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Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Printable Version

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Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Keith Millea - 15-12-2012

Well,this is part of KPFA radio's fund raising drive so they interrupt the flow a little.This is Pacifica Radio,and they are usually on the brink of collapse,so I hope they can keep it going.KPFA is the longest running public supported radio station in the US.

Guns and Butter "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview, Part One". In this 1988 radio documentary, you hear the voice of the narrator, Rosko; co-producer and writer, David Mendelsohn, interviewing former New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison; filmmaker Oliver Stone; Lee Harvey Oswald in a 1963 radio interview; and professor and author, Philip Melanson. The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview was co-produced, edited and directed by Andrew Phillips.

Guns and Butter "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview, Part Two" with Jim Garrison, John Davis, and Oliver Stone. Fundraiser.

Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Jim DiEugenio - 15-12-2012

For the most part this is a good interview.

In fact, next to the Playboy interview, this is probably second, along with the one JG did for John Barbour on the Garrison Tapes.

He actually names Allen Dulles as a top conspirator.

Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Charles Drago - 15-12-2012

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:For the most part this is a good interview.

In fact, next to the Playboy interview, this is probably second, along with the one JG did for John Barbour on the Garrison Tapes.

He actually names Allen Dulles as a top conspirator.

At which level of the conspiracy?

"Top" is meaningless absent context within a stated conspiracy model.

Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Jim DiEugenio - 15-12-2012



Did you listen to the interview?

If you had you would not have replied with that non sequitir.

Its always good to listen to someone first, and then reply. If not your are just hoisting yourself on your own stage. One of JG's most endearing qualities was just that: He was a good listener. That is rare in this community since so many people love to hear themselves talk. And once they have convinced themselves of their own position, hey that's it. So in reviewing his files, as Lyon Garrison allowed me to do, to come across someone who really had a good and sensitive ear, that was neat. JG even spent three hours with Mae Brussell, who most people shunned at the time.

I listened to this interview a long time ago, for my first book, in order to learn more about Garrison's thinking. Its one of the very few in which he was allowed to express his ideas freely without being badgered or interrupted or ridiculed, e.g. Johnny Carson, CBS etc. So it has value intrinsically in that regard.

BTW Charles, I named Dulles also as the manager of the plot in my book, which you have not read either. And I placed him within an intricate model with people below him and also above him. And I also recommended a grand jury for some of them. Please read the book before asking me any further questions. You might learn something.

Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Greg Burnham - 15-12-2012

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Charles,


Did you listen to the interview?

If you had you would not have replied with that non sequitir.

Its always good to listen to someone first, and then reply. If not your are just hoisting yourself on your own stage. One of JG's most endearing qualities was just that: He was a good listener. That is rare in this community since so many people love to hear themselves talk. And once they have convinced themselves of their own position, hey that's it. So in reviewing his files, as Lyon Garrison allowed me to do, to come across someone who really had a good and sensitive ear, that was neat. JG even spent three hours with Mae Brussell, who most people shunned at the time.

I listened to this interview a long time ago, for my first book, in order to learn more about Garrison's thinking. Its one of the very few in which he was allowed to express his ideas freely without being badgered or interrupted or ridiculed, e.g. Johnny Carson, CBS etc. So it has value intrinsically in that regard.

BTW Charles, I named Dulles also as the manager of the plot in my book, which you have not read either. And I placed him within an intricate model with people below him and also above him. And I also recommended a grand jury for some of them. Please read the book before asking me any further questions. You might learn something.

Perhaps you should send us both an autographed copy then!

Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Jim DiEugenio - 15-12-2012


Maybe you missed the point; which you sometimes do with me?

That remark was preemptive. So he doesn't say that my model lacks a structure also.


Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Phil Dragoo - 15-12-2012

Jim Garrison is bedrock certain and compelling in framing the role of Oswald as intelligence, nailing Ferrie's lame ice skating alibi, assuring us of Kennedy's withdrawal.

Oliver Stone hits all the spikes like a roustabout, finishing with an understatement, that there is as yet no marketplace for ideas in the JFK assassination.

He alone says let us build one; the fairies in dog collars then set upon him red in fang and claw.

Beginning the first read of Destiny Betrayed.

The Cold War is rebranded and the Benghazi gambit is concealed behind the compromised and replaced DCI, and the lame duck SecState while the POTUS wipes nonexistent tears in preparation for the next phase of fast and furiously disarming the last resistance to the national security state.

Where is the transparency. Where is the file on Joannides. Here's to the bold upbraiding of Tunheim who had the temerity to assert there was no pile of documents unreleased.

At least as good as no Soviet repression of Eastern Europe--

Hollow men, head piece filled with straw, leaning together, echoing LBJ's lying, "Let Us Continue"

Behold the siren song of power, how when peace was slain and war bellowed, all within the Beltway sang, "Go, Go, Godzilla."

Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Jim DiEugenio - 15-12-2012

Beginning the first read of Destiny Betrayed.

Thanks Phil.

Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Charles Drago - 15-12-2012

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Please read the book before asking me any further questions. You might learn something.

Please give directions only to those who might be foolish enough to follow them.

All anyone can learn from you is how NOT to write. Or reason.

"Top conspirator" is a sloppy, lazy, meaningless construction of the sort that some of us have come to expect from you. Don't even dream about deflecting my criticism of your shoddy prose onto the writing of others.

It should be clear to one and all that I have little respect for your mind, Jim. I find whatever limited good your work may accomplish to be outweighed dramatically by the fact that you're a self-aggrandizing, dime-a-dozen huckster looking to position himself for prominence as the 50th approaches.

You had the balls to react to my announcement that I'd nominated Jim Garrison for a Profiles in Courage Award with an onanistic "why didn't you cite my book instead of Mellen's?" whine.


Yours is the last voice -- well, maybe next-to-last -- that should be heard as speaking for the JFK research community, let alone for truth and justice for JFK in 2013.

Guns and Butter: "The Assassination of JFK: The Garrison Interview - Greg Burnham - 15-12-2012

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Greg;

Maybe you missed the point; which you sometimes do with me?

That remark was preemptive. So he doesn't say that my model lacks a structure also.


Uh, no I didn't miss your point. Perhaps you missed mine?