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BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - Magda Hassan - 11-06-2013

[Image: BMeU_a9CMAAfRCP.jpg:large]


BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - Magda Hassan - 11-06-2013

Googlish article on the false flaggin it with molotovs in Istanbul earlier.

Governor Happy Molotov activists, who revealed his identity

Molotov, who at the time of Taksim, Istanbul Governor Huseyin Avni Mutlu, and getting caught in SDP activists said.
[Image: fft64_mf1496036.Jpeg]
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Governor Huseyin Avni Mutlu, Istanbul's Taksim lenses worn at the time of laying and back-pocket bulge motolofkokteyli [Image: fft16_mf1496052.Jpeg]claim that the police have been raised because of the identity of the person on twitter from the said. Owner's name to BayraktaroÄŸlu Happy, "Taksim, possibly armed with walkie-talkies to share and view social media, the police claimed that people are arrested. Then SDP activist. Revolutionary Headquarters before the operation up to six months in prison those who announce birisi.Polis , your knowledge, "he said.
Special operations, entered the SDP in Beyoglu building by breaking the door with a sledgehammer. Istanbul Governor Huseyin Mutlu "refuge of those events SDP building, the number of detainees was 70. Weapons and machetes there," he said. Governor Happy twitter account also, raid geçensilahın and shared a photo of the blades.
[Image: fft16_mf1496161.Jpeg]
[Image: fft16_mf1496162.Jpeg]




BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - Magda Hassan - 11-06-2013

The whole of the Bar Association have left Ankara for Istambul to give support to the arrested lawyers there. Via tweet.

BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - Magda Hassan - 11-06-2013

Arresting journalists in Turkey.
DIFUSIÓN!!! Policía AGREDE a PERIODISTAS que cubren los disturbios d la Plaza Taksim. ALGO TENDRÁN K OCULTAR

[Image: BMelcYlCUAEte4l.jpg:large]

BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - Magda Hassan - 11-06-2013

Pictures of police and protestors in Turkey[URL=""][/URL]

BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - Magda Hassan - 11-06-2013


There is a suspicion that some of those who threw petrol bombs today could have been police provocateurs, according to Nick Hobbs a British concert promoter who lives close to Taksim Square.
Speaking to the Guardian after witnessing protesters being teargassed this morning, he said:
My guess is they've used this excuse of cleaning up the Ataturk cultural centre and monument in the middle of Taksim as an excuse to test what happens if they clean the whole square.
The main issue is whether the people who threw the molotov cocktails this morning were provocateurs or demonstrators of some kind. The park people completely disown that kind of violence. They don't want to anything to do with it and try to stop it.
The social networking sites are saying they were police provocateurs, but who knows.
Some of the rioters, or whatever they were, were chased by teargas.
I just visited my friend in hospital because she got hit by a teargas canister last week. I saw a policeman being bought into hospital with a head injury.
[Image: e4fbb37f-5e89-4d17-955d-9eaf0c35b9e9-460x276.jpeg]A petrol bomb is thrown at riot police in Taksim Square in Istanbul on Tuesday. Photograph: OSMAN ORSAL/REUTERS

BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - Magda Hassan - 11-06-2013

National Express- 10 June 2013 12:01

[B]English-speaking police officers in Adana![/B]
[B]Gazi district of Istanbul at the same event took place.[/B]
[Image: adana-624x360.jpg]

Adana is experiencing a complete chaos. Turkish flags indicating the democratic response to the public, the police and masked stone-sticks constantly attacking civilians.
What is strange is the last day Istanbul neighborhood of veterans in the "English-speaking police" incident occur in Adana. Reporter live from the National Canal hard between the police interfered in the police is giving instructions in English, it is said that the English instructions, police radios.

BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - Jan Klimkowski - 11-06-2013

Sky News stating that Turkish troops are now being moved into Taksim Square.

BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - David Guyatt - 11-06-2013

Erdogan says riots "harm our economy and image".

Oh no! We can't have Turkey's image ruined, so let's just send in the riot police with tear gas and water-cannon and fifth columnists so the world can film it.

Ah, that's better.

The image of brutality is now restored. Only the economy to go.

BREAKING NEWS:Turkey street riots - Jan Klimkowski - 11-06-2013

David Guyatt Wrote:Erdogan says riots "harm our economy and image".

Oh no! We can't have Turkey's image ruined, so let's just send in the riot police with tear gas and water-cannon and fifth columnists so the world can film it.

Ah, that's better.

The image of brutality is now restored. Only the economy to go.

From post my #15 above, quoting The Observer:

Quote:Why it has become such a fraught issue was hinted at in a statement issued in the midst of the protests by Istanbul's Chamber of Physicians, insisting: "It is not [the] job [of police and officials] to protect the profitability of the contractors who will build a shopping mall on Taksim Square."

The rapid urbanisation of Turkey and huge growth of Istanbul in the past two decades has defined the transformation of Turkish society and politics. The continuing migration from rural areas like eastern Anatolia to Istanbul has fuelled the growth of the city, driving a building boom. Politically, it has been prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's moderate Islamist AKP that has benefited from this expansion, the recently urbanised being more socially conservative.

While tension between Turkey's old secular elites and this new class have long been inevitable, two consequences have not been. As Transparency International made clear in a recent survey of Turkey, while its elections largely have been free and fair, corruption, especially linked to the construction industry, has been a growing problem. In April, for the first time ever, two officials in Turkey's public housing administration which enjoys a virtually unopposed monopoly to redevelop private and public land, including a 20-year, $400bn urban renewal budget were charged with extorting bribes and abuse of power.

Indeed those who have benefited from recent large projects have allegedly included key players in Turkish society, including members of Erdogan's own party, a company run by Erdogan's son-in-law and the Turkish armed forces.

The perception in Turkey that barely regulated development is being driven for the economic benefit of entrenched interests with links to party politics, rather than in the public interest, has been fuelled by the hard data about some of the most controversial developments, including Gezi Park.

As a recent article in Hurriyet Daily News made clear, Turkey, and Istanbul in particular, hardly needs more malls. Istanbul already has so many that 11 in the city have been forced to close down.

All of these are issues that have been exacerbated by the majoritarian political style of Erdogan and the AKP. In refusing to back down over the mall development in a speech on Saturday, Erdogan underlined suspicions that he has no interest in dialogue with those who oppose him at a time when he is being accused of leading his country down an ever more authoritarian route.

For "protecting economic growth", read using police and the military to protect corrupt contracts benefitting a corrupt elite.