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The Last Circle - David Guyatt - 19-11-2010

Cheri, it has been well over a decade since I read your book. As I recall it, you had a reference to Riconsciuto discussing Robert Booth Nichols trip to a top secret facilty in Alice Springs, Australia.

Riconsciuto said that once he learned what was going on there, he realized it was time to terminate his relationship with Nichols.

This has always stood out in the back of my mind as something important. Are you able to expand upon what it is that Riconscituo saw there please?

The Last Circle - Ed Jewett - 19-11-2010

David Guyatt Wrote:please?

The Last Circle - Cheri Seymour - 19-11-2010

TO: Ed Jewett

FROM: Cheri Seymour

Dear Ed: Thanks for your note.

You wrote: "I didn't think I'd soon read anything as scary as your book, but your answers to my questions may be scarier. I think you are right; we have our work cut out for us."

I had to laugh and it felt good to find humor amidst serious contemplation. As long as we can laugh, we're still enjoying the blessings of free thought. Sun Tzu said: "To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself." P.19 - "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

It might give you some satisfaction to know that you are not alone with your knowledge. A retired Colonel from military intelligence sent an e-mail noting that the name of the "cleaner" jumped off the page at him as he read The Last Circle. He said he and a lawyer friend have been investigating this individual for years and he was reporting to Deputy Atty Gen Eric Holder in the summer/fall of 1997 at the time that a very high-profile murder occurred. He's named in documents that the brother (a lawyer) of the murder victim got from legal complaints in FOIA cases.

The Last Circle - Cheri Seymour - 19-11-2010

TO: David Guyatt

FROM: Cheri Seymour

Greetings David:

I wish I was as prolific a writer as you are! What are you working on now?

The Last Circle first draft manuscript on the Internet contains only 15 chapters, whereas the published BOOK contains 25 chapters. The last ten chapters give a better explanation of the Octopus. The book went into print in September 2010 and can be purchased at, or through any major book store.

In answer to your question about Michael Riconosciuto's visit to Alice Springs with Robert Booth Nichols, I was never able to get Riconosciuto to give further details of that trip to the Pine Gap facility. Robert Booth Nichols (who worked for the NSC/NSA at that time) was vague and secretive about it also. I simply quoted Riconosciuto's remarks about it into the book, and that's all I've ever had on that visit that ended their relationship.

Wish I could offer more --- It's still a mystery to me also.

The Last Circle - Peter Lemkin - 19-11-2010

Cheri Seymour Wrote:TO: David Guyatt

FROM: Cheri Seymour

Greetings David:

I wish I was as prolific a writer as you are! What are you working on now?

The Last Circle first draft manuscript on the Internet contains only 15 chapters, whereas the published BOOK contains 25 chapters. The last ten chapters give a better explanation of the Octopus. The book went into print in September 2010 and can be purchased at, or through any major book store.

In answer to your question about Michael Riconosciuto's visit to Alice Springs with Robert Booth Nichols, I was never able to get Riconosciuto to give further details of that trip to the Pine Gap facility. Robert Booth Nichols (who worked for the NSC/NSA at that time) was vague and secretive about it also. I simply quoted Riconosciuto's remarks about it into the book, and that's all I've ever had on that visit that ended their relationship.

Wish I could offer more --- It's still a mystery to me also.

Well, what the main [only?] activity was/is at Pine Gap is well know, if not generally known. It is part of the NSA [and other electronic spy agencies] ESCHELON program as a down/up-link station, I believe chosen as being antipolar to Greenham Commons - another. It cause the fall of an Australian government and tied into the Nugan-Hand Bank scandal and drug/gold/dirty money in Australia for the US and Aussi Intel...and more.

The Last Circle - David Guyatt - 19-11-2010

Cheri Seymour Wrote:TO: David Guyatt

FROM: Cheri Seymour

Greetings David:

I wish I was as prolific a writer as you are! What are you working on now?

The Last Circle first draft manuscript on the Internet contains only 15 chapters, whereas the published BOOK contains 25 chapters. The last ten chapters give a better explanation of the Octopus. The book went into print in September 2010 and can be purchased at, or through any major book store.

In answer to your question about Michael Riconosciuto's visit to Alice Springs with Robert Booth Nichols, I was never able to get Riconosciuto to give further details of that trip to the Pine Gap facility. Robert Booth Nichols (who worked for the NSC/NSA at that time) was vague and secretive about it also. I simply quoted Riconosciuto's remarks about it into the book, and that's all I've ever had on that visit that ended their relationship.

Wish I could offer more --- It's still a mystery to me also.

Hi Cheri, and thanks for your kind words. I'm now retired and no longer conducting active research -- but simply transforming myself into a grumpy old man (most fitting and agreeable it is too!).

It's very good news to hear that your excellent book now totals 25 chapters!

It's a shame (but understandable) about the Alice Springs mystery -- my nose has been twitching about this for years. What could make Riconosciuto so sensitive I wondered? It had to be something pretty rotten I should think. As Peter suggests, its likely to be something unconnected to NSA's primary job as electronic snooper extraordinaire. But it is pointless to try and guess. One day perhaps something might filter out.

Best wishes,


The Last Circle - Peter Presland - 19-11-2010


FYI - I have made the draft of your book available from WikiSpooks. There is a lengthy file description page and the ISBN number of the book is linked to a supplier search engine facility.

Please have a look and feel free to alter / add to anything I've written there - or make suggestions.

If you prefer NOT to have the draft available for download from the site, just say and I will remove it.

You can get a good idea of what the site is about from the project and category pages and you will see that it already hosts a lot of David Guyatt's stuff - for example.

Best of luck with the book sales and with any further digging into that dangerous murky smoke-and-mirrors world.

The Last Circle - Cheri Seymour - 19-11-2010

TO: Peter Presland

FROM: Cheri Seymour

Thanks very much for promoting The Last Circle at the WikiSpooks site. All help is much appreciated. You did a great job in the presentation, I have nothing to add or change.

I am grateful that such an impressive and accomplished group of contributors have been so welcoming at this Forum.

The Last Circle - Jan Klimkowski - 19-11-2010

Cheri Seymour Wrote:Be advised that I left approximately 60% of my 18 years of research out of The Last Circle to streamline the book (ha, ha, really) and/or because I couldn't prove or validate it through 2 or more law enforcement or other reliable sources, or through documentation.

On the other hand, some sources who have been discredited in the media such as Michael Riconosciuto, turned out to be telling the truth with respect to specific issues such as drug/sting operations, scientific data, money laundering, and his relationship to individuals whom he named in The Last Circle. If I could not prove or validate some of Riconosciuto's statements, I left them out of the book.

With regard to Ted Gunderson's claims about 911, the OKC bombing, and other claims, I was never able to validate any of those specific claims, so I left them out of the book. I only inserted what I could prove to be true. I do not believe that Tim Osman is Osama Bin Laden, as I was closely involved with that document at the time it was written and submitted to the court and the stories that circulated about it AFTER 911 are false. One of these days I'll explain the chronology of this, though I dislike spending valuable time addressing Internet myths and deceptions.

Please keep in mind that it was necessary for me to interview Danny Casolaro's original sources, walk in his shoes, so I could understand what he learned and what he experienced in his journey into the labyrinth. Some of Danny's key sources were Michael Riconosciuto and Robert Booth Nichols. They were directly responsible for much of what was written in Danny's notes, so it was impossible to leave them out of the book.

Cheri - you have demonstrated considerable courage in continuing Danny Casolaro's journey.

To my mind, you have also shown excellent judgement in your interactions with the phantasms, distractions and gaudy temptations that lurk in those macabre and cobwebbed corridors.

My own order of source reliability, with the most reliable at the top, would be:

1) Michael Riconosciuto

2) Robert Booth Nichols

3) Ted Gunderson (a very distant third).

Thank you also for generously sharing additional insights here.

The Last Circle - Ed Encho - 25-11-2010

"The question you asked is, in my opinion, the most critical question that could be asked. Be advised, that if you find the answer to that question, you will have the answers to all your questions. But if you publicize that answer, you will never be safe again."

-Really, when you think about it are any of us ever truly safe?

Every morning when you get into your automobile you are risking your life.

Everybody dies...

Redouble the efforts to out the bastards, at every fucking level, not only this pig but all of the pigs.