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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Stan Wilbourne - 25-04-2012

American Culture in Europe: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
By Mike-Frank G. Epitropoulos, page 96:

Quote:In more recent history, Communist Party General Nikita Khrushchev presided over a period of Westernization and liberalization as well, leading to some speculation that Khrushchev era reforms (and the Kennedy era reforms in the United States) would have brought an end to the Cold War and allowed for the increase in political and economic rights in both countries, had the United States been able to support Khrushchev in his attempts to reduce the Soviet military.

The impetus for increased business transactions with the West, echoing the joint ventures and foreign investment in Russia in the late nineteenth century, that occurred in greater frequency during the perestroika period, occurred early under Soviet rule, with antecedents dating back to the New Economic Policy of the 1920s. The Soviet government had major business dealings not only with Armand Hammer but also with Henry Ford and heads of the other major corporations. Although transactions slowed during the Stalinist period and the Cold War, they began to accelerate several years before perestroika at the instigation of Soviet leaders. One author describes the treatment that Soviet elites extend to American business executives, even before perestroika, as "The Red Carpet." As early as the 1970s, Pepsi-Co signed contracts for sales of bottled flavored carbonated beverages, while banker David Rockefeller, Kaiser Industries Chair Edward Kaiser, W. Averell Harriman, and others were treated like royalty in Moscow.

Armand Hammer, David Rockefeller, Cyrus Eaton, Donald Kendall and Averell Harriman were all part of "The Red Carpet."

"I want to know who the men in the shadows are."

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Phil Dragoo - 25-04-2012

Armand Hammer, David Rockefeller, Cyrus Eaton, Donald Kendall and Averell Harriman were all part of "The Red Carpet."


How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Charles Drago - 26-04-2012

Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:[quote=Charles Drago][quote=Charles Drago][quote=Phil Dragoo] Since someone took the trouble to mention Graham Green, I am going to mention Ian Flemming. I shall have to be careful in my wording since any connection of the assasination to the organization that Flemming identified as SPECTRE could be actionable, especially in view of the fact that Thomas Buchanans book on the assasination of JFK suggests a relation to an oil industry connected criminal organization. The first thing to notice is that after Jackie read From Russia With Love, and pointed the book out to her husband, Flemming was invited to a meeting with the couple as a result of this where they no doubt discussed the book. Now my first question is, did Jackie recognize something or someone in the book, or was it merely that J.B. was a serial seducer that reminded her of her husband JFK? Now it will be obvious to all that the inspiration for the character in Thunderball was possibly Aristoteles Onassis (although he might not have been as agressive and unscrupulous as the Thunderball character though providing the inspiration for him). Ian Flemming knew Onassis and had slept in his Yacht which was an obvious inspiration for events in his novels. Of course we know that Onassis did provide finance for Kennedys campaign and is said to have made a deal with Onassis that JFK later broke perhaps as a result of taking benzedreene. Also Flemmings title at MI6 was commander (the same as 007), and this suggests that he may have had assignments connected to the fleet (one of the main objectives of the British Secret Service was securing a supply of oil for the fleet). It is known that Onassis came under the scrutiny of every intelligence service in the world when it was feared that he was establishing a monopoly of transporting oil from the middle east with financial help from the Saudis who had commissioned him to build a fleet for such an enterprise (who were the bankers involved in this enterprise? Was the Safari Club involved? They must have had intelligence on this enterprise.). It seems to me that Ian Flemming would have been ideal for the task of investigating Onassis since he knew him and travelled widely. Secondly Onassis had been helped in amassing his wealth by the fact that his shipping was left largely untouched be german attacks during WW2. This might indicate a connection to an intelligence network that provided info on where and when attacks would occur. An intelligence network that reached outside the usual borders of US, Britain, USSR, and Germany in a SPECTRE type of cooperation. It has also been suggested that the Rockefellers were selling oil to Germany (by klandestine means) during WW2 and they were Blackmailed for doing this during the establishment of Israel. Who was responsible for transporting alleged oil to the Germans? Ian Flemming identifies the Thunderball character as Number Two in the SPECTRE organization. Number One is identified as Ernst Stavros Bloefeld if I remember correctly. Now I must tell you that the fact I have the same I.Q. as Lex Luthor would never have lead me to make any connection from the above statements to the Kennedy assasination. That means that there is essentially no way that the people that most likely planned the assasination and the coverup could be found directly. It was only because my interest in this (Ian Flemming inspired) SPECTRE network was aroused due to a different sequence of events that caused me to ask how this SPECTRE network could be identified and some of the persons involved in it could be tagged. I wondered if the Thunderball character had a possible inspiration in Onassis, if the same applied to Ernst Bloefeld that some real character provided the inspiration for him. And lo and behold. Searching the Internet I came across the FBI file of the character that was most likely the inspiration for Ernst. He probably had intimate connections with the KGB, considering his past Tycoon activities. He had a family crest that reminds of the HOME and HEARTH crest of Bloefeld in "in her majesties secret service" (and he certainly was Boarish in his demeanor). The past described in his FBI file had probably served as inspiration for events in some 007 books (it suggests that Flemming had possibly read this file or some similar MI6 file). But then what connected him to Kennedy? He had been convicted of making illegal campaign contributions in a presidential campaign and received a suspended sentence. This might suggest that he was involved in the KGB ongoing attempt to influence american presidential elections (one of the main responsibilities of the chairman of the KGB, which probably in the end led to the collapse of the Soviet Union (his failure to stop Reagan and his operational activities that among other repercussions politically destroyed Carter)). And one more thing. Who were the first persons to visit the Kremlin in an official capacity after the Kennedy assasination? (as described in "Red Carpet") David Rockefeller and our Ian Flemming muse for the Bloefeld Character. I can understand why Jackie chose to marry Onassis as the only means of protecting her children from the reach of this organization. Did the network that inspired SPECTRE blow the whistle on the Bay of Pigs? Did they now have an agent in the White House, in the Oval Office? I hope you find these questions interesting.

This is a disturbing post for a number of reasons.

First: Why are Phil Dragoo and I identified as being quoted in this piece? None of this originates with me, and I don't recall Phil ever posting this material.

Second: In posing what appears to be the rhetorical questions, "Did the network that inspired SPECTRE blow the whistle on the Bay of Pigs? Did they now have an agent in the White House, in the Oval Office?" are you suggesting that JFK as president, if not earlier, was acting on behalf of a trans/supra-national criminal organization? Of the KGB?

I am deeply familiar with Fleming's Bond novels, their subtexts and couched references to intel operations and terms of art, and with Fleming's career. So by all means, Arni Thoroddsen, please expand on your post above by answering my questions and your own as posed above.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Magda Hassan - 26-04-2012

I think there has just been some dodgy formatting like in yours above as well.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Charles Drago - 26-04-2012

I disagree. Seriously.

Why this post only?


How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Magda Hassan - 26-04-2012

Well, it's his first post. He obviously doesn't have the hang of the formatting yet. Plenty don't and they have been here years. I am only commenting on the form not content.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Arni Thoroddsen - 26-04-2012

You are absolutely right as far as the quotations go. I meant to include your Graham Green comment only . and a quotation from Phil as well but this system is somewhat unvieldy and I was unable to see Phils text when writing my own. Of course the entire text is mine and I certainly did not mean to imply that any of these questions were asked by you, Charles Drago or you Phil. Again my apologies for my unfamiliarity with this editor and its eccentric behavior. To Quote Richard Nixons humble comment "mea culpa" (although I dont have picture of a kitten or a puppy on me). But I am actually asking if they had obtained a hold on Kennedy. If he took money and made promises to Onassis. Of course today most of these people are dead and they died rather unpleasant though natural deaths. Still part of the network exists in a changed form. The Oil platform that burned in the north sea (and our Bloefeld muse released a speech to the press) was transported to be used as a space launching platform, a technologically intricate operation. These people could accomplish the seemingly impossible. Did this organization oversee the transformation and streamlining of the Chinese industrial system? Did the Chinese really manage this all by themselves? It was my understanding that David Rockefeller was somewhat unhappy with the Japanese he was doing real estate business with in New York.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Stan Wilbourne - 26-04-2012

So, Arni. Who was the "Bloefeld muse" again?

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Jan Klimkowski - 26-04-2012

Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:You are absolutely right as far as the quotations go. I meant to include your Graham Green comment only . and a quotation from Phil as well but this system is somewhat unvieldy and I was unable to see Phils text when writing my own. Of course the entire text is mine and I certainly did not mean to imply that any of these questions were asked by you, Charles Drago or you Phil. Again my apologies for my unfamiliarity with this editor and its eccentric behavior. To Quote Richard Nixons humble comment "mea culpa" (although I dont have picture of a kitten or a puppy on me). But I am actually asking if they had obtained a hold on Kennedy. If he took money and made promises to Onassis. Of course today most of these people are dead and they died rather unpleasant though natural deaths. Still part of the network exists in a changed form. The Oil platform that burned in the north sea (and our Bloefeld muse released a speech to the press) was transported to be used as a space launching platform, a technologically intricate operation. These people could accomplish the seemingly impossible. Did this organization oversee the transformation and streamlining of the Chinese industrial system? Did the Chinese really manage this all by themselves? It was my understanding that David Rockefeller was somewhat unhappy with the Japanese he was doing real estate business with in New York.

Arni - thank you for clarifying.

Now let's discuss the meat of the post, with Stan's question, "Who was the "Bloefeld muse" again?", serving as the appetizer.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Arni Thoroddsen - 27-04-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:"Arni - thank you for clarifying. Now let's discuss the meat of the post, with Stan's question, "Who was the "Bloefeld muse" again?", serving as the appetizer."
You should really have asked: Could it be someone who managed to get part of his family crest (coat of arms) into the national emblem of East Germany. I would of course have answered: "You might say that Matty, but I couldnt possibly comment! " To quote the response to a reporter questioning the sly british prime minister in a tv mini series that was hopefully fictional. I am hoping that the FBI file has not been removed from the net. Its inclusion there could only have been an oversight by people that did not realize its possible significance. Why should a file on a suspended sentence violation be of significance, especially to some nameless beaurocrat that has no idea who the man with the white cat is or what he represents. I have not read his biography by the way. None of them. Now again I remind you of Thomas G. Buchanans conclusion on the Kennedy murders that the reason they were perpetrated in Dallas was that there the reach of a criminal organization extended to the Police authorities. And that the interests of the oil industry were at least influential in the decision to implement the assassination. And lets say that it is true that as some have alleged that Onassis financed the operation, is it not clear that he would have needed the OK of other members of (inspiration for spectre) bankers, the leaders of other corporations and of course the leaders with the most important intelligence connections. And this sort of assasination needs professional mechanics to carry them out and they need to be discreet, not certifiable rats like you find in the national mafia. Even those who run while others walk, might think tvice before going against these people. And the cleanup afterwards needs to be thorough, which possibly explains a lot of the subsequent deaths. Of course I am not certain that the muse for the man with the white cat was as deadly as portrayed in "You only live tvice", but perhaps Flemming felt that that was the case. This whole JFK matter reeks of an intelligence operation. The mob is usually too clumsy to carry out such an operation, and everybody ends up ratting on everyone involved. Also interesting is this story about Oswalds body being replaced by a double due to efforts of the KGB or the Cubans. It is rather similar to certain sequences of events in "never say never again". (or perhaps that inspired this story about Oswalds body) Flemming must have been interested in the JFK murder after having met the man personally. And of course he must have kept tabs on the bloefeld inspiration if he was investigating the oil industry, aerospace etc. for MI6, especially if (bloefeld) was involved with Onassis. Of course I am speculating that Howard Hughes provided some inspiration for "diamonds are forever" but that of course does not mean that Flemming was hired in relation to the aerospace industry or Howard Hughes but his stories do suggest at least an interest in aerospace.