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Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Magda Hassan - 18-09-2013

Antifacist Hip Hop Artist Murdered by Nazis in Athens

[Image: paulos1.jpg?w=300&h=200]A 34 year active Antifascist Hip Hop artist & organizer was murdered by Nazis in Athens.
The death has been confirmed by doctors at the hospital to comrades waiting outside. The Antifascist who is said to be named Paulos aka Killa P was at a local cafe watching a football (Soccer) game with his girl friend. He was reported stabbed in the heart. One nazi is reportedly in custody, but this is unconfirmed.
Antifascists across Athens are on alert and are said to be waiting on a call to start moving, but are being warned to be careful and remain organized. It is also being
[Image: murder-scene.jpg?w=300&h=225]Murder Scene

alleged that Greek police were present as the attack took place and stood by while it happened.
There is a demonstration called on the spot where the murder took place, today at 18:00 local time
BAI released an article yesterday on the growing threat of Golden Dawn and their brazen attack against KKE Communists. You can read this here: From Oakland to Greece! Anarchists are Fucking Up!
[Image: greek-commie.jpg?w=300&h=187]KKE Members attack by Golden Dawn

BAI will report more when we know more.


Greeks protest against Golden Dawn attack on Communists

Thousands demonstrate in Athens after supporters of neo-Nazi party leave nine seriously injured amid fears of civil war

[Image: Members-of-the-Golden-Daw-010.jpg] Members of the Golden Dawn party guard a stage during a rally in Athens earlier this year. Photograph: Yorgos Karahalis/Reuters/Corbis

Thousands of Greeks took to the streets of Athens on Friday to protest against a violent attack on Communist party members by black-shirted supporters of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party which left nine people in hospital with serious injuries.
In what was described as a murderous attack and the most serious violence since the extremist group was elected to the country's parliament last year about 50 men wielding crowbars and bats set upon leftists as they distributed posters in a working-class district of the capital late on Thursday.
In a statement KKE, the Communist party of Greece, said: "The way in which they acted and the weapons employed … are evidence of the murderous nature of the attack. Among the Golden Dawners, some of whom had covered their faces or wore helmets or [party] shirts, were their leaders, well-known fascists and thugs."
With the Communist party preparing to stage a youth festival in the coming days, Thursday's midnight assault comes amid mounting fears that the far right is trying to cultivate an atmosphere of civil war in Greece. Prominent members of the virulently anti-immigrant Golden Dawn have openly predicted that the debt-stricken country is heading towards civil war.
Dimitris Psarras, a writer who has chronicled Golden Dawn's rise over almost four decades since the collapse of military rule, said: "Their agenda, clearly, is to create a climate of civil war, a divide where people have to choose between leftists and rightists."
Psarras argues the attack in the dock-side district of Perama a Communist stronghold where Golden Dawn has made considerable inroads in recent years on the back of anger over austerity measures was indicative of that strategy.
"It was very well organised and the most serious incident yet," he told the Guardian. "They are no longer only targeting immigrants in the middle of the night. They are deliberately increasing tensions, expanding their agenda of hate, by going for leftists."
Earlier this year, the Muslim Association of Greece received a letter bearing the insignia of the group and an implicit threat that its members would be "slaughtered like chickens" unless they left the country. Marking the anniversary of the September 11 attacks this week, the party posted a vehemently antisemitic diatribe on its website denouncing "world Zionism [as] the architect of global terrorism".
Greece, whose political faultlines were entrenched by a bloody civil war in the wake of brutal Nazi occupation, is mired in a sixth year of recession that has seen poverty and unemployment soar as it navigates its worst crisis in modern times.
Recent opinion polls have shown that no other party has managed to capitalise on the growing levels of desperation and despair as effectively as Golden Dawn.
Surveys released by the pollsters Public Issue and Pulse in recent days confirmed that the extremists who recently blasted people attending a "Greeks only" food handout with the official anthem of Nazi Germany were the nation's fastest growing group and, at 13% and 15% respectively, its third biggest political force.
The main opposition party, the radical left Syriza, topped the ratings with 29% of support, marginally ahead of prime minister Antonis Samaras's centre-right New Democracy party. Many worry that Golden Dawn, which won 18 seats with almost 7% of the vote last June, will further boost its share of votes when local elections are held next year.
According to analysts, Thursday's attack demonstrates Golden Dawn's growing self-confidence and ability to spread its appeal. They point to the inroads the party is making into middle-class neighbourhoods of Athens.
With prominent clerics also voicing support for the group, commentators have begun to ask whether the ruling conservatives should join forces with Golden Dawn, whose views on issues of public order are strikingly similar.
"It is a particularly worrying turn of events that we should now have a debate suggesting that Golden Dawn be brought in from the cold," Psarras said. "Talk that it should end its isolation and link up with New Democracy is dangerous at a time when Greece is going from bad to worse."
Mainstream political parties like foreign embassies currently have no official contacts with Golden Dawn.
Leftists rallying near the spot where the attack took place called on authorities on Friday to "finally take action" and "erase" the fascist group.

Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Peter Lemkin - 18-09-2013

This is a very dangerous 'virus' that could well spread throughout Europe - especially as I think the 'infection' is being purposely 'spread' by hidden forces linked to the economic and political 'changes'.....very dangerous times - especially for progressives and radicals!

Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Jan Klimkowski - 18-09-2013

Fascism kills...

Quote:Greek Golden Dawn member arrested over murder of leftwing hip-hop artist

Police raid offices of far-right party after fatal stabbing of musician and anti-fascist activist Pavlos Fyssas

Helena Smith in Athens, Wednesday 18 September 2013 14.00 BST

A resident of the Keratsini district of Piraeus, Greece, lays flowers where hip-hop artist Pavlos Fyssas, or Killah P, was murdered. Photograph: Orestis Panagiotou/EPA

The alleged murder of a prominent leftwing hip-hop artist by a self-confessed member of the far-right Golden Dawn party has sent political tensions soaring in Greece.

As the crisis-hit country was brought to a standstill by striking workers on Wednesday, police raided several Golden Dawn offices in Athens after the fatal stabbing late on Tuesday of 34-year-old Pavlos Fyssas, a well-known activist on Greece's vibrant anti-fascist scene.

The raids came within hours of a 45-year-old man being arrested in connection with the murder. The alleged perpetrator, who has not been named, reportedly admitted having links to the extremist group, according to police.

Fyssas, Greece's foremost hip-hop artist who performed under the stage name Killah P, is said to have identified the culprit as he was being taken to hospital after being injured in the brawl which broke out shortly after midnight in Piraeus's working-class district of Keratsini.

"They were his last words before he succumbed to his wounds," said one source requesting anonymity.

Keratsini's mayor, Loukas Tzannis, said that black-clad Golden Dawn cadres were behind the attack and that Fyssas had been "ambushed" as he left a cafe after a heated altercation over a football match. Activists, who have accused the extremist group of increasingly targeting leftists, claimed police stood by when a mob of neo-Nazi thugs assaulted the singer.

In an atmosphere that has become increasingly polarised on the back of economic desperation and soaring support for Golden Dawn the backlash has been fierce.

Hundreds of anti-fascist supporters gathered at the scene of the murder in the early hours, with leftists announcing a much bigger rally later on Wednesday. The killing comes days after Golden Dawn cadres attacked members of the Greek Communist party in a similar late-night raid.

"Golden Dawn is intensifying its attacks [because it is] enjoying complete asylum from the police," the anti-racist group Keerfa said in a statement.

Greek law enforcement officers have been increasingly accused of colluding with Golden Dawn, whose calling card appears to be open-ended violence.

The vehemently anti-immigrant organisation fiercely denied involvement in Fyssas's death. A spokesman, Ilias Kasidiaris, announced that the party had already started launching lawsuits against those who made such claims.

Golden Dawn, which has 18 MPs in Greece's 300-seat parliament, is currently polling at around 15% and is the country's fastest-growing political force.

Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Magda Hassan - 24-09-2013

Interview by ex-Golden Dawn member allows insight into the group's structure and explains what could have happened with Pavlos' murder

Mainstream media (link) have been reposting excerpts of an interview given by an ex-Golden Dawn member to Ethnos, a conservative Athens daily. The full interview is available in paper only, and not a source that we would ever republish from, but the interview is very revealling about the Golden Dawn's structure, tactics and methods.
"from Patelis to Lagos and then to the leader"
The ex-member of the Golden Dawn was part of the branch of Golden Dawn in Nikea for approximately 1,5 year; he saw much and he lived closely the leaders of the local branch, in which the murderer of Pavlos Fyssas, Giorgos Roupakias, was the second in command.
It should be noted that the editors of Ethnos have the full details of the member who spoke to them, but do not publish them for obvious reasons.
As he stated:
- the raid squad of the Golden Dawn's Nikea branch, ran by Giorgos Patelis and under the supervision of the MP I. Lagos, has the hierarchy, structure and organisation one only comes across in paramilitary, criminal gangs. Their base and HQ are their local office, which is where the commands come from for attacks against migrants and other actions. That is where they store bats, knives and foldable butons, which "disappear" when a police check is imminent.
"In Nikea we would inform Patelis, Patelis would inform Lagos and from that point on they would tell us that it is the leader who gives the final OK". "If the leader gave the OK we would take to the streets, either in order to write slogans on the walls, or in order to attack Pakistanis".
- "The commander of Nikea, Patelis, created a closed group (nucleus). There, it was only the muscled guys his people" he goes on to say, in order to reveal that the murderer of Pavlos was in the 5-man Comittee of [the] Nikea [branch]. "This is where Patelis puts his own people".
"Roupakias entered that with no elections, with nothing", says the ex-GD member. A revelation that confirms all that has been already revealed about the GD murderer, who may had claimed that he was not part of the organisation but even had a party ID, as the ex-GD member tells the newspaper. "In the car of Patelis and in the house of his mother, we would put our weapons when we had to hide them", he says.
The local GD branch in Nikea
In order for one to enter the raid squad of Nikea, they must be part of the clique of G.P. and to have proven their worth. Ioannis Lagos [G.D.'s Perama MP] has under his command the local branches of the area, and the one of Nikea in particular.
The anonymous informant says things that shock. "When you enter the closed nucleus, they issue you with a special booklet, in which they record your performance. How many of the events you have attended, whether you beat up Pakistanis, how many times you have been to the organisation of the office…"
Among the members of the Local Branch of Nikea there are also underage, students in junior high-school and high-school, enlisted by their elder students from the schools in order for them, too to enter the party. This younger generation of members of the organisation is called "Centaurs".
"At some point, the branch spiraled out of control. It was fashionable for everyone to enter. G.P. then decided to make an Open and a Closed nucleus. In the closed one, there would be only the heavies. His people, who take pills and build muscle".
"The raid squads of Nikea, according to the witness, have gone everywhere. To the incidents in Corinth and at the camp, they had left from Nikea and went up to Corinth, even taking one underage with them.
G.P. only puts his own people in the 5-people committee of the branch. This committee is the one that takes all decisions. This is supposed to be written in the statue of the branch, and they had an archive, too", explains the witness.
According to what the ex-member claims, at least 30 people had been tried out and they had proven their faith in the organisation, which you prove by attacking migrants and other opponents.
But he mentions that the organisation does not only used trained men "not only trained muscle", s he says, but even hackers in order to conduct attacks via facebook. The performance of the members would be recorded in a special booklet.
"We sell protection to the shops. They want to take this from the Albanians".
Side-by-side with the local Police Station
As he states, the raid squads of Nikea had their own apperance: black and white combat trousers and black t-shirts, which they would purchase from a shop just next to the area's police station and which also makes a special discount for Golden Dawn members.
The police covers them
The ex-Golden Dawn member claims that police checks are "pre-agreed", since a police man who works at the Nikea Police Station is also a GD member and passes on information to the GD core, while he also takes on "cleaning up" for those who may get caught "red handed".
Why Fyssas?
Regarding the assassination of Pavlos Fyssas, which sent shock-waves across the country, he is revealing:
"I know that they had much against him because he had anti-fascist songs. He had some lyrics where he slanders the GD. For me, it's fair enough that he does that. Anyone can write whatever they ant. But he does not arm your hand. He was an anti-fascist and he was signing about it, and they knew that".
The ex-member also makes a revelation concerning the phone calls that were made by the GD members, who were at the same cafe with the victim and which informed the murderer.
Who would they call according to the hierarchy?
"Patelis. They all have Patelis' number and whoever called would either call him directly, or someone who would inform him. Patelis informed Lagos. And Lagos would inform Michaloliakos. For as long as I was in the Nikea group, that's how we had been told things function".
How do you become a member?
"You pay 20 euro, you show a greek ID card and you subscribe. The member card writes what local group you belong to, and you have a member number, too".
"In order to enter the hard nucleus, you must be tough. To take it all. You are zero. Do you know what it feels like, for them to tell you drop on the floor and give me twenty", to kick you on the side, in front of everyone? You are nothing and you must do whatever you are told. You have no opinion. It is an order, that's it!".
Did they hit migrants primarily? GD's informal trade
"They would hit Pakistanis only so that people would see that. Because I cannot accept this logic that says, I hit Pakistanis but then I sell them protection. No matter what Pakistani you ask in Nikea, they will laugh if they hear about Golden Dawn. The GD's office sells protection to the Pakistanis.
The local group of Nikea takes the clothes that plain people give to help those without funds, and they then give them to Pakistanis in the street markets, who sell them on the stalls and then give a percentage to the GD members".
Does Lagos [the GD MP] know the things you describe?
These only take place with his knowledge. Lagos is informed about everything. Anything we said, anything that happened, Lagos knew it. Others who came out and said this stuff were beated up. They had shown up with information and with proof, and they beat them and expelled them.
In Perama, who was present at the attack against the KKE members?
"It was the same people who went to the killing. The Nikea group. I know it from witnesses who saw them at both points. And I am talking about the 150 people who left the Nikea group".

Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Magda Hassan - 24-09-2013

Greece: 23 far-right and police arrested in massacre plot

Posted on February 19, 2013 by admin
[Image: wpid-gangs-guns.jpg]Cache of weapons found in raids
Greece… 23 persons have been arrested in a suspected plot by far-right and police to conduct an armed attack, as part of a strategy of tension (which would then be blamed on whomever they like anarchists?). This approach for destabilisation was widely used in the lead-up to the take-over by the Colonels in 1967 (as well as by several South American states in the 1970s). For more, read on…
Two ex-classmates and one more person constituted the leadership, who chose the targets and distributed roles to each within the group. "With this bird (machine gun) on their shoulders and the golden Dawn T-shirt, everyone will disappear", they are heard saying in one of their conversations. Ex-commandos, trained in heavy artillery usage, ruthless, extremely dangerous and in close contact with the far-right scene, were pulling the strings of this multi-membered criminal organisation, which was first discovered in Kavala during an operation by police Security Department in Thessaloniki.
The group was the same one that opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles against police officers and against a police station during the double attack' in Rodolivos, Serres and Keramoti, Kavala. The group also conducted similar operations in Xanthi and Thessaloniki.
One of the group was heard saying in a discussion that has been recorded by the Police that "with that bird (machine gun) on the shoulder and a Golden Dawn T-shirt everyone will disappear". 266,000 euros, 3,000 dollars, 19 guns, a grenade, detonators and police clothing were found amongst what the Police have confiscated from the group.
Those arrested were those who chose the targets, recruited members and distributed the various roles within the organisation. A special guard' policeman from Kavala who serves in Athens, provided the group with explosives and bullet-proof jackets(as a police officer he could buy the latter without causing any suspicion against him). Even more, he was recorded taking part in the conversations for a future strike' in Athens, by showing the suitable routes to the target. Among the arrested is a person who passed the exams for joining the police's special guards' force. Another is the son of a retired police officer.
23 people have been arrested, aged 24 to 50. One more person is already in jail for committing other felonies, while 7 people are wanted by the police for carrying guns, drug-dealing and forging money.
The organisation has committed, overall, 5 bank robberies and 10 ATM robberies by using explosives, while one member of the organisation alone robbed 4 banks. The total amount of money they snatched approaches 450,000 euros, of which only 266,000 euros and 3,000 dollars has been found. Also, the police found 19 guns (among them 4 Kalashnikovs, 1 machine gun, 6 rifles and 6 pistols) a grenade, detonators and police clothing, etc.
In one of their conversations recorded last year on the 16th of June, two days before the double hit' in the village Rodolivos near Serres and the village Keramoti near the town of Kavala, the leaders are heard talking with enthusiasm about their new possession a gun, which is secretly mentioned in the conversation as a bird' or motor' that sings'. Someone called Babau' is mentioned as the gun's seller. The accused describe a test they have proceeded to carry out with this weapon, which they video-taped.
-"Ah we do have such a thing, don't we? We also have a video with the bird singing. You should test the bird. If you see it, you'll get mad"
-"What happened? Did he embrace it? Did he embrace it?"
-"I don't believe that, I don't believe it… Something like this" (laughter).
Later on, while still talking about their new weapon that upgraded' their operational level, they refer to Golden Dawn'.
-"We will f… them all. They will lose their sleep. That's why he shot pictures with the bird and a video showing it singing, so he can show all these… Do you get it? With that bird on the shoulder and the T-shirt of Golden Dawn, everyone will disappear."
Members of the group have also been recorded in conversations referring to far-right organisations that take action in their area and expressing themselves positively regarding Golden Dawn. One of the arrested has been accused in the past for attacking anarchists. (Golden Dawn issued a public announcement, denying any relation with the arrested.)
Ethnos newspaper, From the far-right the gang's leaders', 27/06/2012, found online at:
To Vima newspaper, Two far-right extremists the leaders of the robbers' group in Northern Greece', 25/06/2012,]
Posted from the darker net via Android.

Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Magda Hassan - 28-09-2013

With 15 demands Greek Army Reservists want immediate resignation of government

Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Politics
Greek government, state and authorities are set on alert after a union of a union of Greek army reservists of Special Forces (KEED) issued a statement urging the Greek administration to step down and make way for a national unity government. The statement, posted on the union's website on Wednesday, triggered an emergency meeting at the Supreme Court on Wednesday evening and a prosecutor's investigation on Thursday morning.

The KEED statement said that the coalition government must resign after failing to live up with a constitutional pledge to provide work, health, education, justice and security for all citizens.
The statement included 15 demands, including the resignation of Greek President Karolos Papoulias, and it urged people to join hands with the army in a open gathering to take place upcoming Saturday, September 28th 2013 at Syntagma Square outside the Greek Parliament.
Among the 15 demands are:
-immediate resignation of the government
-resignation of the president
-national unity government under the President of Supreme Court and personalities of renowned principles but outside the political scene as well as counselors of the Academy of Athens.
-suspension of the austerity loan agreement
-exclude all politicians who participated in governments that brought the country into economic collapse
- establishment of a Constitutional Court
- investigation committee consisting of high ranking judges who will investigate who and why brought the country to this stage as well as rendering of accountability.
-suspension of further taxation to annual income up to 25,000 euro.
-stop of lay-0ffs in the public sector.
-suspension of auctions and bank claims until the Completion Audit of Banks by Certified Public Accountants and accountability.
- denouncement of the odious debt.
-prohibition of sales of public property and resume operation of Defense Industries.
- immediate confiscation of German retails/businesses/companies, full compensation for WWII war reparations and occupation loan.
-lifting of the lawmakers' immunity.
-the control of assets of those involved in economic positions of government , prosecute illicit enrichment and return to the state Efficiency to the State.
- protection from Hostile Elongation at the Aegean Sea, Macedonia, Epirus , Thrace and Cyprus , with parallel suppression of various groups operating in these areas.
-removal of illegal immigrants with a parallel promotion in European countries. Ban the of money transfer abroad more than 20% of their (immigrants) taxable income.
The KEED sees the Armed Forces as institutional warrantor of all the above demands and calls on security forces to secure the implementation of the above and the smooth transfer to actual constitutional legality." (source)
The statement was interpreted as a call to a "coup d' etat" with the joint-action of army and citizens. Not a few show also a link between a "nationalist" KEED and extreme-right Golden Dawn.
Earlier today, the KEED dismissed claims it had called for a coup d' etat and any links to Golden Dawn. In a new statement uploaded on its website, KEED declared:
" We did not expect better treatment from the systemic TV / radio networks and some blogs on internet. With fragmented or a synthesis of isolated sentences from the Declaration and the arbitrary interpretation they tried to characterize us as potential coup initiators. We do not know that coup d' etats are announced in advance, the corresponding legal characterization lacks seriousness.
The reference to the Armed Forces and Security Corps are apparently unrelated to a coup or any other unconstitutional actions of any side. We remain with the acceptance of our proposals by Greek people as manifested in many messages."
Making fun on Twitter
While the state authorities are alarmed, Greek internet users found the chance to make fun of the possible or impossible threat to Greek democracy, … "the upcoming coup d' etat. Greeks created a hashtag on Twitter #praksikopima_Sept28. The majority of Tweeps declared they had other plans ( weddings, hairdresser visits, cocktail parties, outdoor activities, supermarket purchases, dinner with granny etc) for Saturday, September 28th 2013 and requested that the coup would be postponed on a later date.
Others stressed the difficulty to stage a coup d' etat nowadays, when strict Troika imposed austerity affected also the Greek Armed Forces:
"I wonder how they would do it as there no spare parts for tanks to roll," wrote a user
with another one proposing "They should stage the coup on bicycles"
UPDATED: Police forbad on Friday the scheduled KEED gathering for tomorrow Saturday.

Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Magda Hassan - 28-09-2013

Police forbids Greek Reservists coup d' etat' gathering; possible links Golden Dawn-Greek Army links investigated

Greek police forbade the meeting of Greek Army Special Forces Reservists scheduled for tomorrow Saturday, September 28th 2013 outside the Parliament.
The union of Greek army reservists of Special Forces (KEED) issued a statement on Wednesday calling citizens to join the army against the Greek government.
KEED was urging the Greek administration to step down and make way for a national unity government. The statement, posted on the union's website on Wednesday, triggered an emergency meeting at the Supreme Court on Wednesday evening and a prosecutor's investigation on Thursday morning.
The KEED statement said that the coalition government must resign after failing to live up with a constitutional pledge to provide work, health, education, justice and security for all citizens.
The statement included 15 demands like the resignation of Greek President Karolos Papoulias, and it urged people to join hands with the army in a open gathering to take place upcoming Saturday, September 28th 2013 at Syntagma Square outside the Greek Parliament.
KEED is one of the Greek Army Reservists unions, and consists mainly of members of Mountain Command Battalion on the Land Forces.
Reservists and Fyssas' Murderer
In the statement issued later to respond to criticism "it was calling for a coup d' etat" KEED said it was merely submitting proposals.
KEED also dismissed it had links to extreme-right Golden Dawn.
Daily TA NEA claimed on Friday that Giorgos Roupakias, a Golden Dawn member, had received a phone call by a reservist of the Greek Armed Forces before he set out to stab to death leftist rapper Pavlos Fyssas on September 17th.
However it is not confirmed whether the caller was a retired or active reservists or not reservist at all.
KEED declared it had taken part in quite a number of anti-austerity protests.
Golden Dawn and Greek Armed Forces
Other unions of active reservists distanced themselves from KEED. Also members of the Greek Armed Forces downplayed "the call to coup d' etat" as "ridiculous".
However, the infiltration of Golden Dawn not only to Greek Police but also to Greek Armed forces seems to be a fact.
Speaking to daily Kathimerini, an anonymous source from the high ranks of the Greek Air Force emphasized the impact of the Golden Dawn is big at all levels of the Armed Forces. "There has always been a trend, that it has been de-criminalized today as the same ideas are being heard in the Parliament. Therefore, slogan like "We'll take the Polis*" [Konstantinople/Istanbul] are been heard openly. Increased is also the anti-left trend."
Golden Dawn MPs do not miss a chance inside the Parliament to downgrade the institution and the democratic procedures, to swear at colleagues MPs from other parties, whether from the right or the left front.
Meanwhile, the investigation among the Greek Armed Forces to identify whether active members of the GAF had links to Golden Dawn had negative findings. "There are no links between active members of the Greek Armed Forces and Golden Dawn," private Mega TV cited the investigation findings. The investigation was ordered last Sunday by Defense Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos.
* the dream of every Greek ultra-nationalist: to claim back Konstantinoupoli (Istanbul) from the Turkish state. In fact not just claim the city of 15 million population but to annex it to Greece.

Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Magda Hassan - 28-09-2013

Greece's Golden Dawn leader Nikos Mihaloliakos arrested

Greek police have arrested the leader of the far-right Golden Dawn party, Nikos Mihaloliakos, on charges of forming a criminal organisation.
Another Golden Dawn MP has been held and more warrants issued, police say.
The arrests and warrants come amid anger over the murder on 18 September of anti-racist musician, Pavlos Fyssas.
A man arrested for the stabbing told police he was a supporter of Golden Dawn, though the party strongly denies any link.
"The Secretary General and one lawmaker of the Golden Dawn Party were arrested a short while ago after arrest warrants were issued," Greek police said in a text message.
The killing of Pavlos Fyssas - whose stage name was Killah P - has sparked protests in Athens and across Greece.
The government launched a crackdown, including raids on Golden Dawn premises and the suspension of police believed to be sympathisers.
Greek police arrested one of their own colleagues who was reportedly working as a bodyguard for the party, during a raid on its offices in the western town of Agrinio on Tuesday.
The government also began an inquiry into the activities of Golden Dawn, which won nearly 7% of the vote in 2012 elections.
In recent months, Golden Dawn has been accused of perpetrating attacks on migrants and political opponents - including an attack on Communist Party members earlier this month which is said to have left nine people in hospital.

Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Magda Hassan - 28-09-2013

Wonder how many will come out in support of those arrested?

Austerity & Fascism In Greece – The Real 1% Doctrine - Magda Hassan - 28-09-2013

Magda Hassan Wrote:Wonder how many will come out in support of those arrested?

Around 200 Golden Dawn supporters outside Athens police HQ. Chanting slogans, singing national anthem.

The there is Golden Dawn official Artemios Matthaiopoulos when asked if this is beginning of end of his party. He said it's beginning of end of government.

Wonder when they will arrest German bankers though?
Quote:Golden Dawn arrests are just the beginning

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By Nikos Konstandaras
When it finally acted against the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn group, the government of Antonis Samaras surprised everyone with its speed and determination. The head-on confrontation was a long time coming; until the murder of anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas on September 18 by a man who confessed to being a member of Golden Dawn, the group had appeared to enjoy absolute impunity.
Now, however, we see that state authorities have been keeping an eye on the group for some time, and that over the course of the months its leaders and members have been implicated in a growing number of crimes.
The delayed action against Golden Dawn has come at a very high cost, including several murders in which GD members are implicated and the blackening of Greece's name, because our society appeared to tolerate bigotry and violence. On the other hand, when they did act, the government, the police and judicial authorities did so with speed and confidence. This shows political courage, because there had been strong arguments in Samaras's conservative New Democracy party in favor of going easy on the extreme right in a bid to draw supporters away from it. The confrontation also went a long way toward restoring faith in the country's institutions and the state.
The stakes are high. Democracy has to show that when it defends itself against those who would undermine it, it does so with justice and transparency. The process must clearly show that it is crimes which are being prosecuted, not ideas (however foreign and distasteful they are to our society, as is the case here). It must also be clear that the authorities are doing the job well, that they will prove their case, otherwise the move against Golden Dawn may be seen as a political pogrom and work in favor of the group once its supporters' initial shock wears off. The law must be enforced in every situation, and must be seen to be enforced, without exception. This is what society needs at this time of great uncertainty.
The arrest of Golden Dawn's leadership is bound to trigger major developments in Greek politics. Regardless of its delay, the government acted with courage and competence; it shouldered its responsibilities and will have to deal with the consequences. It now remains to be seen how the opposition parties will act: will they show similar courage and responsibility, or will they do whatever they can for short-term political gain?
Greece's crisis has uncovered many problems in our society. The rise of Golden Dawn is one of the most serious among these, but, more importantly, it has also represented a major distraction from the fundamental problems faced by our economy, public administration and society.
Enforcing the law, restoring the credibility of institutions, creating a sense that a serious government is in charge, are most valuable steps toward the future. But this is only the beginning. Greece's restoration is everyone's responsibility, from each citizen to the country's political parties. There is no more time for sideshows.