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"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 13-02-2012

Adele Edisen Wrote:
Adele Edisen Wrote:[quote=Jan Klimkowski][quote=Adele Edisen][Although I left that Department in the late 1950s, I did get some information about the people there later. Dr. Irv Marcus had gone in to private practice; Dr. Harold Lief and his wife divorced and, get this- he moved into bachelor quarters with Clay Shaw in the French Quarter!

Lief was part of the MK-ULTRA nexus, having done work with Orne and being yet another US military shrink.

He was also part of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) coverup of crime. See DPF thread here.

My emphasis in bold in piece below, which is party written by Alex Constantine:

In the visible world of "scientific" research, as opposed the Dark Side stuff, Lief was at one stage the world's leading experts on "Inhibited Sexual Desire", and the cure of "sexual dysfunction".

So, Lief has a world class background in hypnotic programming, sexual desire, behaviour modification and memory modification.

Lief is moving in the circles of Clay Shaw, which presumably means David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald.

That is truly intriguing and provocative.


Quote:Dr Colin Ross: "Who is this guy Robert Heath? Well, we are going to see him in a future slide too. My secretary has actually interviewed him, and I might go down and interview him myself at Tulane in New Orleans. He did brain electro implant research for the CIA and he would put brain electrodes in human brains for non-therapeutic purposes, and he would pour in psyllicibin(sp), mescaline, LSD, and other chemicals to see what would go tingle-tingle in the electrodes. And I will tell you more about that. He's funded by the CIA and the military. In one of his papers, he thanks Harold Lief for referring in one of his brain electrode implant research subjects."

This quote brought up a memory concerning Heath's subject with 125 implanted electrodes and of my old friend and colleague, E.Roy John, Ph.D. I learned today of his death. There's more on Google about him and his work.

Dr. E. Roy John

World Renowned Neuroscientist
August 14, 1924 - February 28, 2009

Erwin Roy John was born August 14, 1924, in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and grew up in Long Beach, Long Island. He was the only son of Siegfried John, of Vienna, and Jozsefina Kroh, of Beregsszaz, Hungary, who settled in the U.S. after being interned as enemy aliens when World War One broke out as they were visiting on their honeymoon. After a venture as a pool hall owner, Siegfried John set up an import business that went bust during the Depression. The family used unsold caviar as a topping for the potatoes they bought from the weekly relief check. Roy's experiences in the Depression, including work in an airplane plant where he served as a volunteer union organizer, contributed to a lifelong sympathy with leftist causes.

After a stint at City College of New York, he worked machining plutonium for a program which was later revealed to have been part of the Manhattan Project. Volunteering to serve in the armed forces, he fought in the Battle of the Bulge and the invasion of Germany as a member of the 75th Infantry Division. At war's end, he discovered that 27 members of his mother's family had been killed in Auschwitz; no trace was found of his father's family, whose barge transport business on the Danube had been seized by the Nazis.

Taking advantage of the GI Bill, he gained a degree in Physics and a Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Chicago, while working as a cab driver and founding a campus group to resist McCarthyism. After working in brain research at the University of California at Los Angeles, he established the Center for Brain Research at the University of Rochester. In 1963, he moved to New York City, directing the brain research laboratory at Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital. During this period he also became intensely involved in the movement against the Vietnam War, and began a series of visits to Cuba, where he is regarded as the "grandfather of Cuban Neuroscience." Files he obtained through the Freedom of Information Act gave credence to charges that he had been blacklisted from a range of professional activities and grants due to his left-of-center views.

In 1974, Dr. John founded the Brain Research Laboratories at the New York University School of Medicine, serving as Director for over three decades as well as Professor of Psychiatry. He was also a Research Scientist at the Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research of New York State. He was a world-renowned pioneer in the field of computerized quantitative neurophysiology (Neurometrics), co-discoverer of P300 cognitive evoked potential, a leader in the understanding of consciousness and mentor to a generation of neuroscientists around the world. His research also involved long-term collaborations with scientific leaders in countries including Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Mexico, Switzerland and Turkey.

Dr. John was committed to translating his discoveries in basic neuroscience into clinical practice, leading to improved treatment of neurocognitive and psychiatric disorders. His work led to more than 25 patents in medical technology, implemented through continuous collaborations with industry. His intense concern for patients' suffering from functional brain abnormalities, not evident through conventional neuro-imaging, has led to a family of devices with wide applicability, including the diagnosis and treatment of blast concussion and PTSD. Medical instruments based on neurometric technology can also be found in anesthesiology, psychiatry and neurology, helping to provide treatments for coma, learning disabilities and autism. During coronary bypass surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital in 1992, his life was saved by the use of one of his brain monitoring instruments, which led the anesthesiologist to modify his procedures so that sufficient brain oxygenation was maintained.

Dr. John published more than 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals, books and book chapters. His 1967 textbook, Mechanism of Memory, is still considered a classic in the field. When it appeared, the predominant, "localizationist" view of brain function held that memories were held in particular neurons or groups of neurons. Dr. John's then-heterodox model uses deviations from a ground state as evidence that distributed networks are fundamental to consciousness, memory and functional brain disorders. A later article, using an animal model, presented overwhelming evidence that memory is distributed throughout the entire brain. In 2006, the cover of the journal Anesthesiology showed a figure from an article that achieved worldwide recognition as the first new model of loss-of-consciousness which had been published by them in the last 40 years.


Some years after I was out of the Dept. of Psychiatry and Neurology I received a call from my old friend, Roy. He was in town, New Orleans, having been invited by Dr. Heath to visit the department and to give a lecture. Roy called to say "hi" and asked if we could have dinner because he would be staying a couple of days extra to tour the city. At dinner he told me of his visit with Heath and of meeting a patient/subject with 125 electrodes implanted in his brain.

Let me explain that Roy had done fascinating research on animals, using implanted and superficial brain electrodes to measure electrical activity under different situations. What he had found was that before the activation of neurons in the motor cortex, other area of the brain were activated and 'signaled' the initiation of the motor cortex neurons of any special limb before the cortical neurons produced movement in that limb. In other words, the brain was selecting whch motor cells would be activated to produce that movement.

After Roy's lecture about his work, Dr. Heath had asked Roy if he would be interested in interviewing his special patient (I think there was only one person who had 125 electrodes implanted; others had only a few). Initially, Roy was most interested because here was a conscious and communicating human being who could describe what was going on at any particular time in his mind. But when Roy met this man, he told me he was so revolted and with so much pity for this poor creature that he could not bring himself to ask any of the questions he wanted to ask. He just thanked Heath for the opportunity and left.

Needless to say, I was appalled. Roy and I continued our discussion about Heath and I told him what I had learned. It was quite a visit.


"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 13-02-2012

Adele Edisen Wrote:After Roy's lecture about his work, Dr. Heath had asked Roy if he would be interested in interviewing his special patient (I think there was only one person who had 125 electrodes implanted; others had only a few). Initially, Roy was most interested because here was a conscious and communicating human being who could describe what was going on at any particular time in his mind. But when Roy met this man, he told me he was so revolted and with so much pity for this poor creature that he could not bring himself to ask any of the questions he wanted to ask. He just thanked Heath for the opportunity and left.

Needless to say, I was appalled. Roy and I continued our discussion about Heath and I told him what I had learned. It was quite a visit.


Adele - many thanks for sharing those memories.

Scientific and medical research cannot be blind to the means used to achieve breakthrough.

Further, the tragedy of science is that many discoveries can be used both for good and evil.

My favourite articulation of this crucial insight, quoted earlier in this thread, is from Thomas Pynchon's masterpiece, Gravity's Rainbow:

a good rocket to take us to the stars, an evil rocket for the World's suicide, the two perpetually in struggle...

There's a DPF thread on the murder of Frank Olson which you may find worth reading in its entirety here.

Having reviewed the evidence and spoken with Frank Olson's son, my working hypothesis is that Frank Olson was murdered because he was aware of terminal human experiments being conducted by British and/or American researchers, and he became unwilling to keep this knowledge secret.

In short, Frank Olson has made a decision based on conscience, and was about to blow the whistle. For this, his life was ended.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 13-02-2012

Quote:Scientific and medical research cannot be blind to the means used to achieve breakthrough.
Further, the tragedy of science is that many discoveries can be used both for good and evil.
My favourite articulation of this crucial insight, quoted earlier in this thread, is from Thomas Pynchon's masterpiece, Gravity's Rainbow:
a good rocket to take us to the stars, an evil rocket for the World's suicide, the two perpetually in struggle...
There's a DPF thread on the murder of Frank Olson which you may find worth reading in its entirety here.
Having reviewed the evidence and spoken with Frank Olson's son, my working hypothesis is that Frank Olson was murdered because he was aware of terminal human experiments being conducted by British and/or American researchers, and he became unwilling to keep this knowledge secret.


When I first learned about Frank Olson, many years ago, looking for information on LSD intoxication, I instinctively knew he had been murdered by being thrown out of a closed and shaded hotel window, leaving the window shade flapping in the wind, as seen by witnesses below. I recall that Eric Olson, his son, had had his father's body exhumed, and evidence of a blow to the head was found on the side opposite to the side where the head had hit the ground. I think my memory of this is correct, but please check it out.

Hank Albarelli's book, A TERRIBLE MISTAKE, is about the Frank Olson death. It is possible that Frank Olson was involved in a horrible "experiment" performed by the United States upon innocent citizens of a small town in France, Pont-St.-Esprit. The water supply and the flour for baking bread had been laced with LSD, which is odorless, colorless, tasteless, and impervious to heat (as in baking). All the citizens, young children and the elderly as well, were affected. A few deaths also resulted from this poisoning.

Unwitting prisoners, American military personnel and civilians also were subjects of similar poisonings with LSD and other mind-altering drugs. And Frank Olson had seen enough during his tour of Europe. However, his superiors were reluctant to let him resign his position and return to civilian life because they considered him a security risk who might talk about his knowledge. His wife and family suffered for years before they learned what had happened to him and were given only a modest compensation from the US government for their loss.

Quote:In short, Frank Olson has made a decision based on conscience, and was about to blow the whistle. For this, his life was ended.

Can we call our selves "civilized"?

Thank you for the link.


"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 13-02-2012

Adele - whilst I respect Hank Albarelli's work, I remain unsure about the Pont St Esprit incident.

Gordon Thomas is very well connected, particularly to British intelligence and Mossad, so his material must always be treated with caution.

However, the memorandum below sent by Thomas to Frank Olson's son, Eric, outlines some of the secret terminal research that I believe led to the murder of Frank Olson, invoving links between the British and the American "MK-ULTRA" projects (using the phrase as shorthand for secret mind/behaviour control research in general).

Quote:M E M 0 R A N D U M

TO: Eric Olson
FROM: Gordon Thomas

c.c.: To Whom Else It Concerns

DATE: 30th November 1998

This memo sets out the information provided by both Dr William Sargant, consultant psychiatrist, and William Buckley, former Station Chief of the CIA in Beirut, Lebanon. Both believed your father was murdered by the CIA. To judge my credibility in accepting this claim I begin with:

I am the author of thirty eight books published world wide. Total sales exceed 45 million copies. Five of my books have been made into successful motion pictures, including the Academy Award winning Voyage of the Damned. My other awards include the Critics; and Jurys' prizes at the Monte Carlo Film Festival, an Edgar Allen Poe Award and three citations from the Mark Twain Society for Reporting Excellence.

I have written a number of non-fiction books dealing with the activities of various intelligence agencies. in 1998 1 wrote and presented for Britain's Channel 4, "The Spying Machine", a major television documentary in which for the first time key members of Mossad appeared, describing their work. My latest book on the Israeli service, "Gideon's Spies," to be published by St Martin's Press in New York, will be published in 40 countries in April 1999.

In the 1950/60 period that is relevant to the events surrounding your father, I was a senior BBC writer/producer employed by the Science Department. Dr Sargant was engaged by me as a consultant for a number of programmes. A relationship developed between us that became close and remained so until his death in 1988.

The first lesson I learned during what has been a quarter of a century of writing about secret intelligence is that deception and disinformation are its stock-in-trade, along with subversion, corruption, blackmail and sometimes assassination. Agents are trained to lie and to use and abuse friendships. They are the very opposite of the dictum that gentlemen do not read each other's mail.

I first encountered their behaviour while investigating many of the great spy scandals of the Cold War: the betrayal of America's atomic bomb secrets by Klaus Fuchs and the compromising of Britain's M15 and M16 by Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Kim Philby. Each made treachery and duplicity his byword. I also was one of the first writers to uncover the CIA's obsession with mind control, a preoccupation the Agency was forced to confirm ten years after my book on the subject, Journey into Madness, appeared. Denial is the black art all intelligence services long ago perfected.

Nevertheless, in getting to the truth, I was greatly helped by two professional intelligence officers: Joachim Kraner, my late father-in-law, who ran an M16 network in Dresden in the post-World War II years, and Bill Buckley who was station chief of the CIA in Beirut in the 1980s. Both constantly reminded me that a great deal can be heard from what Bill called "murmurs in the mush;" a deadly skirmish fought in an alley with no name; the collective hold-your breath when an agent or network is blown; a covert operation which could have undone years of overt political bridge-building; a snippet of mundane information that completed a particular intelligence jigsaw. Through them I made contacts in a number of military and civilian intelligence agencies, Germany's BND and France's DGSE; the CIA; Canadian and British services. Later that network extended to include members of Israel's security services including senior members of Mossad.

It is these contacts who have helped to reinforce the belief of both William Sargant and Bill Buckley that your father was murdered. I am assured that because of the highly unusual circumstances of your father's death, the details have remained on file with several of the above-mentioned agencies, specifically the Mossad. The circumstances surrounding the death are taught as a case study at the Mossad Training School outside Tel Aviv. This has been confirmed by two former Mossad agents, Ari Ben-Menashe and Victor Ostrovsky.

Let me now turn to the specific information that both William Sargant and Bill Buckley provided me with on separate occasions over a number of years. At that time they were both alive and spoke on the usual understanding we had: that what they had to say would not be directly sourced to them. Both made a specific request that I should not publish in any form' what they told me about your father's death because, as they believed they were among the few who knew the true circumstances, publication of such information could almost certainly be traced back to them. Given the circumstances they outlined, the outcome for either of them could be severe.

So: First to William Sargant,

At the time we spoke of your father, Dr Sargant was Director of Psychological Medicine at St Thomas' Hospital, London, England. He was also a consultant to the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI5/6), largely because of his work in the eliciting of confessions by the Soviets. His conclusions can be found in his textbook "Battle for the Mind"; it remains a standard work on the subject of mind control

Because of my own family connections (detailed above), I was able to gain the trust of Dr Sargent. This developed during the time I used him in various documentary programmes for the BBC. It was during that period (1968169), that I first began to explore with him his own relationship with both M15/6 and the CIA. He told me lie had visited Langley several times and had met with Dr Sydney Gottlieb, Richard Helms and other senior CIA officials. During those visits he had also met with Dr Ewan Cameron and, on one occasion, he had met Dr Lashbrook and your father, Frank Olson.

Subsequently Dr Gottlieb and Frank Olson visited London and, according to Dr Sargent, he accompanied them to Porton Down, Britain's main research centre for biological/chemical research. Dr Sargent's interest in the work going on there was to study the psychological implications of mind-blowing drugs such as LSD.

He told me that he developed a rapport with Frank Olson during a number of subsequent visits Frank Olson made to Britain. Dr Sargant remarked that "he was just like any other CIA spy, using our secret airfields to come and go". Evidence in support of that can be found in Frank Olson's passport.

During this period (1953/5), Dr Sargant had met several more times with Dr Ewan Cameron, both in Washington and in Montreal, Canada. Cameron was engaged in secret experimental work for the CIA (details of that can be found in my book Journey into Madness).

Sargent said he knew that Frank Olson and Cameron knew each other and that Frank Olson also shared his (Sargant's) view that some of the work Dr Gottlieb was funding Cameron to do through the Human Ecology Foundation (a CIAfront Organisation, was bordering on the criminal.

During the research and writing of Journey into Madness, Dr Sargent and I met on many occasions, perhaps as many as 20. During that time he gave me much valuable material relating to the work of Dr Cameron and insights into what he knew of Dr Gottlieb, Richard Helms and, of course, the death of your father.

By then, Dr Sargant was physically not a well man but his memory was still good. He could remember exact details with compelling clarity; for instance we once had a somewhat esoteric; conversation on how Patty Hearst (whom he had seen during her trial as an expert witness) would have survived some of the techniques that the CIA had developed in mind control.

From time to time, he referred to the death of your father and, as I clearly recall, he said his paperwork on the case had been handed over to the competent authorities in the British Secret Intelligence Service.

Time and again Dr Sargant expressed the view that, from all he had learned from the M15 and his own contacts in Washington, there was a strong prima facie case that Frank Olson had been murdered. Sargant believed that Frank Olson could also have been given a cocktail of drugs that included more than LSD. He said he knew that Dr Gottlieb had been researching into slow-acting depressants which, when taken, could drive a person to suicide.

He also believed that, from his own meetings with Frank Olson, there was a very real possibility that your father could become a whistle-blower if he believed that what was happening was wrong.

After my book was published, I continued to meet with Dr Sargent. At that time, I was hoping to see a new edition of the book published (this was not to be) and I wanted to get Dr Sargant's permission to use all he had told me in a new edition. He said I could only publish what he had said after his death. He died in 1988. This Is the account he gave me of your father's death which I now feel free to make public.

in the summer of 1953 Frank Olson travelled to Britain, once again to visit Porton Down. Sargent met with him. Olson said he was going to Europe to meet with a CIA team led by Dr Gottlieb. By then Sargent had learned that Frank Olson was acting deputy head of SO (Special Operations).

Sargent was satisfied that the CIA team were doing similar work that M16 were conducting in Europe - executing without trial known Nazis, especially SS men. (One of the survivors of the British "hit squad" is Peter Mason who lives in Montana: I know nothing about him).

Sargant saw Frank Olson after his brief visit to Norway and West Germany, including Berlin, in the summer of 1953. He said he was concerned about the psychological changes in Frank Olson. In Sargent's view Olson, primarily a researchbased scientist, had witnessed in the field how his arsenal of drugs, etc. worked with lethal effect on human beings (the "expendable" SS men etc.). Sargant believed that for the first time Olson had come face to face with his own reality.

Sargant told me he believed Frank Olson had witnessed murder being committed with the various drugs he had prepared. The shock of what he witnessed, Sargent believed, was all the harder to cope with given that Frank Olson was a patriotic man who believed that the United States would never sanction such acts. Part of that assumption was formed by Sargent because he had come to see Frank Olson as a somewhat naive man: "locked up in his lab mentality" was, I recall, one of the phrases Sargant used.

I remember Sargent telling me that he spoke several times in 1953 with Frank Olson at Sargent's consulting rooms in Harley Street, London. These were not formal patient/doctor consultations but rather Sargent trying to establish what Frank Olson had seen and done in Europe.

Dr Sargent's own conclusion was that Frank Olson had undergone a marked personality change; many of Olson's symptoms soul searching, seeking reassurance etc. were typical of that, Sargent told me.

He decided that Frank Olson could pose a security risk if he continued to speak and behave as he did. He recommended to his own superiors at the SIS that Frank Olson should no longer have access to Porton Down or to any ongoing British research at the various secret establishments Olson had been allowed prior free access to.

Sargent told me his recommendation was acted upon by his superiors. He was also certain that his superiors, by the nature of the close ties with the CIA, would have informed Richard Helms and Dr Gottlieb of the circumstances why Frank Olson would no longer be given access to British research. Effectively a substantial part of Frank Olson's importance to the CIA had been cut off.

When Dr Sargant learned of Frank Olson's death I recall him telling me it came in a priority message from the British Embassy in Washington Sargant came to the immediate conclusion that Olson could only have been murdered. I recall him telling me that in many ways the staged death was almost classic.

BILL BUCKLEY, Station Chief of the CIA in Beirut (1983).

Again through my family connection and the contacts I had established independently with various Intelligence services, I came to know Bill Buckley. (see pp Chap 4, "Journey into Madness"). At various stages in our friendship the question of Frank Olson's death came up.

I told Bill what Dr Sargant believed. Bill said that Sargant was right but that he was sure that Richard Helms and Sydney Gottlieb would have ensured that nothing would ever be proven. Buckley described both men as expert in hiding or destroying evidence.

I hope this helps to set the record straight.
Gordon Thomas

Then, there's the coverup by the Creatures known as Cheney and Rumsfeld.


Secret documents have revealed US Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld are "linked to the murder" of a senior CIA scientist. Frank Olson, who was a key member of the CIA's secret brainwashing
programme MK-ULTRA, was sent plunging from a New York hotel window after he had threatened to reveal the CIA involvement in "terminal experiments" in post-war Germany.

The importance of the documents are not only their historic significance. They could play an important role in the race for the White House this November. Ironically it falls due on the 51st anniversary of Olson's murder.

Frank Olson's son, Eric, a psychologist, believes that fact will not be overlooked by President Bush's opponents as they search for further evidence that Rumsfeld and Cheney have a long history of news management and hiding the truth that could be highly embarrassing to the White House.

The documents reinforce how Rumsfeld and Cheney have honed their skills over the past thirty years to ensure that today they have so far managed to keep the current scandal of US torture in Iraq - and elsewhere - from ensnaring themselves and President Bush.

For almost half a century Eric Olson has insisted his father was murdered "on orders from the highest level".

Frank Olson's work for the CIA had included making biological weapons. He had devised an aerosol disguised as insect spray that contained the lethal pathogen, botulism. It was successfully used to kill a Russian GRU military intelligence officer on a visit to Gdansk, Poland, in 1951.

Another creation had been toothpaste containing salmonella, an incapacitating bacterium. The CIA arranged for it to be distributed in 1952 to Bulgarian troops in Sofia.

Yet another weapon was inserted into Polish produced jam, the shigella bacterium, which produced incapacitating diarrhoea. For a time it produced a major outbreak among Polish and other Warsaw Pact frontline troops in 1952.
All these, and more, Frank Olson had produced in his laboratory at Fort Detrick, near Washington DC. It was America's chemical-biological warfare complex. Since 1943, Olson had worked there.

To ensure his weapons worked, they were tried out on what the CIA classified as "expendables": suspected double agents, captured spies and others held in detention camps in the American Zone in southern Germany.

This was the 1950s when the Cold War was at its height. But Olson had never witnessed the result of his work. Then in the summer of 1953, he visited a CIA "safe house" near Stuttgart. He saw men dying, often in agony, from the weapons he had made. He was shocked, and protested. By the time he had returned to Fort Detrick in November of that year, his fate had been sealed. CIA director Allan Welsh Dulles decided that Olson was a dangerous whistleblower.

Eric Olson had always maintained "my father was murdered on the highest authority". He has fought a long battle to prove his point. But at every step he was blocked by two of the most powerful men in Washington - Cheney and Rumsfeld.

But the documents which have surfaced in Washington all too clearly pinpoint the role the two men played in covering-up the murder of Frank Olson.
In a "Flash Secret" memo from Cheney to Rumsfeld, the future Vice President warns if the truth emerged "it might be necessary to disclose highly classified national security information".

Another memorandum to the President (Gerald Ford) reveals that Eric Olson and his family "have indicated their shock and outrage at the circumstances surrounding Dr Olson's death". The memo suggests "the President expresses his own outrage" over the death.

Cheney warns in a further memo that Olson's job "is so sensitive that it is highly unlikely we would submit relevant evidence on the issue of his duties".

The 23 pages of documents paint a clear picture of the determination of Cheney and Rumsfeld to keep secret Olson's work and to ensure, as a matter of public policy, it must remain secret that "a drug criminally given him (Olson) cannot as a matter of law be determined he died in the course of his official duties".

"The documents remind us why blind trust in any government official or agency is a bad idea. The cover-up of torture in Iraq today has its roots in a different time - but it's the same culture of cover-up. That cover-up ultimately led to the murder of my father", said Eric Olson.

"After witnessing experiments on prisoners held in secret CIA "safe houses" in Germany, my father was so shocked he was seen as a whistleblower by his superiors. They arranged for him to receive a mind-blowing cocktail of LSD and other drugs. Then a CIA field operative pushed my father out of a hotel window in New York. The CIA said my father had committed suicide due to 'personal reasons'. Both Cheney and Rumsfeld continued to conceal the truth - even after 2003, when President Bush renounced the use of torture and abuse by the CIA", continued Eric.

A California history professor, Kathryn Olmstead discovered the documents in the Gerald Ford library.

Cheney and Rumsfeld were given the task of covering up the details of Frank Olson's death. At the time, Rumsfeld was White House Chief of Staff to President Gerald Ford. Dick Cheney was a senior White House assistant to the President.

Frank Olson's family received US $750,000 to settle their claims against the US government in 1976. But the cover-up continued.

Both the offices of Rumsfeld and Cheney have declined comment on their role in covering-up the murder of Frank Olson.

But from his home outside Washington, Eric Olson said the documents involving Rumsfeld and Cheney show they "have questions to answer".

* Gordon Thomas is a senior Irish journalist well-known for his long connections to intelligence source and information. Among his many books are:
* Gideon's Spies_The Secret History of Mossad
* Robert Maxwell - Israel's Superspy
* Seeds of Fire - China and the Story Behind the Attack on America

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Ed Jewett - 13-02-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Adele - whilst I respect Hank Albarelli's work, I remain unsure about the Pont St Esprit incident.

Gordon Thomas is very well connected, particularly to British intelligence and Mossad, so his material must always be treated with caution.

Without delving into the detail in Albarelli's work or "Dr. Mary's Monkey", and avoiding any inference that the selection of the quote from Klimkowski is an attempt to focus on him or isolate him or his comments, I think it valid to ask the question (which will require a great deal of time, research and at least one new thread to postulate, populate and pull apart) how, when and to what ends has there been cooperation, overlap, cross-purposes, functional disinformational intent, maskirovka, and simple (let alone complex) deception amidst the interplay between British, American and Israeli intelligence agencies. One can always blame the other; increasingly, it appears they play off one another for mutual puposes. Indeed, there is at least theoretical suggestion that indeed they answer, in the end, to the same chieftain. [Lesser agencies or those from other nations (e.g., Turkey) can also be implicated.]

I appreciate that is a very tall order, one virtually impossible to appreciate in depth without being immersed in it (and thus having become part of it). But if we are going to speculate about deep covert events from decades ago...

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 13-02-2012

Ed Jewett Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Adele - whilst I respect Hank Albarelli's work, I remain unsure about the Pont St Esprit incident.

Gordon Thomas is very well connected, particularly to British intelligence and Mossad, so his material must always be treated with caution.

Without delving into the detail in Albarelli's work or "Dr. Mary's Monkey", and avoiding any inference that the selection of the quote from Klimkowski is an attempt to focus on him or isolate him or his comments, I think it valid to ask the question (which will require a great deal of time, research and at least one new thread to postulate, populate and pull apart) how, when and to what ends has there been cooperation, overlap, cross-purposes, functional disinformational intent, maskirovka, and simple (let alone complex) deception amidst the interplay between British, American and Israeli intelligence agencies. One can always blame the other; increasingly, it appears they play off one another for mutual puposes. Indeed, there is at least theoretical suggestion that indeed they answer, in the end, to the same chieftain. [Lesser agencies or those from other nations (e.g., Turkey) can also be implicated.]

I appreciate that is a very tall order, one virtually impossible to appreciate in depth without being immersed in it (and thus having become part of it). But if we are going to speculate about deep covert events from decades ago...

Ed - feel free to start a new thread.

However, the interplay and ultimate interconnectedness of entities and organs is largely a given for the founders of the Deep Politics Forum.

Indeed, it's evident in the first quote in my signature.

Equally, there are false trails, red herrings, and the deliberate creation of confusion and faux certainty.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 14-02-2012


You said:

Quote:Adele - whilst I respect Hank Albarelli's work, I remain unsure about the Pont St Esprit incident.

This comment triggered something in my memory. Because of my 1963 experiences, I had begun searching for everything and anything about LSD. While going through old magazines
about to be thrown out, I came across THE BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS to which my husband and I had subscribed. I read the Table of Contents in each issue to see if there was anything that I might want to save. In one of the 1962 issues was an article about LSD and how it could be used in wartime as a "humane" weapon to completely incapacitate a city or town without killing anyone or destroying useful property. I saved that issue for the longest time, but after some household moves, I no longer have it. However, I did a Google search just now and found a reference to it. The article is titled "Psycho-Chemicals as Weapons" by Dr. E.James Lieberman in the January 1962 issue of THE BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS. The referring article is about Michael Hollingshead (British), an early experimenter and distributor of LSD to prominent musicians and others. He developed the spider web-spinning test as a bioassay of LSD, which at the time, was used as the only way to detect the presence of LSD.

The Pont-St.-Esprit "experiment" had been done some 11 years earlier, in 1951, while Frank Olson was employed by the military and the CIA. The CIA had purchased the bulk of the Sandoz supply, and had enough for the aerosol and other means of distribution for that little town in Provence.

The article in THE BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS mentioned, as I recall, that members oif Congress knew of the military's plans, and probably also knew that a test experiment had been done by the U.S. All this was Top Secret stuff. And our allies, the Brits, also knew and may have helped in that "experiment". In 1951 both countries were getting ready to have a war with the Soviet Union and its allies in Eastern Europe.

The atomic clock on the cover of each issue of THE BULLETIN has a minute hand at various times before the 12 o'clock doomsday time. The closest the minute hand of that clock has been, by the way, was during the 1950s. Now, it is again drawing closer, but not quite as close as it was then. See chart of Doomsday Clock fluctuations over the years.


"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 14-02-2012

The death of Frank Olson is only one example of a "CIA Suicide." The method used is described in a CIA Manual which has been published online years ago. If I can find it, I will provide a link to it.

Another very similar death is that of Grant Stockdale in 1963 in Miami, Florida, also ruled a "suicide." One of Stockdale's daughters is trying to have that decision changed to "murder" on the death certificate, and I understand it is being worked on as a "cold case" by the Miami Police Department.

Grant Stockdale was a very close friend of John Kennedy and his family. President Kennedy had named him an interim ambassador to Ireland, and the STockdale family spent 18 months in Ireland. Grant Stockdale did many personal favors for John Kennedy. One such favor was to visit Homestead Air Force Base near Miami to see what was going on there. Stockdale and his son, Grant, Jr., saw soldiers loading bombs on planes, apparently in preparation to bomb and invade Cuba, which was totally against the directives and wishes of John Kennedy.

Another favor was to try to prevent bloodshed at the University of Mississippi in 1963 when rioting occurred in response to the admission of an African-Americasn student to the university. Stockdale, born and raised in Mississippi, knew Ross Barnett, the segregationist governor of the state, and pleaded with him to try to quell the violence by using his National Guard. Barnett refused and Kennedy had to federalize the troops in an effort to restore order.

Stockdale may have learned about the impennding assassination plans somehow. Jose A. Rivera, former US Army Colonel and civilian employee of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, told me in April of 1963 that after "it" happened, the President's best friend would commit suicide by jumping out of a high window because of his grief. Grant Stockdale was thrown out of his office window in the Dupont Building in Miami on December 2, 1963.


"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 14-02-2012

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"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Peter Lemkin - 14-02-2012

VERY interesting thread here!.....also, very important!