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"Respect" for the clothing evidence? - Printable Version

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"Respect" for the clothing evidence? - Bob Prudhomme - 13-02-2015

Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:The mastoid process is not "level" with the shirt collar, even though he probably has a great tailor.

The mastoid measurements were not on the level.

Count 3 violations of autopsy protocol:

1) The mastoid measuerments were written in pen on the autopsy face sheet. Proper military autopsy protocol requires the use of a pencil.

2) Using a moveable anatomical landmark like the mastoid process is a violation of autopsy protocol.

3) Using a non-thoracic landmark for a thoracic wound is a violation of autopsy protocol.

And yet all LNers and many of the so-called "medical experts" like Cyril Wecht and Pat Speer swear by this garbage in order to move JFK's T3 back wound up to T1.

The JFK Critical Research Community and its little army of Gerald Fords!


"Respect" for the clothing evidence? - Gordon Gray - 14-02-2015

Drew Phipps Wrote:I'm an off-the-rack kinda guy. However, I'm fairly sure that I've got much the same skull as everyone else, including the rich and powerful JFK.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6694&stc=1]

The mastoid process is not "level" with the shirt collar, even though he probably has a great tailor. Now, this guy is a different story...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6695&stc=1]
In the photo Kennedy is looking up. Were he looking forward or downward as he was in the Z film it would be much closer to level with the shirt collar. a neck wound would have to be above the collar.[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6696&stc=1]