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The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - Dawn Meredith - 21-01-2011

Great post CD!!! (The one just above mine).

I do disagree with Peter that LBJ was only in on the coverup. I think he was in on the event, just down the food chain. And only because he was needed to get his dirty machine here in TX to assist. Like the police and then TX. Attorney General Carr, who continued to be a liar until he died. He responded to a letter to the Ed. here that I had in The Austin American Statesman in '93. He said he personally fired the MC and got off the requisite shots in under six seconds. He also compared me to Oliver Stone which I took as a compliment.

LBJ may have controlled TX but others controlled LBJ. I also agree with the viewpoint that to blame LBJ is to have Democrats killing their own. A good way to hide the truth and be one step removed from blaming the victim.


The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - David Guyatt - 21-01-2011

Charles Drago Wrote:The forces of which I speak depend upon conflict between nations and races and political and religious ideologies for their continuing control over vastly superior numbers.

Complete clarity in 26 words.

Quote:Overt large scale dictatorial systems fail. Covert control matrixes masked by illusions of democracy prosper.


Quote:As for "want[ing] an organized chain of command" -- It is inconceivable to me that a conspiracy of the complexity and potential for grave failure of the JFK plot could have existed without the tight organizational control that is effected by command structures.

Ditto again. There had to be an organized and functioning chain of command.

The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - Peter Lemkin - 21-01-2011

Dawn Meredith Wrote:Great post CD!!! (The one just above mine).

I do disagree with Peter that LBJ was only in on the coverup. I think he was in on the event, just down the food chain. And only because he was needed to get his dirty machine here in TX to assist. Like the police and then TX. Attorney General Carr, who continued to be a liar until he died. He responded to a letter to the Ed. here that I had in The Austin American Statesman in '93. He said he personally fired the MC and got off the requisite shots in under six seconds. He also compared me to Oliver Stone which I took as a compliment.

LBJ may have controlled TX but others controlled LBJ. I also agree with the viewpoint that to blame LBJ is to have Democrats killing their own. A good way to hide the truth and be one step removed from blaming the victim.


I didn't say [or mean to say] that LBJ was ONLY involved is amazing how things said get misconstrued...or perhaps we all write to quickly and without enough revision and polish to capture our exact thoughts. I'm sure he knew well before and even offered up some contacts that might be helpful, but I think [and so far the evidence shows - or doesn't show otherwise] that he was not actively involved in the planning. He may have had a hand in the change of the parade route and getting JFK to Dallas in the first place for more than the stated reasons. I'm saying his major role per the Grand Playbook was the cover-up and reversing the JFK actions that had been the stone in the plotters shoes. He may even have had meetings with some that M. Brown stated, when she said it happened or near that time.....certainly putting him in the guilty before the fact; guilty after the fact camps - both.

The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - David Guyatt - 21-01-2011

That's what I understood too, Pete.

The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - John Kowalski - 21-01-2011

What does this discussion tells us about the state of JFK assassination research? Does it reminds us that after 47 years we still do not have a clear picture of who the initiators, planners and executors of the conspiracy were? We still do not have the names of those persons who initiated the plot and have not defined the relationships between them and those who planned and carried out Kennedy's execution.


The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - Dawn Meredith - 21-01-2011

David Guyatt Wrote:That's what I understood too, Pete.

Ok, my mistake. I find it interesting however that there are so many writers and researchers who do believe that LBJ was at the top. Back in the days when Walt Brown and I were still talking he made it clear to me that this is what he believes. He practically discounted the CIA. I was STUNNED.

I agree with CD that the 50th anniversary will be a time when the PTB know they can no longer blame Castro, Nikita or the Mob and Johnson will become the new fall guy. All the more reason books like JFKU need to be really emphasized. We already have too many LBJ -did- it books.


The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - Charles Drago - 21-01-2011

John Kowalski Wrote:What does this discussion tells us about the state of JFK assassination research? Does it reminds us that after 47 years we still do not have a clear picture of who the initiators, planners and executors of the conspiracy were? We still do not have the names of those persons who initiated the plot and have not defined the relationships between them and those who planned and carried out Kennedy's execution.



On numerous occasions I have made these points to assembled JFK researchers at conferences in Dallas, New York, Minnesota, and Providence.

I'd also humbly recommend that read my essay "In the Blossom of Our Sins" (


The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - Peter Lemkin - 21-01-2011

John Kowalski Wrote:What does this discussion tells us about the state of JFK assassination research? Does it reminds us that after 47 years we still do not have a clear picture of who the initiators, planners and executors of the conspiracy were? We still do not have the names of those persons who initiated the plot and have not defined the relationships between them and those who planned and carried out Kennedy's execution.


The exact names [though some are known] are not as important as the forces/entities/interests/power-groups involved. I suggest, if you haven't you read JFK and the Unspeakable....the best IMO we can get to the 'who' and more important [in many ways to prevent it again and meliorate it!], the WHY!

The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - Peter Lemkin - 21-01-2011

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Quote: Back in the days when Walt Brown and I were still talking he made it clear to me that this is what he believes. He practically discounted the CIA. I was STUNNED.


That may well, IMO, have something to do with his past work for the sister agency [FBI] - either that or just plain blindness, with eyes wide open. I don't personally believe the CIA initiated the events; although they may very well have coordinated many to most of them [their specialty], and those few select in the Company who participated [it is never an Agency-wide participation; all is compartmentalized] were JFK-haters extraordinaire! But anyone who says the CIA was NOT involved is either cognitively impaired or complicit, to paraphrase CD's mantra. In the cover-up there is documentary evidence by the truck-load of CIA complicity by both commission and omission. On the planning, I think there is ample documentary, and other first and second-hand accounts that show certain players in the 'Company' were in the mix 101+% before and during!...and in overdrive after.

The lbj false sponsorship operation to continue - Dawn Meredith - 21-01-2011

John Kowalski Wrote:What does this discussion tells us about the state of JFK assassination research? Does it reminds us that after 47 years we still do not have a clear picture of who the initiators, planners and executors of the conspiracy were? We still do not have the names of those persons who initiated the plot and have not defined the relationships between them and those who planned and carried out Kennedy's execution.


Does it matter? I mean it is akin to saying "who runs the world?" Behind every David Rockerfeller there are names we do not know. To me what matters is (1) why he was killed and (2)who did not kill JFK. LHO, Castro etc. The false sponsers. We can spin our wheels for the next forty-seven years and we will still be not positive who the killers were.

What we need to do is find a way to educate the public that the media, our schools, our universities etc. have always lied about these matters. We have more than enough proof of conspiracy at the very highest level of movers and shakers.

The internet has been great in eradicating people's false beliefs in MSM.

In my generation the numbers were high almost from the start. Many people knew instinctively that something was amiss, and did not believe the fairy tale. I believe if we can keep this generation interested that they will hit close to 95% who believe in conspiracy fact. The problem I find is for most young people this is ancient history. This is what the conspirators depended upon : time.

Then you get the jerkoffs who push the "who cares?" The Chomskys who insist that there was no reason to kill JFK as he did not threaten the status quo. Or the Sy Hersh types who seek to destroy JFK's reputation as a way to preserve the lie. Sex sells.

But the truth is way more sexy imho.
