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JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Printable Version

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JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Jim Hackett II - 30-04-2013

No Mr Hackett. You were specifically asked to back your view via my points.

I think most honest people could see you couldn't do that besides appealing to hiding behind the protection of groups which is kind of intellectually cowardly isn't it? Honest debaters can back their points on their own Jim. You couldn't. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

What a laugh.:finger::finger::finger:

You have problems beyond help found here "Albert".
Enjoy your life "Albert", but ya gotta do it without my help or participation in your BULLSHIT as above.

Because I maintain an open mind on this issue, then I can't defend my beliefs. Psycho-babble bullshit. Wish it were true all you want.

Hell son, that shot didn't even hit paper and likely went wild over the top of the butts. A REAL MAGGIE'S DRAWER'S BOY.
No points for that shit. Albert. Jerked another round eh.

Your post again demonstrates what you are and whom you serve. - Contention is your only product. You arrive mind made up and dictate bullshit everywhere I have ever encountered your persona no matter the name posted under.
I arrive to learn, but you can't absorb that from the above can you.

I ain't got time for the bullshit.
You just confirmed AGAIN the opinion of the majority of participants here, you are full of bullshit and I don't have time to "play" with fools. I stand in good company I would say.
The attending issues of real Deep Politics are too important to waste time on junk contention as a final product of efforts. Nor do I have time to dedicate to further reply to provocation from the likes of you "Albert".
Comm-Link Closed, sorry "Albert". Too bad, too sad. You Lose.

I bet you are buddies with Larry Dunkel, he promotes confusion and contention too and does a better job than you do "Albert". I smell a robot.

JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Albert Doyle - 30-04-2013

Jim Hackett II Wrote:No Mr Hackett. You were specifically asked to back your view via my points.

I think most honest people could see you couldn't do that besides appealing to hiding behind the protection of groups which is kind of intellectually cowardly isn't it? Honest debaters can back their points on their own Jim. You couldn't. Thanks.

What a laugh.:finger::finger::finger:

You have problems beyond help found here "Albert".
Enjoy your life "Albert", but ya gotta do it without my help or participation in your BULLSHIT as above.

Because I maintain an open mind on this issue, then I can't defend my beliefs. Psycho-babble bullshit. Wish it were true all you want.

Hell son, that shot didn't even hit paper and likely went wild over the top of the butts. A REAL MAGGIE'S DRAWERS BOY.
No points for that shit. Albert.

Your post again demonstrates what you are and whom you serve. - Contention is your only product. You arrive mind made up and dictate bullshit everywhere I have ever encountered your persona no matter the name posted under.
I arrive to learn, but you can't absorb that from the above can you.

I ain't got time for the bullshit.
You just confirmed AGAIN the opinion of the majority of participants here, you are full of bullshit and I don't have time to "play" with fools.

I bet you are buddies with Larry Dunkel, he promotes confusion and contention too and does a better job than you do "Albert"

Greg? You were saying?

JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Keith Millea - 30-04-2013

Oh Great!

Albert Doyle "The Soul Assassin" is in Da house......:thumbsdown:

JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Albert Doyle - 30-04-2013

Keith Millea Wrote:Oh Great!

Albert Doyle "The Soul Assassin" is in Da house......:thumbsdown:

Which has what to do with the topic we were discussing? I think I made some good Global Warming arguments that deserve better.

JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Greg Burnham - 30-04-2013

Magda, Jan, Dawn,

I am retreating from participation on the DPF due to gross inconsistencies within the moderating policy as a result of an inability to detect agents provocateur. Under such conditions research is thwarted and the reputation of all those participating in the folly comes into question.

"Albert" wins again. I'm out!

Thanks for your hospitality while I was here.

JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Keith Millea - 30-04-2013

Quote: Which has what to do with the topic we were discussing?

It has to do with the way you continually throw out ad homs and suggest good people here are dishonest etc.It's clearly your MO Albert,we've seen this dance before.It is my sincere hope that the DPF mods will NOT let you continue to tromp on the integrity of other members here on the forum.

JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Jim Hackett II - 30-04-2013

Keith Millea Wrote:Oh Great!

Albert Doyle "The Soul Assassin" is in Da house......:thumbsdown:

No sweat man, he is known and exposed.:lol::lol::lol:

I await more real science from Ms. Meredith and Mr. Burnham so I can learn. Imagine that.
Learning vs. Dictation. Imagine that.
Educate me I am willing to learn from many here.
"Whatever they are being paid it is too much." Mr. Charles Drago

IMO It is time to rid the DPF of the provocatuer NOW!
Intention and character are clear by now Aren't they?

JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Albert Doyle - 30-04-2013

Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote: Which has what to do with the topic we were discussing?

It has to do with the way you continually throw out ad homs and suggest good people here are dishonest etc.It's clearly your MO Albert,we've seen this dance before.It is my sincere hope that the DPF mods will NOT let you continue to tromp on the integrity of other members here on the forum.

I think you're piling-on and taking advantage of some minor issues. In fact I think Greg was being dishonest at the time. If you want me to withdraw it for overblown dramatized accentuation of singled-out exaggerated offenses while others are allowed to get away with much worse on a regular basis I will. However that doesn't change anything.

In fact it was actually Greg, Charles, and some others who started all this business when they refused to even attempt to answer the specific arguments about Piper. So actually it was the people you defend who committed the offense you accuse me of.

Any honest person can see I was not attacking Greg's integrity but was trying to argue Greg's points about Global Warming, unlike yourself who just outright attacked me while never once participating in the topic.

JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Albert Doyle - 30-04-2013

Greg Burnham Wrote:Magda, Jan, Dawn,

I am retreating from participation on the DPF due to gross inconsistencies within the moderating policy as a result of an inability to detect agents provocateur. Under such conditions research is thwarted and the reputation of all those participating in the folly comes into question.

"Albert" wins again. I'm out!

Thanks for your hospitality while I was here.

Am I not an agent provocateur. Arguing points well does not automatically make one a site saboteur. That's silly.

Did anyone else notice that when certain people lose arguments with me they start referring to me as "Albert"?

No one's ego is so big that they are above objective discussion or can wager their name against facts.

The harder they come the harder they fall is what I say.

JFK, MLK, RFK and the Continuing Unspeakable with Regard to Global Warming Denial - Jan Klimkowski - 30-04-2013

As the song goes:

Walk across the garden
In the footsteps of my shadow
See the lights out
No one's home
In amongst the statues
Stare at nothing in
The garden moves
Can you help me?

Close my eyes
And hold so tightly
Scared of what the morning brings
Waiting for tomorrow
Never comes
Deep inside
The empty feeling
All the night time leaves me
Three imaginary boys

Slipping through the door
Hear my heart beats in the hallway
Round and round
Inside my head
Drifting up the stairs
I see the steps behind me
Can you help me?

Close my eyes
And hold so tightly
Scared of what the morning brings
Waiting for tomorrow
Never comes
Deep inside
The empty feeling
All the night time leaves me
Three imaginary boys sing in my
Sleep sweet child
The moon will change your mind

See the cracked reflection
Standing still
Before the bedroom mirror
Over my shoulder
But no one's there
Whispers in the silence
Pressing close behind me
Pressing close behind
Can you help me?
Can you help me?