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Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Phil Dragoo - 04-09-2012

I mentioned JFK and the Unspeakable not as an end in itself but because it is the best single book that mixes the assassination with THE POLICIES. How many people STILL think that it is just a myth that JFK would not have expanded the War in Vietnam.???? Even now. If we do not address that and only focus on a missing piece of the puzzle we can bet the house the media will remove every single other piece of the puzzle, both evidence of conspiracy and the policy importance. Nathaniel above


I think you have charted where marketing and education cross; that is the target.

The conventional modes of popular protest utilized petitions on clipboards, bullhorns, signs.

I've had occasion to begin conversations with people who could not identify any of the players I might name, but when I'd explained, there was a revelation.

Many who might be supportive were born circa Oliver Stone's JFK.

To bookend that nationwide reaction with a secondary wave created by James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, would be outstanding.

To dismiss such a strategy as mere marketing of product is to miss the major obstacle to general revolt:

Namely, the concept is complex and nuanced, not readily translatable into a Tom Cruise or Matt Damon fast-paced action thriller.

Douglass is lyric and tragic, the leader is surrounded by the dark forces

--but wait, some say, we elected Obama, we're done with such struggles

We're in Afghanistan for the 90% of the world's heroin. This transparent POTUS stonewalls the Joannides CIA fileMorley's suit would reveal how CIA blocked HSCA and abetted DRE, was covering up and framing Oswald.

CIA won't give it upand Obama backs them up.

Holder arms the drug carteland Obama backs him up.

A Blackhawk from the Indiana National Guard lands in an Indianapolis woman's back yard today for sixty (60) marijuana plantsbut two thousand miles of border is free passage for Los Zetas and Sinaloa.

Small meth labs result in huge SWAT team operations but Mexican superlabs process tens of thousands of tons of Chinese precursors for hundred-percent pure methedrine destined for, say, Marshalltown, Iowa.

If Americans don't know John F. Kennedy was withdrawing our troops from Vietnam, that his murder caused the death of 58,000 of our fighting men, made billions for the defense contractors, gained Rockefeller access to oil and minerals, put the Golden Triangle at the fountainhead of organized crime/CIA heroin tradethen why do they care?

The NEA, the media, the politicians, the shrieking fairies like Chris Matthews, the carping harpies like The Church Lady have isolated the truth-demanders.

As Fonzi put it, not theory, but truth.

Snag virally.


Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Nathaniel Heidenheimer - 09-09-2012

Another thing that should be done is USING every opportunity we are given.

There was a beginners book Dead Wrong written that got some press. People should have jumped on it and told newbies what book to read next. With product links at Amazon. No one ever does this.

Does anyone here EVER try casting the net wider? I.e. reaching newbies? We need to build some momentum in this realm. It seems like I am the only one who ever does it, and if that holds the 50th will be a disaster. WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THE SILO

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Nathaniel Heidenheimer - 09-09-2012

We need to get out of the silo

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Mark Prior - 10-09-2012

Nathaniel Heidenheimer Wrote:We need to get out of the silo


Friends, relatives and especially sons, daughters, nieces and nephews should have the subject broached with them. It doesn't matter that the majority of people believe JFK was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy...It matters how many of those people give a damn. Obviously anyone on this forum and others like it care, but the scary thing is that we are the minority of the majority.

I would like to hear from Charles, Peter, Magda, Phil, Dawn, Don, Seamus and everyone else who had an encounter with a young person or acquaintance, and have them share how they took a meeting in passing and put a "bug in the ear" of newbie to arouse their interest in the subject matter.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Nathaniel Heidenheimer - 15-09-2012

The book The Last Investigation by Fonzi has been btw. 2,000 and 3,000 for four days in a row starting two days after the publication of the NYT obit. Now there has not been a real book (as opposed to useful taste-spoon book such as Dead wrong) this high in sales since Unspeakable left that realm after staying there for three whole years in a row, AND A WHOLE YEAR OF THAT BEFORE THE OLIVER STONE FLASHING ON BILL MEHER SHOW)

Please, if possible do the following. Post YOUR FAVORITE PARAGRAPHS ON THIS THREAD FOR COPY AND PASTING ON OTHER SITES. THE COPY AND PASTING CAN BE DONE WITH A LEAD BLOCK PLACED BY THE NYT ARTICLE. ________ I HOPE TO PLACE A PARAGRAPH HERE SOON ALONG WITH SOME EXAMPLES OF GOOD places to place it. I have Done about 70 postings of the Fonzi article with amazon link. You might want to include the Amazon link too.

On the other hand, most of these posting I have done over the last two days have been into FB groups. This is because I have been removed from big newspaper groups or in some cases have not had the time to dig up those connections again. THe FB groups do not reach nearly the huge numbers some of the big newspaper sites do.

We need to start building footholds all over the internet and connecting these back to the hubs . Spindles must be in place by the beginning of the year.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Mark Prior - 15-09-2012

I agree completely. Every post & paste we make only builds awareness.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Bill Kelly - 17-09-2012

A protest demonstration at the National Archives in Washington DC is being planned for 10 am - 12 noon on Monday, October 8, Columbus Day, a national holiday.

More to come as details become available.


Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Greg Burnham - 17-09-2012


Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Nathaniel Heidenheimer - 03-10-2012

The New Bill O'Reilly book is out and is currently #2 . Currently Mr. LBJ done it is commenting on all the threads. Hundreds of thousands of eyeballs are seeing this, just as thousands saw MOSLY ONLY BAD LBJ comments on the critical reviews of the Caro book.

I wish I could comment in the commenting part of the book reviews on amazon, but they won't let me. So can some informed people please start posting links to great web sites and links to great books!

This book will sell lots and lots for a long time. Use the opportunities given us or we lose the war. Hunt where the ducks are. It's not nearly as hopeless as some would have us believe. Recall how high Unspeakable got when Stone flashed it for a second on TV. #27.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Nathaniel Heidenheimer - 13-10-2012

O'Reilly's trash book is the number one book in America. What a great opportunity to post book links and turn hundreds of thousands on to great books and sites. Unfortunately, the only one taking advantage of this opportunity heading into the 50th is Mr. LBJ did it. WHY? What other opportunity will we get ? I mean to start a groundswell? Can someone explain to me the purpose of this research if we keep on posting only to each other and ignore so many opportunities to show newbies the significance of the assassination today?