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Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - Jim DiEugenio - 30-12-2015

Thursday night, New Years Eve.

Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - Dawn Meredith - 30-12-2015

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:That is a really good question.

Offhand, I would say yes though.

BTW, I will be on BOR this week to talk about three things:

1. My review of the movie Trumbo.

2. My discussion of Carol Hewett's work on Ruth and Mike Paine and their role in the elimination of Oswald's Minox camera for the FBI.

3. My review of The Devil''sChessboard.

So before you get drunk, listen.

Jim: Just read your review of "Trumbo" which I have not seen yet.
Wonderful review. May try to see it NY Eve if it's still playing anywhere around here. Socially relevant films don't last long
in American theatres.


Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - Jim DiEugenio - 30-12-2015

Its an interesting film on more than one count.

First, I had no idea the studios folded so fast an completely to the HUAC. Startling to me.

Second, when I looked into it, there were more than 300 people who had their lives impacted by the blacklist. Not just the Hollywood Ten.

Third, it was Hedda Hopper and John Wayne who led the drive for red hunting on the ground.

Fourth, the Kennedys had a role in breaking it all.

This last really puzzled me since I had never read anything about that anyplace.

Joe McBride probably knows a lot more about this than I do, but the above facts were real surprising to me.

Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - Jim DiEugenio - 01-01-2016

BTW, this is getting to be a broken record, but the stats on my review of Talbot are still going up.

Its now getting 2,240 hits a day with over 1800 visits.

Its remarkable how the ratio has stayed level.

Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - Dawn Meredith - 02-01-2016

I just started reading it this morning and it's fantastic. Now I am wishing I had spent less time online over my Christmas break from work and read this book. Oh well.
We just have to keep spreading the word. Don't see Chris Matthews having Talbot on over this book. Of course that turd also does not have the Bug to assist in attacking David the way they both did when Matthews had him on to discuss Brothers.
Mockingbird pigs.


Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - David Guyatt - 03-01-2016

I have just started reading this book and the synchronicity of it struck me quite strongly. One source the author tapped was Dulles' daughter, Joan Talley, now almost 90 years of age. She is a Jungian analyst - and just the person you want to fathom the Collective Shadow of the guiding elite working with Dulles in those days.

As she says, it's a case of embracing both "the light and the dark" to form a deeper and more enduring knowledge of the forces which controls us.

She now sees that. Her father never could.

Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - Dawn Meredith - 03-01-2016

David Guyatt Wrote:I have just started reading this book and the synchronicity of it struck me quite strongly. One source the author tapped was Dulles' daughter, Joan Talley, now almost 90 years of age. She is a Jungian analyst - and just the person you want to fathom the Collective Shadow of the guiding elite working with Dulles in those days.

As she says, it's a case of embracing both "the light and the dark" to form a deeper and more enduring knowledge of the forces which controls us.

She now sees that. Her father never could.

Wow David, better be careful, this book just may drag you kicking and screaming into the JFK assassination case. :Confusedhock::


Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - Deborra Ann Low - 03-01-2016

Anthony Thorne Wrote:I think you'll see more of this in the future as more and more people join social media, go online This tells me it's broken out of the typical JFK assassination volume ghetto and is being recognised more widely as a book worthy of attention. I expect to see more five-star reviews, and the inevitable token hit piece rebuttals from idiots who haven't read the book, in the near future.

Yes! This book deserves the attention its getting (and much more) because it extends well past the tight focus of attempting to prove the political coup that took place in 1963, (not to depreciate all the definitive arguments that have been and must continue to be made over the minute details of the events of 11/22/63), but the focus of this book moved to boldly open a broader discussion about the long term historical affect of the successful circumvention of democratic principles in this country, as a direct result of the creation of the CIA, along with the psychopath(s) appointed to its helm. This well-organized, corporate/fascist micro-managed, MSM camouflaged, super pathocracy, exerts force, power, and influence well beyond the scope of our pseudo "representative government," and without skipping a beat, its command has progressed untouched for well over a half century. In a sequential context, "The Devil's Chessboard" demonstrates how the assassination of JFK was merely one of a long string of heinous, violent, evil, operations among too many that foreshadowed it, immediately followed it and continues unscathed to this day.

Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - Jim DiEugenio - 03-01-2016

A reader at CTKA picked up on this this week after I discussed my review of Talbot on BOR.

He said that the way Dulles operated his anti-Kennedy government in exile after, was similar to how the other assassinations that is RFK and MLK went down. That is not at all officially sanctioned, but as Casey said, off the shelf operations.

I don't even think Talbot realized he hit on that.

Jim DiEugenio on The Devil's Chessboard - David Guyatt - 04-01-2016

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:I have just started reading this book and the synchronicity of it struck me quite strongly. One source the author tapped was Dulles' daughter, Joan Talley, now almost 90 years of age. She is a Jungian analyst - and just the person you want to fathom the Collective Shadow of the guiding elite working with Dulles in those days.

As she says, it's a case of embracing both "the light and the dark" to form a deeper and more enduring knowledge of the forces which controls us.

She now sees that. Her father never could.

Wow David, better be careful, this book just may drag you kicking and screaming into the JFK assassination case. :Confusedhock::


No chance of that Dawn. I know when to steer well clear. ::laughingdog::