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Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Lemkin - 25-01-2011

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Clown or cop?

Clown and cop.

Peter - you know the reason that you and I posted the same clown cop image is that the YouTube video of Lynn Watson agent provocateuring in the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army has been bought up by MSM.... :rasta: problem, just pass the spliff....

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Lemkin - 28-01-2011

Statement from Saving Iceland Concerning the Case of Undercover Policeman Mark "Flash/Stone" Kennedy

The Saving Iceland collective is at the moment inundated with requests from the corporate media for detailed information about the infiltration of our network by police spy Mark Kennedy . We have also been receiving pressure from individuals who have been active with SI to collaborate with journalists.

Saving Iceland would like to make it clear that we are mindful about keeping our vow to respect and protect the privacy of all the great people who have taken part in our struggle against the corporate destruction of Icelandic nature.

By entering into discussions with journalists on matters outside the sphere of the issues of our struggle, such as the private lives of individuals in our network, we would be in serious breach of the trust and solidarity that has been the core of our network.

Below is a statement Saving Iceland released to the Guardian on 13 January 2011. This is the only platform that we are prepared to discuss Mark Kennedy's time with Saving Iceland.

Regrettably we are not prepared to participate in an interview about the police spy Mark Kennedy. However, we would like to make the following statement:

Yes, Mark Kennedy came to Iceland in the summer of 2005 and took part in actions against ALCOA and the dams at Karahnjukar.

His case is a clear example about how low governments are prepared to stoop to, in this case the British and Icelandic, in their attempts to criminalize people who use their right to protest and who challenge the abuses of power by the State and corporations.

What we find interesting in this context is whether the Icelandic police were made aware by the British authorities of the presence of this British police spy in the Saving Iceland camp and if they received any of the information gathered by him while he was active as an agent.

So far the Icelandic State police have not answered the request of the Icelandic National Broadcasting about whether they communicated with Mark Kennedy and his superiors. Only the local police force in the east, where the dams and ALCOA factory are located, have issued an evasive answer stating that they had not "intervened" with the "protester" Mark Stone during the protests.

It is also interesting whether Mark Kennedy took part in the training of Icelandic police officers when they attended a course with the British police in the winter of 2005-2006 where they received training in how to violate groups such as Saving Iceland.

Clearly the presence of Mark Kennedy in Icelandic jurisdiction, as an active agent of the British police, violated Icelandic and international laws, even if there was an official collaboration between the two authorities in this respect.

In either case the one or both governments are guilty of violating basic human rights of the people they were spying on.

The Saving Iceland Collective.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Jan Klimkowski - 28-01-2011

The "Saving Iceland" group in their own words:

Quote:We are a network of people of different nationalities, who do not intend to stand by passively and watch the Icelandic government in league with foreign corporations slowly kill the natural beauty of Iceland. Icelandic environmentalists desperately need outside help to drive away the corporate threat to their island.

However, Icelandic environmentalists do not need foreign agents provocateurs, such as Kennedy/Stone, disrupting their protest movement.

I fail to see how a (London, England) Metropolitan police officer, employed utlimately by the (English) Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO plc), could have legal jurisdiction to operate undercover in Iceland. If Kennedy/Stone incited criminal actions, or materially supported criminal actions, in Iceland, then this would constitute criminality by a British national sanctioned by the British state.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Lemkin - 28-01-2011

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The "Saving Iceland" group in their own words:

Quote:We are a network of people of different nationalities, who do not intend to stand by passively and watch the Icelandic government in league with foreign corporations slowly kill the natural beauty of Iceland. Icelandic environmentalists desperately need outside help to drive away the corporate threat to their island.

However, Icelandic environmentalists do not need foreign agents provocateurs, such as Kennedy/Stone, disrupting their protest movement.

I fail to see how a (London, England) Metropolitan police officer, employed utlimately by the (English) Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO plc), could have legal jurisdiction to operate undercover in Iceland. If Kennedy/Stone incited criminal actions, or materially supported criminal actions, in Iceland, then this would constitute criminality by a British national sanctioned by the British state.

Only one minor correction [or addition], would constitute INTERNATIONAL criminality by a British national sanctioned by the British state [sort of like what MI6 does after breakfast every day.....]

....and some say Kennedy is now in the USA.....Pirate

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Presland - 29-01-2011

From the latest edition of An Phoblacht.

The picture taken at the Corrib Gas protests in County Mayo. - (That's in the far West - Atlantic Coast - of Ireland). The London Metropolitan police certainly get around in their mission to protect Londoners eh?

I AM SHOCKED. Undercover British agents operating in the 26 Counties. Who ever would have guessed it? Hope Michael D Higgins hasn't to wait as long for answers from Government Buildings or Garda HQ as the relatives of the Dublin/Monaghan bombings for an explanation as to why undercover British agents were involved in an atrocity which claimed the lives of 34 people and for which no one has ever been made amenable.


The latest revelations that British undercover agents are operating in Dublin came to light with the news of the bizarre case of Mark Kennedy, an undercover British policeman who had infiltrated eco warrior groups in England. He is now being investigated on whether his activities - including sexual liaisons with activists he was reporting on - involved crossing the lines from covert surveillance to a full-blown agent provocateur.

The serious threat' posed by campaigners on climate change was flagged up Sir Hugh Orde, President of the Association of British Chief Police Officers and former Chief Constable of the RUC. Sir Hugh has been understandably silent on the activities of the erstwhile English tree-climbing eco warrior, for it has emerged that Mark Kennedy (using the name Mark Stone) has made frequent visits to Dublin over the years to train and
encourage protesting activists to attack the Garda.

According to the Guardian newspaper, the British undercover policeman was in the vanguard of militant anti-capitalist protesters who attacked the Garda at an EU summit in Dublin in 2004. He was also reportedly involved in a training programme for anarchist activists and participated in the mass demonstration against the visit of US President George Bush to Ireland.

He has been photographed at Shell to Sea actions in Rossport, County Mayo. And it now appears that he was not the only British undercover operative in the South in the past seven years. Mark Kennedy has said he knows of 15 police officers who have done the same work as him - and four are still undercover. They are just the ones he knows about who were attached to the secretive and elite National Public Order Intelligence Unit, one small part of Britain's huge web of security agencies.

Indeed, one can speculate if such people were behind most of the violence in past demonstrations, North and South, the most prominent being the Orange Order march through Dublin in 2006 in which many onlookers, Garda and prominent media people were attacked. The finger of suspicion in all such incidents has been pointed towards republicans.

Agent provocateurs, spies and covert intelligence operators have always been part of Britain's involvement in this island. History has taught us that Britain's interest in Ireland has been directed at maintaining conflict in Ireland's affairs, whether political, military, or economic.
Mark Kennedy is only one of the many

hundreds of British agents whose role has been to undermine progress towards unity and democracy on this island. When the Fianna Fáil Government was first formed in 1932, the British sent over two agents to liaise with the then leaders of Fine Gael (Cumann na nGaedhael)on how best to defeat the fledgling government. The modus operandi then and since was to ensure that whichever government was in power in
Dublin would sing from the same hymn sheet as the neighbouring island. Michael D Higgins refers to the role of British Intelligence in the North and its destructive consequences for democracy.

But one needs to ask if the dirty hand of England is involved to any degree in the shambles that is now the 26-county, 90 years on from its independence. Most of us will have forgotten the early 1970s and the arrest of two English men for a series of bank robberies in the South. The
Littlejohn brothers, ex-convicts and close friends of Tory MP Geoffrey Johnson Smith and Lord Carrington, were eventually charged but not before the Irish media had instilled into the minds of an outraged Irish public that the robberies were the work of the IRA. It was suspected at the time that the Taoiseach, Jack Lynch, had been informed at an early stage by his London ambassador that the Littlejohns were agents working for British Intelligence, which may go some way to explaining how they were able, some time later, to walk out of Mountjoy Prison
and disappear to England.

We know that British Intelligence services have been involved in large-scale and sustained monitoring of all communications to Ireland, including diplomatic, security, business and economic data. The latest revelations that British agents are - not were, still are - encouraging civil unrest in the face of possible public demonstrations is a sinister development that in another country would require the expulsion of the
Ambassador. But then perhaps Ireland is still sleeping with the enemy.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Lemkin - 29-01-2011

Well, for the agents, its a lot closer than India used to be [but the weather and food was better in India!].....once an Empire, always a desire for Empire....even if shrunken. London's long arm of control.....IMO centered in the financial district, with their multitude Praetorian Guards. Kennedy certainly got around....but I'm sure he as NO exception! From what I understand MOST of the bombings and other such during the troubles were actually agent provocateur actions....and many of the 'leaders' of the Irish 'extremists' were undercover agents run right out of London. Those that promote this stuff have no regrets and no shame....they continue it still...and will until stopped.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - David Guyatt - 29-01-2011

Blimey! I didn't expect this. British undercover police agent provocateurs operating in (non Blighty) overseas sovereign territories.

This is MI6 turf not Plod Plc.

I wonder what else will dribble out on this story that we don't yet know about?

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Peter Lemkin - 29-01-2011

David Guyatt Wrote:Blimey! I didn't expect this. British undercover police agent provocateurs operating in (non Blighty) overseas sovereign territories.

This is MI6 turf not Plod Plc.

I wonder what else will dribble out on this story that we don't yet know about?

Well, I don't claim to know, but I guess one good question is if the remit of MI6 has become totally entangled and one with MI5 and British undercover police. Perhaps they are all now one. Of course they always cooperated and to some extent shared information, as needed....but this starts to 'smell' of the beginnings [?] of a police-state infrastructure, to me.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Jan Klimkowski - 29-01-2011

Peter Presland Wrote:From the latest edition of An Phoblacht.

The picture taken at the Corrib Gas protests in County Mayo. - (That's in the far West - Atlantic Coast - of Ireland). The London Metropolitan police certainly get around in their mission to protect Londoners eh?

I AM SHOCKED. Undercover British agents operating in the 26 Counties. Who ever would have guessed it? Hope Michael D Higgins hasn't to wait as long for answers from Government Buildings or Garda HQ as the relatives of the Dublin/Monaghan bombings for an explanation as to why undercover British agents were involved in an atrocity which claimed the lives of 34 people and for which no one has ever been made amenable.


The latest revelations that British undercover agents are operating in Dublin came to light with the news of the bizarre case of Mark Kennedy, an undercover British policeman who had infiltrated eco warrior groups in England. He is now being investigated on whether his activities - including sexual liaisons with activists he was reporting on - involved crossing the lines from covert surveillance to a full-blown agent provocateur.

The serious threat' posed by campaigners on climate change was flagged up Sir Hugh Orde, President of the Association of British Chief Police Officers and former Chief Constable of the RUC. Sir Hugh has been understandably silent on the activities of the erstwhile English tree-climbing eco warrior, for it has emerged that Mark Kennedy (using the name Mark Stone) has made frequent visits to Dublin over the years to train and
encourage protesting activists to attack the Garda.

According to the Guardian newspaper, the British undercover policeman was in the vanguard of militant anti-capitalist protesters who attacked the Garda at an EU summit in Dublin in 2004. He was also reportedly involved in a training programme for anarchist activists and participated in the mass demonstration against the visit of US President George Bush to Ireland.

He has been photographed at Shell to Sea actions in Rossport, County Mayo. And it now appears that he was not the only British undercover operative in the South in the past seven years. Mark Kennedy has said he knows of 15 police officers who have done the same work as him - and four are still undercover. They are just the ones he knows about who were attached to the secretive and elite National Public Order Intelligence Unit, one small part of Britain's huge web of security agencies.

Here's some of the employment history of Michael Dwyer, the Irishman who was part of Eduardo Rozsa Flores' group shot dead by the Bolivian secret service for their false flag activities in the Santa Cruz region:

Quote:He (Dwyer) had worked for at least two Irish security companies before he travelled to South America at the end of last year. He had been employed on a part-time basis with Integrated Risk Management Services (IRMS).
They are a well-known company based in Naas, Co Kildare, headed by a former member of the Army Ranger Wing. The company has been best-known in recent years as the security provider to Shell at its controversial Corrib gas pipeline project in Co Mayo.
It is unclear if Mr Dwyer worked at the Shell site in Co Mayo, but a number of local sources said they believed he had worked there for a period.
When contacted, a spokesman at the company declined to confirm any details of Mr Dwyer�s employment. The spokesman said Mr Dwyer�s family had asked for privacy and IRMS wanted to respect their wishes.
However, The Irish Times understands Mr Dwyer last worked for IRMS in the first half of last year. When his contract expired, he then left the company. A source close to the company said he was not working for IRMS when he went to Bolivia and that the company had never sent anybody to Bolivia.
Mr Dwyer also worked for a now-defunct company in Oranmore, Co Galway, called Praetorian Security. It was one of the biggest firms in Ireland, supplying security to pubs and nightclubs. Last June, the Private Security Authority suspended its licence over failure to meet all its tax compliance obligations.

Rozsa Flores was Opus Dei, with strong SMOM links, and in the years before his death declared himself a "national anarchist". National anarchism, as a movement, is thoroughly infiltrated by intelligence assets and agents provocateurs. See here.

David Guyatt Wrote:Blimey! I didn't expect this. British undercover police agent provocateurs operating in (non Blighty) overseas sovereign territories.

This is MI6 turf not Plod Plc.

I wonder what else will dribble out on this story that we don't yet know about?

The domestic/international, public/private, jurisdictional lines appear to have been totally abandoned by the British deep state.

Met Police Agent Provocateurs - Jan Klimkowski - 05-02-2011

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:I fail to see how a (London, England) Metropolitan police officer, employed utlimately by the (English) Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO plc), could have legal jurisdiction to operate undercover in Iceland. If Kennedy/Stone incited criminal actions, or materially supported criminal actions, in Iceland, then this would constitute criminality by a British national sanctioned by the British state.

David Guyatt Wrote:Blimey! I didn't expect this. British undercover police agent provocateurs operating in (non Blighty) overseas sovereign territories.

This is MI6 turf not Plod Plc.

I wonder what else will dribble out on this story that we don't yet know about?

It seems that ACPO plc agent provocateurs were allowed to operate across Europe with immunity from prosecution.

In addition to Kennedy/Stone's agent provocateurship in Ireland (EU summit protestors), and Iceland (environmentalists), it seems he was shagging, spying and committing crimes as an infiltrator into the German anti-fascist movment.

Quote:Mark Kennedy infiltrated German anti-fascists, Bundestag told

Police chief tells German MPs in secret sitting that undercover police officer broke law while in Germany

Amelia Hill and Luke Harding, Wednesday 26 January 2011 22.51 GMT

The international row over undercover police officer Mark Kennedy escalated tonight after the full scope of his activities were revealed in a secret sitting at the German parliament.

Germany's federal police chief, Jörg Ziercke, was forced to admit to MPs at the Bundestag that not only had Kennedy had a long-term lover in Berlin in direct violation of a law forbidding police officers to have sexual relationships while undercover but that he had been invited to Germany by the authorities to infiltrate the anti-fascist movement.

Ziercke also revealed that Kennedy, the Metropolitan police officer at the centre of a controversy over the infiltration of peaceful environmental groups across Europe, worked for three German states during at least five visits to the country between 2004 and 2009.

He said the agent committed at least two crimes, but the cases against him were dropped at the behest of German authorities who knew Kennedy's true identity.

Kennedy first broke the law during protests at Heiligendamm, the town near Rostock where the G8 meetings took place in 2007. He later committed arson, Der Spiegel said, during a demonstration in Berlin at which he set fire to containers.

The revelations are published today in Der Spiegel, which says Kennedy's involvement in criminal activity during his time in Germany highlights concerns that he was working as an agent provocateur and not just an observer of the activists.

In addition, the newspaper says, the fact that investigations into both crimes were shelved suggests police authorities wielded an unacceptable influence over the country's judicial process.

Kennedy spent long periods in Germany and lived with individuals in the "black block" anarchist movement during his time in the country. At the same time, he entered 22 different countries across Europe using a fake passport, including Spain, Italy and Iceland where he helped found the activist movement.

The revelations about Kennedy's role in Germany came despite the government maintaining its refusal to answer a series of parliamentary questions from opposition politicians.

The Bundestag said "operational reasons" prevented them answering any questions about the country's co-operation with undercover police officers from other countries, and Kennedy in particular.

But Ziercke admitted Kennedy had been hired by police in three German states: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern , where the G8 meeting was taking place, Baden-Württemberg and Berlin.

The agent was working on a contract brokered directly by the German parliament, Der Speigel claims. He was, the newspaper adds, considered to be a "trusted agent" and safe pair of hands by the authorities.

Kennedy, who has already been revealed as having conducted numerous sexual relationships with female activists across Europe, is also revealed to have conducted a long-term, long-distance relationship with a woman living in Berlin.

Such behaviour, said Ziercke, directly contravenes German laws, which forbid undercover agents conducting "tactical love relationships" with those under surveillance. Ziercke went on to acknowledge that Kennedy's behaviour revealed there were obviously "control-deficits" when it comes to foreign undercover officers.