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World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Printable Version

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World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 23-10-2012

"Orling" crossed a line "he" cannot uncross.

I -- for ONE -- want him gone permanently.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Peter Lemkin - 23-10-2012

Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Charles,

I am not interested in *outing* anyone. I simply tried to find out something about you and this is what popped up on Google. I visit RI a lot and don't know much about the local politics so I have no idea who the people mentioned are. If you are a jazz historian or reviewer fine and dandy... but please don't be going on about technical matters that you are not equipped to discuss... and then insult those who may be.. or certainly more so than you as I have worked in the field of architecture for 40 years with a license since 1982 including working for the architects of the WTC in 1970 fresh out of school.

First, you "out" CD, then you deny "outing." It becomes CD's fault for misunderstanding your simple, innocent intentions. You're a mess.

I don't mean to ignore the serious issue of JO's big mistake in trying to out CD, but in his reply one very interesting [unknown to me before] element emerges - [he worked for the architects of the WTC in 1970]...hmmmm - why has he kept that fact hidden up until now?!

As for the 'material' you found re: CD. Why the hell would you post that?!?!? has NO bearing on anything here, let alone this subject of 911. It could be false - as is much personal venom on the internet, and yet you GLEEFULLY post it with hahaha and a dancing man. You've made your bed and wet in it...but are going to have to sleep in it anyway...... It was not the WTC towers, but you, that became unzipped in the end. Give my best to Mt. Vernon.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 23-10-2012

As noted, Peter, the "information" about me posted by "Orling" is the unsigned product of a vicious, partisan political campaign against which I worked over the summer and early fall.

It is propaganda pure and simple, and no one in Rhode Island who knows me gave the charges any credence.

I do not suffer the judgments of fools.

"Orling," in his ignorance and arrogance, actually began "his" outing post by noting that "he" knows nothing of the principals or circumstances involved.

In making the post, "Orling" banned "himself" from DPF while revealing himself to be devoid of ethics and decency.

We now must view every word ever posted by "Orling" with the suspicion that falls upon those who act in so vile and cowardly a manner.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Peter Lemkin - 23-10-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:As noted, Peter, the "information" about me posted by "Orling" is the unsigned product of a vicious, partisan political campaign against which I worked over the summer and early fall.

It is propaganda pure and simple, and no one in Rhode Island who knows me gave the charges any credence.

I do not suffer the judgments of fools.

"Orling," in his ignorance and arrogance, actually began "his" outing post by noting that "he" knows nothing of the principals or circumstances involved.

In making the post, "Orling" banned "himself" from DPF while revealing himself to be devoid of ethics and decency.

We now must view every word ever posted by "Orling" with the suspicion that falls upon those who act in so vile and cowardly a manner.

His nutty theory of WTC collapse[s], his once prominant position in A&E4911Truth - and then sent packing; his removal from other forums and his insistance on trying to counter any and all threads and posts which challenge the official version of 911 events [while posturing as against the 'official version' - though I think he is NOT] is more than enough to have suspicions. I have at times called him a disinformation agent and at times considered him just mentally rigid. He may be a rigid disinformation agent, with a nasty bent when he feels cornered. I don't know, and really had started to NOT engage him, but just post what I wanted to on 911 threads. I believe you about the material he posted, and it has to remind many of us of Colby's or '9-iron's' postings about me and others that were very personal and meant to hurt and discredit. Unless I missed something, what really stuck out was his refusal to apologize for what he posted. Cut of the same or similar cloth as Colby and old Mr. 9-iron? He does get some brief praise on the Amazing Rani's forum.....oh, the company he keeps. My suspicious were all over the 911 threads, based on his broken record approach to the collapse of the WTC towers [defending the official version while placing himself in the '911Truth' catagory - ha!], long before this most impolite and scurrilous whooper against you....

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Lauren Johnson - 23-10-2012

Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Charles,

I am not interested in *outing* anyone. I simply tried to find out something about you and this is what popped up on Google. I visit RI a lot and don't know much about the local politics so I have no idea who the people mentioned are. If you are a jazz historian or reviewer fine and dandy... but please don't be going on about technical matters that you are not equipped to discuss... and then insult those who may be.. or certainly more so than you as I have worked in the field of architecture for 40 years with a license since 1982 including working for the architects of the WTC in 1970 fresh out of school.

First, you "out" CD, then you deny "outing." It becomes CD's fault for misunderstanding your simple, innocent intentions. You're a mess.

I don't mean to ignore the serious issue of JO's big mistake in trying to out CD, but in his reply one very interesting [unknown to me before] element emerges - [he worked for the architects of the WTC in 1970]...hmmmm - why has he kept that fact hidden up until now?!

As for the 'material' you found re: CD. Why the hell would you post that?!?!? has NO bearing on anything here, let alone this subject of 911. It could be false - as is much personal venom on the internet, and yet you GLEEFULLY post it with hahaha and a dancing man. You've made your bed and wet in it...but are going to have to sleep in it anyway...... It was not the WTC towers, but you, that became unzipped in the end. Give my best to Mt. Vernon.

Peter, It looks like you are posting to me [Lauren] when the post was referencing JO. Right?

NB: Actually, I vaguely remember JO saying at some point he was on the WTC project back in the day. Wait ... false memory syndrome ... MKULTRA ... mind control. Aack.

PS: Empty Inbox.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 23-10-2012

Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:As noted, Peter, the "information" about me posted by "Orling" is the unsigned product of a vicious, partisan political campaign against which I worked over the summer and early fall.

It is propaganda pure and simple, and no one in Rhode Island who knows me gave the charges any credence.

I do not suffer the judgments of fools.

"Orling," in his ignorance and arrogance, actually began "his" outing post by noting that "he" knows nothing of the principals or circumstances involved.

In making the post, "Orling" banned "himself" from DPF while revealing himself to be devoid of ethics and decency.

We now must view every word ever posted by "Orling" with the suspicion that falls upon those who act in so vile and cowardly a manner.

His nutty theory of WTC collapse[s], his once prominant position in A&E4911Truth - and then sent packing; his removal from other forums and his insistance on trying to counter any and all threads and posts which challenge the official version of 911 events [while posturing as against the 'official version' - though I think he is NOT] is more than enough to have suspicions. I have at times called him a disinformation agent and at times considered him just mentally rigid. He may be a rigid disinformation agent, with a nasty bent when he feels cornered. I don't know, and really had started to NOT engage him, but just post what I wanted to on 911 threads. I believe you about the material he posted, and it has to remind many of us of Colby's or '9-iron's' postings about me and others that were very personal and meant to hurt and discredit. Unless I missed something, what really stuck out was his refusal to apologize for what he posted. Cut of the same or similar cloth as Colby and old Mr. 9-iron? He does get some brief praise on the Amazing Rani's forum.....oh, the company he keeps. My suspicious were all over the 911 threads, based on his broken record approach to the collapse of the WTC towers [defending the official version while placing himself in the '911Truth' catagory - ha!], long before this most impolite and scurrilous whooper against you....

Thank you, Peter.

"Orling's" smear is indeed reminiscent of the character assassination tactics of 9-Iron Walker and Spurtin' Burton over at the Swamp.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Peter Lemkin - 23-10-2012

Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Charles,

I am not interested in *outing* anyone. I simply tried to find out something about you and this is what popped up on Google. I visit RI a lot and don't know much about the local politics so I have no idea who the people mentioned are. If you are a jazz historian or reviewer fine and dandy... but please don't be going on about technical matters that you are not equipped to discuss... and then insult those who may be.. or certainly more so than you as I have worked in the field of architecture for 40 years with a license since 1982 including working for the architects of the WTC in 1970 fresh out of school.

First, you "out" CD, then you deny "outing." It becomes CD's fault for misunderstanding your simple, innocent intentions. You're a mess.

I don't mean to ignore the serious issue of JO's big mistake in trying to out CD, but in his reply one very interesting [unknown to me before] element emerges - [he worked for the architects of the WTC in 1970]...hmmmm - why has he kept that fact hidden up until now?!

As for the 'material' you found re: CD. Why the hell would you post that?!?!? has NO bearing on anything here, let alone this subject of 911. It could be false - as is much personal venom on the internet, and yet you GLEEFULLY post it with hahaha and a dancing man. You've made your bed and wet in it...but are going to have to sleep in it anyway...... It was not the WTC towers, but you, that became unzipped in the end. Give my best to Mt. Vernon.

Peter, It looks like you are posting to me [Lauren] when the post was referencing JO. Right?

NB: Actually, I vaguely remember JO saying at some point he was on the WTC project back in the day. Wait ... false memory syndrome ... MKULTRA ... mind control. Aack.

Quote:It may not be that significant, but I don't remember ever hearing that before. He, of all people, unless they just had him sharpening pencils and emptying trash cans then should know of the extreme overdesign of the core structure and the perimeter walls. I never for a second bought his unzip theory...and I've not seen any others that have.....certainly they didn't buy it at AE911Truth....
PS: Empty Inbox.

Strange you post empty inbox. I sent you a PM recently to which you didn't my inbox full or yours not working?

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Lauren Johnson - 24-10-2012

Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:First, you "out" CD, then you deny "outing." It becomes CD's fault for misunderstanding your simple, innocent intentions. You're a mess.

I don't mean to ignore the serious issue of JO's big mistake in trying to out CD, but in his reply one very interesting [unknown to me before] element emerges - [he worked for the architects of the WTC in 1970]...hmmmm - why has he kept that fact hidden up until now?!

As for the 'material' you found re: CD. Why the hell would you post that?!?!? has NO bearing on anything here, let alone this subject of 911. It could be false - as is much personal venom on the internet, and yet you GLEEFULLY post it with hahaha and a dancing man. You've made your bed and wet in it...but are going to have to sleep in it anyway...... It was not the WTC towers, but you, that became unzipped in the end. Give my best to Mt. Vernon.

Peter, It looks like you are posting to me [Lauren] when the post was referencing JO. Right?

NB: Actually, I vaguely remember JO saying at some point he was on the WTC project back in the day. Wait ... false memory syndrome ... MKULTRA ... mind control. Aack.

Quote:It may not be that significant, but I don't remember ever hearing that before. He, of all people, unless they just had him sharpening pencils and emptying trash cans then should know of the extreme overdesign of the core structure and the perimeter walls. I never for a second bought his unzip theory...and I've not seen any others that have.....certainly they didn't buy it at AE911Truth....
PS: Empty Inbox.

Strange you post empty inbox. I sent you a PM recently to which you didn't my inbox full or yours not working?

I replied. Twice. Yours is full.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - A.J. Blocker - 04-11-2012

I have just watched a youtube video for the first time that shows WTC building 7's collapse from an angle i had not seen before....

Please watch what happens from the 1:42 mark onwards

How can anyone ever refute that it was NOT a controlled demolition after viewing the collapse from this angle!

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Lauren Johnson - 04-11-2012

A.J. Blocker Wrote:I have just watched a youtube video for the first time that shows WTC building 7's collapse from an angle i had not seen before....

Please watch what happens from the 1:42 mark onwards

How can anyone ever refute that it was NOT a controlled demolition after viewing the collapse from this angle!

I believe the explosions are faked.

EDIT: I am referring to this video only. I certainly do think WTC7 had explosive help.