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Oswald autopsy photographic fakery? - Printable Version

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Oswald autopsy photographic fakery? - Anthony Marsh - 18-05-2010

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Anthony Marsh Wrote:
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Good, Anthony. They may have shaved his pubic hair to make
him look less masculine. It appears to have been done after he
was dead. Judyth has denied that Lee shaved himself. I believe
her. I appreciate that Anthony has added further explanation.

Anthony Marsh Wrote:The Dallas police shaved Oswald's public hair for evidence.

I won't name any names, but certain authors were saying
that the fact that Oswald's pubic hair was shaved is proof that he was a homosexual. I think the idea was to further link him to Ferrie.

Now that is interesting. Who on earth would desire to "link him to Ferrie"?? Not the Dallas Police, they would not even know of Ferrie? And even if they had learned that name so quickly THIS proves conspiracy, not homosexuality.

Disconnect here. I said NOTHING about the Dallas Police.
I said NOTHING about anyone in law enforcement at the
time trying to link him to Ferrie. I said CERTAIN AUTHORS. Certain authors had pet theories and one was that Oswald was Ferrie's homosexual pal, which is how Ferrie knew him and recruited him into the plot.
Not my theory, so don't ask me to defend it.
BTW, I am not a Ferrie defender, but just because Ferrie once molested Oswald does not prove that Ferrie pulled a trigger in Dealey Plaza.

Oswald autopsy photographic fakery? - David Williams - 31-05-2010

A link to the full autopsy of LHO:

Oswald autopsy photographic fakery? - Magda Hassan - 31-05-2010

Many thanks for this link David. I went looking for such at the time and got distracted finding all sorts of other interesting things such as video interviews with George Micheal Evica then other events came and further distracted thanks David!

Oswald autopsy photographic fakery? - David Williams - 31-05-2010

No problem Magda, just hope it helps
