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Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Dawn Meredith - 03-06-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:I believe this is a typo...but one that is telling of why kindness is the best option:

James H. Fetzer, on 03 June 2012 - 12:48 AM, said:
You seem to have no understanding of how to go about TESTING the official account and FALSIFYING IT. Ralph and I are in the business of TESTING AND FALSIFYING.


Actually, Jim is referencing the principle put forward by Karl Popper: "Falsifiability or refutability of an assertion, hypothesis or theory is the logical possibility that it can be contradicted by an observation or the outcome of a physical experiment. That something is "falsifiable" does not mean it is false; rather, that if it is false, then some observation or experiment will produce a reproducible result that is in conflict with it."

Cinque's and Fetzer's assertions vis a vis Altgens 6 have been tested and falsified. Over and over again.

Ah, thanks CD. He could have explained that himself...but I must admit I no longer read his long posts...I find my time is better spent on more sane activity...

Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Charles Drago - 05-06-2012

Here, as taken minutes ago from the now infamous Fetzer/Cinque Swamp thread, is the most recent example of Jim Fetzer's increasingly and appallingly impaired reasoning:

"What is most striking is how many of the Secret Service agents were looking toward Doorman, which would be explicable if it was Oswald, as we contend, and they were stunned that the man, whom they knew in advance was going to be framed for the assassination, was there in the doorway, which would be something that could easily have distracted their attention."

In other words, Jim now tells us that numerous Kennedy detail Secret Service agents shared need-to-know status regarding the conspiracy's most closely held components. To so conclude is to exhibit a near-total absence of Deep Political insight.

Can't you just see the mass double take, followed by a chorus of "Holy shit, boss! The patsy is standing in the doorway! Abort! Abort! Abort!"

The agents' backs are to the camera, yet Jim can follow their eyes ...

Jim Fetzer needs our help and our prayers.

Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Jan Klimkowski - 05-06-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:Here, as taken from the now infamous Fetzer/Cinque Swamp thread, is the most recent example of Jim Fetzer's increasingly and appallingly impaired reasoning:

"What is most striking is how many of the Secret Service agents were looking toward Doorman, which would be explicable if it was Oswald, as we contend, and they were stunned that the man, whom they knew in advance was going to be framed for the assassination, was there in the doorway, which would be something that could easily have distracted their attention."

In other words, Jim now tells us that numerous Kennedy detail Secret Service agents shared need-to-know status regarding the conspiracy's most closely held components. To so conclude is to exhibit a near-total absence of Deep Political insight.

Can't you just see the mass double take, followed by a chorus of "Holy shit, boss! The patsy is standing in the doorway! Abort! Abort! Abort!"

The agents' backs are to the camera, yet Jim can follow their eyes ...

Jim Fetzer needs our help and our prayers.

Yup, wading through the train wreckage I came upon that post.

Just when I thought the Coney Island Freakshow had reached its nadir, Dr Jim stumbled upon a trapdoor in the stage floor and fell straight through it.

Dr Cinque will continue selling his snake oil until he gets banned, but poor James Fetzer is floundering in a Conradian black hole.

Quote:He was just a word for me. I did not see the man in the name any more than you do. Do you see him? Do you see the story? Do you see anything? It seems to me I am trying to tell you a dream making a vain attempt, because no relation of a dream can convey the dream-sensation, that commingling of absurdity, surprise, and bewilderment in a tremor of struggling revolt, that notion of being captured by the incredible which is of the very essence of dreams.

From "Heart of Darkness", 1902

Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Dawn Meredith - 05-06-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:Here, as taken minutes ago from the now infamous Fetzer/Cinque Swamp thread, is the most recent example of Jim Fetzer's increasingly and appallingly impaired reasoning:

"What is most striking is how many of the Secret Service agents were looking toward Doorman, which would be explicable if it was Oswald, as we contend, and they were stunned that the man, whom they knew in advance was going to be framed for the assassination, was there in the doorway, which would be something that could easily have distracted their attention."

In other words, Jim now tells us that numerous Kennedy detail Secret Service agents shared need-to-know status regarding the conspiracy's most closely held components. To so conclude is to exhibit a near-total absence of Deep Political insight.

Can't you just see the mass double take, followed by a chorus of "Holy shit, boss! The patsy is standing in the doorway! Abort! Abort! Abort!"

The agents' backs are to the camera, yet Jim can follow their eyes ...

Jim Fetzer needs our help and our prayers.

He just makes it up as he goes along. And he wants neither help nor prayers. Took offense at it and had my post- echoing the sentiments of CD- removed.

"Don't cry for me Argentina "

Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Greg Burnham - 05-06-2012

I am planning a moment of silence at 3:13pm pst this afternoon, which will last for 13 seconds, to pay my last respects to Jim Fetzer who has left us. Anyone wishing to join me is welcome to do so in the privacy of their own thoughts.


Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Albert Doyle - 05-06-2012

Perhaps there are covertly applied chemicals designed to make certain critics behave like this?

Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Charles Drago - 06-06-2012

Greg Burnham Wrote:I am planning a moment of silence at 3:13pm pst this afternoon, which will last for 13 seconds, to pay my last respects to Jim Fetzer who has left us. Anyone wishing to join me is welcome to do so in the privacy of their own thoughts.


You're writing metaphorically, of course.

My first reaction -- I'm quite exhausted after a prolonged period of family health crisis -- was one of shock and sadness.

All of which begs any number of important metaphysical issues ...

Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Greg Burnham - 06-06-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:I am planning a moment of silence at 3:13pm pst this afternoon, which will last for 13 seconds, to pay my last respects to Jim Fetzer who has left us. Anyone wishing to join me is welcome to do so in the privacy of their own thoughts.


You're writing metaphorically, of course.

My first reaction -- I'm quite exhausted after a prolonged period of family health crisis -- was one of shock and sadness.

All of which begs any number of important metaphysical issues ...

Yes, Charles, I am writing metaphorically--at least to a degree. However, when one's "mind" goes is similarly tragic.

[I apologize for the overly melodramatic tone. My intent wasn't to cause alarm.]

Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Charles Drago - 06-06-2012

Greg Burnham Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:I am planning a moment of silence at 3:13pm pst this afternoon, which will last for 13 seconds, to pay my last respects to Jim Fetzer who has left us. Anyone wishing to join me is welcome to do so in the privacy of their own thoughts.


You're writing metaphorically, of course.

My first reaction -- I'm quite exhausted after a prolonged period of family health crisis -- was one of shock and sadness.

All of which begs any number of important metaphysical issues ...

Yes, Charles, I am writing metaphorically--at least to a degree. However, when one's "mind" goes is similarly tragic.

[I apologize for the overly melodramatic tone. My intent wasn't to cause alarm.]

Nothing for which to apologize.

As it happens, my 90-year old Uncle Arthur -- my late mother's brother who, along with her, raised me after my father passed in 1960 and who now lives with me -- has spent the last eight weeks recuperating from a series of non-life threatening but very challenging (and lifestyle-threatening) illnesses. The details are not relevant to this discussion other than to note that he is the person who is closest to me in this life and, I think, in the next, and that my struggle is to give him a fighting chance to resume his routine at home. Mild mental impairment is one of the consequences of all this.

His, not mine.

I thimk.

Anyway, the flight of Jim's mind is all too reminiscent of Uncle Arthur's predicament -- except that, in Unc's case, a much smaller bird has flown.

So endeth the Woe is Me segment of our program.

Let Us Treat Jim Fetzer with Kindness - Jan Klimkowski - 06-06-2012

For the technical record, as someone who has directed and produced over 20 hours of broadcast network and coproduction television, Ralph Cinque's knowledge of the filming and editing process is completely and utterly lacking.

He is illiterate in terms of his understanding of the production process.

His emphatically uttered "insights" about "splicing" and "embedding" make my head hurt.

It is akin to a grown man looking at a horse and shouting "it's a dog, can't you see it's a dog, you fools!!!!!!"

Perhaps a snake oil salesman cannot but sell snake oil.

The case of Jim Fetzer is more troubling.

His profound inability to recognize snake oil for what it is, compounded by the technical ignorance he has demonstrated by vociferously cheerleading for Cinque's nonsense, renders his judgement forever damaged.

All his work will now be seen through the prism of the Lovelady/Doorway abomination.

MSM and Sunsteinian agent provocateurs will use this tragedy as a stick with which to beat all "conspiracy theorists".

They will be wrong.

The deep political research community has rarely been more united than its refutation and casting out of the Lovelady/Doorway farce.