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The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Cliff Varnell - 04-02-2011

11/2: JFK's trip to Chicago, IL was cancelled at the last minute due to mortal threats against his life: apart from Thomas Arthur Vallee, Thomas Mosely, and Homer Echevarria, inluding a team of four Cuban gunman, 2 of whom eluded surveillance and escaped....Joseph Noonan, a Chicago office agent, told the HSCA that he "participated directly in surveillance involving TOM MOSELY and HOMER ECHEVARRIA....he and [the] other agents were uneasy that the Cubans might have some ties to the CIA..."

Might these Cubans have been sheep-dipped to look like Castro agents?

The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 04-02-2011

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I find that Oswald/Valle license plate overlap hard to swallow.

How could someone living in Texas be registered in Illinois, especially when he did not drive, ostensibly at least. Further, what would be the point of it?

I'm not sure I buy it in its entirety, Jim.

But if the overlap has been created out of whole cloth, the point very well may be to continue to muddy the waters long after the assassination. After all, such was one of the main purposes of the entire Chicago exercise -- at least as far as this working, by no means settled hypothesis is concerned.

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:IMO, the Chicago Plot is one of the truly important elements of the entire Kennedy assassination episode. It is really sad it was covered up like it was, Not just by the SS and FBI, but by the Warren Commission, by the HSCA, Waldron and Hartmann, and Bugliosi.

Agreed. Heartily.

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:WHen it is not covered up, it seems to me absolutely crucial in understanding nto just what happened in Dallas, but who was behind the plot. After all, if Echeverria and his allies, had succeeded, how could anyone have blamed Johnson, HL Hunt, Murchison, Bush, etc for the murder.

Of course to my way of thinking, "Echeverria and his allies" could not have succeeded because there never was any intention by the primary Facilitators to hit JFK in Chicago.

Which means that the Chicago operation did succeed insofar as, according to my hypothesis, its "foiling" accounted for Dallas leaks and contributed to the stand-down of Dallas security.

And the Facilitators' perceived need for the creation of False Sponsor roles for "Johnson, HL Hunt, Murchison, Bush, etc[.]" argues most persuasively for Dallas being the ONLY venue considered for the real attempt in what turned out to be its final iteration.

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:The thing is, by falsifying these documents, and getting Echeverria to issue self serving statements exonerating himself, the FBI stopped or at least hindered us from connecting the dots. Not just in Chicago, but also between Chicago and Dallas.

Agreed. This accounts in good measure for my efforts to rethink the very nature of Chicago -- its specific purpose and its place in the Grand Design.

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Everyone in this community owes a great deal of gratitude to Bolden and Black. The latter is an investigative journalist who helps us define what that lost term really means.

Let us honor both of these good men.

The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 04-02-2011

Cliff Varnell Wrote:
11/2: JFK's trip to Chicago, IL was cancelled at the last minute due to mortal threats against his life: apart from Thomas Arthur Vallee, Thomas Mosely, and Homer Echevarria, inluding a team of four Cuban gunman, 2 of whom eluded surveillance and escaped....Joseph Noonan, a Chicago office agent, told the HSCA that he "participated directly in surveillance involving TOM MOSELY and HOMER ECHEVARRIA....he and [the] other agents were uneasy that the Cubans might have some ties to the CIA..."

Might these Cubans have been sheep-dipped to look like Castro agents?

Brother Cliff,

It's great to see you here. Hope all is well and the cards are running your way.

To answer your question: Quite likely.

The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 04-02-2011

Jack White Wrote:What about the Florida "plot" which caused cancellation of a motorcade?

Chicago---Miami---Dallas. Cities with corrupt police allied with CIA-Mafia-politicians?
Investigative controls? Maybe Dallas was the choice because Chicago-Miami failed?


With a reminder to myself and all others that we're dealing only with a hypothesis on this thread: I suggest that Chicago and Miami succeeded.

Wildly so.


The Secret Service was on top of its game, baby! They foiled the plots. Any leaks of Dallas information could be attributed to Chicago (primarily) and Miami. Relax, my brothers. Nothing left to worry about in Dallas.

The Secret Service took care of everything.

Did they ever.

The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 04-02-2011

Jim D.,

If you are in contact with Mr. Bolden, would you consider running my hypothesis by him for comment?

So you know: I'm a big boy, and I can handle rejection.



The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Bernice Moore - 04-02-2011

charles;in post # 44 that you quoted, but within copy right laws we are allowed to reprint 500 words, or so i have read in so many books...b...all mccarthy says in regard to documentaion is printed at the bottom, it states; Information for this article was from released documents from the National Archives; but that isn't good enough, like so many others have and do imo, do not share the where, when or what, keep it a secret, it's yours, no wonder it has never been solved..b

The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Bill Kelly - 04-02-2011

Bernice Moore Wrote:charles;in post # 44 that you quoted, but within copy right laws we are allowed to reprint 500 words, or so i have read in so many books...b...all mccarthy says in regard to documentaion is printed at the bottom, it states; Information for this article was from released documents from the National Archives; but that isn't good enough, like so many others have and do imo, do not share the where, when or what, keep it a secret, it's yours, no wonder it has never been solved..b

What, exactly are you talking about being copyrighted?

Something linked to this thread?

Thanks, BK

The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 04-02-2011


See the quote box in post 44.

That's the material.


The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Dawn Meredith - 04-02-2011

Charles Drago Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:What about the Florida "plot" which caused cancellation of a motorcade?

Chicago---Miami---Dallas. Cities with corrupt police allied with CIA-Mafia-politicians?
Investigative controls? Maybe Dallas was the choice because Chicago-Miami failed?


With a reminder to myself and all others that we're dealing only with a hypothesis on this thread: I suggest that Chicago and Miami succeeded.

Wildly so.


The Secret Service was on top of its game, baby! They foiled the plots. Any leaks of Dallas information could be attributed to Chicago (primarily) and Miami. Relax, my brothers. Nothing left to worry about in Dallas.

The Secret Service took care of everything.

Did they ever.

CD you have convinced me.


The Chicago Plot: A Hypothesis - Peter Lemkin - 04-02-2011

Keith Millea Wrote:Ok Charles,this brings me to the recent showing on BO Radio of Fletcher Prouty.John Judge asks him how a patsy is set up.Prouty gives his explanation,and then ends by saying,"Then they bring in the mechanics from overseas".

I discussed this specific point with Prouty in person a few times. He was adamant [as if he either knew, or knew that it was SOP to do so....he wouldn't say which] that the gunman were the best available and had come and returned to SEA...he didn't specify which country...but if you think of that time the USA had US trained [or other friendly intel agency-trained] operatives in SEA. He insisted that they were on planes and returning by the time Oswald was being booked. He said they lived in special compounds under false names and false pretenses. Further, he said when they arrived in Dallas and the Plaza they would have been informed who would be their communications persons, spotters, guards, drivers, cover, et al. For the most part these would be persons they would recognize from past operations, even if not given their names in advance...and on any op, everyone is using false nommes de jour and passwords de jour. So locals, as well as USA-based mechanics would also have been in the mix. I think it is also obvious, that the Plaza was chock full [overfilled] with operatives who were NOT operative that forever confuse both the investigation authorities [and keep their mouths shut], as well as any would be amateur Sherlock Holmes'.