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New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Printable Version

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New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Peter Lemkin - 29-12-2010

What does

"Test referral to forum is back announcement"

near the top of my page mean?! :flypig:

If it is in English, I either fail to grasp any of the subtle meaning. If in computerese, I fail completely to understand its meaning - or the 'X' to its right, that when clicked upon does nothing, but makes the entire line disappear......

New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Peter Lemkin - 31-12-2010

Sorry to report but I just can not find any 'edit' button on my own posts when signed in unless I JUST posted that post. It seems that a few minutes after it permanently disappears and I saw in one thread that the same seems to have happened to another member. Is it a setting on the software to keep us from changing our spelling mistakes and embarrass us; or to keep us from adding and amending posts or a technical 'glitch'? Would be nice to have it there always. I often come across a reference or thought or photo to enhance a post or on re-reading see that I hadn't properly spelled or used the best grammatical structure, etc. :what:

New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Magda Hassan - 31-12-2010

Dang! You've sprung us. Yes, Peter, it is our dastardly plot to expose the poor levels of spelling, penmanship, memory and organizational skills on the forum.

We'll look in this (in the New Year Cheers) Seems it may be a default setting that needs changing some where. Now, to find it. When I created a New User to test this I had the edit button there and could use it no problems but I have deleted it now along with the posts which is a shame as this is a time sensitive matter by the looks of it. So, we'll work on this.

New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Jack White - 31-12-2010

This is the WORST software of any forum I have participated in.

Photos are only allowed in NEW messages, not in replies to messages.
This makes NO SENSE at all.

The software was evidently designed by someone who had never used
a forum.

New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Peter Presland - 31-12-2010

Jack White Wrote:This is the WORST software of any forum I have participated in.

Photos are only allowed in NEW messages, not in replies to messages.
This makes NO SENSE at all.

The software was evidently designed by someone who had never used
a forum.

I can understand your frustration but:
1. The software is simply an updated version of the previous DPF software - ie designed by the same people. In all it's incarnations, it has the biggest installed base of ANY forum software, which we judged counted for something.
2. The behaviour you report is anomalous. It should NOT be happening.
3. I have raised a tech support ticket with the software providers but don't expect a solution until maybe Tuesday/Wednesday next week after the holiday.

There is a default (and somewhat restricted) list of file upload types allowed. Most of the photo ones appear (to me) to be there but then I'm not an image file techie. It may be that the file type you are trying is not currently on the list. Give me a list of the file extensions you need and I will check immediately. If any are not there I will add them.

I have scanned all the setting I can think of (as a relative newbie to the software) and haven't found anything else - yet.

New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Jan Klimkowski - 31-12-2010

Jack White Wrote:This is the WORST software of any forum I have participated in.

Photos are only allowed in NEW messages, not in replies to messages.
This makes NO SENSE at all.

The software was evidently designed by someone who had never used
a forum.

Jack - with respect, it is not correct to state that photos are only allowed in new messages.

I have provided a detailed run-through as to why we cannot use the old system software, and a step-by-step guide as to how to post images in ANY new post in message #9 here:

Please try this, and if you have continuing problems, report those to us so that we can attempt to solve them.

Let's work together to get this fixed.

New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Jack White - 01-01-2011

Peter Presland Wrote:Jack

I can understand your frustration but:
1. The software is simply an updated version of the previous DPF software - ie designed by the same people. In all it's incarnations, it has the biggest installed base of ANY forum software, which we judged counted for something.
2. The behaviour you report is anomalous. It should NOT be happening.
3. I have raised a tech support ticket with the software providers but don't expect a solution until maybe Tuesday/Wednesday next week after the holiday.

There is a default (and somewhat restricted) list of file upload types allowed. Most of the photo ones appear (to me) to be there but then I'm not an image file techie. It may be that the file type you are trying is not currently on the list. Give me a list of the file extensions you need and I will check immediately. If any are not there I will add them.

I have scanned all the setting I can think of (as a relative newbie to the software) and haven't found anything else - yet.

The directions you (or someone) referred me to SAYS that images
cannot be uploaded to reply to messages, ONLY in initial postings.

I use only JPG images for posting. I have tried five or six times, and
the image APPEARS TO BE ATTACHED, but when I SUBMIT, the image
is not there.



New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Jack White - 01-01-2011

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Jack - with respect, it is not correct to state that photos are only allowed in new messages.

I have provided a detailed run-through as to why we cannot use the old system software, and a step-by-step guide as to how to post images in ANY new post in message #9 here:

Please try this, and if you have continuing problems, report those to us so that we can attempt to solve them.

Let's work together to get this fixed.

The instructions that I read said images could not be posted
in replies. I have no reason to make this up.


New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Bernice Moore - 01-01-2011

jack after you get your photo, chosen hit upload at the bottom, i tried that and now each time, they are posting for me, in the tosh safe house photo, thread i just posted the two in a reply, so that does work, when all uploaded hit the bottom, .then hit reply post..try it might help, happy new year and all the best my friend to you , sue and family,...bBee

New [and hopefully only temporary] look of the Forum - Peter Presland - 01-01-2011

I have had a reply from vBulletin about the image display problem. It could also be affecting image uploads. I need to take time to understand the full implications of the solution proposed before trying it. In the meantime I have turned off the images 'Lightbox' facility.

This means there is no no fancy preview of images when clicking on thumbnails until fixed. You can still get the full image by clicking the thumbnail - just in a new window that's all.

Management of file uploads is also more basic and can only be done from the "Manage Attachments" button below the message editor.

The new global notice is about this. Hopefully all done in a couple of days.