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Jack White - LR Trotter - 02-07-2012

No, I did not know Jack White personally, but I am somewhat familiar with him. As I recall, it was the Badgeman research that I saw on the TV show, TMWKK, that made me aware of Mr White. Admittedly, I am not sure I see Badgeman without added emphasis, but that does not at all mean Badgeman is not there. I recall another issue that I may have disagreed with Mr White about, but again that doesn't mean he's wrong and I am right. The main thing for me regarding Jack White, is that whatever he said, I felt a strong need to listen. The reason quite simply, is if truth is what is sought, Jack White's research was on that track. He is too soon gone, but I sincerely hope not at all too soon forgotten.

Jack White - Bill Kelly - 07-07-2012

I have always enjoyed being with Jack on the Knoll on the anniversaries I was there, and having dinner with him at the Egyptian and other places. He was always complimentary about my work and I feel honored to have know him.

I will write a tribute to him when I get the chance.

Bill Kelly


Jack White - Don Jeffries - 10-07-2012

I'm surprised and saddened by the fact Jack's old friend Jim Fetzer doesn't seem to have commented on his passing on this forum, the EF or anywhere else I've seen. I know they had some unpleasant exchanges on the marathon Judyth Baker thread on the EF, but I thought they'd reconciled.

It's nice to see so many others remembering Jack White fondly.

Jack White - Dawn Meredith - 10-07-2012

Don Jeffries Wrote:I'm surprised and saddened by the fact Jack's old friend Jim Fetzer doesn't seem to have commented on his passing on this forum, the EF or anywhere else I've seen. I know they had some unpleasant exchanges on the marathon Judyth Baker thread on the EF, but I thought they'd reconciled.

It's nice to see so many others remembering Jack White fondly.

I noticed that too Don. Apparently once JF gets pissed off over a disagreement he carries a grude that outlasts an old friend's death. What a miserable character trait.


Jack White - Greg Burnham - 10-07-2012

The first Internet Forum or Newsgroup that Fetzer ever joined and/or posted to was JFKresearch. His entrance was arranged by Jack from the start. Jack very generously began
promoting Jim as a wealth of information months before Jim sought membership from Rich. In that way, Jack was initially responsible for the beginning of the success that Jim
has enjoyed through this medium. Yet...not a word. A pity.

Jack White - Seamus Coogan - 11-07-2012

I got asked by a 9/11 bloke when JF first came on the scene. When do you make it Greg?

Jack White - Zach Robertson - 11-07-2012

Jack White - Don Jeffries - 11-07-2012

Thanks for finding that, Zach. It was a nice tribute by Jim Fetzer. Good to see he did acknowledge it, but still a bit puzzling in my view that he hasn't contributed something about it on the forums.

Jack White - Greg Burnham - 11-07-2012

Seamus Coogan Wrote:I got asked by a 9/11 bloke when JF first came on the scene. When do you make it Greg?

He first posted on JFKresearch Forum in autumn of 1999. Obviously that was two years prior to 9/11 so he wasn't posting about that
event yet.

Jack White - Peter Lemkin - 24-02-2013

I had long, long had great respect for Jack, before I met him.....and even greater respect after we met.....many times, and after that kept in close contact by electronic means. He, IMO, did much of the 'heavy lifting' in the faking of LHO's photos and many other photo anomalies and important [but hard to notice] events in the photos and films - re: Dallas and later on 911. I miss Jack greatly. I'm sure the physical attack on him was by the very same 'crowd' who pulled off the assassination and continue the cover-up. At the time he went into surgery he and I were working on something important I hope to come public with soon. While I have no evidence, my gut feeling tells me that maybe those who had him stabbed in the neck by an athletic naked man who parked his car near the Pope of DP's TV station may also have made sure he got a nosocomial infection during his heart surgery. Jack we miss you...but you did your work and have nothing to regret...a life well lived and for/in Truth - with integrity! Your friend, Peter