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"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 06-02-2012

Adele Edisen Wrote:This is weirdo stuff for me. Judyth Vary Baker, a completely untrained, uneducated "scientist", "genius" doing cancer research??? Never happened. Very doubtful that she even really knew Dr. Mary Sherman, or Marina Oswald's husband, the 5'9" (Lee) Harvey Oswald. or David Ferrie. Didin't her husband, Robert, say that she worked at a hamburger joint, White Castle, or something like that in New Orleans? Then later as a secretary at the Reily Coffee Company? Oswald a coffee-grinder machine oiler, wasn't he, in a far-away part of their building?

I have known real virologists and cancer researchers, and believe me, they did not become scientists right after high school or a year or so of college. It takes years of intensive study and work. And, if Dr. Mary Sherman had a cancer project going, she would have hired first-rate technical and scientific staff. So would the CIA, and even Robert G. Heath.

Adele - agreed.

Adele Edisen Wrote:By the way, I was at Tulane University School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, and I know a lot about that place and the people there, a lot..

Pray tell.

Robert G Heath's work is clearly part of the nexus featuring other dark luminaries such as Ewen Cameron, George Estabrooks, Jolly West and Martin Orne.

And probably your own Jose Rivera.

Adele Edisen Wrote:This is one very sad case of a person cleverly winding herself into a real situation, and being the "star" of the movie. There are a lot of people like this out there, and a good psychiatrrist can quickly figure them out, and so can an experienced policeman/detective. Police departments are sometimes overwhelmed by people confessing to a sensationalistic murder which they did not commit, or were not involved in in any way. This is similar to the entwinement by Judyth V. Baker into the JFK assassination and into the CIA murder plots on Fidel Castro. Even though the CIA has done some really stupid things, I can't conceive that they would have decided to use cancer virus-containing materials to eliminate someone like Castro when rifles or poisons would have been so much quicker. People can live a long time with cancer, depending upon the type of cancer and their immune systems. And also, foreign animal cells, or products injected would be quickly destroyed by a human immune system.

I wonder how many have read Ed Haslam's earlier two versions of his later book. These were titled Mary, Ferrie, and the Monkey Virus. He showed the relationship between the polio vaccine and soft-tissue cancer growths, and also figured out how Dr. Mary Sherman died. For those reasons, that much of his work has real value.

Incidentally, the person who discovered the relationship between viruses being one causative agent in inducing cancer tumor growths was Dr. Peyton Rous, when a young scientist at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (as it was called then, becoming Rockefeller University in the 1960s). I met him there in 1955 when I was a Visiting Investigator in Dr. David Lloyd's laboratory. Dr. Rous and I had lunch together one day and he told me how he had made his famous discovery, in 1911 (or so). He won his Nobel Prize for that work in 1967, I think it was.

Judyth could not have done those experiments.

Has anyone wondered if she could have been a witting, or even an unwitting, agent of distraction and/or disinformation? The JFK research community has certainly spent a lot of time and effort in dealing with her. Rich DellaRosa had her on for a time on his forum and then asked her to leave because it was a waste of time. His sister, a professor of Psychology, diagnosed her affliction as Pseudologia Fantastica (fantastic falseword), one of the factitious disorders. In other words, pathologiocal lying, possibly an ego defense mechanism in attempting to repair a shattered ego. There is no known treatment for it, according to psychiatric textbooks, and the cause seems to be unknown, although childhood abuse has been mentioned. She needs help, but JFK researchers should not be validating her fictional life story, because that is not helping her.

Adele - my best sense is entirely as you articulate above.

Judyth Vary Baker has "inserted" herself into history and now believes her own fiction.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 07-02-2012


Quote:Robert G Heath's work is clearly part of the nexus featuring other dark luminaries such as Ewen Cameron, George Estabrooks, Jolly West and Martin Orne.

And probably your own Jose Rivera.

Some of Heath's money came from the Commonwealth Fund, a front for the CIA. LSD was used on prisoners in experiments to test (?) Taraxein. a substance extracted from the blood of schizophrenics. The added LSD was probably what gave the "schizophrenic-type reactions" of the non-psychotic prisoner subjects injected with the combination. We knew this because Heath would allow only one of the biochemistry technicians to make the substances for these studies. Another biochemistry technician somehow found out about it and talked.

When Ralph Gerard (with whom I had received my doctorate) was invited to give a lecture to the Department by Heath, I managed to get some private time with him when my husband and I drove him to the airport for his flight home. I told him about the experimental work I had observed, how the patient-subjects were handled, the lack of controls in certain projects, and various errors which should not have occurred. Dr. Gerard had a lot influence in Washington, D.C., and after I left the Department some of their funding was greatly reduced.

There were many decent clinicians there; not everyone was engaged in top secret experimental work, and my husband was not involved in the experiemental work and surgery on patients. My laboratory was on the second floor where experimental patients with deep implanted brain electrodes were brought for stimulation and recording purposes just a couple of doors down the hallway, so it was difficult to not know what was going on. Also, one of the biochemistry technicians and I became friends and she and I often gossiped about activities in the Department, along with one of the secretaries.

I never heard of Ewen Cameron, George Estabrooks, Jolly West, Martin Orne while I was there, but years later, through reading I learned of them.
It was after 1975 when a lot of information began to be released.

Rivera got around and I think he was connected to CIA-MKULTRA. After all, how did he get his supply of LSD? He was at Loyola University in New Orleans in 1959-61, then went to NIH, 1962-1973. Before New Orleans he was in San Antonio, Texas, working with some Paperclip Nazis, brought here from Germany by the CIA and US Army after WW2. See Magda Hassan's post under Black Operations in February 2011. Rivera is mentioned in Hank Albarelli's article, and so am I in Part 2:'s-Denial-of-Protecting-Nazis-is-Blatant-Lie-Part-1&highlight=Hank+Albarelli

I noted that you had said in your earlier post that some people you had interviewed claimed to have been experimented upon by Heath when they were children. I never saw any children, all patient subjects were adults. However, things might have changed after I left. The only children I ever saw were clinical patients on the first floor where Dr. Irv Marcus, an excellent child psychiatrist, had his office. All the clinical offices (psychotherapy treatments) were on the first floor; the labs were on the second and third floors.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 07-02-2012

Adele - thank you.

A few questions and observations, if I may. Please don't feel obliged to respond to all.

During your time at Tulane, did you ever encounter Ralph Schwitzgebel, or his work?

Was the experimental work and theory of Harry Harlow known to Heath?

Do you have any knowledge of the work of Robert Skidmore Ecke?

Any knowledge of a Dr L(iam) Wilson Greene?

Any contact with the Chairman of the Board at Tulane, a Mr Fenner? Allegedly known as "The Magister".

Any recollection of a "stony mountain" - aka Stony Mountain? - in this context?

Any thoughts on "Were We Controlled?" by Lincoln Lawrence? Some extracts can be seen here. Prof Peter Dale Scott has referred to the book in some of his essays (in PDS's case primarily in the context of alleged stock market manipulation prior to the JFK hit).

Any connection you know of between Heath and Andrija Puharich? Puharich of course links to Arthur Young and then to the Paines.

Ditto Eldon Byrd?

Anyone know if it's true that Marina Oswald had dental implants inserted during her time with the White Russian community around LHO?

The link between research into schizophrenia and the "MK-ULTRA" (in the broad sense) project is intriguing. The following excerpt is from a provocative article by Anton Chaitkin of the LaRouchies. As with all things LaRouche, it needs to be considered with a critical eye:

Quote:- 1934: The Freemasons study madness -

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry joined the Rockefellers in sponsoring psychiatric genetics beginning in 1934, under the rubric of research into dementia praecox (schizophrenia). The highest level of U.S. masonry, the Scottish Rite was the instrument through which the British Crown had reestablished the loyalty of American masons after the American Revolution. The northern section of the Rite had rallied the Copperheads against Abraham Lincoln's Civil War efforts, aiding the Rite's southern chief Albert Pike in secession and in other British white supremacy projects, such as the Ku Klux Klan.
For eugenics, the British royal family itself was the Rite's point of reference. The Duke of Connaught, son of Queen Victoria and brother of King Edward VII, had been grand master of the United Grand Lodge of England since 1901. American masonic leaders referred to the duke as "grand master of the Mother Grand Lodge of Masons of the World.'' The son of a German father (Victoria's husband, the Coburg Prince Albert), the Duke of Connaught was deeply involved in German affairs and was a patron of Britain's "New Dark Ages'' ultra-racialist elite group based in South Africa. Late in 1932, negotiations for Hitler's takeover of Germany took place at the home of Joachim von Ribbentrop, who, as a traveling teenager, had been adopted into the household of the Duke of Connaught. Ribbentrop then became the head of Hitler's foreign intelligence service. As Hitler's ambassador to England, Ribbentrop worked in tandem with the leadership of the clique which employed Hitler as a British surrogate to smash up Europe: the masonic grand master duke and his nephew, the openly Nazi Edward VIII; Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman; and Lord Halifax, Neville Chamberlain's foreign minister.

- 1936-38: Columbia University's chamber of horrors -

In 1936, the Scottish Rite's Field Representative of Research on Dementia Praecox, Dr. Nolan D.C. Lewis, director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, reported to the Scottish Rite Northern Supreme Council "on the progress of the fourteen research projects being financed by the Supreme Council.'' Scottish Rite strategist Winfred Overholser, the superintendent of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, a federal mental hospital in Washington D.C., provided overall leadership for the Rite's psychiatric research. Though these projects are shrouded in mystery, one of them with particularly gruesome results has come to light.
The study of hereditary degeneracy was proceeding in the Rockefeller Foundation's German enclaves when it hit a snag. Psychiatrist Franz J. Kallmann, protege of Nazi race science chief Ernst Rudin, was forced to leave his job-- Kallmann was "half-Jewish.'' This was a big blow for Kallmann, who had proved his Nazi credentials at the International Congress for Population Science in Berlin in 1935. At that British-led meeting hosted by Hitler's Interior Ministry, Kallmann had argued for the sterilization of "even the apparently healthy relatives" of schizophrenics, along with the schizophrenics themselves, to securely eliminate all the defective germ plasm. Without missing a step, Kallmann emigrated to America and became director of research in the New York State Psychiatric Institute, attached to Columbia University in Manhattan. The Scottish Rite's Dr. Lewis was the director of the institute. Kallmann simply continued in New York the Nazi propaganda work he had been doing for Rockefeller in Germany. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry paid Kallmann to conduct a study of over 1, 000 cases of schizophrenia, in order to assert the claim that the mental disorder was inherited.
Kallmann's study was published simultaneously in the United States and Nazi Germany in 1938. In the preface, Kallmann thanked the Scottish Rite and his mentor Rudin. He called schizophrenics a "source of maladjusted crooks ... and the lowest types of criminal offenders. Even the faithful believer in liberty ... would be happier without those.'' He declared sarcastically, "I am reluctant to admit the necessity of different eugenic programs for democratic and fascistic communities.... There are neither biological nor sociological differences between a democratic and a totalitarian schizophrenic.'' Kallmann's scholarly American study was used by the Nazi government's T4 unit as a part of its pretext to begin in 1939 the murder of mental patients and various other "defective'' people, many or most of them children. Lethal gas and lethal injections were used to kill 200-250,000 under this program, in which the staffs for a broader program of mass murder were desensitized and trained.


After the war, Mengele was a famous target of Nazi-hunters pursuing him to South America. But his boss, Verschuer, was regarded in a different light: He was a high-level Rockefeller operative. In 1946, Verschuer wrote to the Bureau of Human Heredity in London, asking for help in continuing his "scientific research. '' In 1947, the Bureau of Human Heredity moved from London to Copenhagen, and Verschuer moved to Denmark to join the British group there. The new Danish building for this group was erected with Rockefeller money. The first International Congress in Human Genetics following World War II was held at this Danish institute in 1956. Dr. Kallmann helped save Verschuer by testifying at his denazification proceedings. Kallmann, a director of the American Eugenics Society, became an icon at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, which remains to this day a nest of the Eugenics Society. With Verschuer and other Nazi notables, Dr. Kallmann also created the American Society of Human Genetics, which organized the "Human Genome Project''--a current $3 billion physical multiculturalism effort.

- 1943: research in North America -

With the war on, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Canadian military joined their psychiatric forces. Canadian Army medical director Dr. George Brock Chisholm had been trained as a psychiatrist at the Tavistock Psychiatric Clinic in London, and Tavistock--the British Crown's central mind-bending agency-- was a major Rockefeller Foundation beneficiary. In 1943, the Rockefeller Foundation created the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Eugenics- oriented psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, a Scottish immigrant to the United States, was placed in charge of the institute's psychiatry. Experiments in coercive interrogation and brainwashing would be conducted at Allen Institute under the auspices of the Canadian military, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Dr. Cameron's "terminal'' use of electric shock as a brain-burning torture, psychosurgery, and brainwashing with drugs and hypnosis would make the Canadian program the most famous apsect of the CIA's MK- Ultra.
Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., a new odor, that of marijuana, could be detected inside St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C. (St. Elizabeth's is the mental hospital where presidential assailants or other federal cases are kept.) The superintendent, Scottish Rite chief psychiatrist Winfred Overholser, was in 1943 the chairman of the misnamed "truth drug'' committee for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The criminal underworld was systematically being brought into official but secret joint activities with the government, under the pretext of fighting fascism. Overholser's crew administered the hallucinogen mescaline to various test subjects. Then in the spring of 1943, they perfected the right mix of marijuana and tobacco to produce a "state of irresponsibility'' in the subject. The official OSS story is that New York mafia hitman August Del Gracio began smoking Overholser's "joints'' on May 27, 1943, in order to loosen his tongue. Federal agents were thus supposedly to learn the inside secrets of drug trafficking--but not to stop it. This was part of an ongoing federal program, which organized crime czar Meyer Lansky boasts (in his authorized biography) that he personally arranged. Mafia thugs were brought in to work in Naval Intelligence offices, and jointly with U.S. agents in U.S. ports and shipping, to more effectively intimidate our national enemies. Former CIA staff member John Marks writes in The Search for the Manchurian Candidate that Overholser's working group included counterintelligence agents inside the Manhattan Project atomic bomb project, and the FBI, which was under the direction of Dr. Overholser's Scottish Rite comrade, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. The Overholser group gave marijuana to U.S. soldiers at Army bases throughout the country, supposedly to aid in the search for subversives. Later, during the 1950s and 1960s, the strategists of the MK- Ultra project would utilize the same channels of influence with U.S. security agencies to let them transform a generation of youth into dope users.

1944-48: after Nazism, the International Congress on Mental Health

In 1944, with the concentration camps in full swing and Europe burning, Montagu Norman resigned from the Bank of England. He immediately began a new project, ironically related to his own repeated mental breakdowns and hospitalizations. Norman organized the British National Association for Mental Health. In its formative stages the group was based at Thorpe Lodge, Norman's London home, where he had met with Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht to plan the Hitler regime's 1930s budgets. Montagu Norman's Bank of England assistant Otto Niemeyer was made treasurer of the National Association of Mental Health. Niemeyer's niece, Mary Appleby, became general secretary of the association. She previously worked in the German Section of the British Foreign Office. The president of Norman's association was to be Richard Austen ("RAB'') Butler. He had been deputy foreign minister to Lord Halifax and the spokesman in the British Parliament for the pro-Nazi policy. The chairman of the association was to be be Lord Halifax's son-in-law, the Earl of Feversham. The vice chairman was Lord Montagu Norman's wife, eugenics activist Priscilla Reyntiens Worsthorne Norman. Norman's British group would soon expand and to take over management of the world psychiatric profession.
When the war ended, the exposure and punishment of those responsible for the Nazi barbarities was a rather delicate matter. Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron interrupted his Canadian brain butchery to go help the British Crown's Tavistock psychological warfare unit evaluate the sanity of Nazi official Rudolph Hess. Cameron's unique insights into the Nazi mentality had made him a valued part of a secret wartime psychiatric committee in Washington to assess the trends in the Nazi leadership's thinking. Cameron now testified as an expert at the Nuremberg war crimes trials. His old OSS colleague Allen Dulles, later the CIA director, was reportedly pleased by Cameron's suggestion that each surviving German over the age of 12 should be given electroshock treatment to burn out remaining vestiges of Nazism. That part of the Nuremberg Code dealing with scientific research was drafted by Boston psychiatrist Leo Alexander; he soon afterward joined with Auschwitz experimental mastermind Otmar Verschuer in Franz Kallmann's American Society of Human Genetics.
In 1948, Montagu Norman's National Association for Mental Health gathered the world psychiatric and psychological leaders together at an International Congress on Mental Health at the United Kingdom's Ministry of Health in London. At this congress, a World Federation for Mental Health was formed, to run the planet's psychological services. Lady Norman, the hostess of the congress, was named to the executive board. Norman picked as president of the World Federation the chief of the British military's psychological warfare department, Tavistock Institute chief Brig. Gen. Dr. John Rawlings Rees.
In connection with the founding of the World Federation for Mental Health, a New York agent of Montagu Norman named Clarence G. Michalis was made chairman of the board of the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation.


Other parts of the U.S. government participated in the project exposed as MK-Ultra. The Army Chemical Center paid for LSD and related drug brainwashing experiments by Dr. Paul Hoch. Along with Nazi eugenics leader Franz Kallmann, Hoch co-directed the research at Columbia University's New York State Psychiatric Institute. Dr. Hoch was a member of the American Eugenics Society, in Kallmann's eugenics cell at the institute. Hoch was simultaneously appointed State Mental Hygiene Commissioner by New York Gov. Averell Harriman, and was reappointed by the next governor, Nelson Rockefeller. Dr. Hoch's forced injections of a mescaline derivative brought about the 1953 death of New York tennis player Harold Blauer. Hoch's colleague Dr. James Cattell later told investigators, "We didn't know whether it was dog piss or what it was we were giving him.'' When Hoch died, British brain butcher Ewen Cameron directed his funeral.
Dr. Hoch, a Scottish Rite masonic strategist, worked with Dr. Kallman under the direction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry's Field Representative of Research on Dementia Praecox, Dr. Nolan D.C. Lewis, the superintendent of the New York State Psychiatric Institute. As the Ku Klux Klan has been the defining project for the Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction, the Rite's Northern Jurisdiction left its official mark on the world through MK- Ultra--its most important "charity.'' Much of the psychiatric dirty work, though, has been done inside the Rite's KKK-spawning Southern Jurisdiction, which includes all southern states and everything west of the Mississippi River. Robert Hanna Felix, 33rd degree mason, was a director of the Scottish Rite's psychiatric research. He ran a spectacularly lawless brainwashing establishment.
The exposure of the MK-Ultra scandal revealed that the CIA had funded one Dr. Harris Isbell to carry out barbarous experiments using slave subjects, nearly all of them black drug addicts, at the Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky. Isbell was the director of the center from the 1940s until 1963. His boss was masonic master psychiatrist Felix, who founded the National Institute of Mental Health and was NIMH director from 1949 to 1964. The Lexington facility had been Dr. Felix's personal project since he had been its clinical director in the 1930s, and he put it under the jurisdiction of the NIMH. The Felix-Isbell slave experiments involved LSD and a wide variety of other hallucinogens and exotic poisons. In one case, seven prisoners were kept hallucinating on LSD for 77 consecutive days. The torture at Lexington followed the pattern developed by Cameron in Montreal: Drug-induced sleep was interrupted by electroconvulsive shock. Cooperative subjects were rewarded with shots of heroin or any other drug of their choice. And for mental health, the masonic administration encouraged the prisoners to participate in synthetic religious and political cults.
Felix's program was not simply to make humans into controllable beasts, but to decentralize the zombie- manufacturing. A 1993 report to the Scottish Rite Supreme Council by its current psychiatric research director, Steven Matthysse, explains: "Thirty years ago, a massive program began, which has continued unabated to this day: the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill.... My predecessor as research director of the Schizophrenia Research Program, Dr. Robert H. Felix, 33 Degree, Gourgas medalist and the founding director of the National Institute of Mental Health, was one of the chief architects of this program. 'We are entering a new era,' he wrote, 'of community-centered, comprehensive psychiatric care.'... Dr. Felix predicted that, in 25 years, 'State mental hospitals as we know them would no longer exist.' He was right.... During the years from 1955 to 1992, the state mental hospital census went down by 82%.'' The strategists of MK-Ultra succeeded in moving the mentally ill out of costly mental hospitals, onto the streets, where they now consitute a large proportion of America's homeless. We shall now see what kind of "community-centered psychiatric care'' these strategists did in fact implement, as Britain's MK-Ultra poured drugs into the country and worked to fabricate the drug- sex youth culture.
Seymour Solomon Kety was both an executive of the Scottish Rite's psychiatry experiments, and a Scottish Rite- funded clinical experimenter. He was chief of NIMH clinical sciences from 1957 through 1967, and continued as the NIMH "senior scientist'' into the 1990s. A close associate of the Kallmann Nazi-eugenics cell at Columbia, Kety was a national director of the American Eugenics Society, under its 1980s name, the Society for the Study of Social Biology. Kety helped lead the masons' U.S. agency, the NIMH, beyond the Kentucky experiments, to the brink of Hell.

Full Chaitkin article here.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 07-02-2012

Jan, Oh, WOW. I'll answer in bits and pieces:

A few questions and observations, if I may. Please don't feel obliged to respond to all.

During your time at Tulane, did you ever encounter Ralph Schwitzgebel, or his work? No, name is not familiar to me. Was he associated with Heath's Department?

Was the experimental work and theory of Harry Harlow known to Heath? Yes, we all discussed it. About the baby monkeys and their mothers?

Do you have any knowledge of the work of Robert Skidmore Ecke? No, again, name not familiar to me.

Any knowledge of a Dr L(iam) Wilson Greene? No, as above.

Any contact with the Chairman of the Board at Tulane, a Mr Fenner? Allegedly known as "The Magister". This name strikes a bell, but I have no distinct memory of this person.

Any recollection of a "stony mountain" - aka Stony Mountain? - in this context? No. Not the Stone Mountain in Georgia?

Any thoughts on "Were We Controlled?" by Lincoln Lawrence? Some extracts can be seen here. Prof Peter Dale Scott has referred to the book in some of his essays (in PDS's case primarily in the context of alleged stock market manipulation prior to the JFK hit). I read that book, but it's so long ago that there is not much, other than a robotic-like manipulation produced in people. It seemed almost like science fiction when I read it.

Any connection you know of between Heath and Andrija Puharich? Puharich of course links to Arthur Young and then to the Paines. No, none whatsoever.

Ditto Eldon Byrd? No. Any relationship to the owner of the Texas School Book Depository Building at an earlier time?

Anyone know if it's true that Marina Oswald had dental implants inserted during her time with the White Russian community around LHO? I know nothing of this.


"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 07-02-2012

Adele - I don't want to contaminate information, so I'll be discreet online.

Here's a little more though.

Ecke was involved in a proto-"MK ULTRA" case - ie MK ULTRA before it existed. Namely the Dimitrov affair. See here, for example.

Re Harry Harlow, I posted the below elsewhere on DPF. In that thread, I start to sketch out a philosophical and scientific framework for understanding the purposes and context of "MK-ULTRA".

Harlow received lots of military money and resources.

I am highly suspicious of the real intentions and uses of his "research", and suspect covert experimentation occurred and was shared within the "MK-ULTRA" network:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Quote:In Harlow's classic experiment, two groups of baby rhesus monkeys were removed from their mothers. In the first group, a terrycloth mother provided no food, while a wire mother did, in the form of an attached baby bottle containing milk. In the second group, a terrycloth mother provided food; the wire mother did not. It was found that the young monkeys clung to the terrycloth mother whether or not it provided them with food, and that the young monkeys chose the wire surrogate only when it provided food.

Whenever a frightening stimulus was brought into the cage, the monkeys ran to the cloth mother for protection and comfort, no matter which mother provided them with food. This response decreased as the monkeys grew older.

When the monkeys were placed in an unfamiliar room with their cloth surrogate, they clung to it until they felt secure enough to explore. Once they began to explore, they occasionally returned to the cloth mother for comfort. Monkeys placed in an unfamiliar room without their cloth mothers acted very differently. They froze in fear and cried, crouched down, or sucked their thumbs. Some even ran from object to object, apparently searching for the cloth mother, as they cried and screamed. Monkeys placed in this situation with their wire mothers exhibited the same behavior as the monkeys with no mother.

Once the monkeys reached an age where they could eat solid foods, they were separated from their cloth mothers for three days. When they were reunited with their mothers, they clung to them and did not venture off to explore as they had in previous situations. Harlow concluded from this that the need for contact comfort was stronger than the need to explore.

The study found that monkeys who were raised with either a wire mother or a cloth mother gained weight at the same rate. However, the monkeys that had only a wire mother had trouble digesting the milk and suffered from diarrhea more frequently. Harlow's interpretation of this behavior, which is still widely accepted, was that lack of contact comfort was psychologically stressful to the monkeys.

The importance of these findings is that they contradicted both the then common pedagogic advice of limiting or avoiding bodily contact in an attempt to avoid spoiling children and the insistence of the then dominant behaviorist school of psychology that emotions were negligible. Feeding was thought to be the most important factor in the formation of a mother-child bond. Harlow concluded, however, that nursing strengthened the mother-child bond because of the intimate body contact that it provided. He described his experiments as a study of love. He also believed that contact comfort could be provided by either mother or father. Though widely accepted now, this idea was revolutionary at the time.

Critics of Harlow's research have observed that clinging is a matter of survival in young rhesus monkeys, but not in humans, and have suggested that his conclusions, when applied to humans, overestimate the importance of contact comfort and underestimate the importance of nursing.[3]

Harlow first reported the results of these experiments in "The nature of love," the title of his address to the sixty-sixth Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 31, 1958.

From around 1960 onwards, Harlow and his students began publishing their observations on the effects of partial and total social isolation. Partial isolation involved raising monkeys in bare wire cages that allowed them to see, smell, and hear other monkeys, but provided no opportunity for physical contact. Total social isolation involved rearing monkeys in isolation chambers that precluded any and all contact with other monkeys.

Harlow et al. reported that partial isolation resulted in various abnormalities such as blank staring, stereotyped repetitive circling in their cages, and self-mutilation. These monkeys were then observed in various settings. Some of the monkeys remained in solitary confinement for 15 years.[4]

In the total isolation experiments baby monkeys would be left alone for three, six, 12, or 24[5][6] months of "total social deprivation." The experiments produced monkeys that were severely psychologically disturbed. Harlow wrote:

Quote: No monkey has died during isolation. When initially removed from total social isolation, however, they usually go into a state of emotional shock, characterized by ... autistic self-clutching and rocking. One of six monkeys isolated for 3 months refused to eat after release and died 5 days later. The autopsy report attributed death to emotional anorexia. ... The effects of 6 months of total social isolation were so devastating and debilitating that we had assumed initially that 12 months of isolation would not produce any additional decrement. This assumption proved to be false; 12 months of isolation almost obliterated the animals socially ...[1]

Quote:The pit of despair is a colloquial term for the vertical chamber apparatus, a device used in experiments conducted on rhesus macaque monkeys during the 1970s by American comparative psychologist Harry Harlow and his students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.[1] The term was first used by Harlow himself to describe his intentions for its use, and was subsequently adopted by critics of his research. The aim of the research was to produce an animal model of human clinical depression.

The vertical chamber was little more than a stainless-steel trough with sides that sloped to a rounded bottom. A 3/8 in. wire mesh floor 1 in. above the bottom of the chamber allowed waste material to drop through the drain and out of holes drilled in the stainless-steel. The chamber was equipped with a food box and a water-bottle holder, and was covered with a pyramid top [removed in the accompanying photograph], designed to discourage incarcerated subjects from hanging from the upper part of the chamber. [2]

Harlow placed baby monkeys in the chamber alone for up to one year. Within a few days, they stopped moving about and remained huddled in a corner. The monkeys were found to be psychotic when removed from the chamber, and most did not recover.

Harry Harlow was also, visibly, from time to time, the US Army's Head of Human Resources Research and a consultant to the US Army Scientific Advisory Panel.

Let's just break that down. There were periods when Harlow officially ran the US Army's scientific research into "human resources"?


Yes. And more.

Regarding Schwitzgebel, the following passage is from Martin Cannon's unpublished manuscript The Controllers:

Quote:Other researchers have made notable contributions to this field. Robert G. "Bob" Heath, of Tulane University, who has implanted as many as 125 electrodes in his subjects, achieved his greatest notoriety by attempting to "cure" homosexuality through ESB. In his experiments, he discovered that he could control his patients' memory, (a feat which, applied in the ufological context, may account for the phenomenon of "missing time"); he could also induce sexual arousal, fear, pleasure, and hallucinations [34].

Heath and another researcher, James Olds [35], have independently illustrated that areas of the brain in and near the hypothalamus have, when electronically stimulated, what has been described as "rewarding" and "aversive" effects. Both animals and men, when given the means to induce their own ESB of the brain's pleasure centers, will stimulate themselves at a tremendous rate, ignoring such basic drives as hunger and thirst [36]. (Using fixed electrodes of his own invention, John C. Lilly had accomplished similar effects in the early 1950s[37].) Anyone who has studied the abduction phenomenon will find himself on familiar territory here, for the abductee accounts are replete with stories of bewildering and inappropriate sexual response countered by extremely painful stimuli -- operant conditioning, at its most extreme, and most insidious, for here we see a form of conditioning in which the manipulator renders himself invisible. Indeed, B.F. Skinner-esque aversive therapy, remotely applied, was Heath's prescription for "healing" homosexuality [38].

Ralph Schwitzgebel and his brother Robert have produced a panoply of devices for tracking individuals over long ranges; they may be considered the creators of the "electronic house arrest" devices recently approved by the courts [39]. Schwitzgebel devices could be used for tracking all the physical and neurological signs of a "patient" within a quarter of a mile [40], thereby lifting the distance limitations which restricted Delgado.

In Ralph Schwitzgebel's initial work, application of this technology to ESB seems to have been limited to cumbersome brain implants with protruding wires. But the technology was soon miniaturized, and a scheme was proposed whereby radio receivers would be mounted on utility poles throughout a given city, thereby providing 24-hour-a-day monitoring capability [41]. Like Heath, Schwitzgebel was much exercised about homosexuality and the use of intracranial devices to combat sexual deviation. But he has also spoken ominously about applying his devices to "socially troublesome persons"... which, of course, could mean anyone [42].


34. Thomas, JOURNEY INTO MADNESS, 276.

35. James Olds, "Hypothalamic Substrates of Reward," PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, 1962, 42:554; "Emotional Centers in the Brain," SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1967, 3 (5).

36. Vernon Mark and Frank Ervin, VIOLENCE AND THE BRAIN (New York: Harper and Row, 1970), chapter 12, excerpted in INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND THE FEDERAL ROLE IN BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION, prepared by the Staff of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee of the Judiciary, United States Senate (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1974).

37. John Lilly, THE SCIENTIST (Berkeley, Ronin Publishing, 1988 [revised edition]), 90. Monkeys allowed to stimulate themselves continually via ESB brought themselves to orgasm once every three minutes, sixteen hours a day. Scientific gatherings throughout the world saw motion pictures of these experiments, which surely made spectacular cinema.

38. Scheflin and Opton, THE MIND MANIPULATORS, 336-337. Heath even monitored his patient's brain responses during the subject's first heterosexual encounter. Such is the nature of the brave new world before us.

39. Robert L. Schwitzgebel and Richard M. Bird, "Sociotechnical Design Factors in Remote Instrumentation with Humans in Natural Environments," BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS AND INSTRUMENTATION, 1970, 2, 99-105.

40. Thomas, JOURNEY INTO MADNESS, 277. In the BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS AND INSTRUMENTATION article referenced above, Schwitzgebel details how the radio signals may be fed into a telephone via a modem and thus analyzed by a computer anywhere in the world.

41. Scheflin and Opton, THE MIND MANIPULATORS, 347-349.

42. Louis Tackwood and the Citizen's Research and Investigation Committee, THE GLASS HOUSE TAPES (New York: Avon, 1973), 226.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 07-02-2012

For the record, here's a source for Harry Harlow's visible high level military connections:

Quote:Thus, by the time he started to study love in the mid 1950s, Harlow already had considerable
experience with monkeys and fame. He had established himself as a leading comparative
psychologist. From 1950 to 1952, he was the Army's Chief Psychologist and he helped to
create the Human Resources Research Office, a major military social science research center
in Washington, D.C. Besides his work on learning and motivation on monkeys, he had also
done extensive work on the cortical localization of intellectual functions and on radiation
effects. In 1951 he became the editor of the major journal in comparative psychology, the
Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. The same year he was elected a member
of the National Academy of Sciences. In 1958 he became president of the American
Psychological Association. In his presidential speech he presented his new research on mother
love, research that would turn him into one of the most famous and influential psychologists
of the twentieth century.

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 45(3), 193218 Summer 2009
Published online in Wiley Interscience ( DOI 10.1002/jhbs.20378

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 07-02-2012

Then, there's this.

Harry Harlow and Jolly West.

In 1956-7.

US Airforce research.

Writing about Apple Pie and Yellow Brick Roads and Bluebirds....

Quote:Brainwashing, Conditioning and DDD (Debility, Dependency and Dread)


IE Farber (State University of Iowa), Harry F Harlow (University of Wisconsin) and Louis Jolyon West (University of Oklahoma School of Medicine

They Lust for Control of every move, every twitch, every emotion, every dream ....

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Charles Drago - 08-02-2012

"The total is equal to the sum of its parts."

Said the monkey to the ...

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 08-02-2012

A little detour before I get back to the mainstream. I thought you might find this book of interest, regarding the early British & US/German relationship of 1934. Title: CONJURING HITLER by
Guido Giacomo Preparata.


Book Description
Publication Date: April 27, 2005
A fascinating and controversial new perspective on Hitler's rise to power; Provides startling evidence of Britain and America's financial support for the Third Reich; Suggests that the western elite deliberately supported Nazism in the pre-war period to destabilise any alliance between Germany and Russia Nazism is usually depicted as an eerie German phenomenon, the outcome of political blunders and unique economic factors: we are told that it could not be prevented, and that it will never be repeated. Guido Giacomo Preparata shows that the truth is very different: using meticulous economic analysis, he reveals that Hitler's extraordinary rise to power was actually facilitated over the course of a decade following WWI - and eventually financed - by the British and American political classes. Tracing events in the Third Reich, Preparata offers a startling history of Anglo-American geopolitical interests in the early twentieth century. He explains that Britain, still clinging to its empire, was terrified of an alliance forming between Germany and Russia. He shows how Britain, through the Bank of England, came to exercise some control over Weimar and how Britain's financial support for Hitler enabled the Nazis to seize power. Nazism was not regarded as an aberration: for the British establishment of the time, it was a convenient way of destabilising Europe, and driving Germany into conflict with Stalinist Russia. In this way Britain ensured that it would prevent the formation of any rival continental power block. Guido Giacomo Preparata lays bare the economic forces at play in the Third Reich, and identifies the key players in the British and American establishment who aided Hitler's meteoric rise.

Jan wrote:

- 1934: The Freemasons study madness -

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry joined the Rockefellers in sponsoring psychiatric genetics beginning in 1934, under the rubric of research into dementia praecox (schizophrenia). The highest level of U.S. masonry, the Scottish Rite was the instrument through which the British Crown had reestablished the loyalty of American masons after the American Revolution. The northern section of the Rite had rallied the Copperheads against Abraham Lincoln's Civil War efforts, aiding the Rite's southern chief Albert Pike in secession and in other British white supremacy projects, such as the Ku Klux Klan.
For eugenics, the British royal family itself was the Rite's point of reference. The Duke of Connaught, son of Queen Victoria and brother of King Edward VII, had been grand master of the United Grand Lodge of England since 1901. American masonic leaders referred to the duke as "grand master of the Mother Grand Lodge of Masons of the World.'' The son of a German father (Victoria's husband, the Coburg Prince Albert), the Duke of Connaught was deeply involved in German affairs and was a patron of Britain's "New Dark Ages'' ultra-racialist elite group based in South Africa. Late in 1932, negotiations for Hitler's takeover of Germany took place at the home of Joachim von Ribbentrop, who, as a traveling teenager, had been adopted into the household of the Duke of Connaught. Ribbentrop then became the head of Hitler's foreign intelligence service. As Hitler's ambassador to England, Ribbentrop worked in tandem with the leadership of the clique which employed Hitler as a British surrogate to smash up Europe: the masonic grand master duke and his nephew, the openly Nazi Edward VIII; Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman; and Lord Halifax, Neville Chamberlain's foreign minister.


"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 08-02-2012


I just finished reading all of your posts. Thank you for all that. It's ovewhelming. Seems that the CIA, Army, etc. have duplicated and even gone far beyond what the Nazis and other fascists had done. The Nazis achieved powerful control over people in their concentration camps. Not many inmates tried to escape or resist, and only a few guards (armed, of course) were needed to control hundreds of prisoners. Why weren't there more attempts to resist or escape?

Bruno Bettelheim, in his book, THE INFORMED HEART, seemed to think that the effects of starvation, humiliation, and dehuminization effects of life in these camps kept people from
even trying to escape or resist. He made an interesting observation, though, based on ckass origins of the prisoners. Those from the comfortable upper and middle classes were most adversely affected by camp life, more likely to become "the walking dead" zombie-like creatures. Those from the working classes and less fortunate stations in life fared better, perhaps because they had experienced stresses in life and had repeatedly overcome deprivations. Those who had an understanding of the political nature of their imprisonment, the socialists and commmunists, seemed to do better - possibly being the ones most likely to have plans and goals for their life, or plans to fight back somehow.

Viktor Frankl, another psychologist who specialized in treating the mental problems of survivors of the concentration camps, noted that those who had a purpose for living and future plans had a healtier prognosis than did those who pitied themselves and sunk into deep depressions with no goals or purpose. He himself had also been imprisoned in a concentration camp.
