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I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Printable Version

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I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Scott Kaiser - 08-03-2016

Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Newman is your hero, my only hero is my father, may I say that Tracy?

~Scott Kaiser

When did I say Newman is my hero?

You didn't, but Jim sure thinks so.

I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Tracy Riddle - 08-03-2016

I see no evidence or arguments to back up your claim that the letters were forged, or even a reason why they would be, only your assertions.

I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Scott Kaiser - 08-03-2016

Tracy Riddle Wrote:I see no evidence or arguments to back up your claim that the letters were forged, or even a reason why they would be, only your assertions.

I have taken the liberty to "compile" all of Galbraith's letters to the president, as I've said, he did indeed write letters, but he did not go to Vietnam, I shall never argue with anyone again who is not willing to except knowledge. Ever!

~Scott Kaiser


I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Scott Kaiser - 08-03-2016

The [reason] you will NOT find any letter to the president regarding Vietnam is because Kennedy sent Galbraith to India as the Ambassador to India. Now, any decisive measures regarding the events the [president] should take regarding Vietnam is for the president and only the president to take.

As MY second [cousin] Congressman Donald J. Irwin would say. I hope I'm getting through to you people!

I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Scott Kaiser - 08-03-2016

The [reason] you will NOT find any letter to the president regarding Vietnam is because Kennedy sent Galbraith to India as the Ambassador to India in 1961. Now, any decisive measures regarding the events surrounding Vietnam the [president] should make is for the president and only the president to take.

As MY second [cousin] Congressman Donald J. Irwin would say. I hope I'm getting through to you people!

I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Scott Kaiser - 08-03-2016

However, and with that said, it was because of Senator Mike Mansfield who under the direction [reported] back to Kennedy regarding the Vietnam war that lead Kennedy in the withdrawal of troops, any questions?

I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Tracy Riddle - 08-03-2016

LOL. Until you can present some [evidence] instead of just [semi-literate word vomit], no one will take you seriously, Scott.

Sounds to me like Galbraith admired some of the local sights and sounds.

Saigon has a curious aspect. It is a rather shabby version of a French provincial city -- say, Toulouse, as I remember it. Life proceeds normally and it has the most stylish women in all Asia. They are all tall with long legs, high breasts and wear white silk pajamas and a white silk robe, split at the sides to the armpits to give the effect of a flat panel fore and aft. On a bicycle or scooter they look very compelling and one is reminded once again that an ambassadorship is the greatest inducement to celibacy since the chastity belt. Restaurants, nightclubs and hotels flourish as they seem always to do in cities in extremis.

I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Tom Scully - 08-03-2016

Scott Kaiser Wrote:Tom, You may post your 10 mile long post, and [try] to save face too, what's left of it, you're slowly discrediting yourself the more you post, but, by all means post away. I know it's hard for you to understand, and I don't blame you, big words may be difficult to pronounce. That's okay Tom, still, you'll post away. I don't expect you to understand those letters you posted are forgery. Have a good day Tom.

Oh, and if you decide to follow up with a post after this one, I will completely discredit you, it's your choice Tom.

~Scott Kaiser

P.S. Tracy, the Newman statement was for Jim.

Scott Kaiser Wrote:I do apologize, I said there are letters of Galbraith reporting to the president of the urgency to reconsider Vietnam, I sincerely believed there was, however, I cannot find one, does that also discredit me? I don't know, however, I did, though all the hoopla and posts by many top notch researchers come to believe as they did that Galbraith did write a letter regarding Vietnam, sadly, there is none.

~Scott Kaiser

"Training wheels" version, chronological order -

Scott, I am bothering to present the evidence (again, see page 1, bottom, of this thread) that should influence you (if you were a reasonable person) to hide your head in shame and apologize, then fall silent, and contemplate your methods!

The following are arranged in chronological order, from November 3, 1961.:

Foreign Relations of the United States, 19611963
Volume I, Vietnam, 1961, Document 209

209. Paper Prepared by the Ambassador to India (Galbraith)[SUP]1[/SUP]

Washington, November 3, 1961.
The situation in South Viet-Nam is perilously close to the point of no return.....

[SUP]1[/SUP] Source: Kennedy Library, President's Office File, Viet-Nam Country Series, Security 1961. Secret. The source text was attached to a signed letter of November 3 from Galbraith to the President, which reads in full: "You asked for my views on Vietnam. They are set forth in this paper. I might add that they are shared by Abe Chayes, who has collaborated with me in preparing the paper." Galbraith was in Washington for the State visit of Prime Minister Nehru
On the 40th anniversary of the leak to the press, the National Archives, along with the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon Presidential Libraries, has released the complete report. There are 48 boxes and approximately 7,000 declassified pages. Approximately 34% of the report is available for the first time..... :

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8155&stc=1]

"This" could have ended here,

Tom Scully Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Tom, I'm not disputing the fact he sent letters, is there a serious problem with just me that people don't understand my English? Or, am I not saying what I need to say correctly? Galbraith DID write letters, I'm not disputing that. I never said he didn't write a letter.

If I need to translate in Spanish please let me know, Galbraith DID NOT GO TO VIETNAM FOR KENNEDY AND REPORT BACK TO KENNEDY SENATOR MANSFIELD DID THAT. Do you understand me now?

I am a man, and when I right, I'm right. You're trying to prove Kennedy asked Galbraith to go to Vietnam but you'll never prove it Tom. If I were wrong, I would have admitted it, can you? Be a man Tom!

Vietnam Voices: Perspectives on the War Years, 1941-1975 - Pa
John Clark Pratt - 2008 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Perspectives on the War Years, 1941-1975 John Clark Pratt ... In November President Kennedy receives this hurried message from the ambassador to India, John Kenneth Galbraith, who has ... I HAVE JUST COMPLETED THREE INTENSIVE DAYS IN SAIGON WHICH, WITH CINCPAC [COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, PACIFIC] ...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8145&stc=1]
Compare the text to that in the quote box immediately above.:
([B].pdf page 177 of 195).[/B]:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8157&stc=1]

Scott Kaiser Wrote:I give up! You win!

Considering this:
Tom Scully Wrote:........

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8156&stc=1]

Scott continued, after appearing to concede. This is the post that convinced me he has taken leave of his senses. What could have possibly justified the following?:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Here we go again! When I ask for a reference next time please don't give me books, I prefer minute meetings or FOIA documents that can explain everything a little more clearer.

Several books contradict themselves about Galbraith in the Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War that Tom Scully also posted talks about Galbraith and how he opposed the war in Vietnam, however, in his son's book, he says his father and McNamara agreed with how the war was going and McNamara wanted to see it escalate.

In this book, it talks about how Galbraith wrote Kennedy a letter posing his views, however, it also goes on to say that "Galbraith" who was ALREADY in Washington was to fly back to India via Saigon, now does that really make any sense if Galbraith was to fly back to Washington, (your words not mine) and report to Kennedy?

Can you see? If you were to read every book Tom put up they EACH contradict themselves, and I'm not sure Tom even realized that. I believe he was in just too much of a hurry to prove me wrong, which I don't blame him. I'm sure there were multiple researchers looking for the answers, but when it comes down to it, by the time it was all said and done. The bottom line is this, it was Mansfield's report that ultimately had Kennedy realize the seriousness in Vietnam which made him consider the withdraw.

It was because of Galbraith and his later speaking up against the war sending "letters" to Kennedy that had Kennedy send Mansfield to Vietnam.

The End! saigon&f=false

Scott Kaiser Wrote:Here we go again! When I ask for a reference next time please don't give me books, I prefer minute meetings or FOIA documents that can explain everything a little more clearer. ....

Judging by these two posts of Scott's of earlier today, his statement directly above is also disproven. :

Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:I see no evidence or arguments to back up your claim that the letters were forged, or even a reason why they would be, only your assertions.

I have taken the liberty to "compile" all of Galbraith's letters to the president, as I've said, he did indeed write letters, but he did not go to Vietnam, I shall never argue with anyone again who is not willing to except knowledge. Ever!

~Scott Kaiser


Scott Kaiser Wrote:The [reason] you will NOT find any letter to the president regarding Vietnam is because Kennedy sent Galbraith to India as the Ambassador to India in 1961. Now, any decisive measures regarding the events surrounding Vietnam the [president] should make is for the president and only the president to take.

As MY second [cousin] Congressman Donald J. Irwin would say. I hope I'm getting through to you people!

Scott, consider that to everyone who reads this post, or my last post at the bottom of the first page of this thread, it will be obvious except to you, that you are no longer arguing incoherently with me, but against primary sources, the very level of sources you so recently demanded to see, but as happens so often , had no ability to locate and present.:

Scott Kaiser Wrote:Here we go again! When I ask for a reference next time please don't give me books, I prefer minute meetings or FOIA documents that can explain everything a little more clearer. ....

I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Scott Kaiser - 08-03-2016

I'm sorry that knowledge, understanding and comprehension is not away of life for either of you, carry on! I shall no longer post here until you have inquired these fine attributes, for this has taught me one thing. I am surrounded by bias people, with that said, you surly wouldn't want to know what my father would say in regards of his surroundings. LOL!

I call this topic "Standing my Ground" - Tom Scully - 08-03-2016

Scott Kaiser Wrote:The [reason] you will NOT find any letter to the president regarding Vietnam is because Kennedy sent Galbraith to India as the Ambassador to India in 1961. Now, any decisive measures regarding the events surrounding Vietnam the [president] should make is for the president and only the president to take.

As MY second [cousin] Congressman Donald J. Irwin would say. I hope I'm getting through to you people!

Scully repeatedly and patiently presents from primary sources in two threads over the course of several days.:
Kaiser's responses are exemplified in this poorly articulated tantrum.:

Scott Kaiser Wrote:I'm sorry that knowledge, understanding and comprehension is not away of life for either of you, carry on! I shall no longer post here until you have inquired these fine attributes, for this has taught me one thing. I am surrounded by bias people, with that said, you surly wouldn't want to know what my father would say in regards of his surroundings. LOL!
IOW, slaps his fore....., go big, or go home!

A patriot would notify NARA a.s.a.p. that the following information, classified Top Secret at one time, is false or "forged". NARA, of course, would require substantial evidence because Scott's challenge to authenticity is an extraordinary claim.:
On the 40th anniversary of the leak to the press, the National Archives, along with the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon Presidential Libraries, has released the complete report. There are 48 boxes and approximately 7,000 declassified pages. Approximately 34% of the report is available for the first time.....
.pdf page 176 of 195 :

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8162&stc=1]

....nicely supporting:

Tom Scully Wrote:............
Vietnam Voices: Perspectives on the War Years, 1941-1975 - Pa
John Clark Pratt - 2008 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Perspectives on the War Years, 1941-1975 John Clark Pratt ... In November President Kennedy receives this hurried message from the ambassador to India, John Kenneth Galbraith, who has ... I HAVE JUST COMPLETED THREE INTENSIVE DAYS IN SAIGON WHICH, WITH CINCPAC [COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, PACIFIC] ...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8145&stc=1]

Scott Kaiser Posted 04 March 2016 - 04:09 AMBut of course! Slaps my forehead, Kennedy call JKG in India and asked him to hop on an airplane to Vietnam since the distance between Vietnam and India is 3190.14 km= 1982.26 miles. And, of course if you travel by airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) between Vietnam to India, It takes 3.54 hours to arrive. But I think in those days planes were a little slower, don't quote me on that, as for the coup, you're entitled to your opinion, although, it's not always correct.

Edited by Scott Kaiser, 04 March 2016 - 04:11 AM.