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Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Printable Version

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Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Magda Hassan - 15-09-2009

Quote:The question, I suppose, is how something so public admitted can be so readily overlooked.
That's what the MSM is for.

Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - David Guyatt - 15-09-2009

Magda Hassan Wrote:
Quote:The question, I suppose, is how something so public admitted can be so readily overlooked.
That's what the MSM is for.

Which was precisely the point made to me by Sir Teddy Taylor, the somewhat rightist Conservative MP, when I interviewed for an article on the subject. He, incidentally also appeared on the same TV programme I mentioned earlier. And, as a former Journalist, had a keen eye for the tricks of the rag trade.

Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Helen Reyes - 17-09-2009

Magda Hassan Wrote:‘But finally a convoy of vehicles equipped with female Bulgarian soldiers – I never understood why – came.’

Khaddafi prefers female soldiers. Bulgarian probably because he thought he needed to show the Brits he'd mended fences with Bulgaria over the Bulgarian nurses giving Libyan children AIDS. In Communist times (don't know about now) Bulgaria also had oil interests in North Africa, projects with Algeria specifically.

Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Peter Presland - 18-09-2009

Al Megrahi has set up a web site to publish the information that would have been presented at his appeal.

Predictably, US relatives of victims are outraged that a "man convicted of killing 270 people" should continue to protest his innocence.

You'd think they might display just a wee bit of curiosity about the mountains of evidence that says they've got the wrong man but no. So long as somebody (anybody) is banged up for it, that's A OK - and to hell with whether he did it or not. Positively medieval.

Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Peter Presland - 20-09-2009

Gareth Pierce needs no introduction here - Lawyer for the Maguire 7 and Guildford 4 - and for a number of Guantanamo detainees to cite just a bit of her pedegree. She can smell a miscarriage of justice a mile off.

She has a devastating article in the current edition of the London Review of Books. It's over 6,500 words long so I won't post it but, if you want a forensic demolition of the original trial and verdict, together with hints at what Megrahi's new appeal would have argued and presented as new evidence, then you should read it.

Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Peter Lemkin - 28-09-2009

Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Peter Presland - 28-09-2009

Peter Lemkin Wrote:
I have a current on-line subscription to Lobster. I believe I can make individual articles available to third parties for the purposes of discussion without breaching copyright so if you want more on any of that stuff I'll check it out and see what I can do.

Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Magda Hassan - 28-09-2009

Hey, Peter! My new best friend! :beer:

Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Peter Lemkin - 28-09-2009

Peter Presland Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
I have a current on-line subscription to Lobster. I believe I can make individual articles available to third parties for the purposes of discussion without breaching copyright so if you want more on any of that stuff I'll check it out and see what I can do.

"Make it so" - Kurk

Lockerbie appeal. Lack of media interest. - Magda Hassan - 26-10-2009

I can see a renewed interest in the Lockerbie case from the powers that be.
Unfortunately, I don't think it has anything to do with 'justice' or anything so grand but a way to manouver Iran into their sights to justify a smack down by any means of the little upstart country from getting ideas that it can run it own show independent of the Anglo-US aims. No doubt Megrahi will still need to be blamed (as they don't want to find him innocent) but he will be found to be working with others with links to Iran. A new examination of the evidence will, I am confident, find these new links. Stay tuned....