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True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - Stan Wilbourne - 31-05-2011


Could you go more into this quote:

Quote:Whats of interest is how the agency would eventually take out Howard Hughes later on.
I was reading an article by Lisa Pease recently about the Hughes machinery being involved in the RFK murder, but I don't know much about that or the Hughes Empire.

True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - Seamus Coogan - 31-05-2011

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:Seamus,

Could you go more into this quote:

Quote:Whats of interest is how the agency would eventually take out Howard Hughes later on.
I was reading an article by Lisa Pease recently about the Hughes machinery being involved in the RFK murder, but I don't know much about that or the Hughes Empire.

The links I'll give you will totally blow your mind.
Well, not quite as much as the agency apparently did to our dear Mr Howie!
But near enough. The story still blows me away.


Theres a lot of people here who could give you some good stuff but I'll give you what I know about RFK and Hughes.

As for the RFK stuff yeah. Interesting. Bob Maheu whom Lisa has long suspected of being involved in the RFK shooting was the bloke who was the intermidiary between the CIA and the Mob for the assassination of Castro. Maheu was working for Hughes during both assassinations. Caeser who was working as a 'plumber' for Lockheed at the time. Dan Moldea made a big issue of the fact that Caeser was not employed by Hughes until 1973. The problem here is that Lockheed and Hughes had been interlocked in a number of deals since the 50's and enjoyed very good relations. Another oddity is that Moldea relied not on any real evidence of Caesers employment but from Caeser himself a very dodgey guy for this stuff. Furthermore Caesar said he enjoyed a high security clearence at Hughes. Thats some achievement for a 'Plumber' moon lighting as a 'Security Guard' don't yah think?


Jim Di did some really good interviews with Len on BOR about it. check out show # 442. Where he discusses it briefly. Have a listen and make sure you check out the links too the articles bare in mind Part I is the best and Part II is shite.

There's also a really nice little piece here

It provides a good overview of Hughes, his empire and his links not to mention manipulation by the CIA.

I'm also pretty sure Jim did a show in a hell of a lot more depth about it and/or I'm sure Lisa Pease talked about it on there as well. Indeed, it's funny you mention Lisa she was the one who actually got me onto this thing awhiles back when she mentioned it in an email then later thanks to Len and Jim discussing this the articles in question were unearthed by some legend who listened into the show.

I hope this is all useful.

But for now strap yourself in mate it's a wild ride!

True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - Bernice Moore - 01-06-2011

Here you go,to go along with their names.......:curtain:b

True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - James Lewis - 11-06-2011

Suffice it to say...the Hughes empire and the Company (CIA) were and are one and the same, two sides of the same coin.

True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - Charles Drago - 11-06-2011


True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - Seamus Coogan - 11-06-2011

Charles Drago Wrote:No.

Pray do tell oh leader why you think not? The evidence is pretty staggering. But it's also staggering that Hughes was being used in countless operations with out his knowledge.

True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - Stan Wilbourne - 11-06-2011

David Rockefeller.

All the ties to all to all the right places.

From his desk it all makes sense.

At some point there will a generation of researchers with the balls to write the books, "Rockefeller Did It."


The next generation.

True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - Seamus Coogan - 11-06-2011

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:David Rockefeller.

All the ties to all to all the right places.

From his desk it all makes sense.

At some point there will a generation of researchers with the balls to write the books, "Rockefeller Did It."


The next generation.

Stan the issue here isn't about 'balls'. You can make as many connections as you want. But no one actually knows. I've always had a reservation about the Rockefeller thing (perhaps valid-perhaps not) and I am open to that dialogue. I'm prepared to go with 'tacit' approval. But bar Donald Gibsons examinations the stuff about Rockefeller and so on is actually really poor. You have pro Rockefeller stuff on the one hand and then some truly awful Alex Jones type stuff on the other.

True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - Stan Wilbourne - 11-06-2011

Some of it may be "balls." Some of it not.

When I think of the order coming from the desk of David Rockefeller the whole assassination makes sense.

Unlike the LBJ nonsense, or the the "Mob" or "CIA."

One phone call from David Rockefeller with Allen Dulles, one meeting between those two men in an office, and the whole conspiracy takes place.

Helms, Angleton, Phillips. The MSM, all of it. It all makes sense.

Who had control of the country in '63? Who had the power to take JFK out?

We can make it a "parlor game" and continue with this forever. 50 years. Who dunnit?

The Rockefeller empire, the Federal Reserve banking system. That is what killed President Kennedy.

The Rockefeller order. The Lieutenants: Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, James Angleton. And then other umbrella of power.

Who controls World Bank? What is Hillary Clinton currently trying to do? What apparatus controls the United States?


The Federal Reserve.

Rockefeller, Dupont, Morgan, Lodge, Luce.

They killed Kennedy and stole our future.

Game over. Times up.

50 years. If you cant hazard a guess go home.

"We'll never know."


True sponsors:Texan extremists & Military Industrial compex vs eastern establishment - Seamus Coogan - 11-06-2011

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:Some of it may be "balls." Some of it not.

When I think of the order coming from the desk of David Rockefeller the whole assassination makes sense.

Unlike the LBJ nonsense, or the the "Mob" or "CIA."

One phone call from David Rockefeller with Allen Dulles, one meeting between those two men in an office, and the whole conspiracy takes place.

Helms, Angleton, Phillips. The MSM, all of it. It all makes sense.

Who had control of the country in '63? Who had the power to take JFK out?

We can make it a "parlor game" and continue with this forever. 50 years. Who dunnit?

The Rockefeller empire, the Federal Reserve banking system. That is what killed President Kennedy.

The Rockefeller order. The Lieutenants: Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, James Angleton. And then other umbrella of power.

Who controls World Bank? What is Hillary Clinton currently trying to do? What apparatus controls the United States?


The Federal Reserve.

Rockefeller, Dupont, Morgan, Lodge, Luce.

They killed Kennedy and stole our future.

Game over. Times up.

50 years. If you cant hazard a guess go home.

"We'll never know."


Bullshit I agree. But if that bullshit is also directed at myself well let's see here.

Stan why not do an essay on it? Why not inform us all. I mean hey you know more than me or Jim Di or say Donald Gibson, CD and a heap of other people here right?

I agree with a lot of what you said. What made you think I didn't? Well it seems because I said we have to be cautious. Sheeeeeesh, what a nasty piece of work I am. Oh the indignity.

I've written a bit. I've not seen anything of yours outside of the forum. Now this is what I find funny. People like you who don't write anything and don't have the 'balls' to put it out there for review then get stuck into myself for moving slowly? Sorry, but you should grow some and put pen to paper or finger to keyboard and then trump say Donald Gibson? Research is slow and time consuming. There's no need to attack people who are essentially on your side and share the same general outlook.

Say for instance I believe Rockefeller was up to his neck in this.

I might be correct. But then okay what sources do I use to make my case? Whose credible? Whose got their stuff referenced? I think Allen Dulles was involved. In fact I think anybody whose anybody in JFK circles puts him in the mix. But if I used John Hankey, or say Joseph Farrell to prove my point my argument would be shot too pieces even before I started. Just because Gary Allen or some crank like Dave Griffin said it happened with Rockefeller doesnt mean you can use them automatically if at all. I see this happen a lot.

I've seen their use of sources and they're often terrible.

There is a role for Rockefeller I have no doubt. I think there's strong stuff with Luce and others as well. But getting into the definites above say figures like Dulles is as CD and I have discussed a real can of worms. The fact from the fiction needs to be weeded out.

Like I said you can't build your case on bad sources, foundations of straw and a hunch. If I started out I'd use Gibson as a building block and he's very inclined towards Rockefeller. But the big question I have and I will always maintain is who uses who in these arrangements? People like Dulles and his family in particularly were around a hell of a lot longer than the Rockefellers. How on earth did Dulles and his family live on such modest incomes yet travel the world in the lap of luxury at every quarter? Oh yes they knew all the secrets. So, well forgive me for holding back and thinking it's slightly more complex than the 'Rockefeller' stuff you've made it out to be.

I'm happy taking my time and assured I'm pulling in your direction. But by all means beat me to the punch and go for it yourself.