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Woolwich London terror attack? - Jan Klimkowski - 01-06-2013

Magda Hassan Wrote:Interestingly, over at Stormont they're all over Andy McBride for the same reasons. He's referred to as a traitor and a "[COLOR=#000000][FONT=verdana]Labour party member and Searchlight gimp"

Stormfront I presume.

Perfectly content for British fascists to continue eating their own, and French fascists to top themselves in Grand Symbolic Gestures of Banality.

Woolwich London terror attack? - Magda Hassan - 01-06-2013

Oh, yes, Stormfront. What was I thinking? Irish politics? Yes, let them eat their own young. Fine by me too.

Woolwich London terror attack? - David Guyatt - 02-06-2013

Oh woe are the spooks...


Woolwich murder, the MI6 connection: Younger brother of Michael Adebolajo 'was paid thousands to spy in Middle East'

  • Jeremiah Adebolajo, 26, is a university English teacher in Saudi Arabia
  • Allegedly approached by MI6 who pressured him to become a spy
  • Flown business class to five-star hotels and handed cash
  • Sister Blessing says he 'strongly' rejected offers to work for MI6
  • Asked to help 'turn' his brother Michael because of links to terror groups

By ROBERT VERKAIKPUBLISHED: 22:02, 1 June 2013 | UPDATED: 22:03, 1 June 2013
  • [url=][/url]

[Image: article-2334476-1A1A0780000005DC-519_306x423.jpg]Teacher: Michael Adebolajo's brother Jeremiah, pictured, was paid thousands by MI6 to become a spy in the Middle East

The younger brother of one of the men accused of murdering Drummer Lee Rigby was paid thousands of pounds by MI6 as part of spying operations in the Middle East, The Mail on Sunday has discovered.Jeremiah Adebolajo, who uses the name Abul Jaleel, was also asked to help turn' his brother, Michael, to work for MI5, who were already aware of Michael's close links to extremist groups.The claims are made by the Adebolajo family and a well-placed source who contacted The Mail on Sunday.Jeremiah Adebolajo, 26, who works as an English teacher at a university in Saudi Arabia and returned to Britain this week, is to be questioned about his brother by Scotland Yard counter-terrorism detectives today. Government sources have already confirmed that Michael Adebolajo was known to MI5. Last week it was alleged that he rebuffed efforts by the security service to recruit him as a spy.Michael, 28, was discharged from hospital on Friday and was yesterday charged with the murder of Drummer Rigby and attempted murder of two police officers on May 22 in Woolwich, South London.Now it has emerged that MI5's sister agency, MI6, had targeted Jeremiah, a married teacher based at the University of Ha'il.MI5 and MI6 work closely together on counter-terrorism operations. MI5 focuses on home security, while MI6 targets threats from overseas.A document seen by The Mail on Sunday details concerns raised by Jeremiah's family about MI6's alleged harassment in April last year.In it, Jeremiah's sister, Blessing Adebolajo, 32, who works as a human resources assistant in London, says her brother was approached by MI6 while he was working at the University of Ha'il an important strategic location in the Middle East because it takes only one hour by plane to reach 11 Arab capitals.
[Image: article-2334476-1A1A0A54000005DC-957_634x419.jpg]Jeremiah Adeboljao was working at the University of Ha'il in Saudi Arabia when he was approached by MI6

[Image: article-2334476-1A1A11B4000005DC-541_634x286.jpg]Complaint: A redacted copy of the allegations made by the Adebolajo family

A friend of Jeremiah has confirmed her account.The friend said: They asked him about Michael and asked him to help "turn" him to work for MI5.They also told him to go to certain hotels, order a cup of tea and wait for his contact.On these occasions he was handed £300, and was paid to fly first-class and stay in five-star hotels.'The document, prepared by case workers with the charity Cageprisoners, says Blessing approached the East London charity for help because she was worried about the harassment and intimidation of both her brothers by the security and intelligence services.She says MI6 bought a ticket so Jeremiah could fly to an Intercontinental hotel in another Middle East country (believed to be the United Arab Emirates) and that he was given local currency worth more than £1,000.She also alleges Jeremiah told her that he was interrogated about specific people and was shown pictures of himself with named individuals taken in the UK. But Blessing told Cageprisoners that Jeremiah had strongly' rejected MI6's offer to work as one of their agents.

[Image: article-2334476-19F928C6000005DC-56_634x394.jpg]Blessing Adebolajo says her brother Jeremiah was approached by MI6 and asked to become an informant

[Image: article-2334476-1A1A0F25000005DC-778_634x471.jpg]
As a result of this rejection, his sister says he was intimidated' until he was finally told that he would be stopped from leaving the UK.The friend said that two years ago Jeremiah was approached by UK security officers when he was held at Heathrow on his way back from Saudi Arabia.During the interview, he was warned about what happens to Muslims who don't help the Government and was shown documents that confirmed people he knew were being held in prisons throughout the world.Police and security services are under huge pressure to explain what they know about Adebolajo and his alleged accomplice, Michael Adebowale. Despite warnings stretching back ten years, Michael Adebolajo is said to have been considered low risk' by MI5. He was photographed at high-profile protests even standing next to hate preacher Anjem Choudary.He was arrested in Kenyan 2010 over his alleged plans to travel to Somalia to join terror group Al-Shabaab before being returned to the UK. Jeremiah married Charlotte Patricia Taylor in 2008 at Sutton Register Office in Surrey.Shortly afterwards the couple are believed to have left for Saudi Arabia where Jeremiah found work teaching. The University of Ha'il is one of Saudi Arabia's most progressive education establishments and was established by Royal Decree in 2005. It consists of five colleges Sciences, Medicine and Medical Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, and a Community College and has more than 16,000 students.

Woolwich London terror attack? - Jan Klimkowski - 02-06-2013

Quote:The younger brother of one of the men accused of murdering Drummer Lee Rigby was paid thousands of pounds by MI6 as part of spying operations in the Middle East, The Mail on Sunday has discovered.Jeremiah Adebolajo, who uses the name Abul Jaleel, was also asked to help turn' his brother, Michael, to work for MI5, who were already aware of Michael's close links to extremist groups.The claims are made by the Adebolajo family and a well-placed source who contacted The Mail on Sunday.Jeremiah Adebolajo, 26, who works as an English teacher at a university in Saudi Arabia and returned to Britain this week, is to be questioned about his brother by Scotland Yard counter-terrorism detectives today. Government sources have already confirmed that Michael Adebolajo was known to MI5

I note this story is currently being totally ignored by the TV breaking news channels.

Woolwich London terror attack? - David Guyatt - 02-06-2013

No surprises there Jan, eh...

Woolwich London terror attack? - Peter Lemkin - 02-06-2013

David Guyatt Wrote:No surprises there Jan, eh...

....."I'm shocked....shocked!....that there is GAMBLING going on in here! I order this place closed immediately!" - Mssr. Renoit, Prefect of Police in Casablanca.
....."Your evenings earnings, Sir!" - Bartender
....."Thank you.".... Renoit

- Casablanca

Woolwich London terror attack? - David Guyatt - 03-06-2013

Peter Lemkin Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:No surprises there Jan, eh...

....."I'm shocked....shocked!....that there is GAMBLING going on in here! I order this place closed immediately!" - Mssr. Renoit, Prefect of Police in Casablanca.
....."Your evenings earnings, Sir!" - Bartender
....."Thank you.".... Renoit

- Casablanca


Woolwich London terror attack? - Magda Hassan - 04-06-2013

UK pays price for MI5 courting terror
By Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

The brutal murder of an off-duty British soldier in broad daylight in the southeast London district of Woolwich raises new questions about the British government's national security strategy, at home and abroad. Officials have highlighted the danger of "self-radicalizing" cells inspired by Internet extremism, but this ignores overwhelming evidence that major UK terror plots have been incubated by the banned al-Qaeda-linked group formerly known as Al Muhajiroun.

Equally, it is no surprise that the attackers had been seen earlier on the radar of MI5, the UK's domestic counter-intelligence and security agency. While Al Muhajiroun's emir, Syrian cleric Omar
Bakri Mohammed - currently self-exiled to Tripoli in northern Lebanon - has previously claimed "public immunity" due to murky connections with British intelligence, compelling evidence suggests such connections might still be operational in the context of foreign policy imperatives linked to oil and gas interests.

Security services and the Woolwich suspect
Despite being proscribed, Al Muhajiroun has continued to function with impunity in new incarnations, most recently under the banner of Izhar Ud-Deen-il-Haq - run under the tutelage of Bakri's London-based deputy, British-born Anjem Choudary.

Almost every major terrorist attack and plot in the UK has in some way been linked to Choudary's extremist network. The Woolwich attack was no exception. Anjem Choudary himself admitted to knowing one of the attackers, Michael "Mujahid" Adebolajo, as someone who "attended our meetings and my lectures".

Adebolajo was a regular at Al Muhajiroun's Woolwich High Street dawah (propagation) stall, was "tutored" by Omar Bakri himself, and had attended the group's meetings between 2005 and 2011.

According to intelligence sources, both attackers were known to MI5 and MI6, which is concerned with foreign intelligene, and had appeared on "intelligence watch lists", and Adebolajo had "featured in several counter-terrorist investigations" as a "peripheral figure" for the "last eight years" - suggesting his terrorist activities began precisely when he joined Al Muhajiroun.

In particular, credible reports suggest he was high on MI5's priority for the past three years, with family and friends confirming that he was repeatedly harassed by the agency to become an informant - as late as six months ago.

In this context, the touted "lone wolf" hypothesis is baseless. For instance, while the recently convicted "Birmingham 11", sentenced last month for their role in a bombing plot in the UK, had access to al-Qaeda's Inspire magazine and Anwar al-Awlaki's video speeches, they had also attended al-Qaeda terrorist training camps in Pakistan. This could only happen through an established UK-based Islamist network with foreign connections.

Al Muhajiroun is the only organization that fits the profile. One in five terrorist convictions in the UK for more than a decade were for people who were either members of or had links to Al Muhajiroun. Last year, four Al Muhajiroun members were convicted at Woolwich Crown Court of planning to bomb the London Stock Exchange.

Inspired by Awlaki's teachings, the plotters had also been taught by Choudary's longtime Al Muhajiroun colleague, ex-terror convict Abu Izzadeen. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

MI6's terror Network
In 1996, Omar Bakri founded Al Muhajiroun with Anjem Choudary. According to John Loftus, a former US Army Intelligence Officer and Justice Department prosecutor, three senior Al Muhajiroun figures at the time - Bakri, Abu Hamza, and Haroon Rashid Aswat - had been recruited by MI6 that year to facilitate Islamist activities in the Balkans.

The objective was geopolitical expansion - destabilizing former Soviet republics, sidelining Russia and paving the way for the Trans-Balkan oil pipeline protected by incoming North Atlantic Treaty Organization "peacekeeping" bases.

"This is about America's energy security", said then US energy secretary Bill Richardson: "It's also about preventing strategic inroads by those who don't share our values. We're trying to move these newly independent countries toward the West. We would like to see them reliant on Western commercial and political interests rather than going another way. We've made a substantial political investment in the Caspian, and it's very important to us that both the pipeline map and the politics come out right."

On February 10, 1998, Bakri and Choudary issued and signed a "fatwa" - a religious ruling - titled "Muslims in Britain Declare War Against the US and British governments", which warned that the governments of "non-Muslim countries" must "stay away from Iraq, Palestine, Pakistan, Arabia, etc or face a full scale war of jihad which will be the responsibility of every Muslim around the world to participate in" - "including the Muslims in the USA and in Britain" who should "confront by all means whether verbally, financially, politically or militarily the US and British aggression".

The same year, Bakri was one of a select few to receive a fax from Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan outlining four objectives for a jihad against the US, including hijacking civilian planes.

Public Immunity
In 2000, Bakri admitted to training British Muslims to fight as jihadists in Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya or South Lebanon. Recruits were "learning firearms and explosives use, surveillance and other skills" and "would be expected to join a jihad being waged in one country or another". That year, he boasted: "The British government knows who we are. MI5 has interrogated us many times. I think now we have something called public immunity. There is nothing left. You can label us ... put us behind bars, but it's not going to work."

Labour Party MP Andrew Dismore told parliament the following year about a month after 9/11 that Bakri's private security firm, Sakina Security Services, "sends people overseas for jihad training with live arms and ammunition", including training camps "in Pakistan and Afghanistan", and even at "many different sites in the United Kingdom".

Hundreds of Britons were being funneled through such training only to return to the UK advocating that Whitehall and Downing Street be attacked as "legitimate targets". Though Sakina was raided by police and shut down, Bakri and Hamza were not even arrested, let alone charged or prosecuted.

It later emerged that the US' Federal Bureau of Investigation had flagged up the unusual presence of Al Muhajiroun activists at Arizona flight schools in the US in the summer preceding 9/11, many of whom had terrorist connections, including one described as a close bin Laden associate.

The London bombings
In 2003, two Al Muhajiroun members carried out a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, Israel. That year, authorities began tracking an al-Qaeda ringleader in Britain, Mohammed Quayyum Khan. By 2004, the surveillance operation uncovered a plot to plant fertilizer bombs around the UK, prepared by a cell of 18 people, most of whom were Al Muhajiroun members who had studied under Bakri and Choudary. Quayyum Khan, like the latter, remains free.

The 7/7 bombers, also Al Muhajiroun members, were connected to both terror plots - Mohamed Sidique Khan had been friends with the Tel Aviv bombers, and had even travelled to Israel weeks before their suicide attack. Khan went on to learn to make explosives in a terrorist training camp set up by Al Muhajiroun's British and American members in northern Pakistan.

A year before 7/7, Bakri warned of a "well-organized group" linked to al-Qaeda "on the verge of launching a big operation" against London. Then just months before the 7/7 bombings, The Times picked up Bakri telling his followers in Internet lectures: "I believe the whole of Britain has become Dar al-Harb [land of war]. The kuffar [non-believer] has no sanctity for their own life or property." Muslims are "obliged" to "join the jihad... wherever you are", and suicide bombings are permitted because "Al-Qaeda... have the emir".

Entrapment gone crazy
The strange reluctance to prosecute Al Muhajiroun activists despite their support for al-Qaeda terrorism seems inexplicable. But has Britain's support for al-Qaeda affiliated extremists abroad granted their Islamist allies at home "public immunity"?

In early 2005, shortly before the July 7 London bombings, the Wall Street Journal's Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Ron Suskind interviewed Bakri after he was told by an MI5 official that the cleric "had helped MI5 on several of its investigations".

Suskind recounts in his book, The Way of the World, that when asked why, Bakri told him: "Because I like it here. My family's here. I like the health benefits." Bakri reiterated this in an interview in early 2007 after his move to Tripoli, Lebanon, claiming, "We were able to control the Muslim youth... The radical preacher that allows a venting of a point of view is preventing violence."

Suskind observed: "Bakri enjoyed his notoriety and was willing to pay for it with information he passed to the police... It's a fabric of subtle interlocking needs: the [British authorities] need be in a backchannel conversation with someone working the steam valve of Muslim anger; Bakri needs health insurance".

Why would MI5 and MI6 retain the services of someone as dangerous as Bakri given the overwhelming evidence of his centrality to the path to violent radicalization? On the one hand, it would seem that, through Al Muhajiroun, MI5 is spawning many of the plots it lays claim to successfully foiling - as the FBI is also doing.

On the other, the strategy aligns conveniently with narrow geopolitical interests rooted in Britain's unflinching subservience to wider US strategy in the Muslim world.

The not-so-new great game
Little has changed since the Great Game in the Balkans. According to Alastair Crooke, a former MI6 officer and Middle East adviser to EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, the Saudis are mobilizing Islamist extremists to service mutual US-Saudi interests: "US officials speculated as to what might be done to block this vital corridor [from Iran to Syria], but it was Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia who surprised them by saying that the solution was to harness Islamic forces. The Americans were intrigued, but could not deal with such people. Leave that to me, Bandar retorted."

This region-wide strategy involves sponsorship of Salafi jihadists in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq. Praising Obama's appropriation of this policy, John Hannah - former national security advisor to vice president Dick Cheney - rejoiced that the idea was to "weaken the Iranian mullahs; undermine the Assad regime; support a successful transition in Egypt; facilitate Gaddafi's departure; reintegrate Iraq into the Arab fold; and encourage a negotiated solution in Yemen."

The strategy's endgame? Petro-politics, once again, is center-stage, with the US-UK seeking to dominate regional oil and gas pipeline routes designed, in the words of Saudi expert John Bradley "to disrupt and emasculate the awakenings that threaten absolute monarchism" in the Persian Gulf petro-states.

The seeds of this clandestine alliance with Islamists go back more than six years, when Seymour Hersh reported that the George W Bush administration had "cooperated with Saudi Arabia's government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations" intended to weaken the Shi'ite Hezbollah in Lebanon.

"The US has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria," wrote Hersh, "a byproduct of which is 'the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups' hostile to the United States and sympathetic to al-Qaeda". He also noted that "the Saudi government, with Washington's approval, would provide funds and logistical aid to weaken the government of President Bashir Assad, of Syria."

In April 2007, the Lebanese Daily Star reported that the United States had earmarked US$60 million to reinforce Interior Ministry forces and Sunni organizations identified as "jihadists".

Did Omar Bakri benefit from this? Having settled in Lebanon, Bakri told one journalist at the time, "Today, angry Lebanese Sunnis ask me to organize their jihad against the Shi'ites... Al-Qaeda in Lebanon... are the only ones who can defeat Hezbollah."

And last year, Bakri boasted, "I'm involved with training the mujahideen [fighters] in camps on the Syrian borders and also on the Palestine side." The trainees included four British Islamists "with professional backgrounds" who would go on to join the war in Syria. Bakri also claimed to have trained "many fighters", including people from Germany and France, since arriving in Lebanon.

That Bakri appears to be benefiting from the US strategy to support Islamist extremists in the region is particularly worrying given the British government's acknowledgement that a "substantial number" of Britons are fighting in Syria, who "will seek to carry out attacks against Western interests... or in Western states".

With the EU embargo against supplying arms to Syrian rebels lifted this month after UK Prime Minister David Cameron's pledge to support the rebels - some of whom are al-Qaeda affiliated Islamists with links to extremists at home - the question must be asked whether Britain's security services remain compromised by short-sighted geopolitical interests rooted in our chronic dependency on fossil fuels.

Unfortunately the British government's latest proposals to deal with violent radicalization - Internet censorship, a lower threshold for banning "extremist" groups - deal not with the failures of state policy, but with the symptoms of those failures. Perhaps governments have tacitly accepted that terrorism, after all, is the price of business as usual.

Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is an international security expert who writes for The Guardian at his Earth Insight blog. He is the author of The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry (2006). His work was used by the Coroner's Inquiry into the July 7 2005 bombings in London and the 9/11 Commission.

Woolwich London terror attack? - David Guyatt - 29-11-2013

I don't imagine anything interesting will emerge from the trial, but it will be worth watching just in case...

Quote:Woolwich murder trial: crown to begin setting out case

Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale are accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby near barracks in south-east London

[Image: Lee-Rigby-011.jpg]Lee Rigby was killed in Woolwich as he returned from a shift working at the Tower of London. Photograph: MoD/Crown Copy/PA

The crown will on Friday begin detailing its case against two men accused of murdering the soldier Lee Rigby.
Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale are accused of inflicting multiple stab wounds on the soldier in a London street, after he had been run down by a car.
They deny murder and the trial at the Old Bailey is scheduled to finish before Christmas.
Rigby, 25, was killed in broad daylight in a street close to Woolwich military barracks in south-east London.
Adebolajo, 28, and Adebowale, 22, are accused of murdering Rigby, who served in the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, as he walked back to his barracks on 22 May.
The accused have asked to be addressed in court by their adopted Islamic names. Adebolajo, from Romford, Essex, wishes to be called Mujaahid Abu Hamza. Adebowale, from Greenwich, south-east London, wants to be addressed as Ismail Ibn Abdullah.
On Thursday, a jury was selected for the trial and warned by the judge, Mr Justice Sweeney, to deliver their verdicts based only on the evidence they will hear in court. A panel of potential jurors was handed four questions and told by Sweeney that they may be excluded from the case if they answered yes to any of them.
They were asked: "Have you or any person with whom you have regular and close personal contact been in the vicinity of a terrorist incident?
"Have you or any person with whom you have regular and close personal contact been employed in the armed forces, police force, prison service, security services or Crown Prosecution Service?
"Is there any reason arising from beliefs, past or present occupation, or any other matter that you feel may inhibit the essential requirement to return impartial verdicts according to the evidence in this trial? In particular, do you or any member of your family or a relative or close friend hold political or religious views of such strength that they might materially influence your consideration of the case?
"Is there some other compelling reason requiring you to be excused?"
The judge said: "The jurors who try this case must do so impartially, and thus based on only the evidence that those jurors are going to hear in this courtroom and absolutely nothing else."
Prosecutor Richard Whittam QC will begin by outlining the crown's case against the two men, who are also charged with conspiracy to murder and the attempted murder of police officers who arrived at the scene of the attack. The men are also charged with having a gun, a 9.4mm Dutch calibre KNIL Model 91 revolver. The indictment against the accused says they had the gun "with intent by means thereof to cause a person to believe that unlawful violence would be used against him or another person".
At the time of the attack, Rigby was attached to the regimental recruiting team and was on his way back to barracks from a shift working at the Tower of London.
Rigby, from Middleton, Greater Manchester, who had split from his wife, was the father of a two-year-old boy.
The opening of the case, which was due to start last week, has been delayed by legal argument.
In pre-trial hearings the two accused appeared in the dock together, separated by security guards. They spoke only to confirm their names.

Woolwich London terror attack? - David Guyatt - 04-12-2013

One of the very few people following this story is Blogster, Chris Spivey.

Make of the following what you will. Those of tender eyes need to beware of the extensive use of a wide range of profanities in the text.

Quote:[Image: rigby_2750155b.jpg&w=530&h=]
The Old Bailey Comedy Festival: Day 1

Christopher Spivey

Sorry I'm late.
I have been on my death bed. Still am if truth be known… Although I'm a lot better today.
Not that anyone seemed to notice.
Still, least said, soonest mended.
But don't go thinking that I will forget about it… Heartless fucking bastards.
To make matters worse, Claytons getting some teeth… And you know how much fun that is!
But anyway, because of my illness I slept for 24 hours straight over Friday and Saturday.
What do you mean "get on with it for fucks sake"?
I'm telling you a story… Patience.
Now, as I was saying. I slept for 24 hours straight over Friday and Saturday.
In fact before beginning the big sleep, I had just started to write my next in-depth article… Only got the first line done though… And then I was forced to have the big kip.
After which, fuck me I wake up to find that the Rigby trial is splashed all over the MSM.
I fucking hate being taken by surprise.
Never the less, I suppose I best address the issue.
Now, I noticed that the Telegraph had been particularly prolific in reporting on the trial.
Then again, they were the feeder paper for all the other newspapers on the day that the murder supposedly took place… Which, when you think about it would make sense since the Telegraph is the newspaper under MI5′s control.
Course, that fact doesn't make their reporting any the more accurate or even less contradictory than all the others.
But I'm going to give the Daily Chimpanzee a break and use the Telegraph as my whipping boys for the long overdue start of the trial… That may change as the trial continues.
Right, lets do it.
At 11:14 AM, on the 29th (last Friday) Tom Whitehead, the Telegraph's Security Editor whatever the fuck that is had his first article about the trial released by the newspaper.
And straight away, I picked up on a glaring omission in the following photograph accompanying the article.
[Image: Untitled.jpg]

I have used a screenshot so as you can see the caption.
You see, I found it strange that only 3 of the 5 people were named. The person on the end in the pinky red coat is Chelsea McClure, Lee Rigby's sister.
Quite why she didn't warrant a mention when her sister Sara did is a mystery to me.
Mind you, I suppose that by not naming her sort of justifies not naming the 2nd person from the left.
She is in fact Aimee West, Lee's fiancée.
Course, I told you months ago that the press conference held by Rigby's family the day after Lee's murder' was a load of old fanny.
You know the one I mean. The one where Lee's estranged wife Becky told the world that they were getting back together as she comforted Lee's step dad, Ian Rigby.
[Image: ay_110697418.jpg]

Strange really since the Rigby's don't speak to Becky.
The reason that they don't is allegedly because not only did Becky stop Lee seeing his son Jack after they had split up, but she also stopped the rest of the clan from seeing him too.
[Image: Untitled1.jpg]

Again, I have used a screen shot so as to show the photo caption.
Bit of a strange photo that, don't cha think. I mean, apart from the fact that it looks very photo-shopped, you have to wonder if the fella and the blonde woman are in fact with Becky?
Funnily enough, the photo actually comes from a different article about the trial, albeit still from the Telegraph.
I suppose the reason for that would be so as not to highlight the rift between the in-laws since that doesn't fit in with what we were led to believe back in May… Doesn't Bex just look like the White fucking Widow though… Just sayin'.
Okay, moving on to the trial its self. The following is what Richard Whittam QC said about Rigbys murder… At least it is according to the Telegraph:
Opening the case, Mr Whittam told the court Mr Rigby suffered a "shocking" death.
He said the accused "committed a cowardly and callous murder by deliberately attacking an unarmed man in civilian clothes from behind using a vehicle as a weapon and then they murdered him and mutilated his body with a meat cleaver and knives".
The men were in a Vauxhall Tigra in Artillery Place shortly after 2pm when it was driven at Mr Rigby at between 30 too 40 miles an hour.
The collision knocked him unconscious and the car, which did not brake, crashed in to a road sign "at great force".
Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, drove their car directly at Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, lifting his body onto the hood and slamming it to the windshield, the court heard. Source
… Okay, whether or not Whittam actually said that or the Telegraph made it up isn't known… But its still bollocks all the same.
You see, the CCTV footage shows Rigby about to be struck (Note you don't actually see him being struck) at exactly 1:26:00 PM.
[Image: 29.jpg]

Now, to my mind 13:26 PM is approximately half past one (or two if the camera wasn't reset when the clocks went forward) as opposed to "shortly after 2PM".
A small point perhaps, but a lot of small points add up to one big fucking lie.
Moreover, the following information is interesting:
Time stamping comes in handy when presenting surveillance footage in a court of law. The evidence must be accurate for it to be approved for legal use. Many videos have been thrown out as evidence simply because they did not display the date and time. In some cases the time and date were displayed, but the time was off by an hour or so, and the footage was ruled invalid.
It is actually very difficult to find out if CCTV evidence is admissible in court if the time stamp is incorrect… But I really wouldn't have thought so for reasons that I will discuss in a moment.
However, it is unlikely that the Camera had not been reset since those with CCTV aimed at a public road are meant to do a check list of things on a weekly basis.
Moreover, a flash CCTV camera like the one that took the footage of Rigby being knocked over allegedly should automatically correct its self anyway.
And indeed, if Rigby was knocked over at just before 1:30 PM, it would make for a considerably different story than the one we have.
I would in fact have thought that the pair of Mickey's barrister would have been right on it.
Moreover, I'm sure that there was a general consensus amongst a few of those who commented on my article The Drummer Man' that a traffic alert on Twitter had stated that the roads around Artillery Place were blocked off.
If that were proven, along with the 1.26PM time on the CCTV footage, the prosecution would be left on extremely dodgy ground. There case would be in fucking tatters.
Now, I'm just a writer and I can come up with those reasons for the need in a time stamp to be accurate if used in court.
So, imagine what could be made of the wrong time stamp if you had a shit hot barrister?
Never the less, since Slim Whitman has introduced the footage in court, we will assume that the time stamp is an hour behind… For now at least.
Right, now we haven't got that sorted out, lets get back to Rigby getting run over.
However, in doing so we need to look at the events leading up to the car hitting Rigby.
At 2:18 PM, on the 29th, Miranda Prynne, a Telegraph News Reporter had her timeline account of events released by the newspaper.
Prynne's timeline states as fact that on the day in question:

1.30pm The car travels along Wellington Street and Artillery Place in Woolwich before continuing to an area just south of the Woolwich ferry.
Now I find it strange that Prynne is specific about the car travelling up Wellington Street and Artillery Place but she then goes all vague as to the cars journey after that.
However, Prynne's version of events gets even stranger when you look at a map of the area.
[Image: 291.jpg]

Do you see what I'm getting at?
By travelling in the direction Prynne states, the car is heading away from the Woolwich ferry area and would have had to nearly double back on itself in order to arrive atan "area just south of the Woolwich ferry".
Therefore, the further that the car travelled along Artillery Place, the further away it got from where Prynne says the car ended up.
Prynne then states:
2.20pm The car is seen back on Wellington Street performing a manoeuvre so it is parked facing towards Artillery Place. Michael Adebolajo is seen next to the driver's door.
Despite the fact that we are not told who saw the car make this manoeuvre, in order to do so, it is reasonable to assume that the car was heading North along Wellington Street away from Artillery Place.
However, this does not tie in with what she said the car did at 1:30PM. You see, being in an area just south of the ferry would mean that the Tigra would already be facing the right direction on Wellington Street.
Never the less, parking on Wellington Street would have been very hazardous and the car must have been a way down the road otherwise it would have been blocking cars wishing to turn left into John Wilson Street at the traffic lights.
[Image: 292.jpg]

Everyone clear?
Tough shit if you're not since there would be absolutely no fucking point in me repeating what I have just written.
Prynne then states as fact that at:
2.21pm Michael Adebolajo drives the Tigra straight at Lee Rigby as he crosses the road on Artillery Place. The car was travelling at between 30 and 40mph when it struck Lee Rigby from behind.
Once again, details are vague. For instance, how the fuck do they know that the car was travelling at 30-40 MPH?
You see, according to one car performance website whilst reviewing the Tigra, it had this to say:
The larger car's 125bhp and 0-60mph time of 9 seconds will keep your inner boy racer pacified. Source
Now, I'm no Jeremy fucking Clarkson but on that information I can't be far out by saying that the most powerful Tigra will be capable of hitting 30-40MPH in around four or five seconds… If lucky.
And that is assuming that the Tigra was top of the range.

[Image: 25.jpg]

And just so as you know it is bollocks to say that the Tigra was travelling somewhere between 30-40MPH, take a look at this statistic:
Around two-thirds of crashes in which people are killed or injured occur on roads with a speed limit of 30 mph or less. At 30 mph vehicles are travelling at 44 feet (about 3 car lengths) each second. Source
With that in mind, does the distance between the Tigra and Lee in the last two photos look to be a minimum of 88ft?… No, it doesn't to me either.
[Image: 30.jpg]

I will tell you something else for nothing too. Either the surrounding streets were closed off when the shops CCTV took the footage or it was very early in the morning. John Wilson Street/Artillery Place is a very, very busy junction.
Course, you will either have to take my word for that or go and look for ya self, don't cha know.
[Image: woolwich-terror-blood.jpg]

Okay, Prynne then states as fact:
2.21pm Amanda Bailey is driving a Peugeot 206 down the hill after visiting her son's school when the car cuts right across the road in front of her. She sees the car smash into Lee Rigby and pulls up beside his body before dialling 999.
Don't laugh!
So not withstanding the fact that Lee was knocked down 5 minutes earlier than the CCTV footage shows, the fact that Prynne states that Amanda Bailey "pulls up besides his body" implies that Lee is in the road.
Course, it gets sillier still when you revisit what was stated as fact at the actual time of the murder'.
The following is from the Metro:
Assistant commissioner Byrne, said this morning: Today our shock at what happened on the streets of our city remains.
The investigation into the shocking murder of a serving soldier yesterday is ongoing, and is of course a major investigation for us.'
He added: One point I would like to address is around some of the speculation as to how long it took the Met to respond yesterday as this incident started to unfold.
We first received a 999 call from the public at 14:20hrs stating a man was being attacked, further 999 calls stated that the attackers were in possession of a gun. We had officers at the scene within 9 minutes of receiving that first 999 call.
Once that information about a gun or guns being present was known firearms officers were assigned at 14:24hrs. Firearms officers were there and dealing with the incident 10 minutes after they were assigned, 14 minutes after the first call to the Met.' Source
… Now, Assistant commissioner Byrne is a serious wanker ranker in the plod and would never tell lies.
He is also very, very specific on the time line.
Therefore, the police were informed of the incident six minutes before it happened. Now that is impressive.
Never the less, the chances of Rigby staying on the car bonnet in order for him to end up where he did are absolutely fucking zilch. Take a look at these photos.
[Image: 251.jpg]

There is around 25 foot between the two posts and a Tigra is around 13 foot long… Just sayin'… Again.
Never mind that we are meant to believe that the car was doing 30-40 MPH, we are also meant to believe that Adebolajo controlled the car at that speed after first hitting Rigby and then the kerb while still managing to get the turn needed to hit the sign post head on!
Moreover, for Rigby to end up where he did he must have still been inexplicably on the car bonnet when it hit the sign post… Are you having this old fucking bollocks?
They are taking the fucking piss.
The following is what Prynne the Prized Prat then has to say on her timeline of events:
2.23pm The Vauxhall Tigra crashes to a halt and Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale are then seen getting out. Michael Adebolajo has a meat cleaver in his hand. Together they attack Lee Rigby before dragging his body into the middle of the road
I notice that there isn't any mention of Adebowale clambering out of the drivers side because the fucking passenger door wouldn't open following the impact with the hardest sign post in the whole fucking world… But that is the truth of the matter.
And who the fuck is this Amanda Bailey when she's at home?
Her car isn't in the photos.
I will remind you of what Prynne said about her:
Amanda Bailey is driving a Peugeot 206 down the hill after visiting her son's school when the car cuts right across the road in front of her. She sees the car smash into Lee Rigby and pulls up beside his body before dialling 999. Source
Now, if you look at a map of Woolwich the only logical school that she can be referring to is Mulgrave Primary. So, at the very least why don't we see her car waiting at the junction of Rectory Place waiting to pull into Artillery Place?
And what did this never before mentioned Amanda do after phoning the old bill? Fuck off home?
I suppose that it could be a bit of a red herring and Amanda Bailey could be Amanda Donnelly.
But even then the evidence wouldn't tally not that that seems to fucking matter in this case.
However, it would take me too long to point out the inconstancies so you will need to read my article The Drummer Man to know why.
Moreover, it is strange that all the witnesses whom Whittam QC quoted evidence from in court last Friday are not those who spoke to the newspapers on the 22nd of May… Hardly surprising though given the shit the likes of Joe Talent came out with.
Still, it will be interesting to see if Boya Dee appears in court… And if he does will he speak posh or like a gangsta man?
Okay, the following is from an update that good old Tom Whitehead gave at 3,30PM on Friday:
Shopkeeper Ibrahim Elidemir saw the driver leave the car with a "chopper" and said the passenger got out with a "knife in his hand", the court heard.
"He saw the driver attacking the throat of Lee Rigby with the chopper and the passenger stabbing him to the body," Mr Whittam said.
The men then left the car.
Mr Whittam said: "The driver was carrying a cleaver in his hand. He knelt down by Lee Rigby and took hold of his hair. He then repeatedly hacked at the right side of his neck just below the jawline."
Another eyewitness, Greenwich Borough Council electrician Thomas Seymour, saw a man attack the neck of Fusilier Rigby.
Mr Whittam told the jury: "Mr Seymour instantly believed that he was trying to cut the victim's head off'."
Another witness, Gary Perkins, described the defendant's actions as being "like a butcher attacking a joint of meat". Source
Very fucking strange, especially since I have in the past provided evidence that the shopkeeper had said he saw nothing.
It has also now transpired that Adebolajo gave Amanda Donnelly a note.
Very, very fucking strange then that Amanda didn't mention this fact before like you would have thought that she would have done in the major interview that she gave to the Sunday Mirror a week or so after the alleged murder took place.
Once again, you can find all the details of who said what in The Drummer Man.
So why the fuck didn't she remember to mention it earlier?
Too embarrassed I would guess.
I mean, have you read the fucking transcript of this never before mentioned letter?
Once again, this comes from the Telegraph and was published at 5:16PM GMT 29 Nov 2013.
Unfortunately I can't tell you who wrote the shit because no cunt is brave enough to put their fucking name to the old bollocks…
However, one things for sure. You really couldn't make this shit up:
To my beloved children, know that to fight Allah's enemies is an obligation the proofs of which are so numerous that but a handful of any of them cuts out the bewitching tongues of the munafiqeen.
Do not spend your days in endless dispute with the cowardly and foolish if it means that it will delay you meeting Allah's enemies on the battlefield. Sometimes the cowardly and foolish could be the dearest to you, so be prepared to turn away from them.

When you set out on this path, do not look left or right.

Seek shahada, oh my sons, so that we might be raised together and if it's Allah's decree that you are not to be in the hearts of the green birds, then be ready for a [deleted] to enter the university of Yousef. Sijn. Be patient there and be firm there and inshallah you will meet your Lord with Him pleased with you. Verily, Allah is with those who are patient.

If I live beyond this day and you find me talking other than this, then know that perhaps Allah has left me to stray.
If you find yourself curious as to why carnage is reaching your (underlined) own towns then know it is simply retaliation for your oppression in our towns.
Many of your people are aristocrats that directly benefit from the invasion of our lands without material loss whereas the average Joe Bloggs working class man loses his sons when they are killed by our brothers. When the heat of battle reaches your local street it's unlikely that any of your so called politicians will be at risk or caught in the cross fire so I suggest you remove them.
Remove them and replace them with people who will secure your safety by immediate withdrawal from the affairs of the Muslims.
Muslims will trade with you on fair terms but understand that the days of your international armed robbery is drawing to a close.
To humble yourselves willingly is better for you.
May Allah guide your nation to the truth. Ameen. Source

… Adebolajo hasn't got any fucking children has he?
Not any that I have seen mentioned anyway, and Iv'e read a fucking thing or two about this case, believe me.
And on top of this previously secret letter now getting an airing, The Telegraph still aren't satisfied and appear to want to muddy the waters even further in the anonymous article by serving up misinformation… Unless of course, the Telegraph journalists are just as fucking shite as the Chimps.
You see, the following photo which is once again a screen shot so as I can incorporate the newspapers caption is the articles header.
[Image: 252.jpg]

That is a photo of Gemini Donnelly, not her mother Amanda.
You may recall that Gemini had a tendency to go missing during the action. Once again, its all documented in The Drummer Man.
And on top of that, we also have another never before heard of witness… Where do they get them?
Predictably, this new witness will apparenntly tell the court that Adebolajo was walking around talking about religion… Well, he would do wouldn't he, so she would do wouldn't she:
Another woman,Vikki Cave, approached the body to see if she could help, Mr Whittam said.
She heard the taller of the alleged killers talking about "religion", the jury was told.
Mr Whittam said he was "saying things about religion such as these soldiers go to our land, kill/bomb our people so an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". Source

Ahhh, the good old eye for an eye, tooth for a fucking denture is being trotted out again I see.
Course, I suppose that Vikki two K's could be the blonde woman who filled in for Gemini Donnelly whilst she went walkabouts. But then again that would just be speculation on my part.
[Image: SNN2302A-620X_1733023a.jpg]

Now I also noticed that as well as being charged with the murder of Rigby and attempted murder of a police officer (shouldn't that be the attempted murder of three plod?), the two Michaels are also charged with conspiracy to murder a police officer on or before that day.
Again, news to me.
Exactly when did this conspiracy take place then?
Can the plod not be more specific?
Since they apparently can't this would beg the question; how the fuck do the old bill know about this conspiracy to murder a melon Copper?
The Michaels certainly wouldn't have volunteered the information.
So It just sounds like more old fanny if you ask me.
Talking of which, the version of events surrounding the shooting of the two Michaels has changed a bit over the past 6 months.
The following is taken from Tom BlackWhiteheads 3:30 PM effort:
The jury was shown CCTV and mobile phone footage of three armed police officers arriving at the scene in a marked BMW.
Hold up, hold up!
Why the fuck did the jury get to see CCTV and mobile phone footage when we didn't?
Do they show something different to the professionally done Daily Mirror footage we were given to watch? Just asking.
Carry on Mr Security Editor:
The officers two men and one woman are seen running from their car before one shoots Adebowale and another uses a Taser on Adebolajo.
Hold up, hold fucking up!
What about the shooting of Adebolajo?
He did after all attempt to murder the coppers.
Indeed, he was going to shoot them with two pointed fingers since that is the only fucking weapon that he had on him… Having now written that, I can see why Tom Tom the pipers son neglected to mention Adebolajo's murder attempt.
Okay, carry on cunty lips:
The female police officer referred to in court as D49 braked "harshly" when she approached the scene and thought "he's going to kill me", Mr Whittam said.
"With his two pointy fingers" Mr Spivey chipped in:
"Remember this was a real event, not a film," he added.
"Remember this was a film, not a real event," I corrected.
One of the male police officers, a rear passenger in the police car, said he felt he was "in the most urgent situation of his life".
He was presumably new to the job then?
I mean to say, it must have been fucking terrifying seeing Adebolajo running unarmed at break neck speed towards him when all he had for protection was a great big fuck off gun, two heavily armed colleagues and a fucking BMW car door.
Best you stick to fucking ballet dancing twinkle toes if that is the "most urgent situation" of your life… Cunt.
Take it away Tom:
The officer known as E48 fired from his seated position out of the window and hit one of the men, the court heard.
"Hit one of the men"! "Hit one of the fucking men"! Doesn't the fucking idiot know which one of "the men" he fucking hit?
It was Adebolajo you fucking twank.
Adebowale was the other one… You know the one? The one strolling down the other side of the fucking road without a care in the fucking world.
Still since E45 Cream Poof fired whilst in a seated position from the back of a BMW, it can hardly have been the "most urgent situation of his life" can it? Can it?
C'mon, give us some more old fanny WhiteDickhead:
As the vehicle stopped, the other male officer, referred to as E42, left the car and saw Adebowale pointing a gun and shot him.
Erm… Not exactly true is it E42, me old cock sparra?
However, I seriously doubt that you are going to tell the court how you and your two fellow stooges broke just about every rule in the book or that had Adebowale not been drugged up to the fucking eyeballs he could have shot you all twice before you even noticed him… Amateurs.
The female officer then also left the car and used her Taser on Adebolajo, the jury was told.
Presumably, the delay had been because she was doing her fucking make-up… Just sayin'.
[Image: The-whole-thing.jpg]

Looks kinda different to how Wigwam QC describes it, don't cha think?
Mind you, I suppose that would explain why the jury had to sit through some grainy CCTV and jumpy mobile phone footage. After all, it really is painful having to watch the amateur dramatics clearly
And as always, it gets fucking better. You see, despite there only being 12 foot or so between the 3 stooges and Adebowale, these highly trained' officers still managed to fucking miss him… And people believe that this shit is real!!!
[Image: 14.jpg]

We are being taken for fucking mugs here people… Why are we letting the fraud cunts treat us like fucking mugs?
And that is before you even read this next bit of old fanny:
Mr Whittam told the court that Adebolajo made a number of comments after he was shot by police.
These included: "I am a Muslim extremist, this may be the only chance you meet one."
"Your people have gone to Afghanistan and raped and killed our women, I am seeking retribution, I wouldn't stoop so low as to rape and kill women."
"I thank the person who shot me, because it is what Allah would have wanted."
"I love Allah more than my children."
Adebolajo also wrongly claimed that Fusilier Rigby, who was wearing a Help for Heroes hooded top, was in military kit when he was attacked, the court heard.
He said: "My intention was never to hurt civilians. There were women and children around. My intention was to hurt military only. He was in his kit, in his uniform, coming in and out of the barracks." Source
I am shaking my head slowly as I type this.
The fella has just been shot 2 or 3 time(I forget which) at point blank range for fucks sake.
He has a broken arm and has just been hit with 50,000 volts of electricity from a Taser.
So, was the Taser really necessary?
Are the police cunts really that fucking soft that they find a fella on the ground with a broken arm a threat having already been shot at least twice?
Yet these fraud cunts would have you believe that he was up for a chat?
Then again, I suppose it is essential to the plot to get a mention in about adebolajo being a Muslim Extremist - "My names Chris, I write, how do you do"? My names Michael, I'm a Muslim Extremist, how do you do"?
Mind you, there was a bit of a fuck up with the last bit of Adebolajo's dying swan speech.
You know? The bit about Rigby being in hiskit, in his uniform, coming in and out of the barracks.
Adebolajo must have been under the illusion that they were still working to plan A which saw the two Mickey's stalking Riggers for weeks before striking… Do you remember that one?
Which reminds me? Have I asked the question as to how the two Muslim Micks knew that Rigby would cross the road to go to the shop? After all, he was on the right side of the street for the barracks.
And had Eleanor Rigby chosen to cross further up the road the Mick's would have been fucked since they had already committed themselves to crossing John Wilson Street.
Moreover, that is the second time now that they have brought Adebolajo's children into play… Is that so as we can have a sequel in 10 or 15 years time? … Woolwich: The revenge' perhaps?
And talking of children continuity see have you read that there new bit about a class of children from Mulgrave Primary out on a trip who were Turned back from returning to school? … Even though they wasn't.
Course, I imagine that this particular new bit of old fanny has been invented to get around the fuck up of having originally stated as fact that children were leaving the school while Rigby was being murdered… Only thing is, they have made themselves look bigger cunts by adding this new bit of shite.
The following is taken from Dick Whiteheads first effort and is in regard to how the additional school children plot was brought into play:
The court heard the incident happened close to a primary school and children returning from a school visit to a library were turned back by members of the public so they could not see the "awful scene".
And then there is this bit from a Telegraph journalist who didn't want to put his/her name to it, because I would imagine whoever he or she was had, in all likelihood already figured out that this new side plot just doesn't hold water:
It all took place yards from a junior school. CCTV footage shows schoolchildren being diverted from the scene.
Now, the very fact that primary school kids were on a school trip to a library is suspect in its self.
I mean, for starters schools usually have their own library even inner city schools don't cha know and lets face it, these days even 11 year olds reading skills are not what they should be.
Never the less, the children were not turned back by members of the public.
They simply took the most sensible route back to school and that route doesn't include walking up Artillery Place… In all probability, it never fucking did.
[Image: bo.jpg]
Course, it doesn't hurt to be reminded of what Mulgrave Primary School's headmaster, David Dixon said about the incident back in May:
Dixon, the headteacher at Musgrave, heard the shots ring out as he ran back to his school, and ordered the lockdown. Inside children were playing in the playground. Many had just returned from lunch and were in their last classes before leaving.
"There were lots of police and emergency vehicles and I saw the body lying in the road. We locked the gates, we locked everything down to make sure the children were safe inside. The police helicopter landed in the playground and we helped to direct them where to go.
"The children were asking questions. There was a helicopter flying around they wanted to know what was going on. But everything was calm. We were able to let the children go home; we kept them safe." Source
Musgrave??? There's nothing like being professional is there.
And purely for information purposes, there are a lot of interesting witnesses giving their colourful versions of events to be found at the same source as the above.
However, Dixon made no mention of some of his pupils being out on a trip and having to be "turned back" because of the murder… Even though in all probability the children would have been back at school before Riggers was killed. Depending on whose timeline you go by of course.
Mind you, am I the only one who thinks that pupils returning from lunch at 2:25 PM is a strange dinner hour?
That fucking school isn't right I'm telling you. Having said that, there is an actor called David Dixon… But they are highly unlikely to be one of the same now, are they… Silly.
And don't forget that both Adebolajo and Anjem Choudary attended Mulgrave… Allegedly.
Then again, Michael Adebowale went to the same school as those thugs implicated in Stephen Lawrence's murder and he was mentored by Damilola Taylor's old man, so life is full of little coincidences.
But that is enough trivia.
Okay, moving on.
We were also treated to a new photo last Friday taken from CCTV footage allegedly showing Drummer Rigby 15 minutes before he was murdered.
[Image: The-whole-thing1.jpg]
Might just be me though.
So, there you have it. If day 1 is going to be representative of the rest of the trial, I'm going to be a busy fucking boy by looks of things.
But so be it. This pantomime must not be allowed to become reality.
I had no doubts on the 22nd of May that we were being fed a crock of Horseshit.
And since then, I have seen nor heard anything to make me change my mind.
Lee Rigbys murder was without a shred of doubt in my mind a government aided and abetted false flag operation.
And for that crime alone, the warped minded cunts need hanging… Nuff said.