Bilderbergers - Printable Version +- Deep Politics Forum ( +-- Forum: Deep Politics Forum ( +--- Forum: Players, organisations, and events of deep politics ( +--- Thread: Bilderbergers (/thread-937.html) |
Bilderbergers - Magda Hassan - 01-06-2010 It's time for this year's top-secret meeting among power super heavyweights: Bilderberg! This year's Bilderberg meeting will be held in Sitges in Spain during the period June 3 to 6. News Diary have here the pleasure to publish a Bilderberg article reviewing this year's participants and who they represent. The article also contains background information about Bilderberg and an analysis of the actual outcome of the Bilderberg meeting that will be able to affect anyone of us. News Diary also presents an overview for participants Bilderberg Meetings 1954 - 2010 which shows who's who in the closed world of powers Bilderberg. By Hans Gaarder
30 Society 31/05/2010 2:33 Everything about this year's Bilderberg Meeting This year's Bilderberg meeting stand at the door. The meeting will be held at the Hotel Dolce Sitges in Spain during the period June 3 to 6. News Diary is pleased to share a number of small and large details about Bilderberg and this year's meeting before the meeting takes place. News Diary of goodies to offer is an analysis of this year's agenda and the likely decision, based on a logical photos salvage review of this year's participants. New Mirror also publishes a complete list of Bilderberg participants for the years 1954-2010 in downloadable and searchable Word format. Luxury Hotel Dolce Sitges, south of Barcelona will be the venue for this year's Bilderberg meeting Some Bilderberg story The first top-secret meeting among the western world's power men were held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Holland in 1954. This meant that the organization has gone under the name "Bilderberg" page. Officially Bilderberg meeting "an informal gathering of private". The founders of the Bilderberg conference was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Joseph Retinger. Retinger was called Jesuit "priest", that power an agent for Society of Jesus, and Bernhard was a former SS officer and a member of the Knights (Knights of Malta - SMOM). More than 100 people will attend every Bilderberg meeting at the invitation of Management Committee (The Bilderberg Steering Committee). The meetings take place in spring and is held once a year. Meetings goods 2.5 days (Thursday evening to Sunday lunch) and are held in varying but always comfortable surroundings. A mix of skilled and reputable people to participate - a cavalcade of sitting ministers, central bank chiefs, military and other experts. They talk about the key issues in the future. Their thoughts can not be repeated beyond the meetings which they do not. Bilderberg tradition is that a brand hotels are booked for each meeting so that participants can be alone with each other, their words, their thoughts and their security personnel. The author and whistle blower William M. Cooper, for many years an officer in U.S. Naval Intelligence, with access to state-classified documents have described Bilderberg as follows: "The result was the formation of a secret rulings body Which became known as the Bilderberg group. The group was formed and met for the first time in 1952.They were named after the first publicly known meeting place, the Bilderberg Hotel. That public meeting overtook Places in 1954. The Bilderberger Evolved Into a secret world government now That Controls everything. " Retrieved from: "Keep a Pale Horse" (1990) by William M. Cooper, p. 200 Photos's values , David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger has served as a driving force for the Bilderberg for years. David Rockefeller is a member of the Knights and has participated in all the Bilderberg meetings since 1954. Good ol 'David turns 95 years on 12 June, few days after this year's Bilderberg meeting is over. Participants at Bilderberg meetings called bilderbergere. It is enough to have attended a meeting to be images rescues. Once images are always images rescues rescues ... In 2002 he published the Bilderberg boss David Rockefeller's autobiography "Memoarer" ("Memoirs"), and here he says, even so (p. 405): "Some people think even that we are part of a secret cabal working against America's own interests, and characterizing my family and me as" internationalists "and believe that we conspire with others worldwide to develop a more integrated global political and economic structure - Call the A WORLD if you want. If this is your accusation that I am guilty, and I'm proud of it. " The hidden power godfather David Rockefeller (95) have participated in all the Bilderberg meetings since 1954 A sober analysis of Bilderberg and the concentrated power that is controlled by the Bilderberg holders (see participant list later in the article) reveals that kartelldannelser across sectors in the direction of the "oligarchic globalisme" poses a genuine threat to civilized society: "Sovereign states' legal systems and political establishments entails numerous obstacles to oligarchic globalisme, but the coordination of corporate practice - by establishing a global cartel which embraces all economic sectors - will be able to make it possible to circumvent these restrictions. At this point, images from Bergen mostly right, which means that they (the images from Bergen) constitutes a threat to civilized society. " See Bilderberg is also called "The secret world government" and "Quisling factory. The writing on the wall about Bilderberg The crushing silence from Bilderberg One of the most striking at the Bilderberg meetings and photos from Bergen is the fact that all the participants' mouth seems to be sealed with seven seals - Omerta as they say in the mafia language - about what is actually considered and decided at the Bilderberg meetings innermost irrganger. This is complemented by an almost complete media blackout, which is that the mainstream media neglects to mention that the Bilderberg meetings take place. It is the deafening silence from Bilderberg that falls the free journalist and longtime Bilderberg researcher Tony Gosling most heavy for your chest. Gosling runs this : "My main problem is the secrecy. When so many people with so much power come together in one place they owe us an explanation of what is going on. " See Bilderberg, government leaders in Western countries and democratic basic values All of the Bilderberg construction is inherently undemocratic, and thus a threat to basic values of "the enlightened Western country with transparency in government, transparency in the political side, press freedom and deeply embedded democratic rights". It is quite suggestive that the most important Bilderberg participants over the years has been democratically elected leaders, who have abused the trust they have received from their constituents by attending Bilderberg meetings behind voters' back without having to stand up after the meetings and inform about about what obligations they have incurred as a result of their participation. Politicians who attend Bilderberg meetings are subjected to loyalty conflicts, in that the Bilderberg interests and orders often come in conflict with their voters' interests. It is striking the extent to which politicians do not seem to be saddened by this, because virtually all the Bilderberg politicians pusher's Photos application on the planes of their own citizens with a bulldozer. Norwegian examples of this in recent times, for example. EU membership (proposed by images from Bergen Gro Harlem Brundtland and Thorvald Stoltenberg) and EU directives on the type of Data Storage and Services Directive Directive (as promoted by images from Bergen Jens Stoltenberg and Jensen). Bilderberg and the EU It is said that those who do not know their history will be lost in the future. Already at the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954, "European integration" one of the main issues on the agenda Bilderberg agenda anno 1954: European Integration ... The Bilderberg meeting in 1955, plans for a common European currency unit discussed. See In light of the European countries' development as of the European Union means a lot that Bilderberg has been a kind of "luminous path" which has shown the way towards today's EU. The fact that key politicians (from Germany, Italy, France, UK, Sweden, etc.) that have helped to bring the EU up to where the union is now also been bilderbergere is an indication that Bilderberg has been "the invisible iron hand" that has been completed today's European organization. Another element of the development of the EU is the secret, undemocratic and people scorn the objectives that the EU's architects have had. This assumes that the purpose is to allow EU citizens to remain in ignorance, as such. was expressed by Jean Monnet, one of the EU's founders: "Europe's nations should be guided towards a super state without their citizens understand what's happening. This can be achieved through small steps, where each element will be disguised that it has an economic purpose, but which gradually and irreversibly will lead to a federation. " See Bilderberg and their parent Knights and the Society of Jesus was present when the plans for today's EU was hatched. The plans was that EU citizens were lured into the community under the promise of "freedom and prosperity" (much of which has also manifested itself in practice) while the iron hand in the form of continuous centralization of power and undermining of civil liberties would remain hidden until it was become an irreversible fait accompli, in other words. that it would be too late for EU citizens to prevent. In 2009 the EU presidency created. Presidential chair was through undemocratic rigging behind closed doors filled with pictures rock shoulder Herman van Rompoy. Prior to the election of the European Parliament commented on the Italian politician Mario Borghezio that all three presidential candidates were either Bilderberg or Trilateralkommisjons members, ie, run boys for the Maltese Order member David Rockefeller. Davos Summit and the Bilderberg meeting, similarities and differences The Davos economic conference known as the World Economic Forum held in early winter in Switzerland. Davos meeting is characterized by an open atmosphere, a wide range of speakers and audience interact freely with a large number of journalists. It happens naturally, without the protected participants' safety is said to pose a problem contact between participants and the free flow of knowledge and exchange of ideas that takes place on the conference. The Bilderberg meetings are host hotels are effectively converted into fast, with a police turnout that often matches or exceeds the participant number, machine guns, military helicopters and / or aircraft flying over the Bilderberg fort and uniformed and civilian security guards who keeps both journalists random visitors on solid distance from the meeting site. This is described in the newspaper The Guardian's coverage of the Bilderberg meeting in 2009 : Considering that many of the Bilderberg participants also attend Davos summits, whatever may be the reason for the glaring difference, between transparency and secrecy, between trusting openness and uniformed and armed barbarism be? Have bilderbergere actually janus-faces stems from the hidden agendas and decisions from Bilderberg that all costs must not be public for the ear? Mao. the silk glove that appears out of Davos removed and reveals the glaring iron hand on Bilderberg few months later? The Bilderberg hunter Daniel Estulins book " The True Story of the Bilderberg "revealed how during the Bilderberg meeting in Canada in 1996 reached via a leak to the newspaper Toronto Star that there were plans to merge the United States and Canada to a country ! Henry Kissinger should have been outraged that someone from the Gallery's closed rooms had been "disloyal" that they had notified the press about the power of crazy plans to form millions of human lives and destiny in accordance with the "crazy world" psychopathic ideas and innovations . Norwegian politicians and Bilderberg Norway is known as the country that gave the world "Quisling". On all world languages means "Quisling" traitor, traitor, betraying the people, etc. Of the almost-complete Bilderberg dashboard located here in 1954-2010_Bilderberg-Meetings-Participant-List and you can download to your PC as a Word document it is stated that there has been a smooth and quiet pilgrimage of Norwegian power of people to the Bilderberg meetings from 1954 to the present day. (The Norwegian participants are marked as "nor", "N" or the "Norway"): Jens Christian Hauge, Thorvald Stoltenberg, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Jens Stoltenberg, Kristin Clemet, Siv Jensen and others. Norway has been the organizer of the Bilderberg conference once, and it was at the Park Hotel in Sandefjord in 1982. It took both sitting Prime Minister Kaare Willoch as opposition leader Gro Harlem Brundtland and the Rockefeller friend Thorvald Stoltenberg ("Big Daddy" Stoltenberg was a member of the Trilateral Commission and attended his first Bilderberg meeting in 1973). Prior to the Sandefjord meeting was held a press conference led by the German politician Walter Scheel. It is many years since Bilderberg took the trouble to present a trustworthy silk glove fa�ade in front of an ignorant press corps. Now it is the closed gates and uniformed machine-gunners who advises the ground. It only Norwegian Bilderberg politician has uttered a critical word about what he has been involved in the Kaare Willoch, who in his old age has stated that "Had I known what I know now, I would have gone to the meeting with considerably more skepticism than was the case. " Perhaps this shows the statement from the now humble and wise Kaare Willoch a naive belief that "there is now better to be present" even if it means to be a hostage and a useful idiot who has had to take stupid and disloyal if you Omerta- silence and to join the board in a carriage on a train as it is impossible to get off at speed. Why does not consider Kaare Willoch today that it would have been better simply to turn down Bilderberg invitations? The sturdy Norwegian politician Per Borten (1913 - 2005) was Prime Minister during the period 1965 - 1971 did something in a Norwegian context so rare as to say NO to the Bilderberg participation. Why convert as many Norwegians want to be quislings when they see their chance to eat cherries with the big? Why, it seems crazy that people go out that day Bilderberg invitation comes in? Per Borten - honest and patriotic Norwegian politician who simply said NO to the Bilderberg Wallenberg, Bilderberg and Sweden - to work without having to think Sweden has heavy family dynasties and industrial traditions going back centuries. Much of today's power and wealth was founded with the involvement of contemporary Jesuits. Media Group Bonniers and industry and finance dynasty Wallenberg are examples of this. Samr�re between Wallenberg and the Jesuit order in earlier times. What happens in secret today? Doldis Wallenberg dynasty, like Rockefeller attended Bilderberg since the beginning. The wealthy and in Sweden so all-powerful Wallenberg Fighters Doldis operates under the motto, "To work without having to think", ie to exert strong force from his hidden place behind the scenes. Oddly enough, to work without also seems Photos's motto. Through financial conglomerate SEB (Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken) and investment firm Investor AB, Wallenberg Fighters controls virtually half Sweden today. Power connector - Marcus Wallenberg and EU Commissioner Jose Manuel Barroso. Funny handshake? Sweden's most important politician images berger's Foreign Minister and former Prime Minister Carl Bildt. Bildt has 12 Bilderberg participations since 1996. Otherwise participated murdered Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme in 5 Bilderberg meetings in the period 1962 to 1984. Tre Kronor: Sweden's Photos soups range! With two blades Wallenberg and one Bildt on top Iceland and Bilderberg That the Island since October 2008 has lived through its greatest economic and political crisis ever known. Less well known is that the Icelandic government ministers and central bank chiefs as Geir Hall Grimsson and David Oddsson flocked to Bilderberg for almost 20 years before its failure was a fact. After the Icelandic nation was hit by the financial collapse in October 2008 has no Icelanders participated. Is not the Icelandic images from Bergen longer welcome - as they in time of need not only help save their personal careers, but all their people need generous financial assistance to prevent that all Icelandic citizens turned into debt slaves for the foreseeable future? What is a real Bilderberg bank - a friend in time of need or a vulture who drool after making you a slave to debt? Collection in the financial swamp: Bilderberg and the Greek tragedy Greece has long been a Bilderberg nests and have hosted several times, most recently in 2009. Both prime ministers that opposition leaders have been bilderbergere and the crisis-ridden nation has all nine participants at the meeting of the year (compared with eg.'s Three participants). Greece is now in a precarious financial situation, primarily because the government's debt is too large and unwieldy. This is a situation that the Greek government could not managed to get in on their own, because the EU has strict requirements about the restrictions on a member country's deficit, see eg. One of the Greek state's top financial advisers have been jesuittfirmaet Goldman Sachs , which has contributed a solid contribution to fool the Greeks into the financial quagmire: Further More, it has Been reported, the company (Goldman Sachs) HAD helped the Greek government two get around EU rules, allowing the country two continue overspending while hiding its debt. See What could be more natural than that both the Greek central bank chief Takis Arapoglou, Greece's Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, Greece's Economy and Finance Minister Yannis Papathanasiou, the European Central Bank chief Jean-Claude Trichet and Goldman Sachs boss Peter D. Sutherland come together at this year's Bilderberg Meeting to discuss what should be the next act in the Greek tragedy? For Peter D. Sutherland, who is chairman, not only in Goldman Sachs, which is scandalous investigation , but is also chairman of oil company BP is struggling with a uplugget boreholes in the Gulf of Mexico , it must feel extra liberating a few days off from their duties to meet good Bilderberg friends and have a drink and relax and chat together on this and that. Greek tragedy in modern times. Top commander in Coca-Cola Greece is the only nation head from mineral industry at this year's meeting. Will there be a hot summer in Greece with a need for some extra cooling of angry Greeks? Bilderberg and the iron clean western media Bilderberg wants to shape the world without either citizens or the world's Pictures novice participants understand much of what way it bears. The key to success in this is the western press treacherous collaboration through its practice of taboo-silence about Bilderberg. During her opening speech at the Bilderberg meeting in 1991 hailed David Rockefeller Western press benevolent villedning of his readers with these well-chosen words: "We are grateful to The Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine and other major publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of confidentiality in almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright spotlight of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war but only peace and well-being of all mankind. The over-national sovereignty, consisting of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national self-determination that has been practiced in past centuries. " The western press, journalistic and societal seen treacherous aid to Bilderberg and their hidden agenda is displayed in two ways. One is that the media representatives attending the meetings does not refer a single word to anyone about what they have learned at the meeting. The second is that Western media blackout practice, ie. completely taboo against at all to describe Bilderberg. Bilderberg as a military power behind the scenes War is not just a thing of the past. In modern times, war can be used for so many things, including making life miserable for independent countries who do not wish to submit photos rock ernes agenda which is also known as the NWO - New World Order. The war in Yugoslavia in the 1990s were too many completely incomprehensible, even for the Yugoslavs themselves. In hindsight, it emerged that "certain forces" did not want that Yugoslavia would continue to be an independent country not taking orders from anyone, even from Bilderberg. One of the most strikingly by the prolonged and destructive conflict that raged in the Balkans in the 1990s was that all designated "peace-brokers" were bilderbergere! Peter Carrington, David Owen, Carl Bildt and Thorvald Stoltenberg, was "peace brokers" who attended the Bilderberg meetings in secret while the bloodshed in Yugoslavia continued and continued. A thorough review of the causes of the Yugoslav war has given the conclusions that some may seem surprising: "In Yugoslavia, leading Serbs have blamed Bilderberg for triggering the war which led to Slobodan Milosevic's fall." See Could it conceivably be a connection between the allegations of Images's assistance in fremprovosering of the Yugoslav war and the fact that all "agents" were envoys from Bilderberg? Should not this idea be not only as a theoretical, but also as a very real possibility? The "peace brokers" mandate from the Bilderberg may have been breathing the war fire to keep it the same, so that the fragmentation of Yugoslavia went ahead and the once-well-organized Serbia was left with a broken economic backbone? An economically and militarily weakened Serbia would more easily become a prey for possible inclusion in the proposed New World Order, so NATO's NWO body called "The Norwegian Atlantic Committee" which is paid over Norway's national budget that directly reflects on their websites: "While it is clear that Bosnia is a fragile state construction, with the potential for renewed internal conflict. Let me remind you that NATO has invested a lot in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the IFOR / SFOR is NATO's largest operation ever. NATO's first actual operations took place in and around Bosnia. It is for this reason very important that we succeed in Bosnia, both in the interests of the Balkans and NATO itself. Serbia also has a long-term perspective towards integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures. " See Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic was received Pictures's New World Order until he was murdered in his cell at the Bilderberg city of The Hague in 2006 when it became clear to the organizers of the trial against him that information about the hidden power of atrocities were being drawn up in light. For more information about the brazen murder of Serb leader Milosevic, see eg. here . War is definitely a Bilderberg concern, some amount of U.S. Bilderberg generals with or without blood on their hands testify. The Iraq war that began in 2003 was one of the themes of the secret Bilderberg meeting in May 2002, meeting opposition leader Jens Stoltenberg and Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation chief John G. Bernander attended. This is confirmed by the Bilderberg researcher Tony Gosling: "One of the first places I overheard about the determination of U.S. Forces two attack Iraq was from Leaks That Came Out of the 2002 Bilderberg meeting," says Mr Gosling. " See Another war scenario is known as Afghanistan, where NATO forces now killing and being killed on the ninth year. NATO commander is always a Bilderberger, as is the case has been with Peter Carrington, Xavier Solana, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, etc. Bilderberg and central bank cooperation Through wealthy Rotschild Dynasty own private "central bank", Bank for International Settlements (BIS), ongoing cooperation in secret between many countries' central banks. In this regard, BIS is referred to as "the central banks' central bank". Bilderberg is one of the forums that the hidden central bank co-operation is in progress through G20 meeting is another. As a result, both the BIS-top boss that various countries' central bank chiefs frequent participants at the Bilderberg meetings. Both Norway's last Governor Kjell Storvik and current Governor Svein Gjedrem has attended Bilderberg. Governor Gjedrem hurt attended Bilderberg in 2003, years before he sold out Norges Bank's gold reserves noenogtredve tons. This year, Dagens N�ringsliv a journalist team of the venue of Bilderberg, and the following dialogue exchange took place between them when Svein Gjedrem and journalist Lars Backe Madsen: "And here comes Governor Gjedrem. He sees photographers. Halt. Looking down. Pretending something, make an attempt to hide behind a pillar, but all the other continues down the hill. He must follow. Then he looked up. Smiles. Speaking. - Hey, are you? - Yes, we follow the Bilderberg. - That I know ... " A Norwegian Governor hiding behind a pillar in the meeting with representatives of the Norwegian press. Is not it behave like a young boy who has been caught with both hands deep in the cake box? Gjedrem had already committed to perform the Bilderberg order the sellout of Norway's gold when he became the 17 May 2003 was surprised by the Norwegian press in the park outside Paris? Gjedrem is another example of an image rescues that have conducted sellout of his own country and people? Governor Gjedrem at the Bilderberg Meeting in Paris, after trying to hide behind a pillar. Strikingly mild for the occasion. Jordanes a shame behind the scenes? Both the BIS as the IMF - The International Monetary Fund - is intended for key roles in the Bilderberg / NWO 's efforts towards a common world currency. Display Bilderberglogi 2010: Analysis of this year's participants and current agendas! At fifty, sixty and seventies, when the Soviet Union's internal affairs was highly secretive, was one of the few public indications of power relations, the annual 1 May celebrations in Red Square. What are the Politburo members who showed up at Lenin Mausoleum and their mutual position gave Western journalists a few hints about who was in power, who was entering and who was on the way out. Kremlologi in practice: analysis of the Soviet authorities mutual location in Red Square During the same decades that Western media uffet over the Soviet authorities mystery and Western politicians accused the Soviet power to work towards world domination took the same politicians in the biggest secret at the Bilderberg meetings that consistently was suppressed by "the free and open 'press in the West. Is it perhaps the Bilderberg working for world domination by the name of NWO? Bilderberglogi's doctrine of Images's behavior, visible as well as invisible, about the causes and effects associated with the Bilderberg agendas and decisions and Photos's place in the larger network of hidden power that surrounds the Earth like after cup spins. Bilderberglogi the western world's most important and neglected area of journalism and political science. Current Commercial Viability reportage from 2003 proved to be a cool single, which caused the restrictive measures of freedom of expression, not from the Kremlin, but from the Bilderberg. The vast knowledge and informasjonsvakuumet related to the Bilderberg must be viewed in the context of the top people from both western academia (ie, research and higher education) that Western media have attended Bilderberg meetings in the year in and year out, and has served as the thought police and censorship bodies in the worst Soviet-style by making sure that terms such as Bilderberg, Bilderberg Meetings and Bilderberg Power is chemically pruned out of the most written contexts - until the Internet came ... As an example of the suppression of bilderberglogien in today's unenlightened Norway may be mentioned that Professor Janne Haaland Matlary , Department of Political Science at the University of Oslo is a member of the Knights, where she otherwise using text books of photos rescues and Maltese Order Member Henry Kissinger. Bilderberg meeting 2010: Trends and discoveries! In a world where change seems to accelerate at different levels are turbo publication of current issues are often required. News Diary brings in this trend a step further by presenting a complete review of this year's Bilderberg meeting and its participants - before the meeting has taken place! Here are the main findings of the Bilderberg meeting anno 2010: 1 Henry Kissinger will not! Kissinger absence caused hardly reduced desire for power or a diminished desire to see New World Order made at the time. However, it is because he is on the run from the law and have got cold feet. Can Kissinger have been whispered Nyhetsspeilets words ahead of last year's meeting of the ear? "Kissinger arrives like a limo behind the black windows like a mafia don, flanked by a massive police turnout. With so much police presence is the big question why not Kissinger have long been arrested on the spot at a Bilderberg meeting. " See The reason that Kissinger is now feared to be collected by the law more than ever likely that he barely escaped being imprisoned during a visit to Ireland recently. Only Jesuit intervention of senior Irish power men had prevented the "Bad Boy" Kissinger finally was collected by his past for his extensive criminal record. You can read about this here . 2 NATO's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen will not It is remarkable that the Danish Fogh Rasmussen has yet to attend an Bilderberg Meeting as NATO's Secretary General, since he had not competed in 2009 as nytiltr�dt NATO commander. A possible explanation for the jovial Dane absence may be that he has been watching the new Danish film Armadillo , which shows the complete futility of the Afghanistan war, and that he does not want to receive the Bilderberg ordered to participate in several wars, f . items. against Iran. 3 The former NATO commander comes instead of the Dane Dutchman Jaap "we chemtrail you" de Hoop Scheffer stepper in and represent NATO in Danish Fogh Rasmussen's absence, although it is somewhat unclear what position chemtrails-Jaap now holds in NATO. Could it be that liaison officer of the Military Order of the Knights warrior who was one of NATO's birth helpers ...? Who commands who? Malteserordenens commander Bertie (RIP) on the left side of the table. NATO command or ex-NATO chief Jaap de Hoop Scheffer on the right. Who looks like mentor and who is an apprentice? And why titling Scheffer of Bilderberg as NATO's chief executive in 2010? 4 U.S. government financial summits participate even in years Financial top people from the U.S. central authority (The Fed, etc.) stays away this year too. This was the first time in 2009. Timothy Geitner and Ben Bernanke has previously been a regular fixture at the meetings. Could it be that the Fed has more than enough to camouflage the real numbers in a trillion (un) balance and manage the mirrors and smoke to escape having to explain how the gold in Fort Knox has taken the road? 5. Increased focus on collaboration with the media Bilderberg implement this year a real effort to bring the most media houses in the heat, where they must take the confidentiality promise and resign his journalistic integrity and professionalism to instead to return home from the meeting to fill his duties as useful propaganda idiots for Bilderberg. The fact that the financial press is heavily involved may indicate that mirror and non-bulletin will be important to whip up fear in financial markets so that the hidden agenda (see next point) will not be revealed while the turbulence still in progress, vultures fed and remelting of the world business progress. 6 Heavy investment in debt based finance and selskapsovertagelser Main offset by participation in this year's meeting has occurred within the financial services, specifically debt, debt crises and selskapsovertagelser. Capital power that is present at this year's Bilderberg meeting is so formidable and skills sharpened so that it is given the impression that "The great coup" will be scheduled. The world's hidden power, not the least Illuminati, Rotschild and Rockefeller dominated capital power's modus operandi that several objectives be achieved through the action and interaction. Gallery's objectives for control of the political economy and increased global economic integration are thick on the outside participant list. Achievement of this will probably appear to help if it first provoked proper financial hvirvelstorm with subsequent melting of both exchanges to foreign exchange and financial markets where the kaldkvelende noose around the many individual players will consist of unmanageable debt combined with falling demand, where the first wants to be caused by the other. The other major group of financial participants consists of so-called equity firms ("equity firms") and investment banks with unfamiliar names like Everlast Core Partners, Ripplewood Holdings, SCP Partners, Perseus, Clarium Capital Management and others. These are often privately owned companies whose specialty to manage the restructuring of companies, including the acquisition of debt-ridden companies and the new initiative (venture capital). The only law firm that is called in, Gibson Dunn has expertise in this very specialized field, as noted in the company's website: "GAME CHANGE ... clients in deep trouble turn two Gibson Dunn for fresh, aggressive and innovative thinking rescuers. It seems that finansgribber in droves to fly to Barcelona to sit on their Bilderberg branches where they will be involved in hatching out how the world's many changes may be attacked if it succeeds only to make them more vulnerable. One example of a genuine financial vultures among this year's participants are Henry R. Kravis as. As founder and partner in the firm KKR - Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. - was Henry K. on to complete both the first and largest in a series of so-called leveraged buyout, loan-financed selskapsovertagelser of good Norwegian. Even among Wall Street's cynical financial sharks is this to be among the most distasteful forms of financial transactions. Method In brief, to buy up as a shareholder in a company is selected as the "target", securing control of space and executive power after which the acquirer as the new owner borrows money, the company's own fund or from its bank (!) Used to buy its own shares up to share the majority is achieved. When the owner of the takeover is a fact the company will be pickled in debt, after which the newly acquired company's various assets - its family silver in various forms - are sold off to pay down the debt as well as any employee should prepare for major changes. A proponent of free capitalism, with the benefits it provides will consider that the equity firms that are ready to enter the capital in situations where restructuring is required will be a good, including because equity firms can contribute to that production and jobs are retained and strengthened, rather than shut down due. a temporary crisis. But to comprehend the monstrous financial importance of the Bilderberg various financial "predators" (predator - a well-known Wall Street term) it is necessary to have a look for the larger whole. It was at the Bilderberg meeting in 2006 it was first talked about the financial crisis that came in the autumn of 2008. What caused it? Which topics were deducted so that the financial crisis was triggered? Was this desire of the Bilderberg to get on with the larger plan? Insiders in the power hidden network warned that the financial crisis was planned well in advance. The keys were unsound lending practices, excessive borrowing and unhealthy interest rate policy from various central banks. This triple combination will be played as an instrument of the Bilderberg again if a new financial crisis now being planned, as all parties needed to provide their contributions will house under one roof at the meeting. So if the current financial and currency turmoil - as financial press has already replied painted beyond the majority of proportions - the rising and manifests itself like a hvirvelstorm as outlined, it can be symbolized as many trees will fall to the ground and much crop will be damaged or destroyed as result of the ravages of wind. This will be Phase 1 Then all the "helpers" of the type of equity firms and investment banks sign up and offer their assistance in the form of capital and expertise. This will be Phase 2 Phase 3 will be that the many restructurings, closures and controlled new initiative which will come in the wake will fit like puzzle pieces in the global oligarkis ongoing solitaire planning. The financial crisis that was triggered in Argentina 10 years ago is an example of this. Full banking crisis and valutauro that reduced millions of people's quality of life while the banks failed and the country's real assets were acquired from the outside via the IMF and the NWO-cable requirements of "privatization" and "access for foreign investment." A direct result of this NWO-drive is that Argentina's once-proud agriculture is now full of life anti-GMO crops, providing unhealthy food, is destructive to the soil and make farmers dependent on seed from Malteserordenens matmonster Monsanto. 7 War is also a usual focus of Bilderberg Pakistan and possibly Iran, is designated as the new war zones in addition to the almost-ruined country Iraq, and Afghanistan. There are now Muslim countries are the Vatican-controlled Western countries' new crusade targets. The independent nation of Iran, peace is now in the criminal-NWO cabal telescopic sight. Photos's Rockefeller-controlled sister organization the Trilateral Commission, called for war against Iran when trilateralistene met behind closed doors in Ireland for a few weeks ago: "By James P. Tucker, Jr.. DUBLIN, Ireland Trilateral Commission (TC) members, angry over the failure Their two establish a world government and the economic crisis They generated, called for war with Iran When They gathered behind closed doors here in Dublin, Ireland May 7-10. War Plans were revealed by Mikhail Slobodovsici, a senior Adviser two the Russian leadership, When he strolled off the grounds of the Four Seasons resort, Where TC HAD hunkered down behind armed Guards and locked doors. He thought he was talking two a TC Colleague When speaking with Alan Keenan, Who operate the web site " See LARGE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (18 participants) Deu Ackermann, Josef Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG GRC Arapoglou, Takis Chairman and CEO, National Bank of Greece FRA Castries, Henri de Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA BEL Coen, Luc Vice Governor, National Bank of Belgium ITA Draghi, Governor Mario, Banca d'Italia IRL Gleeson, Dermot Chairman, AIB Group (Allied Irish Banks) NLD Hommes, Jan HM Chairman, ING NV FROM Oude, Fr�d�ric CEO, Soci�t� G�n�rale ESP Nin Genova, Juan Maria President and CEO, La Caixa TOURS Sabancı Din�er, Chairman Suzan, Akbank AUT Scholten, Rudolf Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Control Bank AG ITA Siniscalco, Domenico Vice Chairman, Morgan Stanley International IRL Sutherland, Peter D. Chairman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International AUT Treichl, Andreas Chairman and CEO, Erste Group Bank AG INT Trichet, Jean-Claude President, European Central Bank SWE Wallenberg, Marcus Chairman, SEB NLD Wellink, Nout President, De Nederlandsche Bank INT Zoellick, Robert B. President, The World Bank Group Investment firm, AND SELSKAPSOVERTAGELSER (10 participants) USA Altman, Roger C. Chairman and CEO, Everlast Core Partners, Inc. "Ever Core Partners is a Leading advisory and investment firm Providing advisory services two prominent multi-national Corporations Wed Significant Mergers. Ever Core Partners is a boutique investment bank located in New York. Ever Core Also has an investment management business through Which the Company Also manager of private equity and venture capital funds of Institutional Investor. " USA Collins, Timothy C Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC Ripplewood Holdings, the firm participates in leveraged buyout, management Buyout, growth capital investments, and Other transactions, primarily in the automotive, financial, manufacturing, and media sector. USA Johnson, James A. Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC Notice the "predator" motif on the homepage of the Perseus ... USA Jordan, Jr.., Vernon E. Senior Managing Director, Lazard Fr�res & Co.. LLC "The firm provider advice Wed Mergers and Acquisitions, strategic matters, restructuring and capital structure, capital raising and corporate finance, as well as asset management services two Corporations, partnerships, Institutions, governments, and Individuals." Lazard Fr�res is otherwise one of the owners of America's "central bank" the Fed. It is not necessary to be American to own the U.S. central bank. It is not even necessary to be a state. USA Keane, John M. Senior Partner, SCP Partners : General, U.S. Army, Retired Focused On Investment in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Life Sciences, Services, and Defense and Security. USA Kravis, Henry R. Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. INT Maystadt, Philippe President, European Investment Bank USA Thiel, Peter A. President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC Clarium is an investment management firm pursuing a global macro (Note the phrase "global macro", sounds almost like "with the NWO-laying puzzle game for an eye ...) SWE Wallenberg, Jacob Chairman, Investor AB USA Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC An investment and advisory firm Focused Wed emerging market Economies. Wolfensohn has been vultures, after having been head of the World Bank for years. Was there anything in particular less poverty and debt slavery in the third world in his time? MEDIA (16 participants) AUT Bronner, Oscar Publisher and Editor, Der Standard USA Graham, Donald E. Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company TOURS Kohen, Sami Senior Foreign Affairs columnists, Milliyet Deu Nasser, Matthias Deputy Editor, Die Zeit FROM Olivennes, Denis CEO and Editor in Chief, Le Nouvel Observateur FIN Raja Lahti, Hanna Managing Editor, Talousel�m� FROM Bompard, Alexandre CEO, Europe 1 (Radio) PRT Balsem�o, Francisco Pinto Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, SGPS ; forms Prime Minister ESP Cebri�n, Juan Luis CEO, Grupo PRICE GBR Bredow, Flip Line von Business Correspondent, The Economist (Rapporteur) GBR McBride, Edward Business Editor, The Economist (Rapporteur) GBR Micklethwait, John Editor-in-Chief, The Economist CAN Reisman, Heather M. Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. (bookstore chain) GRC Papahelas, Alexis Journalist, Kathimerini CHE Ringier, Michael Chairman, Ringier AG (media houses, journalism school, etc.) GBR Wolf, Martin H. Associate Editor and Chief Economics commentator, The Financial Times Politicians (24 participants) GRC Alogoskoufis, George Member of Parliament TUR Babacan, Ali Minister of State and Deputy Prime Minister GRC Bakoyannis, Dora the Minister of Foreign Affairs SWE Bildt, Carl Minister of Foreign Affairs SWE Bj�rklund, Jan Minister for Education, Leader of the Liberal Party GRC Diamantopoulou, Anna Member of Parliament AUT Faymann, Werner Federal Chancellor NLD Hirsch Ballin, Ernst MH Ministers of Justice FIN Katainen, Minister of Finance Jyrki Deu cloth, Eckart von Foreign Policy Spokesman, CDU / CSU Deu Koch, Roland Prime Minister of Hesse DNK Thor Ning-Schmidt, Helle Leader ofThe Social Democratic Party INT Kroes, Neelie Commissioner, European Commission FROM Lagarde, Christine Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment PRT Leite, Manuela Ferreira Leader, PSD ESP Le�n Gross, Bernardino General Director of the Presidency of the Spanish Government ESP Cuyaub� Moratinos, Miguel A. Minister of Foreign Affairs GBR Osborne, George Shadow the Chancellor of the Exchequer GRC Papathanasiou, Yannis Minister of Economy and Finance PRT Pinho, Manuel Minister of Economy and Innovation ESP Solbes, Pedro Vice-President of Spanish Government, Minister of Economy and Finance USA Steinberg, James B. Deputy Secretary of State FIN Vanhanen, Prime Minister Matti U.S. Volcker, Paul A. Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory Board Here is some recent history of how images from Bergen and Paul Volcker, David Rockefeller and started 1980 years' financial crisis: "In 1979 President Carter gave the job of finance minister to Arthur Miller, who had been head of the Fed. This gave the left an opening in the Federal Reserve System, which was first offered by Carter to David Rockefeller, who declined, and then to Clausen AW, chairman of Bank of America, also declined. Carter tried repeatedly to get the Rockefeller to accept, and finally recommended Rockefeller Volcker for the job as head of the Fed. Volcker sat immediate steps to fight inflation by radically increasing the interest rate. The world was taken by shock. This was not a policy that would only be felt in the United States with a recession, but sent shock waves around the world, which was devastating to the third world debt countries. This was probably the ultimate goal of oljesjokkene in the 1970s and shock therapy from the Federal Reserve in 1979. With the raising of interest rates, increased cost of international money. Thus, higher interest rates on international loans that were taken up in the 1970s from 2% in 1970 to 18% in 1980, which dramatically increased interest rates on loans to utviklinsland. In developing countries were oil-importing nations huge bills to cover his debts, and even oil-producing countries such as Mexico had major problems because it had borrowed heavily to industrialise, and then suffered when oil prices fell again because the recession that occurred in industrial countries reduced demand. Therefore, to Mexico in 1982 declaring that the country could no longer pay his debts, which meant that "Mexico could no longer cover the cost of interest payments, and still less hope to repay the debt." The result was that the debt bubble burst. " See WAR (4 participants) U.S. Boot, Max Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, Council on Foreign Relations USA Holbrooke, Richard C. The U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan "Mediation" (Newspeak for "war-broker") Holbrooke on a mission: "First we take Pakistan, we simply take Iran?" "The curious case of Richard Holbrooke" - the start of the Obama administration's war against Pakistan are discussed here . Richard Holbrooke is senior member of the United States' power body CFR - Council for Foreign Relations and Freemason of 33 degree, one degree higher than President Obama. Beware of Newspeak from Holbrooke's mouth: "Peace" means war, "Taliban attacks in Pakistan" means U.S. special forces who performs criminal Military operations inside Pakistan, etc. INT Hoop Scheffer, Jaap G. de Secretary General, NATO Have not Bilderberg steering committee had with him that NATO has changed chief executive? At least according to NATO's own website . What could the reason be that Bilderberg behaves as if Dutchman Hoop Scheffer is still calling the shots? USA Keane, John M. Senior Partner, SCP Partners, General, U.S. Army, Retired Available images rescues: John M. Keane - former general - now the financial vultures ENERGY (8 participants) DNK Eldrup, Anders President, DONG Energy A / S "Mr. Muhammad" - Anders Eldrup, married Merete Eldrup, CEO of the Jyllands Posten Group. Muhammad cartoons published by Jyllands Posten in 2005 was commissioned a provocation from the Bilderberg! The purpose was probably to get better acceptance for kriging in Muslim Asia. DNK Thune Andersen, Thomas Partner and CEO, Maersk Oil ESP Entrecanales, Jos� Manuel Chairman, Acciona GBR Kerr, John Member, House of Lords, Deputy Chairman, Royal Delta Shell plc FIN Ollila, Jorma Chairman, Royal Delta Shell plc NLD Veer, Jeroen van der Chief Executive, Royal Delta Shell plc INT Tanaka, Nobuo Executive Director, IEA (International Energy Agency) BEL Davignon, Etienne Vice Chairman F., Suez Tractebel, Honorary Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings Pharmaceuticals, food and drink (5 participants) To advise of the oil, you have power over the country. To advise of food, you have power over the population.
Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger and a member of the Knights
GBR Taylor, J. Martin Chairman, Syngenta International AG Syngenta CEO Martin Taylor: The Bilderberg with blood on their hands. Should not he arrested by police at the Bilderberg meeting and stand trial accused of country workers killed in Brazil as part of their deadly GMO-imperialism? While Argentine agriculture has flooded over by GMO crops after the country became competitors of the international financial mafia a decade ago, then neighboring Brazil largely managed to remain GMO-free, not least thanks to its well-informed and involved land workers. But in recent years, the agricultural chemical giant Syngenta arrived with their own maskingev�rbanditter operating in paramillit�r style to force introducing GMO crops in Brazilian soil: "A group of 150 farmers who were related to landarbeiderfagforeningen Via Campesina occupied one of Syngenta's sites for GMO trials in Brazil in October 2007 and would make it into a GMO-free center for organic agriculture. Syngenta responded with armed militia, which resulted in a country work, the father of three children, were killed and six others were injured. This is disclosed in a press release from Via Campesina. " See CHE Vasella, Daniel L. Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG GRC David, George A. Chairman, Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Co. (HBC) SA USA Kent, Muhtar President and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company U.S. Sheeran, Josette Executive Director, UN World Food Programme Large industry (8 participants) ITA Elkann, John Chairman, EXOR SpA, Vice Chairman, Fiat SpA Deu Enders, Thomas CEO, Airbus SAS TUR Ko�, Mustafa V. Chairman, Ko� Holding AS USA Kleinfeld, Klaus President and CEO Alcoa Inc. Alcoa is the world's Leading producer of primary Aluminum, Fabricated Aluminum, and alumina and is active in all major Aspects of the Aluminum industry. Kyriacopoulos GRC, Ulysses Chairman and board member of Subsidiary Companies of the S & B Group (Industrial minerals) GRC Papalexopoulos, Dimitris Managing Director, Titan Cement Co.. SA TOURS Ugur, Agah CEO, Borusan Holding NLD Wijers, Hans Chairman, AkzoNobel NV UN, CONTROL AND JUS (4 participants) INT Lamy, Pascal Director General, World Trade Organization BY Baverez, Nicolas Partner , Gibson, Dunn & Crutchs LLP NLD Hirsch Ballin, Ernst MH Ministers of Justice GBR Mandelson, Peter Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform � MONITORING (6 delegates) USA Alexander, Keith B. Director, National Security Agency NSA boss Keith Alexander: With considerably higher security clearance than the U.S. president. The photo shows former U.S. President Bush on a rare visit to NSA, "one of the greatest secrecy shrines. Alexander stands between Cheney and Bush. NOR Baksaas, Jon Frederick President and CEO, Telenor Group NSA and Telenor have conducted a �relangt cooperation on illegal surveillance of Norwegian and foreign citizens through the Project Echelon. These include described as follows: "After September 11 the NSA (National Security Agency), PST and Telenor have almost carte blanche to block, monitor and eliminate unwanted communications. If we accept this strong restriction on our personal freedom that simultaneously favor the large global American companies? NORWEGIAN Sheep - Norway's role in Echelon Collaboration It seems that the entire Norwegian media world has been muzzled and be afraid to let the Norwegian people the truth that all Norwegian Internet users are closely monitored. The Internet is now a GLOBAL, FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL management tool for power apparatus. Norway has been the main member of the "Echelon Club" in more than 12 years. Norway has been a regular member of the Echelon Club "for a long time. Norway has always been an obedient tool of the NSA (National Security Agency - USA) and American intelligence ever since we went into the NATO. Not only that we are counted among the major players together with the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Over there called high-ranking executives within the intelligence us for "Norwegian Sheep" and with very good backgrounds. As this case has been covered by the media so far they have placed in the same class. Commander naive and stupid and far from critical and analytical at the Norwegian role. "Read more here . For updated information on the Echelon and the NSA, see eg. NSA watch . There are also NSA who is making the meticulous selection of Bilderberg participants, a few are selected by a large number of potential candidates. Formally approved candidates of the Bilderberg, but in practice is approved more than 90% of people who suggest that NSA bilderbergnoviser. One of the criteria considered to be some character weaknesses that cause one to slip into the Bilderberg-cult without personal integrity or objections of particular species. ITA Bernab�, Franco CEO of Telecom Italia SpA CHE Blocher, Christoph Form Swiss Counselor; forms Chairman and CEO, EMS Group Deu L�scher, Peter CEO, Siemens ... Bilderbergers - Magda Hassan - 01-06-2010 BILDERBERG MEETINGS HOTEL DE BILDERBERG OSTERBEEK, NETHERLANDS 29-31 May 1954 PROVISIONAL LIST in alphabetical order PRESIDENT: His Royal Highness, The Prince of The Netherlands. VICE-PRESIDENTS: Coleman, John S. van Zeeland, Paul. SECRETARY GENERAL: Retinger, J. H. RAPPORTEURS: Ball, George W. U.S.A. Lawyer. Bingham, George Barry U.S.A. Newspaper publisher Chief of Mission to France, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1949-1950 Gaitskell, The Rt. Hon. H. T. N. U.K. Member of Parliament, Former Chancellor of the Exchequer de Gasperi, Alcide Italy. Member of Parliament, former Prime Minister Hirschfeld, H. M. Netherlands. Economic Adviser to the Netherlands' Government Former High Commision of the Nethelrands' Government in Indonesia. Director of Companies. Mollet, Guy France. Member of Parliament. Former Deputy Prime Minister. Secretary General of the Socialist Party Nitze, Paul H. U.S.A. President, Foreign Service Educational Foundation. Director, Policy Planning Staff, Dept. of State, 1950-1953. de la Vallee Poussin, Etienne Belgium. Senator Rockefeller, David U.S.A. Banker. Senior Vice-President, The Chase National Bank. Zellerbach, J. D. U.S.A. Industrialist. Member of U.S. Delegation, General Assembly of United Nations, 1953. Chief, ECA Special Mission to Italy, 1948-1950. *** Andre, Robert France. President of the “Syndicat de Petrole”. Assheton, The Rt. Hon. Ralph U.K. Member of Parliament, former Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry of Supply, Former Financial Secretary to the Treasury. De Beaumont, G. France. Member of Parliament Bonvoisin, Pierre Belgium. Banker, President of the “Banque de la Societe Generale de Belgique”. Boothy, Sir Robert U.K. Member of Parliament. Brauer, Max Germany. Former Mayor and President of the Land of Hamburg Cafiero, Raffaele Italy. Senator. Cisler, Walker L. U.S.A. Public Utility Executive. President, The Detroit Edison Co. Consultant to Atomic Energy Commission and Mutual Security Agency. Cowles, Gardner U.S.A. Publisher. Davies, The Rt. Hon. Clement U.K. Member of Parliament. Former Minister. Chairman of Parliamentary Liberal Party. Drapier, Jean Belgium. Lawyer. Duchet, R. France. Member of Parliament, former Minister. Secretary General, Independents and Peasants Party. Faure, M. France. Member of Parliament. Ferguson, John H. U.S.A. Lawyer. Vice-President and Executive Director, Cttee. for a National Trade Policy. Deputy Director, Policy Planning Staff, Dept. of State, 1951-1953 Foster, John U.K. Member of Parliament. Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Commonwealth Relations. Franks, The Rt. Hon. Sir Oliver U.K. Former Ambassador in Washington. Chairman Lloyd's Bank. Geyer, Gerhard P. Th. Germany. Industrialist. Director General "Esso". Gubbins, Sir Colin U.K. Major General retd. Formerly in charge of SOE. Healey, Denis U.K. Member of Parliament, Former Secretary of the International Cttee. of the Labour Party. Heinz, H. J. U.S.A. President, H.J. Heinz Co. Hoegh, Leif Norway. Shipowner. Jackson, C. D. U.S.A. Publisher. Formerly Special Assistant to President Eisenhower 1953-1954 Jay, Nelson Dean U.S.A. Banker. Director, J. P. Morgan & Co. Inc. New York Kanellopoulos, P. Greece. Member of Parliament. Minister of National Defense. Koningsberger, V.J. Netherlands. Professor State University Utrecht. Kraft, Ole Bjorn Denmark. Member of Parliament. Former Foreign Minister. Leverkuehn, P. M. A. Germany. Member of Parliament. Lawyer Malagodi, Giovanni F. Italy. Member of Parliament. Moe, Finn Norway. Member of Parliament. Chairman, Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Cttee. Vice-President, Council of Europe Montgomery, Hyde H. U.K. Member of Parliament Motz, Roger Belgium. Senator. Chairman of the Liberal International. Former Chairman of the Liberal Party. Mueller, Rudolf Germany. Lawyer. McGhee, George C. U.S.A. Industrialist Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern & South African Affairs, 1949-1952. U.S. Ambassador and Chief, AMerican Mission for Aid to Turkey, 1951-1953. Nebolsine, George U.S.A. Lawyer. Consultant to Department of State and Ecnomic Cooperation Administration, 1948. Trustee U.S. Council of International Chamber of Commerce Oosterhuis, H. Netherlands. Member of Parliament. President of the Netherlands Federation of Trade Unions. Parker, Cola G. U.S.A. Industrialist. Member of Commission on Foreign Economic Policy (Rendall Commission). Perkins, George W. U.S.A. Industrialist. Assistant Secr. of State for European Affairs, 1949-1953. Pilkington, Sir Harry U.K. President, Federation of British Industries. Pinay, Antoine France. Member of Parliament. Former Prime Minister. Pipinelis, P. Greece. Former Foreign Minister. Former Ambassador to U.S.S.R. Pirelli, Alberto Italy. Industrialist. Minister of State. Quaroni, P. Italy. Ambassador to France. Former Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. Rosenberg, Ludwig Germany. Chief of Department of Foreign Affairs of the Trade Unions. Rossi, Paolo Italy. Member of Parliament. de Rougemont, Denis Switzerland. Author. Director European Cultural Center Rijkens, Paul Netherlands. Industrialist. Chairman of Unilever N.V. Schneider, Ernst Georg Germany. Industrialist. President, Chamber of Commerce of Dusseldorf Spang, Joseph P., Jr. U.S.A. Industrialist. President, The Gillette Co. Steenberghe, M. P. L. Netherlands. Former Minister of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands. Director of Companies. Teitgen, P. H. France Vice-President of the Council of Ministers. Terkelsen, Terkel M. Denmark. Chief Editor, Berlingske Tidende. Tingsten, Herbert L. G. Sweden. Chief Editor, Dagens Nyheter. Troeger, H. Germany. Minister of Finance of Hesse Valletta, Vittorio Italy. Industrialist. President of FIAT Voisin, Andre France. President, "La Federation" Waldenstrom, M. Sweden. Industrialist. van Walsem, H. F. Netherlands. Industrialist. Member of the Board of Philips Industries Eindhoven. Willems, Jean Belgium. “Fondation Universitaire” Williamson, Thomas U.K. General Secretary, National Union of General and Municipal Workers. In an advisory capacity: Vlekke, B. H. M. Netherlands. Secretary General of the Netherlands’ Society of International Affairs. SECRETARIAT: Director: Veenstra, W. Secretaries: Focke, E. G. Overweg, G. E. Pomian, J. GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION: All meetings will be held at Hotel “De Bilderberg”. Telephone: Oosterbeek 2887. ACCOMODATION: Accomodation has been reserved at Hotel “De Bilderberg” as well as at two other hotels in the area vicinity viz. Hotel “Wolfheeze” and Hotel “’s Koonings Jaght”. Participants will have breakfast in the hotel where they are staying. Lunches and dinners will be served at Hotel “De Bilderberg”. Hotel accomodation, meals as well as transport by car from the point of arrival in Holland to the Conference and back, will be provided. Any extras will, however, be charged to the participants of the conference. SECRETARIES: At “De Bilderberg” secretaries will be made available to the participants on request to the Secretariat. MEETINGS: Saturday, 29th May 10 h. - 13 h. 15 h. - 18 h. Sunday, 30th May 11 h. - 13 h. 15 h. - 18 h. Monday, 31st May 10 h. - 13 h. 14.30 h. - 18 h. For reasons of convenience only the English and French languages will be used. The conference room will be equipped for simultaneous interpretation into English and French. TRAVEL BUREAU: (including accomodation and currency exchange) A small travel bureau with all exchange facilities will be established at Hotel "De Bilderberg." This bureau will be in charge of Miss M. Tuinman. Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton University BILDERBERG MEETINGS St. Simons Island Conference, USA 15-17 February 1957 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary: J. H. Retinger United States Honorary Secretary: Joseph E. Johnson *Aron, Raymond France Astor, The Honorable F. D. L. United Kingdom Ball, George W. United States Berg, Fritz Germany Birgi, Muharrem Nuri Turkey Black, Eugene R. United States Bowie, Robert R. United States Bundy, McGeorge United States Christiansen, Hakon Denmark Cisler, Walker United States Commin, Pierre France Cooke, B. D. United Kingdom Dean, Arthur H. United States Dewey, Thomas E. United States Elliot, Sir William United Kingdom Erler, Fritz Germany *Fanfani, Amintore Italy Ferguson, John United States Fulbright, J. William United States Garde, Jean de la France Gordon, Lincoln United States Gubbins, Sir Colin United Kingdom Hafstad, Lawrence R. United States Hauge, Jens Christian Norway Hays, Brooks United States Healey, Denis W. United Kingdom Heeney, Arnold D. P. Canada Heilperin, Michael A. United States Heinz, Henry J., II United States Hoegh, Leif Norway Hoffman, Paul G. United States Jackson, C. D. United States Jackson, William H. United States Jacobsson, Per Sweden Kennan, George F. United States Kiesinger, Kurt-Georg Germany Kilmuir, Viscount United Kingdom Kissinger, Henry A. United States Lieftinck, Pieter Netherlands Longo, Imbriani Italy *Malagodi, Giovanni F. Italy Martin, Paul Canada *McCloy, John J. United States McDonald, David J. United States McGhee, George C. United States McGill, Ralph E. United States *Menderes, Adnan Turkey Menne, Alexander W. Germany Mueller, Rudolf Germany Murphy, Robert D. United States Nash, Frank C. United States Nebolsine, George United States Nitze, Paul H. United States *Noble, Allan United Kingdom Patterson, Morehead United States Pinay, Antoine France Price, Don K. United States Roberts, Henry Lithgow United States Rockefeller, David United States van Roijen, J. H. Netherlands Rusk, Dean United States Rykens, Paul Netherlands Steel, J. L. S. United Kingdom Sulzberger, Arthur Hays United States Terkelsen, Terkel M. Denmark Vorys, John M. United States Wallenberg, Marcus Sweden Wilde, Frazar B. United States Wiley, Alexander United States Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Germany Wren, W. T. United Kingdom van Zeeland, Paul Belgium IN ATTENDANCE: de Graaff, F. A. Netherlands Pomian, John United Kingdom *Participants who had accepted the invitation but were eventually unable to attend. Source: Edwin M. Martin Papers; John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS Buxton Conference, England 13-15 September 1958 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS [INCOMPLETE] Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary: J. H. Retinger United States Honorary Secretary: Joseph E. Johnson Abs, Herman J. Germany Acheson, Dean United States Agnelli, Giovanni Italy Ball, George W. United States Barbour, Walworth United States Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. France Beddington-Behrens, Sir Edward United Kingdom Beitz, Berthold Germany Berg, Fritz Germany Birgi, Muharrem Nuri Turkey Blaisse, P.A. Netherlands Boden, James C. Germany Boheman, Erik Sweden Brauer, Max Germany Burgess, W. Randolph United States Camu, Louis Belgium Carli, Guido Italy Case, Clifford P. United States Cavendish-Bentick, Victor United Kingdom Cochrane, Sir Ralph United Kingdom Dethleffsen, Erich Germany Erler, Fritz Germany Ferguson, John United States Gaitskell, H.T.N. United Kingdom Gordon, Walter L. Canada Grimond, Joseph United Kingdom Gubbins, Sir Colin United Kingdom Hallstein, Walther International Harsch, Joseph C. United States Hauge, Gabriel United States Healey, Denis United Kingdom Heilperin, Michael A. United States Heinz II, H.J. United States Hoegh, Leif Norway Jackson, Charles D. United States Kilmuir, Viscount United Kingdom Kleffens, E.N. van Netherlands Knollys, Viscount U.K. Kraft, Ole B. Denmark Kristensen, Thorkil Denmark Malagodi, Giovanni F. Italy McCloy, John J. United States McGhee, George C. United States Mosely, Philip E. United States Motz, Roger Belgium Mueller, Rudolf Germany Neal, Alfred C. United States Nebolsine, George United States Nitze, Paul H. United States Ormsby-Gore, David United Kingdom Otten, P.F.S. Netherlands Pipinelis, P.N. Greece Pirelli, Alberto Italy Quaroni, Pietro Italy Roberts, Sir Alfred United Kingdom Rockefeller, David United States Ross, Michael United States Rueff, Jacques Rykans, Paul Netherlands Schmid, Carlo Germany Schuyler, C.V.R. International Steele, J.L.S. United Kingdom Terkelsen, Terkel M. Denmark Tiarks, Henry United Kingdom Vermeer, Every A. Netherlands Wallenberg, Marcus Sweden Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Germany van Zeeland, Paul Belgium Zellerbach, J.D. United States Source: [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS Cannes Conference 29-31 March 1963 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary General for Europe: Ernst H. van der Beugel Honorary Secretary General for the United States: Joseph E. Johnson President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Honorary Treasurer: Paul Rykens Former Chairman of the Board of Unilever Deputy Secretary General for Europe: Arnold T. Lamping Former Ambassador Agnelli, Giovanni Vice-President, FIAT Italy Anderson, Robert O. President, Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies United States Aron, Raymond C. F. Journalist and University Professor France Ball, George W. Under Secretary of State United States Basset, John Chairman and Publisher, “The Telegramme” Canada Baumel, Jacques Senator; Secretary General, “Union pour la Nouvelle Republique” France Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. Former Minister of Finance France Beer, Henrik Secretary General, League of Red Cross Societies International Bennett, Frederic M. Member of Parliament United Kingdom Berg, Fritz President, Federation of German Industries Germany Birgi, M. Nuri Ambassador to NATO Turkey Birrenbach, Kurt Member of Parliament Germany Blaisse, Pieter A. Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament Netherlands Brauer, Max Former Burgomaster of Hamburg; Member of Parliament Germany Callaghan, James Member of Parliament United Kingdom Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor Adviser on Foreign Affairs to Unilever Germany Chalandon, Albin P.H. Director, “Banque Commerciale de Paris” France Chambers, S. Paul Chairman, I.C.I. Ltd. United Kingdom Cisler, Walker L. Industrialist United States Cleveland, Harold Van B. Director, Atlantic Policy Studies United States Collado, Emilio G. Vice President, Standard Oil Co. (N.J.) United States Copeland, Lammot du Pont President of E.I. du Pont de Nemours Inc. United States Czernetz, Karl Member of Parliament; Austria Chairman Foreign Affairs Com. of the Austrian Parliament Dahlman, Sven Former Ambassador Sweden Dean, Arthur H. International Lawyer and Diplomat United States De Micheli, Alighiero Industrialist, Former Chairman Federation of Italian Industries Italy Duncan, James S. Company Director Canada Eczacibasi, Nejat F. President of Eczacibasi Ilaclari Ltd. Sti. Turkey Engen, Hans Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway Erler, Fritz Member of Parliament Germany Faure, Maurice Member of Parliament France Fontaine, Andre Chief Foreign Service “Le Monde” France Gallagher, Cornelius E. Congressman United States Gallois, Pierre M. General France Gossett, William T. Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations United States Griffin, A. G. S. Banker Canada Gubbins, Sir Colin Industrialist United Kingdom Guindey, Guillaume General Manager, Bank for International Settlements International Hauge, Gabriel Vice Chairman, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. United States Healey, Denis Member of Parliament; Labour Party Spokesman on Defense United Kingdom Heath, Edward R.G. Lord Privy Seal United Kingdom Heinz, Henry J. II Chairman of the Board, Heinz Co. United States Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Secretary of State to Federal President Germany Hans-Heinrich Hewitt, William A. President, Deere & Company United States Hickenlooper, Bourke B. Senator United States Hoegh, Leif Shipowner Norway Jackson, Charles D. Publisher, Life Magazine United States Jolles, Paul Delegate of the Federal Council for Trade Agreements Switzerland Kling, Herman Minister of Justice Sweden Kohnstamm, Max Vice-President, Action Committee for a United States of Europe International Kraft, Ole B. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Member of Parliament Denmark Lemnitzer, Lyman L. Supreme Commander Allied Forces in Europe International Lennep, Jonkheer Emile Van Chairman, Monetary Committee E.E.C. International Mansholt, Sicco L. Vice-President, E.E.C. International Mason, Edward S. Professor United States Massigli, Rene Ambassadeur de France France Mathias, Marcello G.N.D. Ambassador to France; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Portugal McGhee, George C. Government Official United States Meynen, Johannes President, A.K.U. Netherlands Michener, Roland Barrister and Business Executive Canada Mollet, Guy Former Prime Minister France Murphy, Robert D. President, Corning Glass International United States Nebolsine, George International Lawyer United States Nitze, Paul H. Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, United States Department of Defense Nykopp, Johan Former Ambassador; General Manager of Tampella Finland Peccei, Aurelio Managing Director of Italconsult Italy Pedini, Mario Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament Italy Perkins, James A. Vice-President of Carnegie Corporation; United States President-elect of Cornell University Petitpierre, Max Former President of Swiss Confederation Switzerland Piette, Jacques Civil Servant France Pinay, Antoine Former Prime Minister France Pirelli, Alberto Industrialist Italy Pleven, Rene Member of Parliament; Former Prime Minister France Quaroni, Pietro Ambassador to the U.K. Italy Rockefeller, David President, Chase Manhattan Bank United States Samkalden, Ivo Professor of International Law Netherlands Schmid, Carlo Vice-President, Federal Parliament Germany Segard, Jacques Industrialist France Sergent, Rene E. Vice-President, “Syndicat General de la Construction Electrique” France Snoy et d’Oppuers, Baron Managing Director, “Compagnie d’Outremer pour l’Industrie Belgium et la Finance” Spaak, Paul-Henry Minister of Foreign Affairs Belgium Spofford, Charles M. Lawyer; Former U.S. Representative on North Atlantic Council United States Stratos, Christofore Director, Cotton Industrie “Piraiki-Patraiki” Greece Terkelsen, Terkel M. Editor Denmark Turner, Sir Mark Managing Director, Kleinwort Benson Ltd. United Kingdom Uri, Pierre Consultant for the conduct of Studies, The Atlantic Institute International Wallenberg, Marcus Chairman, Federation of Swedish Industries Sweden Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Senior Partner, Otto Wolff Koln Germany Woodhouse, Christopher M. Parliamentary Secretary to the Home Office United Kingdom IN ATTENDANCE: H.R.H. Princess Beatrix Netherlands Braam Houckgeest, A.E. Netherlands Chiusano, V. Italy Mozer, A. Interntional Roy, B. le Netherlands Tanugi de Jongh, E.L. France Source: Christian A. Herter Papers; Houghton Library at Harvard University BILDERBERG MEETINGS Williamsburg Conference, Virginia, USA 20-22 March 1964 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary General for Europe: Ernst H. van der Beugel Honorary Secretary General for the United States: Joseph E. Johnson President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Honorary Treasurer: Paul Rykens Former Chairman of the Board of Unilever Deputy Secretary General for Europe: Arnold T. Lamping Former Ambassador Acheson, Dean Former Secretary of State United States Agnelli, Giovanni Vice-Chairman of the board and Managing Director, Fiat Co. Italy Ball, George W. Under Secretary of State United States Baumel, Jacques Senator, Secretary General, “Union pour la Nouvelle République,” France Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. Former Minister of Finance France Beer, Henrik Secretary General, League of Red Cross Societies International Bennett, Frederic M. Member of Parliament Germany Berg, Fritz President, Federation of German Industries Germany Birgi, M. Nuri Ambassador to NATO Turkey Birrenbach, Kurt Member of Parliament Germany Brauer, Max Former Burgomaster of Hamburg; Member of Parliament Germany Buchan, Alastair Director, Institute for Strategic Studies United Kingdom Bundy, McGeorge Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs United States Cabot, Louis W. President, Cabot Corp. United States Cisler, Walker L. Industrialist United States Collado, Emilio G. Vice President, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) United States Dean, Arthur H. International Lawyer and Diplomat United States Defferre, Gaston Department of National Assembly; Mayor of Marseille France Duncan, James S. Company Director Canada Dundee, Lord Minster of State for Foreign Affairs United Kingdom Erier, Fritz Member of Parliament, floor leader Social-Democratic Party Germany Ford, Gerald R. Congressman United States Frelinghuysen, Peter H.B. Congressman United States Fulbright, J. William Senator United States Gallois, Pierre General, specialist in nuclear problems France Griffin, Anthony G.S. Banker Canada Gubbins, Sir Colin Industrialist United Kingdom Haekkerup, Per Minister of Foreign Affairs Denmark Hauge, Gabriel President, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. United States Healey, Denis Member of Parliament; Labour Party Spokesman on Defense United Kingdom Heeney, Arnold D. P. Former Ambassador to the United States; Canada Chairman, International Joint Commission on Water Resources Heinz II, Henry J. Chairman of the board, Heinz Co. United States Herter, Christian A. Former Secretary of State; Special Representative for Trade Negotiations United States Hoegh, Leif Shipowner Norway Holifield, Chet Congressman United States Jackson, Charles D. Senior Vice President, Time, Inc. United States Jackson, Henry M. Senator United States Javits, Jacob K. Senator United States Jellicoe, Lord First Lord of the Admiralty United Kingdom Kerchove d’Ousselchem, Assistant, “Ecole des Sciences politiques et sociales” Belgium Nicolas W. de Kissinger, Henry A. Associate Professor, Harvard University Center for International Affairs United States Kleffens, Eelco N. van Chief Representative in the United Kingdom of the International European Coal and Steel Community Kundtzon, Harald General Manager, “Den Danske Landmandsbank,” Denmark Kohnstamm, Max Vice president, Action Committee for a United States of Europe International Koster, Henri J. de President, Federation of Netherlands Industries Netherlands Krapf, Franz Chief of the Political Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany Kuhlmann-Stumm, Member of Parliament; floor leader of the Free Democratic Party Germany Knut Freiherr von La Malene, Christian de Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament France La Malfa, Ugo Member of Parliament Italy Lange, Halvard Minister of Foreign Affairs Norway Lennep, Jonkheer Emile van Chairman, Monetary Committee, EEC; International Chairman, Working Party 3 OECD Lindsay, Franklin A. President of Itek United States Lipkowski, Jean de Diplomat; Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament France Litchfield Jr., Lawrence Chairman of the board, Aluminum Co. of America [Alcoa] United States Lolli, Ettore Deputy General Manager, “Banca Nazionale del Lavoro” Italy Luns, Joseph M.A.H. Minister of Foreign Affairs Netherlands Majonica, Ernst Member of Parliament Germany Malfatti, Franco M. Under Secretary Ministry of Industry and Commerce Italy Mansholt, Sicco Vice President, EEC International McCloy, John J. Lawyer and Diplomat United States McGhee, George C. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany United States Meynen, Johannes Managing Director, AKU Netherlands Murphy, Robert D. President, Corning Glass International United States Nebolsine, George International Lawyer United States Nykopp, Johan Former Ambassador; President of Tampella Finland Pearson, Lester B. Prime Minister Canada Peccei, Aurelio Managing Director, Italconsult Italy Pinay, Antoine Former Prime Minister France Rockefeller, David President, Chase Manhattan Bank United States Roll, Sir Eric Economic Minister at the British Embassy to the United States; United Kingdom Head of the United Kingdom Treasury and Supply Delegation Scaglia, Giovanni B. Member of Parliament; Vice Chairman, Christian Democratic Party Italy Schmid, Carlo Vice President, Federal Parliament Germany Schweitzer, Pierre-Paul Managing Director, International Monetary Fund International Shulman, Marshall Research Associate, Russian Research Center, Harvard University; United States Professor of International Politics, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Smith, H. Page Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (NATO) International Snoy et d’Oppuers, Baron Managing Director, “Compagnie d’Outremer pour l’Industrie et la Belgium Finance” Speidel, Hans Special Adviser on Defense Matters Germany Stewart, Michael Member of Parliament United Kingdom Stikker, Dirk U. Secretary General of NATO International Stone, Shepard Director, International Affairs Program, Ford Foundation United States Terkelsen, Terkel Chief Editor Denmark Umbricht, Victor H. Former Head of Swiss Treasury and Diplomat; Switzerland President, CIBA Corp., New York Vittorelli, Paolo Senator Italy Wallenberg, Marcus Chairman, Federation of Swedish Industries Sweden Westrick, Ludger Secretary of State, Office Federal Chancellor Germany Winters, Robert H. Industrialist Canada Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Senior Partner, Otto Wolff Koln Germany Wriston, Walter B. Executive Vice President, First National City Bank United States Wyndham White, Eric Executive Secretary, GATT International IN ATTENDANCE: H.R.H. Princess Beatrix Netherlands Braam Houckgeest, Andreas E. van Netherlands Chiusano, Vittorino Italy Humelsine, Carlisle United States Mozer, Alfred E. Belgium Roy, Bertie le Netherlands Sources: Edwin M. Martin Papers, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS Villa D’Este Conference, Italy 2-4 April 1965 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary General for Europe: Ernst H. van der Beugel Honorary Secretary General for the United States: Joseph E. Johnson Honorary Treasurer: J. Meynen Deputy Secretary General for Europe: Arnold T. Lamping Agnelli, Giovanni Italy Ansiaux, Hubert Belgium Arliotis, Charles C. Greece Athanassiades, Bodossaki Greece Ball, George W. United States Barzel, Rainer Germany Baumel, Jacques France Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. France Benediktsson, Bjarni Iceland Bennett, Sir Frederic United Kingdom Berg, Fritz Germany Birgi, M. Nuri Turkey Blaisse, Pieter A. Netherlands Brademas, John United States Brewster, Kingman United States Broggini, Gerardo Switzerland Brosio, Manlio International Bruce, David K. E. United States Carli, Guido Italy Cefis, Eugenio Italy Collado Emilio G. United States Cook, Donald C. United States Dean, Arthur H. United States Deutsch, John J. Canada Donovan, Hedley United States Eczacibasi, Nejat F. Turkey Edinburgh, H.R.H. the Prince Philip, Duke of United Kingdom Emminger, Otmar Germany Erler, Fritz Germany Geddes, Reay United Kingdom Griffin, Anthony G. S. Canada Healey, Denis United Kingdom Heinz II, Henry J. United States Hoegh, Leif Norway Huvelin, Paul France Knudtzon, Harald Denmark Koster, Henri J. de ... Bilderbergers - Magda Hassan - 01-06-2010 BILDERBERG MEETINGS HOTEL DE BILDERBERG OSTERBEEK, NETHERLANDS 29-31 May 1954 PROVISIONAL LIST in alphabetical order PRESIDENT: His Royal Highness, The Prince of The Netherlands. VICE-PRESIDENTS: Coleman, John S. van Zeeland, Paul. SECRETARY GENERAL: Retinger, J. H. RAPPORTEURS: Ball, George W. U.S.A. Lawyer. Bingham, George Barry U.S.A. Newspaper publisher Chief of Mission to France, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1949-1950 Gaitskell, The Rt. Hon. H. T. N. U.K. Member of Parliament, Former Chancellor of the Exchequer de Gasperi, Alcide Italy. Member of Parliament, former Prime Minister Hirschfeld, H. M. Netherlands. Economic Adviser to the Netherlands' Government Former High Commision of the Nethelrands' Government in Indonesia. Director of Companies. Mollet, Guy France. Member of Parliament. Former Deputy Prime Minister. Secretary General of the Socialist Party Nitze, Paul H. U.S.A. President, Foreign Service Educational Foundation. Director, Policy Planning Staff, Dept. of State, 1950-1953. de la Vallee Poussin, Etienne Belgium. Senator Rockefeller, David U.S.A. Banker. Senior Vice-President, The Chase National Bank. Zellerbach, J. D. U.S.A. Industrialist. Member of U.S. Delegation, General Assembly of United Nations, 1953. Chief, ECA Special Mission to Italy, 1948-1950. *** Andre, Robert France. President of the “Syndicat de Petrole”. Assheton, The Rt. Hon. Ralph U.K. Member of Parliament, former Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry of Supply, Former Financial Secretary to the Treasury. De Beaumont, G. France. Member of Parliament Bonvoisin, Pierre Belgium. Banker, President of the “Banque de la Societe Generale de Belgique”. Boothy, Sir Robert U.K. Member of Parliament. Brauer, Max Germany. Former Mayor and President of the Land of Hamburg Cafiero, Raffaele Italy. Senator. Cisler, Walker L. U.S.A. Public Utility Executive. President, The Detroit Edison Co. Consultant to Atomic Energy Commission and Mutual Security Agency. Cowles, Gardner U.S.A. Publisher. Davies, The Rt. Hon. Clement U.K. Member of Parliament. Former Minister. Chairman of Parliamentary Liberal Party. Drapier, Jean Belgium. Lawyer. Duchet, R. France. Member of Parliament, former Minister. Secretary General, Independents and Peasants Party. Faure, M. France. Member of Parliament. Ferguson, John H. U.S.A. Lawyer. Vice-President and Executive Director, Cttee. for a National Trade Policy. Deputy Director, Policy Planning Staff, Dept. of State, 1951-1953 Foster, John U.K. Member of Parliament. Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Commonwealth Relations. Franks, The Rt. Hon. Sir Oliver U.K. Former Ambassador in Washington. Chairman Lloyd's Bank. Geyer, Gerhard P. Th. Germany. Industrialist. Director General "Esso". Gubbins, Sir Colin U.K. Major General retd. Formerly in charge of SOE. Healey, Denis U.K. Member of Parliament, Former Secretary of the International Cttee. of the Labour Party. Heinz, H. J. U.S.A. President, H.J. Heinz Co. Hoegh, Leif Norway. Shipowner. Jackson, C. D. U.S.A. Publisher. Formerly Special Assistant to President Eisenhower 1953-1954 Jay, Nelson Dean U.S.A. Banker. Director, J. P. Morgan & Co. Inc. New York Kanellopoulos, P. Greece. Member of Parliament. Minister of National Defense. Koningsberger, V.J. Netherlands. Professor State University Utrecht. Kraft, Ole Bjorn Denmark. Member of Parliament. Former Foreign Minister. Leverkuehn, P. M. A. Germany. Member of Parliament. Lawyer Malagodi, Giovanni F. Italy. Member of Parliament. Moe, Finn Norway. Member of Parliament. Chairman, Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Cttee. Vice-President, Council of Europe Montgomery, Hyde H. U.K. Member of Parliament Motz, Roger Belgium. Senator. Chairman of the Liberal International. Former Chairman of the Liberal Party. Mueller, Rudolf Germany. Lawyer. McGhee, George C. U.S.A. Industrialist Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern & South African Affairs, 1949-1952. U.S. Ambassador and Chief, AMerican Mission for Aid to Turkey, 1951-1953. Nebolsine, George U.S.A. Lawyer. Consultant to Department of State and Ecnomic Cooperation Administration, 1948. Trustee U.S. Council of International Chamber of Commerce Oosterhuis, H. Netherlands. Member of Parliament. President of the Netherlands Federation of Trade Unions. Parker, Cola G. U.S.A. Industrialist. Member of Commission on Foreign Economic Policy (Rendall Commission). Perkins, George W. U.S.A. Industrialist. Assistant Secr. of State for European Affairs, 1949-1953. Pilkington, Sir Harry U.K. President, Federation of British Industries. Pinay, Antoine France. Member of Parliament. Former Prime Minister. Pipinelis, P. Greece. Former Foreign Minister. Former Ambassador to U.S.S.R. Pirelli, Alberto Italy. Industrialist. Minister of State. Quaroni, P. Italy. Ambassador to France. Former Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. Rosenberg, Ludwig Germany. Chief of Department of Foreign Affairs of the Trade Unions. Rossi, Paolo Italy. Member of Parliament. de Rougemont, Denis Switzerland. Author. Director European Cultural Center Rijkens, Paul Netherlands. Industrialist. Chairman of Unilever N.V. Schneider, Ernst Georg Germany. Industrialist. President, Chamber of Commerce of Dusseldorf Spang, Joseph P., Jr. U.S.A. Industrialist. President, The Gillette Co. Steenberghe, M. P. L. Netherlands. Former Minister of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands. Director of Companies. Teitgen, P. H. France Vice-President of the Council of Ministers. Terkelsen, Terkel M. Denmark. Chief Editor, Berlingske Tidende. Tingsten, Herbert L. G. Sweden. Chief Editor, Dagens Nyheter. Troeger, H. Germany. Minister of Finance of Hesse Valletta, Vittorio Italy. Industrialist. President of FIAT Voisin, Andre France. President, "La Federation" Waldenstrom, M. Sweden. Industrialist. van Walsem, H. F. Netherlands. Industrialist. Member of the Board of Philips Industries Eindhoven. Willems, Jean Belgium. “Fondation Universitaire” Williamson, Thomas U.K. General Secretary, National Union of General and Municipal Workers. In an advisory capacity: Vlekke, B. H. M. Netherlands. Secretary General of the Netherlands’ Society of International Affairs. SECRETARIAT: Director: Veenstra, W. Secretaries: Focke, E. G. Overweg, G. E. Pomian, J. GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION: All meetings will be held at Hotel “De Bilderberg”. Telephone: Oosterbeek 2887. ACCOMODATION: Accomodation has been reserved at Hotel “De Bilderberg” as well as at two other hotels in the area vicinity viz. Hotel “Wolfheeze” and Hotel “’s Koonings Jaght”. Participants will have breakfast in the hotel where they are staying. Lunches and dinners will be served at Hotel “De Bilderberg”. Hotel accomodation, meals as well as transport by car from the point of arrival in Holland to the Conference and back, will be provided. Any extras will, however, be charged to the participants of the conference. SECRETARIES: At “De Bilderberg” secretaries will be made available to the participants on request to the Secretariat. MEETINGS: Saturday, 29th May 10 h. - 13 h. 15 h. - 18 h. Sunday, 30th May 11 h. - 13 h. 15 h. - 18 h. Monday, 31st May 10 h. - 13 h. 14.30 h. - 18 h. For reasons of convenience only the English and French languages will be used. The conference room will be equipped for simultaneous interpretation into English and French. TRAVEL BUREAU: (including accomodation and currency exchange) A small travel bureau with all exchange facilities will be established at Hotel "De Bilderberg." This bureau will be in charge of Miss M. Tuinman. Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton University BILDERBERG MEETINGS
St. Simons Island Conference, USA
15-17 February 1957
Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary: J. H. Retinger United States Honorary Secretary: Joseph E. Johnson *Aron, Raymond France Astor, The Honorable F. D. L. United Kingdom Ball, George W. United States Berg, Fritz Germany Birgi, Muharrem Nuri Turkey Black, Eugene R. United States Bowie, Robert R. United States Bundy, McGeorge United States Christiansen, Hakon Denmark Cisler, Walker United States Commin, Pierre France Cooke, B. D. United Kingdom Dean, Arthur H. United States Dewey, Thomas E. United States Elliot, Sir William United Kingdom Erler, Fritz Germany *Fanfani, Amintore Italy Ferguson, John United States Fulbright, J. William United States Garde, Jean de la France Gordon, Lincoln United States Gubbins, Sir Colin United Kingdom Hafstad, Lawrence R. United States Hauge, Jens Christian Norway Hays, Brooks United States Healey, Denis W. United Kingdom Heeney, Arnold D. P. Canada Heilperin, Michael A. United States Heinz, Henry J., II United States Hoegh, Leif Norway Hoffman, Paul G. United States Jackson, C. D. United States Jackson, William H. United States Jacobsson, Per Sweden Kennan, George F. United States Kiesinger, Kurt-Georg Germany Kilmuir, Viscount United Kingdom Kissinger, Henry A. United States Lieftinck, Pieter Netherlands Longo, Imbriani Italy *Malagodi, Giovanni F. Italy Martin, Paul Canada *McCloy, John J. United States McDonald, David J. United States McGhee, George C. United States McGill, Ralph E. United States *Menderes, Adnan Turkey Menne, Alexander W. Germany Mueller, Rudolf Germany Murphy, Robert D. United States Nash, Frank C. United States Nebolsine, George United States Nitze, Paul H. United States *Noble, Allan United Kingdom Patterson, Morehead United States Pinay, Antoine France Price, Don K. United States Roberts, Henry Lithgow United States Rockefeller, David United States van Roijen, J. H. Netherlands Rusk, Dean United States Rykens, Paul Netherlands Steel, J. L. S. United Kingdom Sulzberger, Arthur Hays United States Terkelsen, Terkel M. Denmark Vorys, John M. United States Wallenberg, Marcus Sweden Wilde, Frazar B. United States Wiley, Alexander United States Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Germany Wren, W. T. United Kingdom van Zeeland, Paul Belgium IN ATTENDANCE: de Graaff, F. A. Netherlands Pomian, John United Kingdom *Participants who had accepted the invitation but were eventually unable to attend. Source: Edwin M. Martin Papers; John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS
Buxton Conference, England
13-15 September 1958
Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary: J. H. Retinger United States Honorary Secretary: Joseph E. Johnson Abs, Herman J. Germany Acheson, Dean United States Agnelli, Giovanni Italy Ball, George W. United States Barbour, Walworth United States Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. France Beddington-Behrens, Sir Edward United Kingdom Beitz, Berthold Germany Berg, Fritz Germany Birgi, Muharrem Nuri Turkey Blaisse, P.A. Netherlands Boden, James C. Germany Boheman, Erik Sweden Brauer, Max Germany Burgess, W. Randolph United States Camu, Louis Belgium Carli, Guido Italy Case, Clifford P. United States Cavendish-Bentick, Victor United Kingdom Cochrane, Sir Ralph United Kingdom Dethleffsen, Erich Germany Erler, Fritz Germany Ferguson, John United States Gaitskell, H.T.N. United Kingdom Gordon, Walter L. Canada Grimond, Joseph United Kingdom Gubbins, Sir Colin United Kingdom Hallstein, Walther International Harsch, Joseph C. United States Hauge, Gabriel United States Healey, Denis United Kingdom Heilperin, Michael A. United States Heinz II, H.J. United States Hoegh, Leif Norway Jackson, Charles D. United States Kilmuir, Viscount United Kingdom Kleffens, E.N. van Netherlands Knollys, Viscount U.K. Kraft, Ole B. Denmark Kristensen, Thorkil Denmark Malagodi, Giovanni F. Italy McCloy, John J. United States McGhee, George C. United States Mosely, Philip E. United States Motz, Roger Belgium Mueller, Rudolf Germany Neal, Alfred C. United States Nebolsine, George United States Nitze, Paul H. United States Ormsby-Gore, David United Kingdom Otten, P.F.S. Netherlands Pipinelis, P.N. Greece Pirelli, Alberto Italy Quaroni, Pietro Italy Roberts, Sir Alfred United Kingdom Rockefeller, David United States Ross, Michael United States Rueff, Jacques Rykans, Paul Netherlands Schmid, Carlo Germany Schuyler, C.V.R. International Steele, J.L.S. United Kingdom Terkelsen, Terkel M. Denmark Tiarks, Henry United Kingdom Vermeer, Every A. Netherlands Wallenberg, Marcus Sweden Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Germany van Zeeland, Paul Belgium Zellerbach, J.D. United States Source: [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS
Cannes Conference
29-31 March 1963
Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary General for Europe: Ernst H. van der Beugel Honorary Secretary General for the United States: Joseph E. Johnson President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Honorary Treasurer: Paul Rykens Former Chairman of the Board of Unilever Deputy Secretary General for Europe: Arnold T. Lamping Former Ambassador Agnelli, Giovanni Vice-President, FIAT Italy Anderson, Robert O. President, Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies United States Aron, Raymond C. F. Journalist and University Professor France Ball, George W. Under Secretary of State United States Basset, John Chairman and Publisher, “The Telegramme” Canada Baumel, Jacques Senator; Secretary General, “Union pour la Nouvelle Republique” France Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. Former Minister of Finance France Beer, Henrik Secretary General, League of Red Cross Societies International Bennett, Frederic M. Member of Parliament United Kingdom Berg, Fritz President, Federation of German Industries Germany Birgi, M. Nuri Ambassador to NATO Turkey Birrenbach, Kurt Member of Parliament Germany Blaisse, Pieter A. Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament Netherlands Brauer, Max Former Burgomaster of Hamburg; Member of Parliament Germany Callaghan, James Member of Parliament United Kingdom Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor Adviser on Foreign Affairs to Unilever Germany Chalandon, Albin P.H. Director, “Banque Commerciale de Paris” France Chambers, S. Paul Chairman, I.C.I. Ltd. United Kingdom Cisler, Walker L. Industrialist United States Cleveland, Harold Van B. Director, Atlantic Policy Studies United States Collado, Emilio G. Vice President, Standard Oil Co. (N.J.) United States Copeland, Lammot du Pont President of E.I. du Pont de Nemours Inc. United States Czernetz, Karl Member of Parliament; Austria Chairman Foreign Affairs Com. of the Austrian Parliament Dahlman, Sven Former Ambassador Sweden Dean, Arthur H. International Lawyer and Diplomat United States De Micheli, Alighiero Industrialist, Former Chairman Federation of Italian Industries Italy Duncan, James S. Company Director Canada Eczacibasi, Nejat F. President of Eczacibasi Ilaclari Ltd. Sti. Turkey Engen, Hans Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway Erler, Fritz Member of Parliament Germany Faure, Maurice Member of Parliament France Fontaine, Andre Chief Foreign Service “Le Monde” France Gallagher, Cornelius E. Congressman United States Gallois, Pierre M. General France Gossett, William T. Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations United States Griffin, A. G. S. Banker Canada Gubbins, Sir Colin Industrialist United Kingdom Guindey, Guillaume General Manager, Bank for International Settlements International Hauge, Gabriel Vice Chairman, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. United States Healey, Denis Member of Parliament; Labour Party Spokesman on Defense United Kingdom Heath, Edward R.G. Lord Privy Seal United Kingdom Heinz, Henry J. II Chairman of the Board, Heinz Co. United States Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Secretary of State to Federal President Germany Hans-Heinrich Hewitt, William A. President, Deere & Company United States Hickenlooper, Bourke B. Senator United States Hoegh, Leif Shipowner Norway Jackson, Charles D. Publisher, Life Magazine United States Jolles, Paul Delegate of the Federal Council for Trade Agreements Switzerland Kling, Herman Minister of Justice Sweden Kohnstamm, Max Vice-President, Action Committee for a United States of Europe International Kraft, Ole B. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Member of Parliament Denmark Lemnitzer, Lyman L. Supreme Commander Allied Forces in Europe International Lennep, Jonkheer Emile Van Chairman, Monetary Committee E.E.C. International Mansholt, Sicco L. Vice-President, E.E.C. International Mason, Edward S. Professor United States Massigli, Rene Ambassadeur de France France Mathias, Marcello G.N.D. Ambassador to France; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Portugal McGhee, George C. Government Official United States Meynen, Johannes President, A.K.U. Netherlands Michener, Roland Barrister and Business Executive Canada Mollet, Guy Former Prime Minister France Murphy, Robert D. President, Corning Glass International United States Nebolsine, George International Lawyer United States Nitze, Paul H. Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, United States Department of Defense Nykopp, Johan Former Ambassador; General Manager of Tampella Finland Peccei, Aurelio Managing Director of Italconsult Italy Pedini, Mario Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament Italy Perkins, James A. Vice-President of Carnegie Corporation; United States President-elect of Cornell University Petitpierre, Max Former President of Swiss Confederation Switzerland Piette, Jacques Civil Servant France Pinay, Antoine Former Prime Minister France Pirelli, Alberto Industrialist Italy Pleven, Rene Member of Parliament; Former Prime Minister France Quaroni, Pietro Ambassador to the U.K. Italy Rockefeller, David President, Chase Manhattan Bank United States Samkalden, Ivo Professor of International Law Netherlands Schmid, Carlo Vice-President, Federal Parliament Germany Segard, Jacques Industrialist France Sergent, Rene E. Vice-President, “Syndicat General de la Construction Electrique” France Snoy et d’Oppuers, Baron Managing Director, “Compagnie d’Outremer pour l’Industrie Belgium et la Finance” Spaak, Paul-Henry Minister of Foreign Affairs Belgium Spofford, Charles M. Lawyer; Former U.S. Representative on North Atlantic Council United States Stratos, Christofore Director, Cotton Industrie “Piraiki-Patraiki” Greece Terkelsen, Terkel M. Editor Denmark Turner, Sir Mark Managing Director, Kleinwort Benson Ltd. United Kingdom Uri, Pierre Consultant for the conduct of Studies, The Atlantic Institute International Wallenberg, Marcus Chairman, Federation of Swedish Industries Sweden Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Senior Partner, Otto Wolff Koln Germany Woodhouse, Christopher M. Parliamentary Secretary to the Home Office United Kingdom IN ATTENDANCE: H.R.H. Princess Beatrix Netherlands Braam Houckgeest, A.E. Netherlands Chiusano, V. Italy Mozer, A. Interntional Roy, B. le Netherlands Tanugi de Jongh, E.L. France Source: Christian A. Herter Papers; Houghton Library at Harvard University BILDERBERG MEETINGS
Williamsburg Conference, Virginia, USA
20-22 March 1964
Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary General for Europe: Ernst H. van der Beugel Honorary Secretary General for the United States: Joseph E. Johnson President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Honorary Treasurer: Paul Rykens Former Chairman of the Board of Unilever Deputy Secretary General for Europe: Arnold T. Lamping Former Ambassador Acheson, Dean Former Secretary of State United States Agnelli, Giovanni Vice-Chairman of the board and Managing Director, Fiat Co. Italy Ball, George W. Under Secretary of State United States Baumel, Jacques Senator, Secretary General, “Union pour la Nouvelle République,” France Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. Former Minister of Finance France Beer, Henrik Secretary General, League of Red Cross Societies International Bennett, Frederic M. Member of Parliament Germany Berg, Fritz President, Federation of German Industries Germany Birgi, M. Nuri Ambassador to NATO Turkey Birrenbach, Kurt Member of Parliament Germany Brauer, Max Former Burgomaster of Hamburg; Member of Parliament Germany Buchan, Alastair Director, Institute for Strategic Studies United Kingdom Bundy, McGeorge Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs United States Cabot, Louis W. President, Cabot Corp. United States Cisler, Walker L. Industrialist United States Collado, Emilio G. Vice President, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) United States Dean, Arthur H. International Lawyer and Diplomat United States Defferre, Gaston Department of National Assembly; Mayor of Marseille France Duncan, James S. Company Director Canada Dundee, Lord Minster of State for Foreign Affairs United Kingdom Erier, Fritz Member of Parliament, floor leader Social-Democratic Party Germany Ford, Gerald R. Congressman United States Frelinghuysen, Peter H.B. Congressman United States Fulbright, J. William Senator United States Gallois, Pierre General, specialist in nuclear problems France Griffin, Anthony G.S. Banker Canada Gubbins, Sir Colin Industrialist United Kingdom Haekkerup, Per Minister of Foreign Affairs Denmark Hauge, Gabriel President, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. United States Healey, Denis Member of Parliament; Labour Party Spokesman on Defense United Kingdom Heeney, Arnold D. P. Former Ambassador to the United States; Canada Chairman, International Joint Commission on Water Resources Heinz II, Henry J. Chairman of the board, Heinz Co. United States Herter, Christian A. Former Secretary of State; Special Representative for Trade Negotiations United States Hoegh, Leif Shipowner Norway Holifield, Chet Congressman United States Jackson, Charles D. Senior Vice President, Time, Inc. United States Jackson, Henry M. Senator United States Javits, Jacob K. Senator United States Jellicoe, Lord First Lord of the Admiralty United Kingdom Kerchove d’Ousselchem, Assistant, “Ecole des Sciences politiques et sociales” Belgium Nicolas W. de Kissinger, Henry A. Associate Professor, Harvard University Center for International Affairs United States Kleffens, Eelco N. van Chief Representative in the United Kingdom of the International European Coal and Steel Community Kundtzon, Harald General Manager, “Den Danske Landmandsbank,” Denmark Kohnstamm, Max Vice president, Action Committee for a United States of Europe International Koster, Henri J. de President, Federation of Netherlands Industries Netherlands Krapf, Franz Chief of the Political Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany Kuhlmann-Stumm, Member of Parliament; floor leader of the Free Democratic Party Germany Knut Freiherr von La Malene, Christian de Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament France La Malfa, Ugo Member of Parliament Italy Lange, Halvard Minister of Foreign Affairs Norway Lennep, Jonkheer Emile van Chairman, Monetary Committee, EEC; International Chairman, Working Party 3 OECD Lindsay, Franklin A. President of Itek United States Lipkowski, Jean de Diplomat; Member of Parliament; Member of European Parliament France Litchfield Jr., Lawrence Chairman of the board, Aluminum Co. of America [Alcoa] United States Lolli, Ettore Deputy General Manager, “Banca Nazionale del Lavoro” Italy Luns, Joseph M.A.H. Minister of Foreign Affairs Netherlands Majonica, Ernst Member of Parliament Germany Malfatti, Franco M. Under Secretary Ministry of Industry and Commerce Italy Mansholt, Sicco Vice President, EEC International McCloy, John J. Lawyer and Diplomat United States McGhee, George C. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany United States Meynen, Johannes Managing Director, AKU Netherlands Murphy, Robert D. President, Corning Glass International United States Nebolsine, George International Lawyer United States Nykopp, Johan Former Ambassador; President of Tampella Finland Pearson, Lester B. Prime Minister Canada Peccei, Aurelio Managing Director, Italconsult Italy Pinay, Antoine Former Prime Minister France Rockefeller, David President, Chase Manhattan Bank United States Roll, Sir Eric Economic Minister at the British Embassy to the United States; United Kingdom Head of the United Kingdom Treasury and Supply Delegation Scaglia, Giovanni B. Member of Parliament; Vice Chairman, Christian Democratic Party Italy Schmid, Carlo Vice President, Federal Parliament Germany Schweitzer, Pierre-Paul Managing Director, International Monetary Fund International Shulman, Marshall Research Associate, Russian Research Center, Harvard University; United States Professor of International Politics, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Smith, H. Page Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (NATO) International Snoy et d’Oppuers, Baron Managing Director, “Compagnie d’Outremer pour l’Industrie et la Belgium Finance” Speidel, Hans Special Adviser on Defense Matters Germany Stewart, Michael Member of Parliament United Kingdom Stikker, Dirk U. Secretary General of NATO International Stone, Shepard Director, International Affairs Program, Ford Foundation United States Terkelsen, Terkel Chief Editor Denmark Umbricht, Victor H. Former Head of Swiss Treasury and Diplomat; Switzerland President, CIBA Corp., New York Vittorelli, Paolo Senator Italy Wallenberg, Marcus Chairman, Federation of Swedish Industries Sweden Westrick, Ludger Secretary of State, Office Federal Chancellor Germany Winters, Robert H. Industrialist Canada Wolff von Amerongen, Otto Senior Partner, Otto Wolff Koln Germany Wriston, Walter B. Executive Vice President, First National City Bank United States Wyndham White, Eric Executive Secretary, GATT International IN ATTENDANCE: H.R.H. Princess Beatrix Netherlands Braam Houckgeest, Andreas E. van Netherlands Chiusano, Vittorino Italy Humelsine, Carlisle United States Mozer, Alfred E. Belgium Roy, Bertie le Netherlands Sources: Edwin M. Martin Papers, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS
Villa D’Este Conference, Italy
2-4 April 1965
Chairman: H.R.H. The Prince of the Netherlands Honorary Secretary General for Europe: Ernst H. van der Beugel Honorary Secretary General for the United States: Joseph E. Johnson Honorary Treasurer: J. Meynen Deputy Secretary General for Europe: Arnold T. Lamping Agnelli, Giovanni Italy Ansiaux, Hubert Belgium Arliotis, Charles C. Greece Athanassiades, Bodossaki Greece Ball, George W. United States Barzel, Rainer Germany Baumel, Jacques France Baumgartner, Wilfrid S. France Benediktsson, Bjarni Iceland Bennett, Sir Frederic United Kingdom Berg, Fritz Germany Birgi, M. Nuri Turkey Blaisse, Pieter A. Netherlands Brademas, John United States Brewster, Kingman United States Broggini, Gerardo Switzerland Brosio, Manlio International Bruce, David K. E. United States Carli, Guido Italy Cefis, Eugenio Italy Collado Emilio G. United States Cook, Donald C. United States Dean, Arthur H. United States Deutsch, John J. Canada Donovan, Hedley United States Eczacibasi, Nejat F. Turkey Edinburgh, H.R.H. the Prince Philip, Duke of United Kingdom Emminger, Otmar Germany Erler, Fritz Germany Geddes, Reay United Kingdom Griffin, Anthony G. S. Canada Healey, Denis United Kingdom Heinz II, Henry J. United States Hoegh, Leif Norway Huvelin, Paul France Knudtzon, Harald Denmark Koster, Henri J. de ... Bilderbergers - Magda Hassan - 01-06-2010 BILDERBERG MEETINGS
25-27 April 1986
CHAIRMAN: Lord Roll of Ipsden* Joint Chairman, S.G. Warburg & Co., Ltd. HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR EUROPE AND CANADA: Victor Halberstadt* Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR THE UNITED STATES: Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.* Executive Director, The Center for Asian Pacific Affairs, The Asia Foundation SWE Carl Johan Aaberg Under-Secretary of State NOR Torvild Aakvaag Director General, Norsk Hydro A/S UK Antony A. Acland Permanent Under Secretary of State and Head of the Diplomatic Service; Ambassador-Designate to Washington ITA Giovanni Agnelli** President, Fiat S.p.A. DEN Tage Andersen* Managing Director and Chief Executive, Den Danske Bank AUS Hannes Androsch* Chairman of the Managing Board of Directors, Creditanstalt-Bankverein; Former Minister of Finance; Former Vice Chancellor USA George W. Ball** Former Under Secretary of State FRG Martin Bangemann Minister of Economic Affairs UK John F.H. Baring Chairman, Baring Brothers & Co., Ltd. USA Robert L. Bartley Editor, “The Wall Street Journal” ICE Einar Benediktsson Ambassador to the United Kingdom USA Jack F. Bennett* Director and Senior Vice President, Exxon Corporation TUR Selahattin Beyazit* Director of Companies CAN Conrad M. Black* Chairman, Argus Corporation Ltd. UK Lord Boardman Chairman, National Westminster Bank PLC USA Nicholas F. Brady* Chairman, Dillon, Reed & Co., Inc.; Former U.S. Senator (New Jersey) NETH Hans van den Broek Minister for Foreign Affairs USA Richard R. Burt U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany TUR Yavus Canevi Governor of the Central Bank GRE Costa Carras* Director of Companies SPA Jaime Carvajal Urquijo* Chairman, Banco Hispano Industrial USA John H. Chafee U.S. Senator (Rhode Island) FRA Alain Chevalier Chairman, Moet Hennessy USA Henry F. Cooper, Jr. Deputy U.S. Negotiator, Defense and Space Group USA Kenneth W. Dam* Vice President, IBM Corporation; Former Deputy Secretary of State FRA David Dautresme General Partner, Lazard Freres & Cie. BEL Etienne Davignon* Director, Societe Generale de Belgique; Former Member of the Commission of the European Communities USA Robert A. Day, Jr. Chairman, Trust Company of the West NETH Willem F. Duisenberg President, De Nederlandsche Bank NV UK John L. Egan Chairman and Chief Executive, Jaguar PLC USA Daniel J. Evans U.S. Senator (Washington) USA Muray H. Finley* President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union CAN Barbara Frum Host of “The Journal” (Television Program of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) CAN Allan E. Gotlieb Ambassador to the United States UK Lord Greenhill of Harrow Former Permanent Under-Secretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Director of companies CAN Anthony G.S. Griffin** Director of Companies SWE Sten Gustafsson* Chairman of the Board, SAAB-SCANIA AB ICE Geir Hallgrimsson* Governor of the Central Bank; Former Prime Minister; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs USA Arthur A. Hartman Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. UK Denis W. Healey Member of Parliament; Opposition Spokesman on Foreign Affairs USA Henry J. Heinz II** Chairman of the Board, H.J. Heinz Company, Inc. UK Lord Home of the Hirsel Former Prime Minister; Former Chairman of Bilderberg Meetings USA Arnold L. Horelick Director, The Rand/UCLA Center for the Study of Soviet International Behavior USA Robert D. Hormats Director, Geoldman Sachs International Corporation; Former Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs AUS Hans Igler Partner, Schoeller & Co. Banaktiengesellschaft FIN Jaakko Iloniemi Member of the Management Board, Union Bank of Finland; Former Ambassador to the United States SWI Robert A. Jeker President of the Executive Board, Credit Suisse UK Simon Jenkins Political Editor, “The Economist” SWI Paul R. Jolles Chairman of the Board, Nestle S.A.; Former State Secretary for Foreign Economic Affairs USA David T. Kearns Chairman, Xerox Corporation USA Henry A. Kissinger* Professor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University; Former Secretary of State FRG Hans Klein Member of Parliament for the CDU/CSU; Spokesman on Foreign Affairs UK Andrew Knight* Chief Executive, “The Daily Telegraph” INT Max Kohnstamm Former President, European University Institute BEL Leon J.G. Lambert Chairman, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A. INT Alexandre Lamfalussy General Manager, Bank for International Settlements LIE H.S.H. Prince Hans-Adam von Liechtenstein SWI Franz J. Lutolf General Manager and Member of the Executive Board, Swiss Bank Corporation ITA Antonio Maccanico General Secretary, Office of the President of the Italian Republic CAN Donald S. MacDonald* Senior Partner, McCarthy & McCarthy GRE Stephanos Manos Member of Parliament USA Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.* U.S. Senator (Maryland) POR Leonardo Mathias Ambassador to the United States USA Donald F. McHenry University Research Professor of Diplomacy and International Afairs, Georgetown University; Former Ambassador to the United Nations FRA Thierry de Montbrial* Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique ITA Mario Monti Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre for Monetary and Financial Economics, Bocconi University, Milan NETH H.M. The Queen of the Netherlands NETH H.R.H. Prince Claus of the Netherlands ITA Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Deputy Director General, Banca d’Italia UK Michael Palliser Chairman, Samuel Montagu & Co. (Holdings) Limited; Chairman of the Council, International Institute for Strategic Studies USA Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr. President, Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc. DEN Herbert Pundik Editor-in-Chief, “Politiken” UK Robert P. Reid Chairman, Shell UK Ltd. UK Malcolm Rifkind Secretary of State for Scotland FRA Michel Rocard Member of Parliament (Socialist Party) SPA Mariano Rubio Governor, Bank of Spain ITA Renato Ruggiero General Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs UK John Sainsbury Chairman, J. Sainsbury PLC CAN Jeanne Sauve Governor General of Canada ITA Gaetano Scardocchia Editor, “La Stampa” FRG Walter Scheel Former President; Former Chairman of Bilderberg Meetings FRG Helmut Schmidt Former Chancellor FRA E. Antoine Seilliere Director-General, Compagnie Generale d’Industrie et de Participations UK Patrick Sheehy Chairman, .A.T. Industries PLC POR Artur Santos Silva Former Under-Secretary of the Treasury; Former Vice President, Bank of Portugal; President, Banco Portugues de Investimento UK John Smith Member of Parliament (Labour Party) FRG Theo Sommer* Publisher, “Die Zeit” ITA Luigi Spaventa Professor of Economics, University of Rome UK David Steel Member of Parliament, Leader of the Liberal Party BEL Frank Swaelen President, Christian Democratic Party TUR Seyfi Tashan Managing Director, Foreign Policy Institute NOR Nils Morten Udgaard Deputy Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office USA Paul A. Volcker Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System FRG Angelika E.C. Volle Research Fellow, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Auswartige Politik (German Society for Foreign Affairs) AUS Franz Vranitzky Federal Minister of Finance UK H.R.H. The Prince of Wales NOR Niels Werring, Jr.* Chairman of the Board, Wilh. Wilhelmsen Limited A/S USA John C. Whitehead Deputy Secretary of State DEN Nils Wilhjelm Minister of Industry USA Lynn R. Williams International President, United Steel Workers of America USA Frank G. Wisner Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Department of State FRG Otto Wolff von Amerongen** Chairman of the Board of Management and Chief Executive Officer, Otto Wolff A.G. SPA Juan A. Yanez-Barnuevo Director, Department of International Affairs of the Office of the Prime Minister UK Lord Young of Graffham Secretary of State for Employment ITA Paolo Zannoni* Vice President, Defense Systems, Fiat USA, Inc. OBSERVER: AUS Georg Zimmer-Lehmann Managing Director, Creditanstalt-Bankverein RAPPORTEUR: USA Grant F. Winthrop Director, Wood, Struthers and Wintrhop Management Corporation IN ATTENDANCE: ITA Alfredo Ambrosetti President, Studio Ambrosetti; Organizer 1987 Conference NETH Saskia ten Asbroek Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings UK Alec S. Donkin Organizer, 1986 Conference USA Charles W. Muller President, Murden and Company * Member of the Steering Committee ** Member of the Advisory Committee Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton University [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS
24-26 April 1987
CHAIRMAN: Lord Roll of Ipsden* Joint Chairman, S.G. Warburg & Co., Ltd. HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR EUROPE AND CANADA: Victor Halberstadt* Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR THE U.S.A.: Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.* Executive Director, The Center for Asian Pacific Affairs, The Asia Foundation HONORARY TREASURER: Conrad J. Oort* Member of the Board, Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.; Professor of Money and Banking, University of Limburg ITA Giovanni Agnelli** President, Fiat S.p.A. TUR Gunduz Aktan Adviser to the Prime Minister, Ministry for Foreign Affairs USA Paul A. Allaire President, Xerox Corporation DEN Tage Andersen Managing Director and Chief Executive, Den Danske Bank USA Dwayne O. Andreas Chairman, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Inc. AUS Hannes Androsch Chairman of the Managing Board of Directors, Creditanstalt-Bankverein; Former Minister of Finance; Former Vice Chancellor UK Michael R. Angus Chairman, Unilever PLC NOR Nils J. Astrup Chairman of the Board, Fearnley & Eger A/S FRG Egon Bahr Member of Parliament; General Secretary of the SPD USA George W. Ball** Former Under-Secretary of State FRA Edouard Balladur Minister of State; Minister of Economics, Finance and Privatization POR Francisco Pinto Balsemao* Director, Jornal Expresso; Former Prime Minister CAN Thomas J. Bata, Sr. Chairman, Bata Limited USA Jack F. Bennett* Director and Senior Vice President, Exxon Corporation; Former Under-Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs FRG Christoph Bertram Diplomatic Correspondent, “Die Zeit” TUR Selahattin Beyazit* Director of Companies CAN Conrad M. Black* Chairman, Argus Corporation Ltd. USA Richard R. Burt Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany ITA Luigi Caligaris Author and Defence Correspondent ITA Guido Carli Senator; Former Governor, Banca d’Italia GRE Costa Carras* Director of Companies INT Lord Carrington Secretary General, NATO SPA Juan Luis Cebrian Director and Editor-in-Chief, “El Pais” ITA Carlo A. Ciampi Governor, Banca d’Italia ITA Francesco Cingano Chairman, Banca Commerciale Italiana USA Kenneth W. Dam* Vice President, Law and External Relations, IBM Corporation; Former Deputy Secretary of State USA Richard G. Darman Managing Director, Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc.; Former Deputy Secretary, Department of the Treasury BEL Etienne Davignon* Director, Societe Generale de Belgique; Former Member of the Commission of the European Communities INT Arthur Dunkel Director General, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade CAN Fredrik S. Eaton President and Chief Executive Officer, Eaton’s of Canada Limited DEN Uffe Ellemann-Jensen Minister for Foreign Affairs USA Murray H. Finley* President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union IRE Garret FitzGerald Former Prime Minister USA John S. Foster, Jr. Vice President, TRW Inc. ITA Raul Gardini Chairman, Ferruzzi S.p.A. UK Paul Girolami Chairman, Glaxo Holdings PLC USA Maynard W. Glitman Negotiator on Intermediate Range Nuclear Arms CAN Anthony G.S. Griffin** Director of Companies SWE Sten Gustafsson* Chairman of the Board, SAAB-SCANIA AB ICE Geir Hallgrimsson* Governor, Central Bank of Iceland; Former Prime Minister; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs AUS Helmut H. Haschek Chairman of the Board, Osterreichische Kontrollbank A.G. SWI Hans Heckmann Executive Vice President and Member of the Executive Board, Union Bank of Switzerland FRG Alfred Herrhausen* Managing Director, Deutsche Bank A.G. FIN Jaakko Iloniemi Member of the Management Board, Union Bank of Finland; Former Ambassador to the United States of America SWI Paul R. Jolles Chairman of the Board, Nestle S.A.; Former State Secretary for Foreign Economic Affairs USA Thomas V. Jones Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Northrop Corporation USA Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.* Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law); Former President, National Urban League USA Henry A. Kissinger* Professor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University; Former Secretary of State NETH Cor J. Van Der Klugt President, N.V. Philips’ Gloeilampenfabrieken UK Andrew Knight* Chief Executive, “The Daily Telegraph” INT Max Kohnstamm** Former President, European University Institute FRA Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere Vice President, L’Oreal BEL Leon J. G. Lambert Chairman, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert S.A. INT Emile van Lennep Former Secretary General, OECD LIE H.S.H. Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein USA Winston Lord Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China SWI Frantz J. Lutolf* General Manager and Member of the Executive Board, Swiss Bank Corporation USA Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.* Former U.S. Senator POR Jose Eduardo Moniz Director of Information, RTP (Portuguese Television) FRA Thierry de Montbrial* Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique ITA Mario Monti* Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre for Monetary and Financial Economics, Bocconi University, Milan NETH H.M. The Queen of the Netherlands NETH H.R.H. Prince Claus of the Netherlands ICE David Oddsson Mayor of Reykjavik POR Fernando Faria de Oliveira Executive Vice President, IPE GRE Ioannis Papantoniou Under-Secretary, Ministry of National Economy FRA Francois Perigot Chairman of the National Council, Patronat Francais AUS Hugo Portisch Publicist USA Charles H. Price II Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ITA Romano Prodi Chairman, IRI ITA Franco Reviglio Chairman, ENI USA Rozanne L. Ridgway Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs USA David Rockefeller** Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee INT Bernard W. Rogers Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SHAPE ITA Cesare Romiti Chief Executive Officer, Fiat S.p.A. ITA Renato Ruggiero General Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs SPA Julian Santamaria Ambassador to the United States of America ITA Gaetano Scardocchia Editor, “La Stampa” DEN Jorgen Schleimann Managing Director and Chief Executive, TV 2 FRA E. Antoine Seilliere* Director-General, Compagnie Generale d’Industrie et de Participations FRG Theo Sommer* Publisher, “Die Zeit” BEL Antoinette Spaak Minister of State; Former Chairman, FDF (Federation des Francophones) FRA Hubert Vedrine Former Foreign Policy Adviser to the President USA Paul A. Volcker Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System NETH Joris J. C. Voorhoeve Parliamentary Leader of the VVD AUS Franz Vranitzky Federal Chancellor NETH Lo C. van Wachem President, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company UK William Waldegrave Minister for the Environment, Countryside and Planning SWE Peter Wallenberg Vice Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda CAN Norman E. Webster Editor-in-Chief, “The Globe and Mail” NOR Niels Werring, Jr.* Chairman of the Board, Wilh. Wilhelmsen Limited A/S USA John C. Whitehead Deputy Secretary of State USA Brayton Wilbur, Jr. Executive Vice President, Wilbur Ellis Company USA Lynn R. Williams International President, United Steel Workers of America NOR Kare I. Willoch Member of Parliament; Former Prime Minister USA James D. Wolfensohn* President, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc. FRG Otto Wolff von Amerongen** Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Otto Wolff A.G. SPA Juan A. Yanez-Barnuevo Director, Department of International Affairs of the Office of the Prime Minister TUR Zekeriya Yildirim Governor of the Central Bank ITA Paolo Zannoni* Vice President, Defence Systems, Fiat USA, Inc. SWE Hans L. Zetterberg Editor-in-Chief, “Svenska Dagbladet” OBSERVER: AUS Georg Zimmer-Lehmann Managing Director, Creditanstalt-Bankverein RAPPORTEUR: USA Grant F. Winthrop Director, Wood, Struthers and Winthrop Management Corporation IN ATTENDANCE: ITA Alfredo Ambrosetti President, Studio Ambrosetti; Organizer 1987 Conference NETH Saskia ten Asbroek Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings USA Charles W. Muller President, Murden and Company ITA Alessandro Vanzetto External Relations, Fiat S.p.A. * Member of the Steering Committee ** Member of the Advisory Committee Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton University [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS
3-5 June 1988
CHAIRMAN: Lord Roll of Ipsden* President, S.G. Warburg Group plc HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR EUROPE AND CANADA: Victor Halberstadt* Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR THE U.S.A.: Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.* Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University HONORARY TREASURER: Conrad J. Oort* Member of the Board, Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.; Professor of Money and Banking, University of Limburg ITA Giovanni Agnelli** President, Fiat S.p.A. DEN Tage Andersen* Managing Director and Chief Exeutive, Den Danske Bank USA Dwayne O. Andreas Chairman, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Inc. GRE Andreas Andrianopoulos Mayor of Piraeus; Former Minister of Culture AUS Hannes Androsch Former Chairman of the Managing Board of Directors, Creditanstalt-Bankverein; Former Minister of Finance; Former Vice Chancellor USA George W. Ball** Former Under-Secretary of State POR Francisco Pinto Balsemao* Director, Jornal Expresso; Former Prime Minister SPA Enrique Baron Vice President, European Parliament; President, European Movement; Former Minister of Transport USA Jack F. Bennett Director and Senior Vice President, Exxon Corporation; Former Under-Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs NETH Ernst H. van der Beugel** Emeritus Proessor of International Relations, Leyden University; Director of Companies TUR Selahattin Beyazit* Director of Companies ICE Bjorn Bjarnason Assistant Editor-in-Chief, “Morgunbladid” CAN Conrad M. Black* Chairman, Argus Corporation Ltd. USA Shirley Temple Black Foreign Affairs Officer, Department of State; Former Ambassador to the Republic of Ghana SWI Franz Blankart State Secretary for External Economic Affairs, Federal Department of Public Economy TUR Ali Bozer Minister of State USA Nicolas F. Brady Co-Chairman, Dillon, Read & Co., Inc. Former U.S. Senator (Republican, New Jersey) NETH Hans van den Broek Minister for Foreign Affairs FRA Francois Bujon de L’Estang Minister Plenipotentiary; Former Adviser for Diplomatic Affairs, Defence and Cooperation in the Cabinet of Mr. Jacques Chirac SWE Staffan Burenstam Linder President, Stockholm School of Ecnomics; Former Minister of Trade; Fomer Member of Parliament GRE Costa Carras* Director of Companies SPA Jaime Carvajal Urquijo Chairman and General Manager, Iberfomento SPA Juan Luis Cebrian Director and Editor-in-Chief, “El Pais” CAN Marshall A. Cohen President, Olympia & York Enterprises Limited POR Vitor M. R. Constancio Leader of the Socialist Party; Former Governor, Banco de Portugal; Former Secretary of State for Budget and Planning UK James Craig Director General, The Middle East Association USA Kenneth W. Dam* Vice President, Law and External Relations, IBM Corporation; Former Deputy Secretary of State BEL Etienne Davignon* Director, Societe Generale de Belgique; Former Member of the Commission of the European Communities FRA Gerard Eskenazi President, Pargesa Holding S.A. USA Daniel J. Evans U.S. Senator (Republican, Washington State) USA Thomas S. Foley U.S. Representative (Democrat, Washington State) FRA Jean A. Francois-Poncet Senator; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs INT John R. Galvin Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SHAPE USA Katharine Graham Chairman, The Washington Post Company CAN Anthony G.S. Griffin** Director of Companies USA Henry A. Grunwald Ambassador to Austria; Former Editor-in-Chief, Time, Inc. SWE Sten Gustafsson* Chairman of the Board, SAAB-SCANIA AB ICE Geir Hallgrimsson* Governor, Central Bank of Iceland; Former Prime Minister; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs AUS Helmut H. Haschek Chairman of the Board, Osterreichische Kontrollbank A.G. INT Francois Heisbourg Director, The International Institute for Strategic Studies FRG Alfred Herrhausen* Managing Director, Deutsche Bank A.G. AUS Friedrich Hoess Ambassador to the United States of America USA Karen Elliott House Foreign Editor, “The Wall Street Journal” USA William G. Hyland Editor, “Foreign Affairs” AUS Hans Igler Partner, Schoeller Co. Bankaktiengesellschaft FIN Jaakko Iloniemi Member of the Management Board, Union Bank of Finland; Former Ambassador to the United States of America AUS Peter Jankowitsch* Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee of the National Assembly; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs USA Nancy Landon Kassebaum U.S. Senator (Republican, Kansas) USA David T. Kearns Chairman, Xerox Corporation UK John Keegan Military Historian; Defence Correspondent, “The Daily Telegraph” USA Lane Kirkland President, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) USA Henry A. Kissinger* Former Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. AUS Thomas Klestil Secretary General, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs UK Andrew Knight* Chief Executive, “The Daily Telegraph” FRG Helmut Kohl Federal Chancellor INT Max Kohnstamm** Former President, European University Institute USA Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Co-Chairman, First Boston International FRA Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere Director and First Executive Vice President, L’Oreal ITA Giorgio La Malfa National Secretary, PRI (Italian Republican Party) INT Alexandre Lamfalussy General Manager, Bank for International Settlements USA Drew Lewis Chairman, Union Pacific Corporation BEL Andre Leysen Chairman of the Board, Gevaert N.V.; Vice Chairman, UNICE (Union of Industrial and Employers Confederations of Europe) SWI Franz J. Lutolf* General Manager and Member of the Executive Board, Swiss Bank Corporation CAN Donald S. MacDonald* Senior Partner, McCarthy & McCarthy NETH Floris A. Maijers Chairman of the Board of Management, Unilever N.V. INT Stephen N. Marris Senior Fellow, Institute for International Economics; Former Economic Adviser to the Secretary General, OECD USA Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. Partner, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; Former U.S. Senator (Republican, Maryland) FRA Thierry de Montbrial Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique ITA Mario Monti Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Milan; Vice Chairman, Banca Commerciale Italiana USA Rupert Murdoch Chairman, News America Publishing NETH Her Majesty The Queen of the Netherlands NETH His Royal Highness Prince Claus of the Netherlands AUS Anton Osond Chairman of the Board of Management, Osterreichische Investitionskredit A.G. GRE Theodoros Pangalos Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs INT Jean-Claude Paye Secretary General, OECD USA Donald E. Petersen Chairman, Ford Motor Company POR Francisco Lucas Pires Member of the European Parliament; Former Leader of the Christian Democrats NOR Inger E. Prebensen President, A/S Kjobmandsbanken UK Lord Prior Chairman, GEC plc; Former Secretary of State for Emploment for Northern Ireland CAN Grant L. Reuber Deputy Chairman, Bank of Montreal USA Rozanne L. Ridgway Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs USA James D. Robinson III Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, American Express Company USA David Rockefeller** Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee FRA Olivier Roy University Professor and Researcher, CNRS (Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques) USA Charles S. Sanford, Jr. Chariman, Bankers Trust Company TUR Rustu Saracoglu Governor, Central Bank of Turkey AUS Guido Schmidt-Chiari Chairman of the Managing Board of Directors, Creditanstalt-Bankverein UK David G. Scholey Chairman, S.G. Warburg Group plc USA Brent Scowcroft Vice Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.; Former Assistant to President Ford for National Security Affairs USA Jack Sheinkman President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, AFL-CIO, CLC USA Gary G. Sick Visiting Scholar, Research Institute on International Change, Columbia University CAN Gordon S. Smith Permanent Representative and Ambassador, Delegation of Canada to the North Atlantic Council FRG Theo Sommer* Editor-in-Chief, “Die Zeit” ITA Ugo Stille Editor-in-Chief, “Corriere della Sera” FIN Ilkka Suominen Minister of Trade and Industry FRG Horst Teltschik Head of the Directorate-General for Foreign and Intra-German Relations, Development Policy and External Security, Federal Chancellery SWE Anders Thunborg Ambassador to the U.S.S.R.; Former Minister of Defence DEN Niels Thygesen Professor of Economics, Universit of Copenhagen AUS Friedrich Verzetnitsch President, Austrian Trade Union FRG Karsten D. Voigt Member of Parliament; SPD Spokesman on Foreign Affairs; Member, SPD Party Leadership USA Paul A. Volcker Chairman, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc.; Former Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System AUS Franz Vranitzky Federal Chancellor UK William Waldegrave Minister of State for Housing and Planning, Department of the Environment NOR Niels Werring, Jr. Chairman of the Board, Wilh. Wilhelmsen Limited A/S USA Lynn R. Williams* International President, United Steel Workers of America USA James D. Wolfensohn* President, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc. FRG Otto Wolff von Amerongen** Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Otto Wolff A.G. USA Walter B. Wriston Former Chairman, Citibank SPA Juan A. Yanez-Barnuevo Director, Department of International Affairs, Office of the Prime Minister SPA Emilio de Ybarra y Clurruca Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Banco de Bilbao ITA Paolo Zannoni* President, Fiat Washington, Inc. AUS Georg Zimmer-Lehmann Senior Advisor to the Managing Board of Director, Creditanstalt-Bankverein RAPPORTEUR: USA Grant F. Winthrop Director, Wood, Struthers and Winthrop Management Corporation IN ATTENDANCE: SPA Julio C. Abreu Director General, Central de Congresos; Organizer 1989 Conference NETH Saskia ten Asbroek Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings AUS Diemut Kastner Public Relations Department, Creditanstalt-Bankverein; Organizer 1988 Conference USA Charles W. Muller President, Murden & Company * Member of the Steering Committee ** Member of the Advisory Group Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton University [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS
12-14 May 1989
CHAIRMAN: Lord Roll of Ipsden* President, S.G. Warburg Group plc CHAIRMAN DESIGNATE: Lord Carrington Chairman of the Board, Christie’s International plc; Former Secretary General, NATO HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR EUROPE AND CANADA: Victor Halberstadt* Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR THE U.S.A.: Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.* Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University HONORARY TREASURER: Conrad J. Oort* Member of the Board, Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.; Professor of Money and Banking, University of Limburg ITA Giovanni Agnelli** Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. DEN Tage Andersen* Managing Director and Chief Executive, Den Danske Bank USA Dwayne O. Andreas Chairman, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Inc. UK Paddy Ashdown Member of Parliament; Leader of the Social and Liberal Democrats USA George W. Ball** Former Under-Secretary of State POR Francisco Pinto Balsemao* Professor of Mass Communication, New University, Lisbon; Chairman, SOJORNAL; Former Prime Minister NETH Relus ter Beek Member of Parliament; Labour Party Spokesman on International Affairs CAN Michel F. Belanger Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, National Bank of Canada USA Jack F. Bennett* Former Director and Senior Vice President, Exxon Corporation; Former Under-Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs USA Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. U.S. Senator (Democrat, Texas) NETH Ernst H. van der Beugel** Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Leyden University; Director of Companies TUR Selahattin Beyazit* Director of Companies ICE Bjorn Bjarnason Assistant Editor-in-Chief, “Morgunbladid” CAN Conrad M. Black* Chairman, Argus Corporation Ltd. SWE Hans Blix Director General, The International Atomic Energy Agency SPA Miguel Boyer Salvador Chairman, Cartera Central; Former Minister of Economy and Finance TUR Ali Bozer Deputy Prime Minister ITA Enrico Braggiotti Chairman of the Board, Banca Commerciale Italiana USA Willard C. Butcher Chairman, The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. GRE Costa Carras* Director of Companies SPA Jaime Carvajal Urquijo* Chairman and General Manager, Iberfomento SPA Juan Luis Cebrian Chief Executive Officer, PRISA (El Pais) TUR Ismail Cem Member of Parliament (Social Democratic Populist Party) USA Charles H. Dallara Assistant Secretary Designate of the Treasury for International Affairs USA Kenneth W. Dam* Vic President, Law and External Relations, IBM Corporation; Former Deputy Secretary of State FRG Herta Daubler-Gmelin Member of Parliament; Deputy Chairwoman, SPD BEL Etienne Davignon* Director, Societe Generale de Belgique; Former Member of the Commission of European Communities SPA Guillermo de la Dehesa Chief Executive, Banco Pastor; Former Secretary of State for Economy and Finance DEN Aage Deleuran Editor-in-Chief, “Berlingske Tidende” CAN Marie-Josee Drouin Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada INT Arthur Dunkel Director General, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade FIN Casimir Ehrnrooth Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Kymmene Corporation USA William T. Esrey President and Chief Executive Officer, United Telecommunications, Inc. and U.S. Sprint LUX Colette Flesch Chairman, Democratic Party; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs INT John R. Galvin Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SHAPE ITA Raoul Gardini Chairman, Ferruzzi Group UK Timothy J. Garton Ash St. Antony’s College, Oxford; Foreign Editor, “The Spectator” FRG Michaela Geiger Member of Parliament; CDU/CSU Foreign Policy Spokesman SPA Felipe Gonzalez Prime Minister SPA Fernando I. Gonzalez Laxe Chairman, Government of Galicia CAN Allan E. Gotlieb William Lyon Mackenzie King Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies, The Center for International Affairs, Harvard University USA Maurice R. Greenberg President, American International Group, Inc. USA William E. Griffith Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology SWE Sten Gustafsson* Chairman of the Board, SAAB-SCANIA AB INT Francois Heisbourg Director, The International Institute for Strategic Studies FIN Jaakko Iloniemi* Member of the Management Board, Union Bank of Finland; Former Ambassador to the United States of America AUS Peter Jankowitsch* Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Austrian National Assembly; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs USA Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.* Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law); Former President, National Urban League USA Thomas H. Kean Governor of the State of New Jersey SWI Christian H. Kind Foreign Editor, “Neue Zurcher Zeitung” USA Henry A. Kissinger* Former Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. UK Andrew Knight* Chief Executive, The Daily Telegraph plc INT Max Kohnstamm** Secretary General, Action Committee for Europe; Former President, European University Institute AUS Josef Krainer Governor of Styria SWI Alex Krauer Chairman and Managing Director, Ciba-Geigy Limited FRA Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere* Director and First Executive Vice President, L’Oreal NETH Cees J. A. van Lede President, Federation of Netherlands Industries VNO SWI Franz J. Lutolf* Former General Manager and Member of the Executive Board, Swiss Bank Corporation POR Rui Machete Chairman, Constitutional Revision Parliamentary Commission; President, Portuguese-American Foundation; Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice CAN Paul D. Manson Chief of the Defence Staff SPA Carlos March Delgado Chairman, Banco Urquijo Unyon; Vice Chairman, Juan March Foundation BEL Wilfred Martens Prime Minister USA Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.* Partner, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; Former U.S. Senator (Republican, Maryland) FRA Thierry de Montbrial* Director, French Institute of International Relations; Professor of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique ITA Mario Monti* Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Milan; Vice Chairman, Banca Commerciale Italiana NETH Her Majesty The Queen of the Netherlands NETH His Royal Highness Prince Claus of the Netherlands ITA Filippo M. Pandolfi Vice President, Commission of the European Communities GRE Theodore Papalexopoulos Former Chairman, Union of Greek Industries UK Cecil Parkinson Secretary of State for Energy USA Norman Pearlstine Managing Director, “The Wall Street Journal” UK Rupert L. Pennant-Rea Editor, “The Economist” SPA Jesus de Polanco Chairman, TIMON Group; Chairman, PRISA (El Pais) USA S. Ichtiaque Rasool Chief Scientist or Global Change, NASA USA William K. Reilly Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency USA Rozanne L. Ridgway Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs USA David Rockefeller, Sr.** Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee USA David Rockefeller, Jr. Chairman, Rockefeller Brothers Fund NETH H. Onno Ruding Minister of Finance; Chairman of the Interim Committee of the IMF POR Jorge Sampaio Secretary General, Partido Socialista CAN Jeanne Sauve Governor General of Canada FRA Louis Schweitzer Financial Director, Regie Nationale des Usines Renault GRE Michael J. Scoullos President, European Environmental Bureau USA John S. R. Shad Chairman, Drexel Burnham Lambert Group USA Jack Sheinkman President, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union, AFL-CIO, CLC ICE Hordur Sigurgestsson President and Chief Executive Officer, The Iceland Steamship Co. Ltd. UK John Smith Member of Parliament; Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer NOR Lucy C. Smith Professor of Law, University of Oslo BEL Jacques E. Solvay Chairman, Solvay & Cie S.A. FRG Theo Sommer* Editor-in-Chief, “Die Zeit” SPA Her Majesty The Queen of Spain SPA His Majesty The King of Spain USA Lesley R. Stahl National Affairs Correspondent, CBS News USA Robert S. Strauss Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law) IRE Peter D. Sutherland Former Member, Commission of the European Communities; Member, Action Committee for Europe; Chairman Designate, Allied Irish Banks FRG Klaus Topfer Federal Minister for the Environment USA Gorge J. Vojta Executive Vice President, Bankers Trust Company AUS Franz Vranitzky Federal Chancellor NOR Niels Werring, Jr.* Chairman of the Board, Wilh. Wilhelmsen Limited A/S USA John C. Whitehead Former Deputy Secretary of State DEN Nils Wilhjelm Minister of Industry USA Lynn R. Williams* International President, United Steel Workers of America USA James D. Wolfensohn* President, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc. FRG Otto Wolff von Amerongen** Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Otto Wolff A.G. SPA Juan A. Yanez-Barnuevo Director, Department of International Affairs of the Office of the Prime Minister SPA Emilio de Ybarra y Churruca Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Bilbao Vizcaya ITA Paolo Zannoni* President, Fiat Washington, Inc. RAPPORTEUR: USA Grant F. Winthrop Director, Milbank Wilson Winthrop IN ATTENDANCE: SPA Julio C. Abreu Director General, Central de Congresos; Organizer, 1989 Conference NETH Saskia ten Asbroek Executive Secretary, Bilderberg Meetings USA Charles W. Muller President, Murden & Company; Adviser, American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc. * Member of the Steering Committee ** Member of the Advisory Group Source: George W. Ball Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library at Princeton University [/FONT] BILDERBERG MEETINGS
10-13 May 1990
CHAIRMAN: Lord Carrington* Chairman of the Board, Christie’s International plc; Former Secretary General, NATO HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR EUROPE AND CANADA: Victor Halberstadt* Professor of Public Finance, Leyden University HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR THE U.S.A.: Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.* Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University HONORARY TREASURER: Conrad J. Oort* Adviser to the Board of Management, Algemene Bank Nederland N.V.; Professor of Money and Banking, University of Limburg ITA Giovanni Agnelli** Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. USA Dwayne O. Andreas Chairman, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Inc. SWE Anders Aslund Professor and Director, Institute of Soviet and East European Economics, Stockholm School of Ecnomics USA George W. Ball** Former Under-Secretary of State POR Francisco Pinto Balsemao* Professor of Mass Communication, New University, Lisbon; Chairman, SOJORNAL; Former Prime Minister CAN Thomas J. Bata Chairman, Bata Limited USA Jack F. Bennett* Former Director and Senior Vice President, Exxon Corporation; Former Under-Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs FRG Christoph Bertram* Diplomatic Correspondent, “Die Zeit” NETH Ernst H. van der Beugel** Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Leyden University; Director of Companies TUR Selahattin Beyazit* Director of Companies ICE Bjorn Bjarnason Assistant Editor-in-Chief, “Morgunbladid” CAN Conrad M. Black Chairman, Argus Corporation Ltd. UK Baroness Blackstone Master, Birkbeck College, University of London; Opposition Spokesman on Education, House of Lords ITA Enrico Braggiotti Chairman of the Board, Banca Commerciale Italiana USA William P. Bundy** Former Editor, “Foreign Affairs” CAN Derek H. Burney Ambassador to the United States of America USA Richard R. Burt Head of the U.S. Delegation to the Negotiations on Nuclear and Space Arms with the Soviet Union GRE Costa Carras* Director of Companies SPA Jaime Carvajal Urquijo* Chairman and General Manager, Iberfomento SPA Juan Luis Cebrian Chief Executive Officer, PRISA (El Pais) FRA Jean-Pierre Chevenement Minister of Defence GRE Efthimios Christodoulou Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs USA Gerald L. Curtis Professor of Political Science and Director of the East Asian Institute, Columbia University UK Ralf Dahrendorf Warden, St. Antony’s College, Oxford USA Kenneth W. Dam* Vice President, Law and External Relations, IBM Corporation; Former Deputy Secretary of State BEL Etienne Davignon* Chairman, Societe Generale de Belgique; Former Vice Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities UK Ian Hay Davison Chairman, Laing & Cruickshank USA Robert A. Day Chairman, Trust Company of the West DEN Aage Deleuran* Editor-in-Chief, “Berlingske Tidende” POR Joao de Deus Pinheiro Minister for Foreign Affairs NOR Per Ditlev-Simonsen Minister of Defence USA James F. Dobbins Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State CAN Marie-Josee Drouin* Executive Director, Hudson Institute of Canada CAN Fredrik S. Eaton Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, The T. Eaton Company Ltd. USA William T. Esrey Chairman and CEO, U.S. Sprint; Chairman, President and CEO, United Telecommunications, Inc. SPA Oscar Fanjul Chairman, Instituto Nacional de Hidrocarburos; Chairman, Repsol S.A. USA Thomas S. Foley Speaker of the House of Representatives CAN R. Donald Fullerton Chairman, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce INT John R. Galvin Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SHAPE ITA Raoul Gardini Chairman, Ferruzzi Group FRG Peter Glotz Member of Parliament (SPD) USA Marshall I. Goldman Kathryn W. Davis Professor of Soviet Economics, Wellesley College; Associate Director, Russian Research Center, Harvard University USA Katharine Graham Chairman, The Washington Post Company USA Maurice R. Greenberg President, American International Group, Inc. SWE Sten Gustafsson* Chairman of the Board, SAAB-SCANIA AB POR Antonio Guterres Member of Parliament; Chief Whip of the Socialist Party ICE Geir Hallgrimsson* Governor, Central Bank of Iceland; Former Prime Minister; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs FRG Helmut Haussmann Minister of Economic Affairs NOR Johan Jorgen Holst Director, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs; Former Minister of Defence UK Robert B. Horton Chairman, BP Company plc FIN Jaakko Iloniemi* Member of the Management Board, Union Bank of Finland; Former Ambassador to the United States of America TUR Erdal Inonu President, Social Democratic Populist Party (SHP) SWI Klaus Jacobi State Secretary or Foreign Affairs AUS Peter Jankowitsch* Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Austrian National Assembly; Former Minister for Foreign Affairs USA Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.* Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld (Attorneys-at-Law); Former President, National Urban League USA David T. Kearns Chairman, Xerox Corporation FRA Claude de Kemoularia Senior Adviser, Groupe Paribas; Chairman, Paribas Nederland; Former Ambassador to the Netherlands and Chief Representative to the United Nations USA Henry A. Kissinger* Former Secretary of State; Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. UK Andrew Knight* Executive Chairman, News International SWI Alex Krauer* Chairman and Managing Director, Ciba-Geigy Limited FRA Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere* Director and First Executive Vice President, L’Oreal UK Nigel Lawson Member of Parliament; Former Chancellor of the Exchequer BEL Wilfried Martens ... Bilderbergers - Magda Hassan - 03-06-2010 Bilderberg 2010: Plutocracy with palm trees The shadowy global elite is meeting in Sitges – and Charlie Skelton is there, hoping for a new spirit of CamCleggian openness Sitges in Catalonia, where a Bilderburg beach party and 'awareness camp' are planned. Photograph: Corbis Another year, another Bilderberg. The first "participants" (as the delegates are known) won't be arriving until Thursday, but already the Hotel Dolce in Sitges is buzzing with anticipation. This Catalan seaside town hasn't hosted an event as large and politically sensitive as Bilderberg since the legendary 2008 Foam Party at the Mr Gay Sitges awards night. Last year, Bilderberg was held in Vouliagmeni, on the coast just south of Athens. The Greek minister of finance attended, the minister of foreign affairs, and the governor of the National Bank of Greece. A few months later, Greece was bankrupt and Athens was in flames. So … good luck, Madrid! Police are already stretching their red stripy tape around the hotel, and zipping up and around the local roads in their squad cars, sniffing for trouble. I'm really hoping there's none to find. The Spanish are promising a beach party and an "awareness camp", with political discussion forums and meditation zones. I plan to spend at least part of Friday sitting cross-legged in a campsite, sending beams of white light up the hill and into the hotel. Feel my love, Marcus Agius – Chairman of Barclays and senior non-executive director on the BBC's new executive board. Let it surround you, Queen Sofia of Spain. Don't fight it, president of the World Bank. You can't beat the love. It would be nicer if the interface between Bilderberg and the world could be softer – if it could turn an open face towards us, rather than the barrel of a machine gun. What I'm hoping is that this year, in the all-new CamCleggian spirit of openness and political transparency, any British elected official who attends the meeting – and I'm talking to you, Kenneth Clarke and George Osborne – will tell us they attended, tell us what they spoke about, and tell us what the next 12 months has in store. I don't think that's too much to ask. Not that anyone is really asking. I've come along again this year because I had the horrible, nagging thought that no other journalists would. Not that I'm a proper journalist. Hardly: consider me an interested citizen of the world come to bear witness to a peculiar, important, and unsettling event. For a long and luxurious weekend at the Dolce Sitges, relishing its "new and creative buffet concepts" (a table with food on it), prime ministers will mingle with European royalty, with various EU commissioners, with representatives from Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, AIB, Deutsche Bank, Chase Manhattan and Royal Dutch Shell. They'll clink glasses with President Obama's special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke (he is confirmed for this year). And join the Friday night conga line behind the US treasury secretary (Tim Geithner went last year; he goes a lot). We can reasonably expect the head of the Federal Reserve, the president of the World Bank, the secretary general of Nato … they've all attended in the past and many will attend again. So yes, important it is; to think otherwise is painfully naive (see below for the usual "just a big boys' club" comments …) The conference hotel may be perched above a golf course, and boast two ping pong tables, but this four-day event isn't about who is better at table tennis, Ken Clarke or David Rockefeller (it's Rockefeller). This is about big business, global financial strategy and the economic future of Europe … if indeed it has one. And most importantly, this four-day event doesn't start until tomorrow – and continues all the way through the weekend – so if you're a PROPER journalist reading this, or a blogger, or simply a curious citizen of a Europe teetering on the edge, then come along. Please come. I'll buy you a Catalan beer. I recommend the Rosita. It's fruity but ballsy – not unlike the winner of Mr Gay Sitges 2008. Bilderbergers - Magda Hassan - 04-06-2010 Plunged into Chaos: Europe on the Eve of the Bilderberg Conference By Olga Chetverikova URL of this article: Global Research, June 3, 2010 Strategic Culture Foundation The Bilderberg group will convene in Sitges, Spain, a resort community 30 km from Barcelona, on June 4-7. As usual, the information is supplied by James Tucker and Daniel Estulin who revealed that this year the issues topping the agenda of the club's meeting will be the global recession and the approaches to provoking such economic breakdowns that can help justify the establishment of a full-scale world economic governance. Intending to prolong the global economic downturn for at least another year, the Bilderberg group hopes to take advantage of the situation to set up a “global ministry of finance” as a part of the UN. Though the decision was actually made at the group's meeting in Greece last year, according to Tucker the plan was torpedoed by US and European “nationalists” (for the Bilderberg group, “nationalists” is a generic term for all nationally-oriented forces espousing national sovereignty and statehood). All year since the last meeting, representatives of the global executive management have been convincing the public across the world to embrace a “new financial order”. The idea recurred in the statements made by N. Sarkozy, G. Brown, and the freshly elected European Council President H. Van Rompuy, but – against the backdrop of a relatively harmless phase of the crisis - the activity remained limited to psychological conditioning and no practical steps have been taken. As Jacques Attali wrote quite reasonably in his After the Crisis, Europe has no right to demand a reform of the global financial architecture as long as it can't organize the institutions that would meet its own needs. The debt crisis in Greece that currently puts in jeopardy the entire European financial system provides a pretext for drastic measures, and both the crisis and the measures are vivid illustrations of the strategy that employs chaos to reorder the existing arrangements. The deliberately generated chaos is tightly controlled by financial institutions, major banks, and hedge funds and serves as an efficient mechanism of governance and social restructuring. The financial attack against Greece promptly evolved into onslaught on Euro and – as it became clear – the developments correlated marginally with the structural shortcomings of the Greek economy. The intensity of the crisis that momentarily posed a threat to the economic and even political integrity of the EU cannot be explained solely by the appetites of faceless financial players. There had to be more serious reasons behind the situation, and to an extent the objectives pursued by those who shaped it can be understood from the statements made by G. Soros. He maintains that the EU owes its current difficulties to the European (especially German) politicians' reluctance to move on, that huge problems await Europe unless it starts developing, and that a kind of a European Monetary Fund helping fight budget deficit must be created. In other words, Europeans are forced to choose between the collapse of the Eurozone and governance centralization. Jacques Attali laid out a specific centralization plan. It is suggested that the EU countries create their own institutions to monitor the activities of financial operators. It is also proposed that they should set up a European creditor of a new formation that – while not being linked to Europe's central and investment banks or governments - would guarantee assistance to viable local financial institutions, buy into their assets, and extend loans under specific terms. Attali further advocates the formation of a European ministry of finance that would immediately be empowered to hand out loans from the name of the EU, and the creation of a European Budget Fund with a mandate to oversee the budgets of the countries whose cumulative dept totals over 85% of the GDP. He warns that an even severer crisis should be expected otherwise. Under the US pressure, A. Merkel finally consented to tough measures (purportedly, Sarkozy even threatened that France would revert to national currency in case she held her own), and early last May EU finance and economy ministers signed an agreement on the mechanisms of budgetary stabilization in the Euro zone, which envisaged the establishment of a Euro 60b safety pillow fund to urgently rescue countries battling with their public finances and the allocation of Euro 440b in guaranteed loans. The IMF also pledged Euro 250b in the case of need. The money is meant for sovereign debt bailouts in the Eurozone, a mission which – for the first time in its entire history – the European central bank will also undertake. Steps facilitating financial transactions were announced by central banks across the world including the US Federal Reserve which will urgently inject US dollars into the European Central Bank as well as into British and Swiss banks. The above can be regarded as the first phase of progress towards centralized European monetary administration. It is unclear so far how exactly the “grand architects” see the world financial governance and what role they plan to give to existing financial institutions like the IMF. The options on the table range from building totally new institutions to – as, for example, suggested by Attali – using the IMF as an authorized supranational regulation center run by a G-24 board. Importantly, once again we are witnessing the creation of mechanisms of centralized supranational control over national economies, and the crisis acts as a catalyst for a guided fast transition to tighter integration within the EU, which is necessary to build a close-knit Western bloc. The plan imposed on Europe by elite financial circles implies countering the indebtedness problem with the help of new borrowings, which will exacerbate rather than remedy the budget problem. According to Eurostat data, in 2010 the Eurozone sovereign debt will grow from 77.7% to 83.6% of the GDP. Moreover, it is widely held in the expert community that the indebtedness figures for Greece, Portugal, and a number of other EU countries are unrealistically low and do not reflect the actual proportions of the problem. Experts from Lombard Odier, a Swiss bank, estimate the bulk of Greek bad debt at 875% of its GDP, which means that to meet its obligations the country would have to invest – without any foreseeable returns – an amount exceeding its GDP by a factor of 8.75. The situations in Poland and Slovenia are even more alarming – in their cases the debt to GDP ratio is 15 and 11 respectively. The corresponding average over the Eurozone is 4.34, and in the US – 5. Leaving structural problems untouched, the mitigation measures are paving the way for the supranational institutions advocated by mondialist Attali. On May 21, the EU finance ministers adopted at a meeting chaired by European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet and European Council President H. Van Rompuy the German plan of much greater budgetary coordination including penalties for states that break the EU budgetary rules. The sanctions will include suspending the voting rights of repeat offenders, withholding the funding for infrastructural development, etc. It was also proposed to subject national budgets to EU screening prior to their being debated in national legislatures. A report will be prepared by June 17 – notably, the date of the EU summit – outlining a common Eurozone policy. Other, yet more ambitious projects like full control over Eurozone national budgets by a triumvirate comprising the European Commission, the European central bank, and the Euro Group are also discussed. The downsides of the rescue packages are the worst part of the problem. Invoking the threat of financial collapse, the EU countries serially introduced extremely unpopular austerity regimes with salary and pension freezes for state employees, welfare cuts, increased retirement ages, etc. Greece was the first but not the only country affected. The German government plans to cut spending by Euro 10b annually in 2011-2016. France abolished the annual pension for low-income families. Under the IMF pressure, Spain is launching a comprehensive reform including pension indexing freeze, pay reductions and employment cuts in the state sector, the abolition of payments to support families with recently born children, etc. Great Britain, Italy, and others are following the lead. The consequences of the measures are hard to gauge considering that Europe is already facing serious poverty and unemployment problems (the unemployment has reached 10% of the economically active population and continues to grow, and at least 80 mln people are currently below the poverty line). Most likely, the shadow world government - the Bilderberg group – will administer to the public the doze of social problems carefully calculated to enable the elites “to offload troubled assets”, retain control over the situation, and divert protests from the actual sources of problems that trigger them. From Russia's perspective, the conclusion is obvious: any deepening of its integration into the “free” Europe strengthens the financial and informational control over Russia exercised by the global elites seeking to strip it of the status of an independent geopolitical player. Olga Chetverikova, Ph.D. in History, is Assistant Professor at Moscow State Institute of Intentional Relations of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation. Bilderbergers - Magda Hassan - 05-06-2010 Bilderberg 2010: Why the protesters are your very best friends The people who are being detained, searched and questioned are not playing some game. They are deadly serious, and they are worried to death Guerrilla journalists in Sitges, where the Bilderberg conference is being held. Photograph: Alex Amengual Photograph: Alex Amengual/ Ivan was alone on the roundabout. He had been left in charge of the banners while everyone else ate breakfast. He slipped an empty bottle of red wine into a binliner and stretched. At his feet was a chalk-drawn pyramid showing the structure of society, the word "pueblo" at the bottom, and the tip pointing up the hill towards Bilderberg. It's a short pyramid today, maybe half a heavily-armed mile from Rockefeller down to Ivan. Ivan's bed last night – is it had been the night before – was the scrub by the roadside. "It's not so cold in my bag," he said. "A lot of times I travel in the mountains – in the mountains, you can sleep anywhere." A lone Catalonian in green trousers, he clutched a leaflet and stood in the Sitges sun as, up the hill, billionaires and finance ministers ate kiwifruit patisseries. The shame, the awful poignancy of Bilderberg, is that, for much of the time, there are more delegates up the hill than there are protesters at the foot of it. On that point, there's something I'd like you to do. I'd like you to extend a grateful thought, a prayer of thanks, an idle nod of acknowledgment – a something, an anything – towards Ivan and all the others who have come to Sitges to bear witness to Bilderberg 2010. These people are on your side, they are fighting your corner. And if you don't think it's a corner that needs fighting, or if it's a corner you think is being fought by the people up the hill ... well, good luck to you. I want you to know, though, that the people who are crawling around on pine needles with long lenses, trying to identify delegates (and doing pretty well, by the way), the people who are being detained, searched, questioned, then heading out again into the hills, the people who are sitting late into the night at the campsite bar, talking about distracted populations and central banks, are not lunatics. They are your very best friends. They're not feeble-minded or playing some kind of game. They are deadly serious, and they are worried to death. These people look at the state of the world and they pack a rucksack and sleep at the side of a roundabout. The head of the IMF (and Bilderberger), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, looks at the world and declares: "Crisis is an opportunity." He sees the precarious global economy and floats the idea for "a new global currency issued by a global central bank". Now, if you think that's a good idea – if you think yet more centralisation of debt (and interest payments), and more unelected financial control is a good thing – then good luck (what are you? The chairman of Barclays?) We already have a world, says Daniel Estulin, the arch Bilderbotherer, "where unelected bodies like the IMF can tell sovereign nations like Greece what to do". Estulin is here in Sitges, wearing the fanciest trousers I've seen in a long time. He says the Bilderberg endgame is "one world company ltd". And the board of directors is sitting half a mile away. And they're being watched. I can't say from where – I don't know where the guerilla camerafolk are out crawling today. And I can't ring them, because they've turned their mobiles off and taken out the sim cards so they can't be triangulated by the signal. They're out getting sunstroke on your behalf, on my behalf. I'll publish some of their photos, and some of their spottings, tomorrow. Later today, a bunch of Spanish activists are providing paella for everyone in a mountain restaurant. Some of us won't make it. Some of us will be under arrest, or lying in a ditch holding our breath until the footsteps pass. One last time: if you think what they're doing is ridiculous, you're wrong. It's the fact they're having to do it at all that's absurd. This morning, a policeman screeched up beside me as I went for a stroll and told me to take the recording device out of my pocket. I did. It was a bit of driftwood from the beach. Yesterday, I had my car searched (and was detained for 50 minutes while the Mossos d'Esquadra checked and rechecked my passport). They asked me what was in the boot. I dug them out a T-shirt. The patrolman radioed the station and read out the slogan on the shirt in heavily accented English: "I went to Bilderberg 2010 and all I got was this lousy new world order." His partner asked me why I was laughing. I couldn't really explain. BIlderberg is an absurdity. The secrecy is absurd. The lack of a relationship between the event and the mainstream media is absurd. Ivan standing alone by his roundabout bed is absurd. The paranoia of the participants is more than absurd – it's pathetic. This year, most of the delegates were whisked into the hotel through an underground entrance, dodging the lenses, like a bunch of James Bond baddies, like a dieter creeping downstairs at midnight to eat chocolate cake from the fridge. But the good news is that not everyone has dodged the cameras (John Elkann, the heir to Fiat, was spotted by the German blog Schall und Rauch looking particularly dapper this year). And the even better news – the very best news – is that the press seems, finally, to have woken up to Bilderberg. We have had camera crews from Spanish TV and Spanish newspapers both local and national (Javier from El Mundo is currently up a tree with a camera). French journalists, Portuguese documentary makers and al-Jazeera are picking up the story. Russia Today has sent a film crew. We've had articles in the Independent and the Times, and on the Today programme on Radio 4. Daniel Estulin has been doing interview after interview. He's getting quotes from inside the meeting. The veil of secrecy is looking decidedly tatty. It might be time to bin it. And yet the veil of ignorance is still holding up pretty well. As Ivan says, handing me a leaflet from the Anwok collective, "it is difficult to talk about the Bilderberg agenda if people don't even know about the group". I know what he means – I've spoken to countless news agencies and outlets in the last few weeks, and the most common response, from journalists, editors and commissioners, is: "I'm sorry, the Bilderberg what?" But seriously, if you work on the foreign desk of a major news corporation and you're at the "Bilderberg what?" level of political awareness, you need to think about getting a different job. Take a sabbatical. Take up carpentry, or read a book. It's like calling yourself a porn star and not knowing the reverse cowgirl. "The reverse what...?" Get with the programme. Shimmy up a pine tree. Take a leaflet. Resign. You're not helping anyone. Bilderbergers - Ed Jewett - 05-06-2010 Thank you, Magda. "Why the protesters are your very best friends" is worthy of note and re-post, especially the last few paragraphs. And thanks to all the people sleeping on pine needles, huddled with long-lens of sight and mind and heart and soul. Bilderbergers - Ed Jewett - 06-06-2010 Alex Jones: Bilderberg Is Running Scared Alex Jones breaks down the significant developments that have emerged from sources inside the 2010 Bilderberg meeting in Spain. 18 Comments Bilderberg 2010: Final List of Participants Sitges, Spain 3-6 June 2010 – Final List of Participants. 14 Comments Bilderberg 2010: Master Page This is a master page with links to articles, videos, pictures and coverage of the secretive Bilderberg meeting, taking place over the 3-6 June 2010 in Sitges Spain. 48 Comments Bilderberg 2010: Between the sword and the wall The Catalan police are refreshingly friendly. But if the time for action comes, whose side will they be on? 3 Comments Paul Dorneanu On The Alex Jones Show: Latest Photos of Globalists at Bilderberg 2010 Meeting Romanian Bilderberg researcher Paul Dorneanu shares his insight and photographs from the 2010 Bilderberg meeting. 1 Comment Bilderberg 2010: Video Of Protests Large numbers of protesters have gathered outside Hotel Dolce in Sitges, Spain, where the annual meeting of Bilderberg Group is taking place. World Govt Non-Elect: Engdahl on Bilderberg For more insight into the Bilderberg Group, a notorious club made up of powerful politicians and business leaders which is meeting in Spain, RT has spoken to author and economic researcher F. William Engdahl. Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Globalists In Crisis, Supportive Of Attack On Iran The 2010 Bilderberg agenda has been revealed by veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker and it paints a picture of crisis for the globalists, who are furious at the increased exposure their gatherings have received in recent years, as well as being dismayed at their failure to rescue both the euro and the failing carbon tax agenda, but more alarmingly according to Tucker, the majority of Bilderberg members are now in favor of military air strikes on Iran. Bill Gates To Attend 2010 Bilderberg Conference Microsoft founder Bill Gates will join fellow elitists for the first time at the 2010 Bilderberg conference currently taking place in Sitges Spain, after he apparently attempted to pull a bait and switch by pretending to attend another event before being forced to admit to journalists that he will give a speech at the globalist confab. Large Protests, Extensive Media Coverage Signifies Awakening To Bilderberg Agenda Large protests and extensive media coverage of the 2010 Bilderberg meeting in Spain indicates that the world is finally waking up to the secretive agenda of the elite group. Bilderberg See People With Income As “A Threat” To Their Agenda An astounding exchange between Bilderberg conference organizers overheard by a London Guardian journalist reveals that the elitists currently gathering at the Hotel Dolce Sitges in Spain see people with income as “a threat” to their agenda, highlighting the fact that the globalists are intent on eviscerating the middle class and lowering living standards. Bilderbergers - Magda Hassan - 23-08-2010 THE WORLD GOVERNMENT Part I In a recent reflection I wrote a couple of days ago –on August 15- in referring to an article published by the Cuban journalist Randy Alonso, the host of the national TV program “The Round Table”, about a meeting that was held at Dolce Hotel in Barcelona whose aim was to discuss what he describes as ‘World Government’, I wrote: “…other honest writers were following the news that managed to leak out from the strange encounter. Someone much more informed than they has been on the trail of these events for many years.” I was referring to writer Daniel Estulin. A total of 475 pages, 20 lines each, would be awaiting my review of the fantastic story narrated by the aforementioned author if any of the participants in that meeting dared to deny its presence there of its participation in the events described in the book. The most that could fit in this Reflection –which I will divide into two Parts, so that it is not too long- are a number of paragraphs that I selected, which give an idea of the fabulous book entitled “Los secretos del Club Bilderberg” (The secrets of the Bilderberg Club). In that book, Estulin tore the big gurus to shreds: Henry Kissinger, George Osborne, the executives of Goldman Sachs, Robert Zoellic, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Pascal Lamy, Jean Claude Trichet, Ana Patricia Botín, the chairpersons of Coca Cola, France Telecom, Telefónica de España, Suez, Siemens, Shell, British Petroleum, and other similar politicians and financial tycoons. Estulin starts by the roots: “For an unprecedented two Sundays in a row, on the Ed Sullivan Show - as was narrated by Donald Phau in his article The Satanic Roots of Rock-,over 75 million Americans watched the Beatles shake their heads and sway their bodies in a ritual which was soon to be replicated by hundreds of future rock groups.” “The man in charge of making Americans ‘like’ The Beatles was Walter Lippmann himself. The Beatles, the most parodied group whose songs have had the highest number of versions in the history of music, were placed before the American audience so that they could be discovered.” The title of one of the first epigraphs is “Entra Theo Adorno” (Theo Adorno Makes His Entrance). “The responsibility of drawing up a social theory of rock-and-roll fell to the German sociologist, musicologist and composer Theodor Adorno, ‘one of the most important philosophers of Frankfurt’s Social Research School…’ Adorno was brought to the United States in 1939 to head the Princeton Radio Research Project whose aim was to control the masses. This project was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and founded by one of the men who David Rockefeller trusted: Hadley Cantril…” “In fact, the Nazis had made an intensive use of radiophone propaganda as an instrument for brainwashing and had turned it into an integral part of the fascist regime. This was observed and studied by the Tavistock networks and it was widely used in all of their experiments. The aim of this project, as stated in Adorno's ‘Introduction to the Sociology of Music’, was to program a mass "musical" culture as a way to achieve mass social control…” “‘Radio networks were converted into round-the-clock recycling machines that repeated the top forty hits.’” “The Beatles came to the United States in February of 1964, when the civil rights movement was at its peak. The country was wracked by a profound national trauma and was recovering from the brutal assassination of President John F. Kennedy […] In the streets of the capital, the civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King organized a demonstration that was attended by more than half a million persons.” “Between 1964 and 1966 the so called British invasion led to the emergence of a number of British rock singers and groups that became popular in the United States and besieged the American culture. […] By the end on 1964 it was evidenced that this “British invasion” had been well planned and coordinated. “‘These recently created groups as well as their living styles […] became a new very visible ‘type’ (according to the Tavistock jargon), and it was not long before the new styles in clothing, hairdos and the use o language started to draw millions of American youths into the new cult. The American youth suffered a radical revolution without even knowing it […] and reacted in a wrong way against the manifestations of that crisis by resorting to the consumption of drugs of every sort –first marihuana and later on lysergic acid (LSD), a powerful drug that altered the state of mind of persons.’ […] At the MI6 headquarters in London and in the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, it could be taken for granted that the British Intelligence and its subsidiary, the US Office of Strategic Services (OSS), were directly involved in a secret investigation to control human behavior. Allen Dulles, the director of the CIA when that agency began MK-Ultra, was the OSS station chief in Berne, Switzerland throughout the early Sandoz research.” “…Both in the United States and in Europe the big outdoor rock concerts were used to stop the increasing discontent among the population.” “The offensive launched by Bilderberg-Tavistock led a whole generation down the yellow brick road of LSD and marihuana…” “Aldous Huxley makes his entrance” “Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas H. Huxley, the founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group and the famous and eloquent biologist who helped Charles Darwin develop the evolution theory, was the high priest of the British Opium War.” “Toynbee, an Oxford graduate […] was the British delegate to the Peace Conference held in Paris in 1919…” “‘His tutor in Oxford was H. G. Wells, the director of the British intelligence during the First World War and spiritual father of the Aquarian Conspiracy. Aldous Huxley was one of the initiates in the ‘Children of the Sun’, a Dionysian cult joined by the children of the British Roundtable elite.’ His most famous novel “Brave New World” is a blueprint (ordered by several world councils) for an authentic future socialist world under a unique government or, as its Fabian mentor H. G. Wells described and used as a title of one of its popular novels, a blueprint for The New World Order…” “In ‘Brave New World’ Huxley focused on the scientific method to keep all populations outside the minority elite under an almost permanent state of oppression and make them love their servitude. The main tools used to achieve that were some vaccines which altered the functions of the brain and the medicines that the State forced the population to consume. In Well’s opinion, this was not a conspiracy, but rather a ‘one-world brain’ which would function as a police of the mind.’” “In 1937, Huxley moved to California where he worked as a script writer for MGM, Warner Brothers and Walt Disney, thanks to one of his contacts in Los Angeles: Jacob Zeitlin.” […] ‘Bugsy Siegel, the West Coast boss of the Meyer Lansky syndicate, was heavily involved in Warner Brothers and MGM.’” “In fact, show business –production, distribution, marketing and publicity- are under the control of a mafia that results from the merging between organized crime and Wall Street high level con-men who are ultimately controlled by the all-mighty Bilderberg. Show business is designed like any other ‘business line’ run by Bilderberg and its henchmen.” “Huxley at Work” “In 1954, Huxley published an influential study about the expansion of consciousness using mescaline. The study was entitled ‘The Doors of Perception’ (1954), the first manifesto of the psychedelic drug cult.” “In 1958 he gathered several essays he had written for ‘Newsday’ and published them under the title ‘Brave New World Revisited’ in which he described a society in which the ‘ruling class main objective was to prevent at any cost the governed from creating problems.’” “He predicted that democracies would change their essence: the old and strange traditions –elections, parliaments, supreme courts of justice- shall prevail, but the substrate underneath would be that of a non-violent totalitarianism. […] Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its well-trained elite of soldiers, police, and the manufacturers of ideas and manipulators of the mind would easily rule the world as they please. In fact, this description by Huxley perfectly fits in with the current situation.” “On September 1960, Huxley was appointed visiting professor of the Centennial Carnegie at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston. He was there only around one semester, after which he was fired. ‘During his stay in that city, Huxley created a circle at Harvard…’” “The public theme discussed by that circle or seminar in Harvard was religion and its meaning in modern world. […] In an article published in the magazine ‘The Campaigner’ on April of 1974 […] Michael Minnicino asserts the following: ‘Huxley established contact during this Harvard period with the president of Sandoz, which at the time was working on a CIA contract to produce large quantities of LSD and psilocybin (another synthetic hallucinogenic drug) for MK-Ultra, the CIA's official chemical warfare experiment’. Human beings were used as guinea pigs for its often lethal experiments which, on many occasions, included the use of LSD. […] Besides, the McGill University in Montreal, Canada, a higher education institution linked to Bilderberg, also carried out some experiments in the 1960’s as part of the MK-Ultra program, which were sponsored by John Rees, a Tavistock degenerate fascist who used children from local orphanages, whom he tortured and later on administered several LSD doses. […] According to recently released CIA documents (thanks to the Freedom of Information Act), Allen Dulles purchased over 100 million doses of LSD -- almost all of which flooded the streets of the United States during the late 1960s’, as stated by Minnicino in the aforementioned article.” “‘Thousands of graduate students served as guinea pigs. Soon they were synthesizing their own 'acid'." “‘…The overwhelming majority of anti-war protesters went into SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) on the basis of outrage at the developments in Vietnam. But once caught in the environment defined by the Tavistock Institute's psychological warfare experts, and inundated with the message that hedonism and the defense of the country was a legitimate alternative to "immoral war", their sense of values and their creative potential went up in a cloud of hashish smoke’, writes the author in the aforementioned monograph.” “Creating the Counterculture” “The open cultural ‘warfare’, although undeclared, against the American youth truly began in 1967, when the Bilderberg started to organize outdoor concerts to be able to pursue its objectives. By means of that secret weapon, they managed to draw more than four million youth into the so called ‘festivals’. Without knowing it, youth became the victims of a perfectly planned experiment that involved the use of drugs on a large scale. Hallucinogenic drugs […] whose consumption was promoted by The Beatles […] were distributed for free in those concerts. It was not long before more than 50 million of those who attended those concerts (who were then between 10 to 25 years old) came back home transformed into messengers and promoters of a new drug culture or what turned out to be known as ‘The New Age.’” “The biggest concert of all times, the outdoor ‘Woodstock Music and Art Fair’, was described by ‘Time’ magazine as an ‘Aquarian festival’ and as ‘the biggest show in History’. Woodstock became part of the cultural vocabulary of a whole generation.” “According to journalist Donald Phau, ‘in Woodstock nearly half a million youth gathered to be drugged and brainwashed on a farm. The victims were isolated, immersed in filth, pumped with psychedelic drugs, and kept awake continuously for three straight days, and all with the full complicity of the FBI and government officials. Security for the concert was provided by a hippie commune trained in the mass distribution of LSD. Once again, it would be the networks of British military intelligence which would be ‘the initiators’ with the help of the CIA, through its former director William Casey and his contacts with Sefton Delmer, of the MI6, whose contact, Bruce Lockhardt, was the MI6 controller for Lenin and Trotsky during the Bolshevik Revolution.” “Another decade was yet to pass by before the counterculture became part of the American vocabulary. But the seed of what was a titanic and secret project to turn US values upside down were planted then. Sex, drugs and rock-and-roll, big demonstrations all over the country, hippies, drug addicts who dropped from school, Nixon’s presidency and the Vietnam War were tearing up the very fabric of the American society. The old and the new were on a collision course and no one realized that this conflict was part of a secret social plan designed by some of the most brilliant and diabolic persons in the world…” “The Aquarian Conspiracy” “ ‘In the spring of 1980 –as was written by Lyndon LaRouche in DOPE INC.-, a book called "The Aquarian Conspiracy" became famous (more than one million copies were sold and it was translated into ten different languages). It put itself forward as a manifesto of the counterculture.’ […] “The Aquarian Conspiracy” declared that it was time for the 15 million Americans involved in the counterculture to join in bringing about a radical change in the United States. In fact, this book was the first publication oriented to the bigger audience that bet on the teamwork concept –which was considered to be the most virtuous, and was quickly promoted by the management ‘gurus’.” “The author, Marilyn Ferguson, stated that while she was outlining a book still untitled about the new emerging social alternatives, she thought about the peculiarities of this movement, its atypical leadership, the quiet intensity of its followers and its improbable successes.” “In a conference in 1961, Aldous Huxley described this police state as ‘the ultimate revolution’: a ‘dictatorship without tears’ in which people love their servitude’.” “Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter’s National Security advisor, founder of the Trilateral Commission and member of the Bilderberg Club and the CFR expressed identical ideas in his fascinating book ‘Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era’, written under the auspices of the Communism Research Institute of Columbia University and published by Viking Press in 1970. “Without relying on violent repression, they designed a complex set of actions in order to create a ‘peaceful citizen’ for the New World Order. […] They also supported new concepts such as ‘emotional intelligence’, which is the ability of loving oneself and relating appropriately to others. […] A third way to turn this ‘industrial citizen’ into a ‘peaceful citizen’ is a big marketing campaign to grant a huge social recognition to those who cooperate with the NGO’s, as I explained in my first book La verdadera historia del Club Bilderberg (The true story about he Bilderberg Club).” According to Harmon: “’Once softened up [the United States] was now deemed ripe for the introduction of drugs (especially crack and heroin) and the beginning of an era which was to rival the prohibition in scope and the huge amounts of money to be made’”. “It is worth mentioning that long fragments of the three thousand pages of the ‘recommendations’ given to the recently elected Ronald Reagan in January of 1981 by the CFR were based on excerpts from the report “The Changing Images of Man” by Willis Harmon. “On December 8 of 1980, under a full moon night, John Lennon was shot dead by a man named Mark Chapman. It is quite unlikely that we could some day get to know whether Mark Chapman was a victim of an artificially induced model psychosis, a murderer like the ‘Manchu candidate’ sent by Tavistock, the CIA and the MI6 to silence Lennon, who turned out to be ever more difficult to control.” “CHAPTER 2 “MTV: The perfect brainwashing machine.” “MTV, the music television, makes its entrance.” “MTV, a commercial TV channel specially for rock and music videos, which was invented and directed by Robert Pittman, aimed at the youth and teenagers, was founded on August 1 of 1981. Today it is part of the Viacom Empire (known as CBS Corporation, whose Chairman and Director-General, Sumner Redstone, is a full member of the CFR and whose media group is part of the Bilderberg Club). In order to reach out to the young people without the society being aware of the deceit, it was necessary to ‘create a counter-institution that would preach values contrary to those which prevailed in the society.’ That is precisely what MTV does. But for such an effort to be successful –according to L. Wolfe- it is necessary to neutralize the positive influence exerted by parents and the school, or at least to weaken such influence.” “’The model for that [MTV] were the theatre shows put up by the pre-Nazi Richard Wagner, in which the audience was led into a sort of ecstasy that was later on deliberately used by the Nazis when organizing their own symbolic celebrations, such as the meetings in Nuremberg.’ The brainwash specialists who created MTV were very much aware of its effect. In a book written about that TV network, ‘Rocking Around the Clock’, it is stated that MTV ‘hypnotizes more than any other [TV network] because it is about a series of short texts that keep us in a continued state of emotion and expectation…We remain trapped by the continued hope that the next video would please us at last. Seduced by the promise of immediate satisfaction, we keep on consuming those short texts endlessly.’” “During the four minutes any music video approximately lasts (the Tavistock scientists determined that four minutes was the maximum interval during which any involuntary subject was capable of receiving the messages contained in the very programs), ‘an artificial reality in the form of ‘counterpoints’ gets inserted into the human consciousness and replaces cognitive reality…’” “ According to Walter Lippmann, if persons meditate about this process, maybe it would come to an end’, but he concludes that the number of illiterate, weak, acute neurotic, undernourished and frustrated individuals is so big that there are enough reasons to believe more than we generally believe. Thus, the process is made available to people who, from a mental point o view, are either children or barbarians, whose lives are a complete mess, who prefer simple contents with great popular appeal…’ […] In his book ‘Crystallizing Public Opinion’, Edward Bernays stated that the average citizen was the most efficient censor in the world, and that his own mind was the biggest barrier that separates him from facts.” “The audiences that suffer brainwashing only entertain the illusion that they still keep the ability to choose, just as much as drug addicts believe they can control their addiction, and not the other way around. Ann Kaplan said MTV has been designed thanks to an ever greater knowledge about the methods of psychological manipulation. […] The daily TV consumption average had increased non-stop since the invention of television. Therefore, by the midst the 1970’s it became the most time-consuming daily activity only second to sleep and work –almost six hours a day. Ever since then, after the creation of VCR’s, this figure has increased much more. School children spent almost as much time watching TV as they spent sleeping.” “Emery said that according to the Freudian brainwashing terminology, persons watching a music video are under an induced state that is quite similar to sleeping. The reiterated appearance of colors and brilliant images that overwhelm sight help them go –or induce them- into that kind of state, while the pulsatile and vibrant rhythm of rock has a similar effect on the ears.’ This is not only the era of television; this is also an era conditioned by television. This is an era of uneasiness, discontent, and frustration, against no one and many at the same time –obviously in a context in which television is omnipresent.” “The sinister cliques and the Bilderberg lobbyists, the clandestine spheres of influence and the conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits are the most recent expression of a deeper manipulation campaign to install a world government that knows no borders and is not accountable to anyone but its own self.” “…the main successes sold at will to a demoralized population in favor of the fanatical fundamentalism of a group of men that is not accountable to anyone and hope to attain absolute power at the expense of the dignity of men of modern times, who have been denigrated, humiliated and despised by the combined powers of the Bilderberg-CFR-Tavistock manipulation and brainwashing apparatus and its team of scientists, psychologists, sociologists and scientists of the new science (New Age, Mysticism, among others), anthropologists and fascists determined to recreate a new Roman empire. “First there were Edward Berneys and Walter Lippmann. Then there were Gallup and Yankelovich. Later it was Rees and Adorno, Aldous Huxley and H. G. Wells, Emery and Trist, followed by the drug culture and the Aquarian Conspiracy, an alleged ‘humanist’ ideal in favor of the old culture, peppered with a pinch of human freedom instead of what it really is: an intelligent way of degrading persons until they become mere farm animals, denying them the originality of human consciousness and the possibility for them to immediately understand each other anywhere without translation.” “The New Age will be a Dark Age. It will mean the premature death of a little more than half of the population; that the biggest achievements of humankind will be deliberately consigned to oblivion. That is the totalitarian ideology promoted by the New World Order, determined to rule the world even over our dead bodies. […] Why is it worth defending our civilization? Why a system based on freedom is better than the tyrannies that today subdue much of our planet? To some, the answers to these questions are evident; but to many, they are not.” “Chapter 3 “How and why did Bilderberg organize the war in Kosovo?” “This time it was The Balkans turn. The ‘master plan’ was conceived during a meeting held in 1996 among the Bilderberg Club members in King City, a small and luxurious enclave some 20 kilometers far from the Canadian city of Toronto. […] The wars triggered by the members of the Bilderberg Club in Kosovo and the Balkans had a concrete purpose; drugs, oil, mineral resources and the advancement of the ‘global government’ cause.’” “The United States and Germany had begun to support the secessionist forces in Yugoslavia after the collapse of Communism in the former Soviet Union when the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia refused to join the western countries’ orbit. John Pilger, a prize-winning Australian journalist devoted to investigating war conflicts wrote in ‘The New Statesman’ that ‘Milosevic was an ignorant and also a banker who was once considered an ally of the West, ready to implement ‘economic reforms’ according to the demands of the IMF, the World Bank and the European Union. He added that Milosevic, to his own disgrace, refused to give away his country’s sovereignty and that the empire did not expect less. According to the article written by Neil Clark, a journalist specialized in Middle East and Balkans affairs, at that moment, more than 700 000 Yugoslavian companies were collectively owned, and most were still controlled by the mixed committees made up by executives and workers, where only 5 per cent of the capital was private.” “Sara Flounders, an activist and journalist very close to the Workers World Party, an international pacifist movement, wrote in an article that the credit conditions established by the IMF and the World Bank demand the disintegration of all public industries. She adds that this was the case for oil and natural gas in the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea, as well as in the diamond mines of Siberia. Sara states that whoever owns or has a dominant interest […] will be the one who will win the armed struggle that is being waged in Kosovo. She further added that NATO’s domination on the ground will place American companies in priority positions in terms of the ownership of those resources.” “Originally, the Bilderberg members intended to ‘inflame’ the Serbs by chasing the war criminals they had sheltered and prosecuting them before a new International Court. The proud and experienced Serbs evaded this provocation by persuading the suspicious at the lowest level of the social scale to give in voluntarily. However, this was not enough. In order to infuriate the Serbs, the International Court of Justice at the Hague, controlled by the United States, resorted to secret renditions to incite war.” “This could also explain why Richard Holbrooke, the US ambassador to the United Nations from 1999 to 2001, a member of Bilderberg and of the CFR and six times nominee to the Nobel Peace Prize, included a provision about Kosovo in the final agreement. What does Kosovo have to do with Bosnia? Nothing. But Holbrooke’s idea was to turn Bosnia into a testing ground for the future expansion of Bilderberg throughout the Balkans.” “Looking for an excuse: William Walker makes his entrance” “…according to John Laughland’s article ‘The Technique of a Coup d'État’, it was William Walker, member of the CFR and former ambassador to El Salvador, whose government was supported by the United States, the one who created the death squads. In 1985, Walker was assistant to the Undersecretary of State for Central America and a key operator in every attempt by the White House under Reagan to overthrow the Nicaraguan government. Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who was assigned to the National Security Council staff during the early days of 1981 -and fired on November 25, 1986- was the Regan administration official who was most deeply involved in the secret aid to the contras thanks to the proceeds from the arms sales to Iran.” “According to legal records, Walker was the one in charge of putting up a fake humanitarian operation in an air base in Ilopango, El Salvador, which was secretly used to provide arms, cocaine, ammunitions and supplies to the mercenary contras that attacked Nicaragua”. “Walker, who had distributed arms among the contras in Nicaragua and had now become a peace observer, declared with full fanfare before the international press that the Serbian police was to blame for ‘the most horrendous” massacre he had ever seen. The Serbs, who had, until then, skillfully avoided the provocations by NATO and Bilderberg, had succumbed. The alleged ‘massacre’ became a pretext to launch an intervention. On January 30, the NATO Council authorized the bombing. And Bilderberg ordered its Secretary-General, Javier Solana, to use the armed force to bring pressure upon the Serbian delegates and the ethnic Albanians at the ‘peace’ negotiations in France and force them to discuss a framework for Kosovo’s autonomy’”. “An article published by The Washington Post on August 4 quoted a high official of the US Defense Department who indicated that there was only one thing that could bring about a change of policy, and said that he thought that if certain levels of intolerable atrocities were achieved, that could probably be the detonator.” “As a useful historical reference, it is worth remembering that the Serbs were victims of the worst ethnic cleansing, just as the 200 000 or more Serbs who were killed in the region of Krajina in Croatia during the ‘Storm’ Operation supported by the United States in 1995; or the 100 000 or more Serbs who were killed in Kosovo by the Kosovo Liberation Army after NATO’s bombings. Needless to say, the International Court of Justice at the Hague, the legal mechanism of the New World Order, has done nothing to prosecute the perpetrators of such an atrocity.” “They must have known that. Otherwise, what would have made the Crown keep an army in that region where there was nothing of value, except for the profitable opium trade? It was too expensive to keep armed men in such far away country. His majesty must have wondered why those military units were there’, as Dr. John Coleman wondered in ‘Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300” Under the epigraph: “History of US involvement in drug trafficking”. “Contrary to what History books have taught us for years, the nefarious drug trafficking is not an exclusive territory of the criminal stratum, unless we mean by criminal stratum some of the most important families in the history of the United States, known as the Eastern Liberal Establishment, whose members rule that country from the oligarchy and through a system of parallel government known as Bilderberg Club…” “Kosovo and heroin “Two journalists, Roger Boyes and Eske Wright, in an article published on March 24, 1999 by ‘The Times of London’ stated that Albania, which plays a fundamental role in the money transfers to the Kosovars, is at the epicenter of the European drug trafficking…” “Albania has become the European capital of crime. The most powerful groups in the country are organized criminals that use Albania to farm, process and store much of the illegal drugs destined to Western Europe…” To be continued tomorrow. Fidel Castro Ruz August 17, 2010 6:20 p.m. |