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Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Jan Klimkowski - 23-01-2011

This article does deserve posting in this thread in its entirety, as it reveals that fucking the protest movement has been taken entirely literally by the forces of law and order.

The coppers' total lack of understanding of the groups they are penetrating, and inciting, shines through in the comments of the undercover agents provocateur. Basically, nothing was off limits: shagging suspects; taking drugs; inciting criminal acts; participating in criminal acts; providing material support to criminal acts.

If criminal acts and violence take place in protest actions, ACPO gets to justify and increase its black budget.

Whilst the spooks get to scare the politicians into ever more draconian curtailment of basic rights.

It's a win-win situation - with the agent provocateur rozzers getting to shag everyone because, to paraphrase the police comments below, protestors are all slags anyway.....

Quote:Undercover police cleared 'to have sex with activists

'Promiscuity 'regularly used as tactic', says former officer, contradicting claims from Acpo

Mark Townsend and Tony Thompson, Saturday 22 January 2011 21.00 GMT

Undercover police officers routinely adopted a tactic of "promiscuity" with the blessing of senior commanders, according to a former agent who worked in a secretive unit of the Metropolitan police for four years.

The former undercover policeman claims that sexual relationships with activists were sanctioned for both men and women officers infiltrating anarchist, leftwing and environmental groups.

Sex was a tool to help officers blend in, the officer claimed, and was widely used as a technique to glean intelligence. His comments contradict claims last week from the Association of Chief Police Officers that operatives were absolutely forbidden to sleep with activists.

The one stipulation, according to the officer from the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS), a secret unit formed to prevent violent disorder on the streets of London, was that falling in love was considered highly unprofessional because it might compromise an investigation. He said undercover officers, particularly those infiltrating environmental and leftwing groups, viewed having sex with a large number of partners "as part of the job".

"Everybody knew it was a very promiscuous lifestyle," said the former officer, who first revealed his life as an undercover agent to the Observer last year. "You cannot not be promiscuous in those groups. Otherwise you'll stand out straightaway."

The claims follow the unmasking of undercover PC Mark Kennedy, who had sexual relationships with several women during the seven years he spent infiltrating a ring of environmental activists. Another two covert officers have been named in the past fortnight who also had sex with the protesters they were sent to spy on, fuelling allegations that senior officers had authorised sleeping around as a legitimate means of gathering intelligence.

However Jon Murphy, Acpo's spokesman on serious and organised crime, said last week that undercover officers were not permitted "under any circumstances" to sleep with protesters.

He added: "It is grossly unprofessional. It is a diversion from what they are there to do."

Mounting anger among women protesters will see female activists converge on Scotland Yard tomorrow to demand that the Met disclose the true extent of undercover policing. The demonstration is also, according to organisers, designed to express "solidarity with all the women who have been exploited by men they thought they could trust".

Climate campaigner Sophie Stephens, 27, who knew Kennedy, said there was fury among women who felt violated by the state: "We know women have been abused by men posing as policemen and it's becoming clear this was state-sanctioned. These women did not know they were forming a relationship with policemen. It's appalling and now we want the full details of the undercover officers to be made public."

The protest will be followed on Tuesday by the appearance before the Commons home affairs select committee of the acting Met commissioner, Tim Godwin, and Commander Bob Broadhurst, who is responsible for public order in the capital. Both will be asked to explain why Scotland Yard gave false information over the use of covert operatives during the London G20 protests in 2009. The issue of sexual activity by operatives is also likely to be brought up.

The former SDS officer claims a lack of guidelines meant sex was an ideal way to maintain cover. He admitted sleeping with at least two of his female targets as a way of obtaining intelligence.

"When you are on an undercover unit you were not given a set of instructions saying you could or couldn't do the following. They didn't say to you that you couldn't go out and drink because technically you're a police officer, that you shouldn't go out and get involved in violent confrontations, you shouldn't take recreational drugs.

"As regards being with women in very, very, very promiscuous groups such as the eco-wing, environmental movement, leftwing, or the Animal Liberation Front it's an extremely promiscuous lifestyle and you cannot not be promiscuous in there.

"Among fellow undercover officers, there is not really any kudos in the fact that you are shagging other people while deployed. Basically it's just regarded as part of the job. It'd be highly unlikely that you were not [having sex].

"When you are using the tool of sex to maintain your cover or maybe to glean more intelligence because they certainly talk a lot more, pillow talk you would be ready to move on if you felt an attachment growing.

"The best way of stopping any liaison getting too heavy was to shag somebody else. It's amazing how women don't like you going to bed with someone else," said the officer, whose undercover deployment infiltrating anti-racist groups lasted from 1993 to 1997. Two years later the SDS became the National Public Order Intelligence Unit, the secretive organisation that employed Kennedy and whose activities are the subject of three investigations.

The officer added that undercover police were strictly encouraged not to form a bond with women they were sleeping with and said that he knew Jim Boyling, the undercover officer who married an activist he was supposed to be spying upon.

Boyling, a specialist operations detective constable with the Met, was suspended on Friday pending an investigation into his professional conduct.

The former SDS officer, who has now left the Met, said one stipulation by senior commanders was that undercover officers should be married, so that they had something to return to. He said the move was introduced when a spy never returned after five years undercover.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Lemkin - 23-01-2011

The question has to arise as to WHAT noble [sic] principles they were protecting the 'State', like their American and other counterparts, they were breaking the law and every moral norm in society. It really reveals that, as we all knew, they were just working to boost those in power and fucking over [in ALL senses of the term!] anyone who was of a different political/social/environmental/ethical/moral/philosophical/economic persuasion than those in power.

Ironic that the only one to marry is going to be investigated.....and no doubt punished for that act...which [I don't know] may well have been out of love....something those in power abhor...toward other humans; toward other societies; towards those not as rich and powerful as they; and towards the environment and Planet that supports them and they also rape. Fuck those in power! - figuratively only! (Please!)

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Jan Klimkowski - 23-01-2011

Peter - agreed.

Not only were there no rules or principles, but a group of protestors was about to be sent to prison on evidence provided by a "witness" who was in fact a police agent provocateur, and yet this was not declared to the court, judge or defence lawyers.

It was only when the protestors themselves unmasked Stone/Kennedy that the case collapsed. And this blatant psyop cover story about "Kennedy having gone native" was floated.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Lemkin - 24-01-2011

James Meikle, Monday 24 January 2011 06.01 GMT

Activists are expected at Scotland Yard in London today to protest over surveillance methods on women and what they call 'state-endorsed sexual manipulation'. Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA

Women activists are to blockade Scotland Yard today, intending to demand to know the identity of any undercover police who have infiltrated their organisations.

As evidence continued to emerge of police officers having had sexual relations with people they were monitoring, the women said they wanted to know if they had been "abused" by police.

Though senior police insisted that sleeping with activists during such operations was banned, a former agent claimed such "promiscuity" routinely had the blessing of commanders.

The activists' concerns follow the revelation that the undercover PC Mark Kennedy had sexual relationships with several women during the seven years he spent infiltrating environmental activists' groups. Last week the Guardian identified more officers who had sex with the protesters they were sent to spy on. One officer, Jim Boyling, married an activist and had two children with her.

Rebecca Quinn, an environmental activist from Oxford, said: "This is about people from different groups and networks who share concerns about this type of policing and how it affects women. We are still at the stage where we are trying to piece together the extent to which these operations have reached.

"There may be dozens of other women who might be affected by this, who have [unknowingly] had relationships with other undercover officers. It is unacceptable. A picture is starting to emerge of state-endorsed sexual manipulation."

The issue is expected to be raised by MPs tomorrow, when the acting Metropolitan police commissioner, Tim Godwin, appears before the Commons home affairs select committee.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Presland - 24-01-2011

Once a Spook, always a spook is the rule.

But if there are exceptions to prove it, then Annie Machon comes close. Carving out a new career for herself as an acceptable ex-Spook commentator, she does occasionally convey interesting insights. No doubt continued success will flag her as being required to 'come in from the cold' if she knows what's good for her.

This from today's Guardian:

Quote:Are environmental activists really a spying priority?

Revelations about policemen spying on environmental activists suggest we need a sense of perspective on threats to the nation

The cascade of revelations about secret policemen, starting with PC Mark Kennedy/environmental activist "Mark Stone", has highlighted the identity crisis afflicting the British security establishment. Private undercover police units are having their James Bond moment cider shaken, not stirred while MI5 has become ever more plod-like, yet without the accompanying oversight. How has this happened to our democracy without any public debate?

From the late 19th century the Metropolitan Police Special Branch investigated terrorism while MI5, established in 1909, was a counter-intelligence unit focusing on espionage and political "subversion". The switch began in 1992 when Dame Stella Rimington, then head of MI5, effected a Whitehall coup and stole primacy for investigating Irish terrorism from the Met. As a result MI5 magically discovered that subversion was not such a threat after all this revelation only three years after the Berlin Wall came down and transferred all its staff over to the new, sexy counter-terrorism sections. Since then, MI5 has been eagerly building its counter-terrorism empire, despite this being more obviously evidential police work.

Special Branch was relegated to a supporting role, dabbling in organised crime and animal rights activists, but not terribly excited about either. Its prestige had been seriously tarnished. It also had a group of experienced undercover cops known then as the Special Duties Section with time on their hands.

It should therefore come as little surprise that Acpo, the private limited company comprising senior police officers across the country, came up with the brilliant idea of using this skill-set against UK "domestic extremists". Acpo set up the National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU). This first focused primarily on animal rights activists, but mission creep rapidly set in and the unit's role expanded into peaceful protest groups. When this unaccountable, Stasi-like unit was revealed it rightly caused an outcry, especially as the term "domestic extremist" is not recognised under UK law, and cannot legally be used as justification to aggressively invade an individual's privacy because of their legitimate political beliefs and activism. So, plod has become increasingly spooky. What of the spooks?

As I mentioned, they have been aggressively hoovering up the prestigious counter-terrorism work. But, despite what the Americans have hysterically asserted since 9/11, terrorism is not some unique form of "eviltude". It is a crime a hideous, shocking one, but still a crime that should be investigated, with evidence gathered, due process applied and the suspects on trial in front of a jury.

A mature democracy that respects human rights and the rule of law should not intern suspects or render them to secret prisons and torture them for years. And yet this is precisely what our spooks are now allegedly doing particularly when colluding with their US counterparts.

Also, MI5 and MI6 operate outside any realistic democratic oversight and control. The remit of the intelligence and security committee in parliament only covers the policy, administration and finance of the spies. Since the committee's inception in 1994 it has repeatedly failed to meaningfully address more serious questions about the spies' role. The spooks are effectively above the law, while at the same time protected by the draconian Official Secrets Act. This makes the abuses of the NPOIU seem almost quaint. So what to do? A good first step might be to have an informed discussion about the realistic threats to the UK. The police and spies huddle behind the protective phrase "national security". But what does this mean?

The core idea should be safeguarding the nation's integrity. A group of well-meaning environmental protesters should not even be on the radar. And, no matter how awful, the occasional terrorist attack is not an existential threat to the fabric of the nation in the way of, say, the planned Nazi invasion in 1940. Nor is it even close to the sustained bombing of government, infrastructure and military targets by the Provisional IRA in the 70s-90s.

Once we understand the real threats, we as a nation can discuss the steps to take to protect ourselves; what measures should be taken and what liberties occasionally and legally compromised, and what democratic accountability exists to ensure that the security forces do not exceed their remit and work within the law.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Lemkin - 25-01-2011

Police spy Lynn Watson filmed in clown costume at anti-war protest
Undercover policewoman Lynn Watson seen helping to set up 'clown checkpoint' in Leeds as uniformed officers looked on

Paul Lewis, Guy Grandjean and Rob Evans, Tuesday 25 January 2011 16.59 GMT

Lynn Watson was a member of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army. Photograph: Guardian

Footage has emerged showing an undercover police officer tasked with monitoring so-called "domestic extremists" running around Leeds city centre dressed as a clown.

The video of Lynn Watson, who lived as an environmental activist in Leeds for five years, shows her wiggling her bottom outside an MP's office, playing cricket with a feather duster and chanting "tickle the tree".

The images from the good-natured anti-war protest are likely to further undermine claims by police chiefs that their multimillion-pound operation to deploy spies against activists has been proportionate.

The operation has been carried out by a secretive unit belonging to the Association of Chief Police Officers. Today the acting commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Tim Godwin, said his force would take over the spy agency the National Public Order Intelligence Unit on Monday. It will come under the Met's counter-terrorism command.

There are now three formal inquiries into undercover policing prompted by revelations in the Guardian about Mark Kennedy, an officer who lived among protesters for seven years.

The Guardian has since identified three more undercover police officers, including Watson, who friends say played a crucial role in organising the first Climate Camp protest in 2005 while living in Leeds.

Senior police officers accept that most environmental campaigners are lawful protesters who cause minimal, if any, disruption. However, they argue that a minority pose a serious threat to the national infrastructure and deserve long-term surveillance.

The footage of Watson, which has been purchased by Channel 4 News and is expected to be broadcast tonight, shows a demonstration in Leeds on 3 July 2004 against the war in Iraq.

Watson, a member of the theatrical collective known as the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, can be seen taking part in a game of "let's play tangle", in which clowns join hands and wrap their arms around each other in a circle.

She is then seen helping to set up what activists refer to as a "clown checkpoint" in the middle of the road. The protest appeared to attract only a small presence of uniformed police officers, some of whom can be seen apparently smirking at the antics.

Confronting the camera, Watson says: "We are checking for clowns, we need more clowns in this country more clowns."

Another shot shows an activist strumming a guitar while Watson is sat in a tree. She then appears to stroke the tree, adding: "Tickle the tree, tickle the tree."

The person who shot the footage said the activists had targeted a military recruitment office in the centre of Leeds, but were moved on by police. Earlier in the day, they had marched into the MP Hilary Benn's office. The footage shows Watson and the activists bending over in a line to shake their bottoms at the building in unison.

A voice believed to be that of a police officer can be heard saying: "They're friendly enough. There's nothing hostile or threatening about them."

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Jan Klimkowski - 25-01-2011

So, we've travelled from the Merry Pranksters' psychedelic bus ride into, simply, "FURTHER"...

To a police agent provocateur wiggling her bum as part of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army.

Ken Kesey called it straight:

Quote:There are going to be times when we can't wait for somebody. Now, you're either on the bus or off the bus. If you're on the bus, and you get left behind, then you'll find it again. If you're off the bus in the first place then it won't make a damn.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Keith Millea - 25-01-2011

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:So, we've travelled from the Merry Pranksters' psychedelic bus ride into, simply, "FURTHER"...

To a police agent provocateur wiggling her bum as part of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army.

Ken Kesey called it straight:

Quote:There are going to be times when we can't wait for somebody. Now, you're either on the bus or off the bus. If you're on the bus, and you get left behind, then you'll find it again. If you're off the bus in the first place then it won't make a damn.

What a Long Strange trip!Ms.Clown Butt found out "Nothing Lasts."

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Lemkin - 25-01-2011

Keith Millea Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:So, we've travelled from the Merry Pranksters' psychedelic bus ride into, simply, "FURTHER"...

To a police agent provocateur wiggling her bum as part of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army.

Ken Kesey called it straight:

Quote:There are going to be times when we can't wait for somebody. Now, you're either on the bus or off the bus. If you're on the bus, and you get left behind, then you'll find it again. If you're off the bus in the first place then it won't make a damn.

What a Long Strange trip!Ms.Clown Butt found out "Nothing Lasts."

Great photo of 'The Bus' and Ken!!!!!!
One has to admit, were someone, no matter how good a writer to pen this stuff, NO one would read just too bizarre and too far from reality. Ha! What a 'trip'!
I think the UK must be getting lots of requests from Police all over the World for a in their home countries they rarely get to dress as clowns or make-love to those they are spying on....great perks they offer there in the UK to the Police!!!! Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Was not able to get a photo of her bum [working on it] but here is her face in her full official Police regalia.....

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Jan Klimkowski - 25-01-2011

Clown or cop?

Clown and cop.

Peter - you know the reason that you and I posted the same clown cop image is that the YouTube video of Lynn Watson agent provocateuring in the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army has been bought up by MSM.... :rasta: