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Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Albert Doyle - 07-07-2015

Intel gets more bang for the buck from a propagandist who takes the public's side on matters that will never be confronted. All of the issues Bugliosi came in on the right side of were issues that never truly threatened the government. That only made his lies more effective in the Kennedy case.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Jim DiEugenio - 07-07-2015

Well, I don't agree with that.

IMO, what happened in Florida in 2000 was a coup. Al Gore would have been president if Jeb Bush had not stolen the election for his brother. And then that heist was actually ratified by Scalia and the Supreme Court. If Gore won--and he would have--that would have made a huge difference. Especially considering the fact that Bush 2 was one of the very worst presidents in history. There certainly would have been no Iraq War.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Michael Cross - 07-07-2015

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Well, I don't agree with that.

IMO, what happened in Florida in 2000 was a coup. Al Gore would have been president if Jeb Bush had not stolen the election for his brother. And then that heist was actually ratified by Scalia and the Supreme Court. If Gore won--and he would have--that would have made a huge difference. Especially considering the fact that Bush 2 was one of the very worst presidents in history. There certainly would have been no Iraq War.
Agreed on all points.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Albert Doyle - 07-07-2015

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Well, I don't agree with that.

IMO, what happened in Florida in 2000 was a coup. Al Gore would have been president if Jeb Bush had not stolen the election for his brother. And then that heist was actually ratified by Scalia and the Supreme Court. If Gore won--and he would have--that would have made a huge difference. Especially considering the fact that Bush 2 was one of the very worst presidents in history. There certainly would have been no Iraq War.

No threat to the government. All taken care of in advance by Scalia. This was just politics. The public would never seriously rally to confront it. Straight corruption and the usual sleazy business of politics in America. A safe venue for Vinny to gather credibility in.

The Kennedy assassination involved evidence of a murderous bloody coup.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Jim DiEugenio - 08-07-2015


I think you are forgetting the battle that went on down there for about two months.

It was broadcast on TV nightly, even daily.

I mean, first Jessie jackson goes down there and starts rallies in Palm Beach.

Pat Buchanon goes on TV and says, no way all those Jews would vote for me if it weren't for the screwed up ballot.

Then James Baker goes down there to run the GOP machine.

Then Warren Christopher goes down there to run the Democratic machine.

It then got to be a tennis match in the courts as to who could find a case to bust the thing open with.

Then the Florida legislature attempted to stage a mini coup.

Then there was the Roger Stone/ DIck Cheney Brooks Brothers "riot" to stop the voter recount in Dade.

Then there was the final Supreme Court decision, but Gore could have still fought on, and one of his advisors told him he had another legal remedy he could use. But Annette Benning told me at a Democratic Party meeting--her and Beatty were in close contact with Gore--Al threw up his hands and said, "Well, what do I do if we don't abide by the decision? Do I ask my followers to take to the streets and start spilling blood?"

He decided not to.

That is not politics as usual. Since that kind of decision is almost never broached.

And, btw, it took Gore a long time to get over that.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Joseph McBride - 08-07-2015

Yes, and a Florida legislature leader was prepared
to throw the state electoral votes to Bush no matter
what the courts decided. That would have caused
more chaos.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Magda Hassan - 08-07-2015

But Gore just rolled over and played dead. What was all that about? I think you see some of this in the beginning of Michael Moore's Farenheit 911 where the black congres/senators are trying to get some traction on this and they are shut down by their own party.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Tracy Riddle - 08-07-2015

I think we would have been very disappointed with Gore. Remember his running-mate was Joe Lieberman, who is basically a neo-con on many issues. Just as the Clintons and Obama played ball with the Criminal Elite, Gore would have done the same. If he didn't, something would have happened to him ("Air Force One blown up by Al Qaeda, Joe Lieberman is President, picks Dick Cheney as his new VP in a National Unity Government, declares state of emergency, blames Saddam Hussein!")

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Magda Hassan - 08-07-2015

Tracy Riddle Wrote:I think we would have been very disappointed with Gore. Remember his running-mate was Joe Lieberman, who is basically a neo-con on many issues. Just as the Clintons and Obama played ball with the Criminal Elite, Gore would have done the same. If he didn't, something would have happened to him ("Air Force One blown up by Al Qaeda, Joe Lieberman is President, picks Dick Cheney as his new VP in a National Unity Government, declares state of emergency, blames Saddam Hussein!")

I have no doubt Gore would have been a major disappointment given his history of total capitulation to and willing collaboration with every demand by the extreme right agenda. His laying down and rolling over in 2000 just one example. But he should have at least put up a fight and lay down dead for Bush.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Jim DiEugenio - 08-07-2015

Joseph McBride Wrote:Yes, and a Florida legislature leader was prepared
to throw the state electoral votes to Bush no matter
what the courts decided. That would have caused
more chaos.

This is a very important point. If I recall, the leader of the legislature, the lower house was one Tom Feeney, who some think was actually in on the the rigging of the future electronic machines in Florida. And Feeney collaborated with Gov. Bush on what Joe is talking about. (See Nichols, p. 187)

But see, IMO, the election was stolen way beforehand by Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris and her assistant Clayton Roberts who fleeced the election eligible lists months before the election so that many people of color who were able to vote could not. Greg Palast wrote an excellent essay on this in his book The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. A really fine piece of investigative journalism. The best overall summary on the subject I think is Jews for Buchanan by John Nichols.

Gore didn't really roll over. He fought it every step of the way and took it, pretty much, as far as he could. And there is no doubt that he would have been a better president than Bush 2.

IMO, Bush 2 was never elected, not in 2000 and not in 2004. In 2004, I think Kerry did really roll over. In fact, when Kerry asked Edwards to run as his VP, Edwards told Kerry that he would accept only on one condition: if the same thing happened in 2004 as occurred in 2000, they would fight it all the way.

Well, the same thing did happen, except this time in Ohio. And Kerry did about zero.

America is a truly lawless state. And, IMO, it started in 1963-64 with the Warren Commission. Its called Friendly Fascism.