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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 28-11-2016

OWww - neuralgic top centre-right of head... instantly

US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 01-12-2016

Certainly 1 dream choreography [ooooh, as I start writing, a neuralgic sets-in to mid right side], & I suspect 2, tho' it may've been earlier & just remembered; both very much in the flava' of false memories; 1) a simple phone call from someone I know, that was it; 2) a simple blipvert scene, possibly a reply from the recordings perhaps, of me at the bathroom sink, squeezing-out a blimmy of soap & washing my hands.

Seems pretty logical, that when the shitehounds can play around with their box's of tricks, that - & remember they have constant observational eyes-on but that I also write about these things, so they get that too, that after all their stupid f'king indoctrinational & stressing dreams', they should chuck-in suitably simple-minded & very very ordinary stuff, to see what the effect is, & I'm pretty sure, direct false memories'. Plus, it gives them the opportunity to wake me up for reason of some toiletry u-bender to play silly buggers with the sirens. This both plays-on that sirens bad' crap, & interrupts sleep, which I'm getting a lot of recently; last night for eg., one of my cats has gone missing just for 12hrs, but it's not like I haven't noticed or is usual. Tv channel Dave's been showing a Segway/trailer for itself recently, of a cat on a conveyor belt, sat in a litter tray this same cat of mine has recently taken to sitting/sleeping in one of her litter trays, so as soon as I noticed that, the click-refs started coming-in, cos they can play on it, like when a cat goes missing and I've recently mentioned cats & mind control so it's SOP for the shitehounds to work it, at every jumncture this morning to a cat using the catflap, I seemed to be awake, and as I'd hear it, I got the clicks; seemed to happen about 5times last night/this morning; then, as I was waking', a large number of the same clicks multiple, which continued for the first hour of the day, mainly to watching RT/news. [>click< standard there, right ear], same as in bed, one, two, three & four clicks in a row., It's like last night, cooking rice, trying the fit of a lid to the pan, didn't fit, so I got a >click< so that they could demonstrate eyes-on & obsessive derangement this happens aallll the time, like when I'm looking for something, or reaching for something, or picking it up, or pouring one to another, or chucking something in the bin, anything, all-but everything.

Masses of very deep, heavily-bruised type sensation to my left bicep on this night, for 90% of 10hrs or so, a feeling as tho' the arm had [neuralgic sets-in] received a very heavy blow an hour or 2 or 3 earlier, very slowly oscillating in & out. I've been having very many pains of various sensation profiles over the last month to the left arm/shoulder/side of neck, as per short referencing pains, or very long-track. Has left the bicep feeling quite sore & tight.

8:41pm, right calf muscle twitch to the word "seamless" on Grand Designs, because I used the word "seamlessly" a few days ago this is absolutely standard.

No.18, auditories & arm pains: "You should fucking kill me/Take a rope & kill yourself/Face-down in the dirt/No-where left to run/Forcing him to face his demons was the only way I could help him" - all these to film Horns', & lots more of those same effects to scenes in the film, like the forest & the treehouse very old ref.s.

No.18 wall/stair noise, synch to: 5:13pm, RT "McCarthy-era witch-hunting", old common ref; 5:23pm, RT on Castro, "increased misery & suffering", 2x quick wall taps/thumps, very pat for the recent refs.

Later, "saving £300", 18 again anything money related, anything at all, is klepto-ref'ed immediately; tap on wall, & as I stand to return it, staccato clicks to right ear, a very frequent thing.
After I'd returned these and more to 18, a long thumping-rumbling sound started-up from 18; just as I was about to return it, I noticed it was clearer' than the others as tho' someone was rummaging about in the understairs compartment. That might constitute ordinary' noise, & indeed it wasn't referencing/precisely in synch to anything, so I let it go. And as soon as I wrote that up in my notes, I got >click-click-click<. The clicks don't mean anything; ages ago, I played em for "One click for "yes" & two clicks for "no"", which I was then able to play em again for almost genuinely forgetting which was which, so now, we don't talk' much anymore, which is (LOOOOOL siren starts-up there, cos I'd played DER GOTTS for monkeys). Cunts. Fine by me, cos everything they say is in fact shite; it works nicely to their narrative diahorrea, but that in fact means it's shite: "diagnosis"? Shitehound'.

c.8:30pm, big tv pic breakup as I switch to The Avengers' THAT'S A NEW ONE!!!! …not. See, that avengers' bit (& "revenge"), it's an SOP narrative streak of diahorrea, which simply cannot be true, unless they're deranged & delusional fucking dickheads straight-up. But then, they're deranged & delusional fantacist cretinous superdooper'ero-wannabes, who simply don't recognise fact as fact, so they come-out with avenger'-diahorrea to make themselves smell of roses, but they're just totally full of shit, the big, stupid, adult babies. Paraphrasing Cool Hand Luke, "What they've got here, is a cranial wall-to-wall dirty protest, representative of their psychopathologies". They're full of shit, & busying themselves by throwing their toys out of their prams in my direction, in a petulant tantrum, egged-on by one anothers heads whats full o' previously mentioned shite. I recommend one long bargepole to puncture THAT pomposity, & a bio-hazard suit.

They've been kinda obliquely threatening my cats recently, as stressors of pukka or feint, [neuralgic there sets-in to mid right side of head as is absolutely 100% standard operational & putrid, & a slow click starts again, standard]. [and a quick double-click as I glance back-over the above, and eye-pass over Der Gotts'…. >facepalm<] Chrimbo'll be busy.

I also have 10x copies of a give-away hand-out with very interesting add-on notes, if I do say so myself. Can't decide between the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] form (doubtles that'll cause chatter', & chatter' in the sense of a counter-narrative is good), magistrates court, the Jobcentre again, big court in Durham, even bigger court in NuT, local Journo school, or a local uni's school of law.
Decisions decisions.

-An' t's not an erlad there, only a siren yodelling down a u-bend, 5:13pm. closely followed by more neuralgics.

US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 01-12-2016

Wrong place for this, buuut-

This Professor Watchlist' seems odd to me. The Henry Jackson Society thing about compelling ppl who've been on RT to fess it up seems odd to me. This fella Fillon (& Trump) get noticed for swimming against the media narrative of "Russiabad", & painted appropriately by the media, but then they get voted-in & have a lot of support, because it seems to me that ordinary ppl are quite pissed-off with being dictated to & told what to think, rather than being informed by which they can make a sensible decision what to think for themselves.
PRDaves line about those ppl who didn't want Britain to bomb Syria being apologists for ISIL seems sums it up to me. This or that is a simple "Wrong" or "Right".
These shitehounds're really laying it on thick, I think; I made the point a while ago about how car adverts more-often-than-organically seem to carry references towards a misunderstanding the shitehound narrative, I mean, & how it seemed to be that perhaps all or most car adverts spring/ooze from a single or a few advertising houses. Maybe, just maybe, it's the same with the media, that they're easily & heavily influenced themselves, knowingly, or with that footprint' electromagnetic capability that I think the US had threatened Russia with "quick mass casualties"- para-.
However it goes, it seems to me, that there are a few ppl, with vested and deranged self-interest, who are getting pissed at their inability to control all the people all the time. I mean, these ppl are "gods" ffs, & extreme authoritarians. They must be apoplectic at their inadequacy & ineffectitudinousness.
This Professor Watchlist' seems to me to look & sound like a deliberately, taunting, goading, pisstake.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8740&stc=1]

US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 03-12-2016

Friday2Dec2016, 7:25pm, BBC News, cruise ship deliberately dumping oily water at sea; No.18 thumps precise [click left ear & neuralgic right temple] to a shot of a white gloved hand indicating black oil in/from a pipe, "oil", y'see, oooold ref. So, I gets up to return the wall thump/knock, & there's a sudden kinda rumble' of mucking around in No.18, as tho' they're doing something like rummaging around in the understairs storage compartment again! I just wrote on DPF about this, how I'd made the decisision to let it go, a few days ago, because it sounded like ordinary' noise [neuralgics, several of them, to the mid right side of my head at that old synthetic neuralgia location there as I wrote those last few words]. It's a mindgame', see? they're playing on that thinking of muine that it could be ordinary' sounds, where, by reference & delivery, it's sooo not. This is absolute pat' shitehoundery of the like of which I've had for well over 5yrs. I think they're thinking I'll forget, or doubt will cloud my mind their "fog" which as often as is convenient, gets referenced (a couple of times in the last few days, for instance, after something of a long hiatus).
It's a curious business, & oh-so-eagerly & incompetently handled by the aptly-trained monkeys. I know their ways. They have this pat' thing, where staccato clicks will follow something either I say, on tv, or I read in the paper or elsewhere, where something relevant of them/'the program', is mirrored, maybe like from this new fake news' gig, & where I make a connection in some way, they give it a barrage of staccato knee-jerk clickings to one ear or another; it works to deny (oddly, rather than confirm', but I think that's the intrusive nature of that referencing gig carrying a negative connotation with it like with the neuralgics the shitehounds aren't saying anything positive' with an artificially-induced & unpleasant pain to the head, or a [neuralgic sets-in there OF COURSE those aptly-trained monkeys & idiot scum boogeymen dancing to a tune happily] muscle twitch a la neuro-linguistic programming achors-as-per-a-tap'-in-an-odd-or-unique'-location. They've got fuckall else to do cept what they always do.

So I returned No.18's precise knock, loudly, & they did that denial' by more thumping/rumbles as tho' it was all ordinaire', which I was happy to return again, loudly.

I don't know much about psychology, but this is all extremely obvious stuff-in-the-moment, it seems to me; if I wanted to be an execrable cunt, it's what I'd do, & that's been the way of it since I sussed what they were. I get all their "crazy/insane/-& similar" type refs from them; they ought to thank me their whole lives incontinence & diahorrea, & me, constipating them.

Like I said ages ago, that referencing/apophenic/conditioning/creation of a palimpsest of ideas of reference' gig by wall-thumps won't work if the source is noisy anyway any stray' noise [neuralgic of course there oh! and quick shrill auditory tone to right ear] will dissipate the narrative/script'; this is an absolute.

Last ref before I came out today, "carrion".

8pm last night, "Haven't seen him, haven't heard from him" from tv; instant neuralgic; very pat' refs [& another neuralgic there]; it says what it says.

Generally, I'd say the shitehound pukes' (new one that seems to piss them off as per this morning) [oooh neuralgic see, & this is the point I'm making here-] seem to be in a real adult-baby petulant tizzy, foot-stamping & throwing their toys out of their prams, atm there's all the flava' & evidences for it see how many neuralgics I'm claiming here I've had in the last half-hour [&, of course "dance you fukkers", another one there: muses "boogeymen" and/or "dobermen".. hmm another neuralgic there], delivered by skulking, sordid, spineless, witless & gutless wretched sado-pycho nutters on a whim [neuralgic, top, front, slightly right, and another quick one to the high mid left cheekbone standard practice to add a ref' on a ref' on a ref', ad nausem AND so I get another there, to the top mid right, and on and on it'll go yep, pain pulse there to left bicep, which is quite sore after the last few days concentration of pain directed there].

And all this guff is exactly why they can go take a flying shit. (This just might, be their "electronic tattoo"…).

Newish effect last night 2-3x's a tremor to the middle of the upper lip, as per ref'ing something or other; & a quick check of notes gives one in synch to the "jet pack"s on Minority Report", which I watched as much of as I could, last night. Talk about self-indulgence.. but it is & has been, big on ref-front, for years, in fact one day, I was getting refs to something, and a voice/cognitive whisper/synthetic telepathy went over my head, saying "He hasn't seen it", which was true, tho' that idea of a group' of loosely knitted shitehounds-on-a-jolly I find hard to take, it could well be perfectly true, on the other hand, it plays well to a disparate factions'-type theme, which is deffo something they want to & have propagated, from the very earliest of days.

US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 05-12-2016

Seriously shit nights sleep & 3x's dc's.

Lay awake with a very loud & shrill hissing sound & sensation coursing thru' my head for hours last night/this morning; very frequent >clicks< & point neuralgics to the right side of my face/head & to the top, and incoming whispers' of the like of "You're/He's burning to death" & a plethora of an at times mass of other whisperings.

The first dream choreography was odd, in that I slipped into a trance-like state, certainly not sleep', had it, then slipped back out of that state into ordinary consciousness; not sure I've had this technique before as well defined as that; my present home, tho' owned & inhabited by an old pal of mine who died several years ago, and my first (actually 2[SUP]nd[/SUP]) cat, Pepper, with [ooooh, neuralgic right side] me poised to be going home, back to my pad.

2[SUP]nd[/SUP] was scenarioed in a large very plush students union type room, or more likely an executive office type of rec room/conference hall. Swish but conservatively tasteful, dimly lit; chrome tube steel chairs & tables (maybe an incorporation of the Wassily' I want; bit of conversation with the few ppl in it, then move to the boogey-box to choose, where a nice & fetching lass comes-over to chat. And that was that; this motif' of a fetching lass strolling-over is very common.

3[SUP]rd[/SUP] was curious; a doss-type hippy lair; ppl lounging; sense of them being friends & known to one another, and me, whilst being there with a lass in my lap with a poor copy of a Grim Fandango-type head/full masque, being unacquainted. A whiff of Mary Jane itself, something [neuralgic] of a theme atm… >groan<. Some social faux pas or similar from this lass to me, with me leaving (-a theme) & the phrase "He's lost the scent" from the resident self-nominated Koresh.

I was roused to this, with the follow-on whisper of "He means you've lost the scent of god" by way of explanation. This is kinda interesting; it was as tho' these ppl were radio-frequency junkies, high of having the god-inducing part of their brains fellated.

"Belief and the brain's 'God spot' -
Scientists say they have located the parts of the brain that control religious faith. And the research proves, they contend, that belief in a higher power is an evolutionary asset that helps human survival. Steve Connor reports - Tuesday 10 March 2009
,,,, Scientists searching for the neural "God spot", which is supposed to control religious belief, believe that there is not just one but several areas of the brain that form the biological foundations of religious belief. …."

Or even better

"THE RIGHT TEMPORAL LOBE AND ASSOCIATED LIMBIC LOBE STRUCTURES AS THE BIOLOGICAL INTERFACE WITH AN INTERCONNECTED UNIVERSE - The Network December 1999 (The Network is a British peer reviewed journal dedicated to cutting edge topics in physics and neuroscience. A theoretical physicists was one of the reviewers of this paper)
ABSTRACT: Deep right temporal lobe and associated limbic lobe structures are clearly linked to human religious experiences of all types, including conversion experiences and near death experiences… "

1999 there. I've written here before about No.18 ref'ing via wall thumps & knocks, to the like of "Doing gods work" and a fairly large number of other similars.

The right temporal lobe is precisely the area that the bulk of the tinnitus' originates from (also to cerebellum area), & when I have these dream choreographies', it's the spot in front of the top of the right ear which has a very strong sound & sensation of hissing/tingling/dry sand poured onto a tin roof-type, or water coursing thru' a pipe as per domestic plumbing. It's also the location of the synthetic trigeminal/migrainous neuralgia [ooh top centre-right neuralgic pain there].

I suspect I've had a lot of the godbluff. This ex-army psychiatrist I know & regularly subject to discussion on this matter, very frequently tells me that my beliefs, as he puts it, in those all powerful' people/beings, has a very strong element of religiosity' about it, about being similar to the divine'. I find I constantly have to try to reinforce into him, that I don't do gods, ghosts or wizards, [siren there], & that in fact, I have barely concealed if at all concealed, contempt for god-botherers, & that, rather, with a cortical modem effect & a battalion of the most grotesquely deranged & obsessive, psychotic pukes making light work of the 24/7/52/+5, I can't help but feel mightily insulted at the insinuation.

They're very big on their godbluff.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8747&stc=1]

Lots of references in this article, names of ppl for eg, researchers, - a SOP. Sagan, Kennedy, Cushing, Morse, Barret, Morgan, Dewhurst, Mary Dejevsky- the journo- gets the refs - sounds a bit like Devinsky, Williams, Penfold which sounds a bit like Penfield; this is the way that the shitehounds fellate their own egos, by pretending to be something other than legends in their own lunchtimes, or refuting the "idiot savants outside of their comfort zones". It's like I say, & like No.18 said with the "not a real person/ [staccato clicks], Lab rat/ disposable/ medical science" refs, & 'Ben's Steam page - "Urgent; send 100kg of white mice".

US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 06-12-2016

Two refs (that would be several refs to two news items) to mockingbird' recently; few days ago RT mentioned Operation Mockingbird in relation to this new fake news gig the media have, & the next day the same ref cue to American literature being banned/censored To Kill a Mockingbird'. & a few days before that, I had an "antagonist(ic)", which is good to know, & characteristically enormously asymmetrical & devoid of cognitive function above that of a slug.
All-but total click'-coverage these days, to anything I do at home at all, like every action involved in doing the washing-up, or checking a pan lid against the pan, or reaching for-/opening the fridge door [click-click-clickclick there]. Being kept awake by clicks, waking to clicks, reading to clicks, tv, cats, tidying-up, the news of course, very heavy' attention demonstrating an in detail & constant eyes- & ears-on with that serial cable to/from my mind & senses of the cortical modem effect very very demonstrative.
Some recents are; "propaganda outlet/mud houses/(a lot of -)sleep (refs, cos they're obviously targeting it)/dialogue (this is a good one I've been challenging the shitehound pukes to have it out in public & taking the piss about >click< not being any more than an aptly-trained monkey can manage; also that old gig about "Click once for yes' & twice for no'" so that they could try to avoid talking shit all the time; I didn't know that it was a distinct part of the pro-cess of Zersetzung, to leave the victim guessing as to the morality/position of the interrogator'', hence they call me "black", by click & pain refs to each & every black bloke/woman on tv, & then add "racist" see Ch4 Cruel Britannia I can't recommend that too much, it's practically a template)/wino (this one was last night part of their shitbucketlist)/Italys economy is woefully fragile (Chan4News last night, 6:35pm)/traitor/a little bit of everything/ (quite the paroxysms to-)The Florida bar (from film The Whistleblower' the other day, every time it was mentioned: long ago, Ben' had sent a pic of a tiny shed-type trailer(?) he said he'd lived in in Florida, "Lots of cockroaches & very hot"; always with the Florida' refs a kill-op long time in the setting-up).

US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 06-12-2016

Lots of references in this godbluff article, names of ppl for eg, researchers, - a SOP. Sagan, Kennedy, Cushing, Morse, Barret, Morgan, Dewhurst, Mary Dejevsky- the journo- gets the refs - sounds a bit like Devinsky, Williams, Penfold which sounds a bit like Penfield; this is the way that the shitehounds fellate their own egos, by pretending to be something other than legends in their own lunchtimes, or refuting the "idiot savants outside of their comfort zones". It's like I say, & like No.18 said with the "not a real person/ [staccato clicks], Lab rat/ disposable/ medical science" refs, & 'Ben's Steam page - "Urgent; send 100kg of white mice".

"Davis", Greyson, etc etc
Benson, Nelson,


I used to get statically charged in Newcastle, for a couple of weeks or so, pretty much constant; never happened before or since.
The idea of this godbluff/temporal lobe thing's interesting; seems very similar to what I've had, but that's magnetic fields.
Transcutaneous Energy Transfer (TET)
TET Technology


US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 07-12-2016

Breaking news: Darlington Public Library Computer Suite Hacked

I already knew that these pc's were hacked, the way that word processing suddenly starts to play-up, but also, there are pc's here that are starting with error msgs of .exe's not firing-up, & screen orientations flipping & one or 2 other things I was typing onetime & the desktop icon of the save changed to some generic program shortcut icon, stopping my Save from opening.

Thing is, I've been popping my phone in here to add tunes; few days ago I'd found a few dvd's of my tunes, old stuff I'd not seen for years & one or two I wanted adding; I'd checked em out at home on the dvd player, so when I'd come in to the library, I guess the shitehounds must've been prepared not that they didn't know I'd brought-in the cable from home. One daft band I had was Hate Fed Love', Bomb' (as well as other daft shit like Marduk & Lordwind, which must've been on BTJunkies frontpage & I'd torrented them out of curiosity, funnily enough, just like [ooooh, neuralgic hi-right side] Mighty Mouse We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank', which is as per the program' of implants-torture-muder-brainwashing-indoctrination-godbluffshite-poisoning & electrocuting).

So I'd added a few tunes; last night I was strolling home & a tune I didn't know came-on, Devil is Us', by this band Bomb'; a few minutes ago from now, another tune I don't recognise has come on, same band, Hot Bloody Hearts', both of these are VERY pat-shitehound references "Devil/hot/bloody/heart". So, when I've popped the dvd into the pc here, the shitehounds've been onhand to add them direct from disk & entirely unseen, along with a jpeg as per - .

I've been getting the "'Phone" refs for months of course.

shutil.dll's missing from some computers here, & as of last week, perhaps the same time as the 'phone thing, typing-in "deeppoliticsf" to the search (Chrome recently stopped working, so its ff) it gives 'jfk' - a ref

US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 08-12-2016

Michael Barwell Wrote:Lots of references in this godbluff article, names of ppl for eg, researchers, - a SOP. Sagan, Kennedy, Cushing, Morse, Barret, Morgan, Dewhurst, Mary Dejevsky- the journo- gets the refs - sounds a bit like Devinsky, Williams, Penfold which sounds a bit like Penfield; this is the way that the shitehounds fellate their own egos, by pretending to be something other than legends in their own lunchtimes, or refuting the "idiot savants outside of their comfort zones". It's like I say, & like No.18 said with the "not a real person/ [staccato clicks], Lab rat/ disposable/ medical science" refs, & 'Ben's Steam page - "Urgent; send 100kg of white mice".

"Davis", Greyson, etc etc
Benson, Nelson, Peat

The obvious reason why this happens, is the familiarity the shitehounds have with this stuff (I strongly suspect that AI is used in referencing, simply voice-recognition drawing from a library of references, with - loosely, humes plugged-in too), but, aside from the intended confusions that these words & terms have to the ignorant (ignorant of the subject - brainshit), & the increaseing number of referenced terms & words, it's also a smart-arsed ego-trip - "I've read this stuff/am cognicent with this stuff; that makes me both clever & right, & it makes you stupid; I am superior to you". They're always blabbing-on about how "great" their "minds" are - rather too frequently for it to be taken seriously.

I remember that many years ago, a self-loathing ego-maniac I knew, read a book on psychology (so he'd said), and in that same smart-arsed and patronisingly insecure way, stated with an enormous grin (..."an enormous grin" - now where've I heard & seen that before - Oh yeah, the gurning, spittle-chins of the V-manner pukes, literally quivering with excitement exactly like stalkers do when they're face-to-face with the objects of their derangements) that he had everyone he knew sussed & boxed. (Oh! a txt on my 'phone there - this'll be them now). - and a pain sets-in to the '2nd 11'
- the right of centre of the back of my head/top back of neck - [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8761&stc=1] exactly where that reddot is (Google search "DARPA mind chips").

Last night, watching '12Monkeys', I got 2x clicks to the right ear to "created a model of my mind" - this is soooo standard that I usually don't bother noting it.

There's a trick they have which I'm hesitating to tell, 'cos it kinda makes me look bad to those who don't ken what i'm saying about the mind gig at all - & right on cue, a siren there 5:06pm - bearing in mind >cough< that the gig is to "drive" people "insane" for what that diagnosis gives the shitehounds... hmmm. It's all standard stuff really - with a 'canvas' you can paint a square or a circle, or a squiggle or whatever; with the canvas of hard-to-mind u can play silly buggers in the same way - love, hate, aggression, torpor, 'impulses' & notions & dropped-in shit from a cyber-caliphate-Yeehadi piece of shit, sans any evidence, for purpose of making someone else look bad - this is shitehoundery & it goes back a loooong way - before this 'program' emerged into 'realworld' (note I've mentioned some dick, as per a mad scientist, but rather, a psychotic ego-maniacal god-wannabe, saying "Damn right I'll plant evidence" whilst expending alot of calories with it's arms and facial gymnastics, on my tv in the very early days of this 'Monarch/Pheonix Horseshit); a gig they have, is to pass notions or impulses, thoughts of actions, into 'your' mind, in I suppose as near realtime as makes no difference to anything, & beyond a local control - by which I mean, it happened to me for the hundredth time yesterday whilst i was at the Town Hall in D'ton - be mindful that this is a very big gig of theirs: I was chatting to a rather fetching lass about me - or rather, the house address, having RIPA applied to it by the council after a complaint from No.18 of noise - a copper came 'round to the house to inform us - my mum & i, & she may've got a letter. Anyways, I went to the Town Hall to make an official complaint about it, or the 1st step to-; So I'm chatting to this lass & I'm getting these - hard to say exactly, but 'thoughts/notions/impulses is accurate enough i suppose, of punching her in the face. You spot it 'cos it's so incongruous & it repeats, & repeats, & comes from nowhere - no starting point, just an awkward juxtapose from the ether, like almost every effect they have.

Now, I'm laying myself open here, but I'm absolutley convinced that this is 100% shitehoundery, and not an aberration of my own mind, & it's 100% consistent with a mass of other things I've said about what it is that they can do, things of different intent or effect. "Notion(s)" is a term I've not used for a long time about the shitehounds & their ways, but it's absolutley in the ball-park of what it is that they can do; the shitehounds've pulled-back for a long while on their conscious victims, & I've always been pretty good at seeing these things (OK, not 'always', but I got a grasp quite early). This is a question of "Know thyself", & like an anal bastard, I used to 'do' introspection, & I've always had that 'stand-off', observer, trait.

I know these stupid fucking games these arseholes play. It's exactly the same gig as - as I've said before - the same button that sends the hard-to-mind dream choreography effects, sets-off the siren that apparently references them picking-up whats in my mind, 'cept the gig is that they're ref'ing what they put in my mind. And there you go - That is shitehoundery, in one; that's the whole gig, that's what they do, their "purge" & "legacy", the "lab rat/not a real person/disposeable", last night I watched a Disney 'Nazi' cartoon (c.10minutes long); at 9minutes, "He marches on, trampling on the rights of others" - instant click to the left ear, and pat for a thousand & more other references I've had over ++5yrs.

The shitehounds reference 'Game of Thrones'; I assume that this is down to the science-fact of the 'mind meld', which simply would be another term for the technology, & I've had this same ref from other sources. Virtually all of 2012 & half of 2013 was really trippy, but then, they were playing me their godbluff signal all day every day to the right mid side of my head.

Watching 'City of Rott' last night, "It's an empty shell - just like your head", at which point I got an instant 'top attack' neuralgic. It's not true, they'll say anything that they think will aid them, and they are just aptly-trained monkeys.

5:35am, "poison", click, right ear;
5:40am "my parents are dead" right ear internal muscle(?) twitch/tremour followed by a left arm inside elbow sharp, and a neuralgic, the usual mid centre right side.

US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - Michael Barwell - 09-12-2016

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This notion or impluse to violence coming from nowhere that i mentioned yesterday; I remembered I had something from Rifat on it from 2-3yrs ago. The underlining is mine & definate.

This plays to the 'programming/conditioning/msg'ing & ref'ing that I get alll the time from the shitehounds & has happened overall, quite alot; before 'the program' started, as I've mentioned, I'd be waking for a month & more to every single day, having cat vomit across new furniture, new carpets & across a brand new & really rather nice £300 rug, at which point after a while, I could get really very cross & after a hissy or 2 or 3, collapse in a bemused heap. The notions/impulses to punch someone I'm specifically engaged in a friendly & important/interesting conversation with is one of the gigs the shitehounds play for sure - it's not going to happen, but it does have a distracting element, & in fact, one of my friends I think may well've had it played on them, regards me (ok, we were a tad drunk & 'argueing', but it was very out of character for him & very sudden. I'm pretty sure he'd had other instances of it too: one time when i was off to his for the night in his car, he'd stopped over a bridge across the Tees and suggested I jump-in to clean-off: this is VERY pat-for-shitehound stuff - the "bridge", "jumping" into the "river" to "clean" myself, & all from nothing - again, no 'Genesis', no train of thought, simply a sudden 'drop-in', like the 'cognitive notion' has been "parachuted"-in from clear skys.

They used to subject my mum to their dream choreographies too, which I've mentioned before (raising the question [neuralgic - 1st of the day] of the implants if they're doing this willy-nilly); one that she absolutley insisted on telling me which "Was so incredibly vivid" (oh, & "vivid" is a ref, for some reason) - that she had a baby elephant which she loved so dearly, and despite anything she could say or do, people came to take it away, & she was heartbroken; VERY pat-for-shitehound there - 'Inception'.

But the thing about the zombie cops is surely precisely so.

Last night was curious- almost no refs 'til about 4-5am, when I noted it in my log, at which point the clicks to the right ear started-up as pretty much constant, continuing so 'til considerably after i went to bed, & starting again immediately i woke, at a frequency of up to several/second, & constant, to anything & everything & nothing at all.

If it's in your head, there's nothing at all to say it's yours.