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Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Michael Cross - 09-07-2015

The night of the 2000 election, just after Florida was initially called for Gore, James Baker did a remote on ABC and said he didn't think Gore had won FL because "that doesn't match what our intelligence on the ground is telling us". I remember thinking that was an odd phrase. Of course we had no way of knowing that Jeb's administration had purged the polls and paved the road for his brother.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Joseph McBride - 09-07-2015

I first realized the fix was in when it was thought Gore was winning Florida,
but Mary Matalin appeared on one of the networks to say don't jump to conclusions,
because the secretary of state in Florida is a Republican. That was a real
slip of the tongue. Another friend said she realized the fix was in when
the networks cut to the Bush family live in a hotel room gloating before
the returns were conclusive.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Anthony Thorne - 09-07-2015

Quote:Another friend said she realized the fix was in when the networks cut to the Bush family live in a hotel room gloating before the returns were conclusive.

I remember seeing that footage of the Bush family sitting together and chuckling. They exuded smugness and didn't seem to be in any doubt about what the result would be.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Joseph McBride - 09-07-2015

My friend registered -- as did I at the time -- how unusual it was
to cut to a candidate and his family before the returns were in, and how
improper it was.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Jim DiEugenio - 09-07-2015

When I saw that group smiling and being content as could be when Florida has already been called against them, I really got a bit suspicious.

But then, when the following happened I was convinced there was some real thievery going on:

First, Florida gets called for Gore,

Then it gets called for Bush,

Then its called a toss up.

Now go ahead and recall when that ever happened before. I don't ever remember that happening. Exit polls are very accurate. And the networks check them against past performance in presidential elections.

But see, what happened here was that Jeb Bush and his flunky Harris had gone ahead and scrubbed the registration records from the previous election so that when the exit polls were compared, the pollsters did not know the current data was not accurate. The records had been scrubbed. That is why the exit polls were in error like never before.

I watched that night in disbelief as this opera bouffe played out.

BY about three in the morning, the light went on in my head: "His brother is stealing the election for W. That is why the early call for Gore did not disturb the cozy hotel suite."

That they got away with this without any criminal investigation of what happened by the FBI, or the Florida Attorney General shows what a lawless state this is. And because of it, over 4,000 Americans died, over 35, 000 were wounded, over 600,00 Iraquis were dead and the USA spent about 2 trillion on a war that left the country and the region worse off than before.

Elections, especially stolen ones, have consequences.

And where was the MSM in all this? Nowhere to be found.

The two worst were Russert and Greenfield.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Joseph McBride - 09-07-2015

Reuters 2013: The U.S. war in Iraq has cost $1.7 trillion with an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans, expenses that could grow to more than $6 trillion over the next four decades counting interest, a study released on Thursday said.

Washington Post 2013:
The U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will cost taxpayers $4 trillion to $6 trillion, taking into account the medical care of wounded veterans and expensive repairs to a force depleted by more than a decade of fighting, according to a new study by a Harvard researcher.

And of course there's been more in the years since . . .

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Jim DiEugenio - 09-07-2015

Thanks for that correction Joe.

I now fixed it in the original. I meant to write two trillion. But it may be even more than that.

The Iraq intervention may actually end up being as bad as Vietnam.

And really, I never thought anyone could create a fiasco like that again.

But W did. And he even matched the whole "decent interval" fig leaf as designed by Nixon and Kissinger.

If one recalls, when Nixon took over, he decided he was not going to be saddled with losing the war. Even though he knew the USA could not win.

So he wanted to protract it and allow for a decent interval between when he left and the country fell.

So the thing lasted seven more years after LBJ left.

Well, W did the same with the idiotic "surge". Which he was actually praised for, even by Obama. But really this made everything worse and Iraq is now ungovernable. And that proxy government W put in there collapsed right after he left. And now look what we have.

Talk about repercussions.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Dawn Meredith - 09-07-2015

Joseph McBride Wrote:I first realized the fix was in when it was thought Gore was winning Florida,
but Mary Matalin appeared on one of the networks to say don't jump to conclusions,
because the secretary of state in Florida is a Republican. That was a real
slip of the tongue. Another friend said she realized the fix was in when
the networks cut to the Bush family live in a hotel room gloating before
the returns were conclusive.

Yes I remember that well. W actually said Jeb was taking care of FL or something to that effect. I knew right then the fix was in and it was all over. But I think Gore actually put up a good long fight.

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Dawn Meredith - 09-07-2015

And if you are interested in why W won again in 04 look up Clint Curtis and voter fraud. He invented the program that would flip the vote ensuring Kerry's defeat. He testified about this in Ohio. (Add Feeney to the search for the whole story, been years since I read up on it).

Vince Bugliosi: The Whole Story - Dawn Meredith - 09-07-2015

Dawn Meredith Wrote:And if you are interested in why W won again in 04 look up Clint Curtis and voter fraud. He invented the program that would flip the vote ensuring Kerry's defeat. He testified about this in Ohio. (Add Feeney to the search for the whole story, been years since I read up on it).

I looked it up.

The Clint Curtis Story: How Voting Machines Could...

The Clint Curtis Story: How Voting Machines Could Destroy Democracy ... The only way to truly avoid election fraud is to move to a purely open and public system of ...