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Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Printable Version

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Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Cliff Varnell - 18-08-2013

Quote:7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

Will someone please inform me as to what "success" Charles Manson had with his super-duper O'cult Powers?

He thought Terry Melcher was going to get whacked and it was some starlet instead.

A real powerhouse, that Manson!

Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Cliff Varnell - 18-08-2013

By the time I get to 25:20 I can't take Peter Levenda seriously except when it comes to his Nazi studies.

He doesn't know dick about Anton LaVey, the Church of Satan, or Satanism.

Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - R.K. Locke - 18-08-2013

This article is lengthy but may be of interest to those who see a kind of grand narrative at work behind the events under discussion:

Whilst I don't necessarily subscribe to some of the more speculative assertions that the authors make, I do think that the general thrust of their argument is sound.

There is also a video discussion of the article and associated themes here:


Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Cliff Varnell - 18-08-2013

R.K. Locke Wrote:

Our cup runneth over with high-quality super-fun Conspiracy Porn!

Let's start with something I've discussed on other threads here at the DPF.

From the article cited above:

Quote:Irvin saw troubling implications in his discovery. He was aware, of course, of the CIA's infamous Project MK-ULTRA, in which the organization had given LSD to unsuspecting U.S. citizens. He also knew of the many conspiracy theories claiming that the government has been somehow involved with the creation of the "drug culture." He was also aware of Dave McGowan's research on the drug and music movement that had come out of Laurel Canyon in the 1960s, which showed that many of the "rock idols" who created it were the children of members of military intelligence.

Dave McGowan doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about when he claims that a "drug and music movement came out of Laurel Canyon."

Wrong. It's like claiming that Andy Warhol invented the counter-culture.

Let's get this straight folks -- LA and New York were following San Francisco in psychedelic '66/'67.

By '69 LA/Laurel Canyon was more interested in Nashville country than SF psyche, and New York loved the stripped down rocknroll of Detroit's MC5 and the Stooges.

And when it comes to San Francisco what is the proof that The City's LSD/music scene was a government operation?

Quote:It is also notable that two individuals associated with the Grateful Dead were once employees of the CIA's MK-ULTRA programband member and lyricist Robert Hunter [15], and author Ken Kesey[16] whose "Merry Pranksters" were often at the Grateful Dead shows promoting LSD use to the "Deadheads."

Employees of MK-ULTRA? Employees? They were test subjects for LSD experiments in Menlo Park and Palo Alto.

And on the basis of this association we are to believe that Bill Graham and the Fillmore house band Jefferson Airplane were also in on this government plot? Big Brother and the Holding Co? Quicksilver Messenger Service?

Was Augustus Owsley Stanley in on it? And Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and Neal Cassady?

I mean, what is the evidence here? Because some guys in LA were the sons of military intel? Because Ken Kesey volunteered for MK ULTRA experiments?

That's proof of US government plot to create the counter-culture?

So Admiral Morrison could take his wife to a Sunset Strip nightclub to hear their son Jim sing --

"'Father?' 'Yes, son?' 'I want to kill you!' 'Mother?' 'Yes, son?' 'I want to fuck you!'"

Yeah, that must have been a happy reunion.

Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Keith Millea - 19-08-2013

Quote:Whilst I don't necessarily subscribe to some of the more speculative assertions that the authors make, I do think that the general thrust of their argument is sound.

There's one thing I've learned from being on this forum.Articles that have obvious truths wrapped up in layers of bullshit,are nothing more than mis/dis-information.

R.K. Locke,thanks for letting me know that I'm part of the "New Dark Age.":kraka:

Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Cliff Varnell - 19-08-2013

Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:Whilst I don't necessarily subscribe to some of the more speculative assertions that the authors make, I do think that the general thrust of their argument is sound.

There's one thing I've learned from being on this forum.Articles that have obvious truths wrapped up in layers of bullshit,are nothing more than mis/dis-information.

R.K. Locke,thanks for letting me know that I'm part of the "New Dark Age.":kraka:

From the sounds of this the "New Dark Ages" occured when the hippies sold out to the mainstream culture.

As per San Francisco's The Mutants in 1977:

Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Cliff Varnell - 19-08-2013

Enough with the hippies already.

Us punks were savvier.

This is the Circle Jerks in 1980. "Paid Vacation"

I hope you're having fun.
Where's your uniform?
Where's your gun?
Better rub up that suntan oil
'cause you'll be fighting in the hot sun.

It's not..Vietnam,
just another oil company scam.
Salute that flag of Uncle Sam.
Get your money out, place your bets...
it's Afghanistan!

Fix bayonets, check grenades.
Got enough bullets,
got enough rounds to wipe out this place?
Where the infantry & the cavalry
parachutes fill the sky,
bodies burn and people die.

It's not..Vietnam,
just another oil company scam.
Salute that flag of Uncle Sam.
Get your money out, place your bets...
it's Afghanistan!

Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Cliff Varnell - 19-08-2013

For Peter Levenda:

Quote:What was Anton LaVey's idea of the perfect satanic song?

If you don't get the joke it means the joke's on you.:pointlaugh:

Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Keith Millea - 19-08-2013

From article link above:

Quote:Most today assume that the CIA and the other intelligence-gathering organizations of the U.S. government are controlled by the democratic process. They therefore believe that MK-ULTRA's role in creating the psychedelic movement was accidental "blowback." Very few have even considered the possibility that the entire "counterculture" was social engineering planned to debase America's culture as the name implies. The authors believe, however, that there is compelling evidence that indicates that the psychedelic movement was deliberately created. The purpose of this plan was to establish a neo-feudalism by the debasing of the intellectual abilities of young people to make them as easy to control as the serfs of the Dark Ages. One accurate term used for the individuals who were victims of this debasing was "Deadhead," which is an equivocation for a "dead mind" or "a drugged, thoughtless person."

R K Locke wrote:
Quote:Whilst I don't necessarily subscribe to some of the more speculative assertions that the authors make, I do think that the general thrust of their argument is sound.

R K,I'd like to understand if you think these assertions above are generally sound.I'm just trying to get a read on what your position is.

My own feelings are that they are not sound.In fact,I would think they are the opposite of soundness.

1-Psychedelics to debase the intellectual abilities of young people?

It's been my view that psychedelic substances ENHANCE intellectual abilities.

2-to make them as easy to control as the serfs of the Dark Ages.

It's been my view that psychedelics lead away from control and towards free thought.

3-One accurate term used for the individuals who were victims of this debasing was "Deadhead," which is an equivocation for a "dead mind" or "a drugged, thoughtless person."

As a proud Deadhead,it's my view that this quote is totally insulting.

Thoughts R K???

Why didn't the hippies get into the jfk assassination ? - Peter Lemkin - 19-08-2013

Keith Millea Wrote:R K,I'd like to understand if you think these assertions above are generally sound.I'm just trying to get a read on what you're position is.

My own feelings are that they are not sound.In fact,I would think they are the opposite of soundness.

1-Psychedelics to debase the intellectual abilities of young people?

It's been my view that psychedelic substances ENHANCE intellectual abilities.

2-to make them as easy to control as the serfs of the Dark Ages.

It's been my view that psychedelics lead away from control and towards free thought.

3-One accurate term used for the individuals who were victims of this debasing was "Deadhead," which is an equivocation for a "dead mind" or "a drugged, thoughtless person."

As a proud Deadhead,it's my view that this quote is totally insulting.

Tell it Keith!!!!