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DiEugenio exposes Caro - Phil Dragoo - 01-10-2012


At 38:40 Caro says in all his research into LBJ's papers, diaries, people who knew him he found not the slightest hint that LBJ had anything to do with the assassination.

Are we to be comforted that a professional politician didn't leave a smoking gun, that the national security apparatus didn't leave any smoking guns?

I personally don't think that enormous slug had anything to do with the vital work of eliminating the roadblock to the Vietnam War, but I wouldn't rely upon a lack of evidentiary substance in the surviving record.

Our late friend (who died November 22, 2007) related to Caro in a two-page letter the curious visit to the Boston financial house in the summer of 1963 by an irate Eliot Janeway hissing a prepared speech about the dangerous man this Kennedy was.

Eliot Janeway, first among sponsors of the presidential bid of the slug, yet it was apparently just chopped liver to the so-great biographer.

I wouldn't for a moment place a thimbleful of value in any disclaimer by this man regarding his rice bowl's guilt or innocence.

As for Caro's subtext regarding assassination, he's clearing Lyndon; beyond that, nothing.

Which makes Caro utterly worthless.

Caro becomes a critic reviewing Our American Cousin.

DiEugenio exposes Caro - Albert Doyle - 01-10-2012

Phil Dragoo Wrote:I personally don't think that enormous slug had anything to do with the vital work of eliminating the roadblock to the Vietnam War, but I wouldn't rely upon a lack of evidentiary substance in the surviving record.

Our late friend (who died November 22, 2007) related to Caro in a two-page letter the curious visit to the Boston financial house in the summer of 1963 by an irate Eliot Janeway hissing a prepared speech about the dangerous man this Kennedy was.

Seems like the impetus was more from the forces outlined in The Unspeakable than from the Cornpone Don.

Eliot Jacobstein's visit begs the question who sent him and on whose behalf was he acting? Wikipedia says Jacobstein was an advisor to LBJ when he was in the Senate. Was Janeway a go-between between Johnson and the Sponsors? Something so horrible as to be unspeakable by Caro?

Phil Dragoo Wrote:Caro becomes a critic reviewing Our American Cousin.

Still though, I find it curious that Caro refrains from saying Johnson couldn't be involved because we all know Oswald did it according to the Warren Report.

Concentrating on the Booth while ignoring the true play being acted out in the streets of Washington that night.

DiEugenio exposes Caro - Albert Doyle - 01-10-2012

I'm surprised neither Harris nor DiEugenio force Von Pein to answer how the tiny Bell fragment could have "plinked on the floor like a wedding band"? It destroys Von Pein's entire argument. The nurse must have also heard it since she went and picked it up.

DiEugenio exposes Caro - Albert Doyle - 02-10-2012

The fact they never sought-out the nurse who picked-up the Connally bullet in the surgery recovery room is pure proof it existed.

DiEugenio and Harris continue to fall for Rago and Von Pein's bait which takes them further and further from these simple facts.