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New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Printable Version

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New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Malcolm Pryce - 13-08-2010

Newsnight had Michael Powers QC on and gave it some reasonable air time. It seems to be gathering an encouraging head of steam. I've long suspected the Hutton inquiry - concentrating as it did on the BBC-Gilligan spat - was a piece of misdirection aimed at concealing the fact that due process regarding an inquest was not observed. In which case, will the 'deep state' allow this to carry on?

New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Peter Lemkin - 14-08-2010

From above, this popped out at me....."Mai Pederson is a U.S. Army linguist and, despite what she might claim, an American spy. She has hired a lawyer, Mark Zaid, who specializes in intelligence matters."... Those of us who know Zaid and know how he infiltrated the JFK community as a 20-something and then went on to represent the Deep Political Cabal in their 'legal' affairs [as a lawyer], know when a client takes Zaid as their attorney, their affiliations are more than suspect!...... A list of his clients reads like a spooks who's who.

New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Magda Hassan - 14-08-2010

Well spotted Peter. Mae Pedersen has been promoting the no suicide theory though. Her latest thing was to say that Kelly has some thing wrong with his arm/hand and couldn't cut his meat for dinner and needed some one to help him and therefore it is impossible for him to have cut his wrists on his own.

New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Jan Klimkowski - 14-08-2010

Malcolm Pryce Wrote:Newsnight had Michael Powers QC on and gave it some reasonable air time. It seems to be gathering an encouraging head of steam. I've long suspected the Hutton inquiry - concentrating as it did on the BBC-Gilligan spat - was a piece of misdirection aimed at concealing the fact that due process regarding an inquest was not observed. In which case, will the 'deep state' allow this to carry on?

The BBC2 Newsnight piece was a complete disgrace.

The debate was entirely framed to discredit "conspiracy theories", a phrase used several times, that Kelly was murdered.

The thrust of the Newsnight piece was that the precise cause of death might not be as claimed in the Hutton Inquiry, but don't panic sheeple, he did kill himself, we just need to confirm how, and the fact that Hutton has sealed the medical evidence for 70 years is not at all suspicious, it's purely out of respect for Kelly's family.

What a crock.

New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Malcolm Pryce - 14-08-2010

Well, maybe my expectations are lower than yours, but I saw it differently. Of course they used the phrase conspiracy over and over again as a synonym for ‘crazy theory that can’t be true’, but I expect that. For all their framing we were still left with the sight of a coroner disputing the suicide verdict set against a former friend of Kelly claiming that the whole idea was absurd. I think plenty of people are smart enough to know there is nothing absurd about an alleged suicide turning out to be murder and that the opinion of a friend counts for nothing. Equally I think the vast majority of people will know exactly what it means if the suicide verdict is overturned. I think the important thing is the taste left in the mouth by such programmes. For you, it might have been a crock, but I suspect for most people the impression left will be the sight of a former coroner calling for an inquest.

New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Jan Klimkowski - 14-08-2010

Peter Lemkin Wrote:From above, this popped out at me....."Mai Pederson is a U.S. Army linguist and, despite what she might claim, an American spy. She has hired a lawyer, Mark Zaid, who specializes in intelligence matters."... Those of us who know Zaid and know how he infiltrated the JFK community as a 20-something and then went on to represent the Deep Political Cabal in their 'legal' affairs [as a lawyer], know when a client takes Zaid as their attorney, their affiliations are more than suspect!...... A list of his clients reads like a spooks who's who.

Mai Pederson is discussed at length on the first page of this thread.

The difficulty remains unpicking the disinformation and cover stories to locate the deep black truth.

New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Jan Klimkowski - 14-08-2010

Malcolm Pryce Wrote:Well, maybe my expectations are lower than yours, but I saw it differently. Of course they used the phrase conspiracy over and over again as a synonym for ‘crazy theory that can’t be true’, but I expect that. For all their framing we were still left with the sight of a coroner disputing the suicide verdict set against a former friend of Kelly claiming that the whole idea was absurd. I think plenty of people are smart enough to know there is nothing absurd about an alleged suicide turning out to be murder and that the opinion of a friend counts for nothing. Equally I think the vast majority of people will know exactly what it means if the suicide verdict is overturned. I think the important thing is the taste left in the mouth by such programmes. For you, it might have been a crock, but I suspect for most people the impression left will be the sight of a former coroner calling for an inquest.

What I saw was an attempt to contain the damage caused by medical and legal experts writing a letter to MSM organ The Times establishing that the medical conclusions of the Hutton Inquiry cannot stand.

However, all that evidence was known within weeks of Kelly's death, and certainly by the time of Hutton.

Let's be clear: Hutton sealed the medical evidence for 70 years. Hutton suppressed that evidence. This is remarkable.

Now the cover-up line is that it isn't important anyway.

Mangold was trotted out as a "family friend" and delivered his standard refrain: that this was done to protect the family's feelings.

This is patent nonsense. The public interest in learning the truth about the death of Kelly, through a multi-million pound, high level public inquiry, must outweigh such concerns.

New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Malcolm Pryce - 14-08-2010

I don't disagree with any of that.

Yes, all this was evident at the time for those with the eyes to see.

But sometimes these things have their own season. For whatever reason, the subject seems to be gaining traction.

I agree 'they' are in damage limitation mode; but my feeling is, sometimes in trying to limit the damage you do more damage just by drawing attention to it.

I think also this case feeds into a deep reservoir of disquiet among many people about the transparent crookedness of the Hutton Inquiry.

People who would scoff at, say, 9/11 conspiracy theories, are prepared to buy this one. Like the Daily Mail for example.

Just my ten cents worth.

New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Magda Hassan - 14-08-2010

I have a hunch that there is a faction that is quite happy to hang Tony out to dry. Not sure yet who that is though.

New evidence of cover up in Dr David Kelly's death. Doctors want inquest. - Malcolm Pryce - 14-08-2010

Why, what's he done wrong? Smile