Moshe with a Taser at the end of the ordeal and took him to jail.

His mother, Julia Moshe, told the Daily Breeze during the siege Thursday that her son was a sick man. She obtained a restraining order in recent months to keep him away from her, Fox said.

"She lives in fear of him," the prosecutor said.

In January, Moshe went to his mother's residence and refused to leave. She called police after three days, Fox said.

From March to June, Moshe made repeated calls to his mother, threatening her and making demands, Fox said. Many of the calls were recorded. Moshe yells, screams and threatens his mother, the prosecutor said.

The charges do not involve assaults against her, but the elderly woman indicated that her son has been physical in the past, Fox said.

A judge issued a warrant for Moshe's arrest on July 29 when he failed to appear for proceedings at the Airport Courthouse.

(Full article at )

40,000 contract serious virus in Ukraine, kills 30 Not Swine Flu - Magda Hassan - 19-11-2009

David Guyatt Wrote:I've been searching the net on the Dr Joseph Moshe story to see what hard facts there are. On his arrest and secret service involvement there are various youtube newsfeed videos AVAILABLE.

What I have not been able to find is any hard evidence that Dr. Moshe made the call about the bioweapon that is attributed to him or that he was arrested for making this alleged call. There is, imo, too much smoke and mirrors surrounding this story for it to be taken at face value.

It all sounds a bit too driven and sensational to me to be true.

But I am prepared to be convinced if solid evidence is made available.
Here is Dr Ott talking to another radio braodcaster about the call. At the time he didn't take the call seriously as it was too outre or something because of the Ukraine connection then but seeing the man in the standoff and the name and all he put it together and thinks it is the same man that called. The call was never broadcast as it was just a call to the station in response to their request for information. It wasn't like a talk back radio situation where it went to air or anything.

I'm still confused about the possibility of there being 2 Joseph Moshe. One who was charged with elder abuse and another who is a microbiologist. I need to check into this more.