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Dick Weed Alert Prof Jerry Kroth!!!!!! - Printable Version

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Dick Weed Alert Prof Jerry Kroth!!!!!! - Magda Hassan - 20-09-2012

Seamus Coogan Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Boy this is so bad. And he knows that "50% of the public" cried on 11/22/63 just how? Slept with 33 women? Again where does he get his so called "facts"?
"Sexual sociopath"? Private converstaions between JFK and Bobby? This guy is the worst of the worst. I would not care about a book because how many read books, but that he's put this shit on youtube. "Files is most probably the grassy knoll gunman"????
Seamus maybe we should not be putting this garbage on DPF. This is hardly the message we are about.
That's my take after listening to this idiot with a Phd. Just becasue you obtain an education does not mean you actually know anything about these matters.


Note the highlighted part above. Oh and Dawn lass I must say your grammar and spelling was pretty poor. To quote you "I don't give a shit about your excuses!" Either lol.

Dawn was this thread titled "Kroth is a legend and has solved the case"? Because, if my self admittedly infantile title "Dick Weed Alert Prof Jerry Kroth!!!!!!" is ones idea of 'promotion', I can fully understand why you could not for the life of you grasp the very simple fact I never wrote an article on John Hankey and JFK Jr. ROFL.

If I or anybody else cannot warn forum members of impending JFK lunacy, then what are we doing on this or any other forum? If we sit by and just ignore this stuff. We are guilty of complicity as far as I am concerned. This sort of bollocks isn't going to go away by simply wishing it out of existence. Nonetheless, I can see your position and it is still a very valid concern. I.E that we may be wasting more time on this guff than promoting good work. Well, the sad reality as you know is that there is actually far more 'bad' than 'good' JFK stuff out there. In highlighting the crap Dawn hopefully, we can all reference better works to make comparisons with. An interesting thing I am noting, is that a semblance of unity is being reached by our indifference to the Fetzerian model of conspiracy. That being everything conspiracy is 'good'. Everything non-conspiracy 'bad'. I think that debate about what makes a good case and a bad one is important. Fetzer and his new acolytes practice little critical thinking. What's also interesting is that all of the worst researchers are now flocking to him, it's akin to Ghostbuster's when they shut down GB HQ and all the spirits converged into Gozer and then Mr Stay Puffed Marshmallow man. It's almost as hilarious.

I think it is good to have the Kroth Froth here because one thing we want to do is educate people. Even if it is in the negative of what not to do.

Dick Weed Alert Prof Jerry Kroth!!!!!! - Charles Drago - 20-09-2012

Seamus Coogan Wrote:Oh and Dawn lass I must say your grammar and spelling was pretty poor. To quote you "I don't give a shit about your excuses!" Either lol.


This time not even the gods of irony are amused.