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"Causus Pax" -- Just a Film Pitch, I Assure You - Printable Version

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"Causus Pax" -- Just a Film Pitch, I Assure You - Charles Drago - 01-02-2013

Causus Pax

LOG LINE: In order to dramatize, with unprecedented emotional impact sufficient to inspire paradigm-shifting, universal demand for disarmament, the threat posed to the survival of the human race by nuclear brinkmanship, the newly enlightened and pacifist leaders of the world's two greatest superpowers agree to stage a controlled confrontation that appears to bring civilization to the precipice of Armageddon.

PITCH: The Missiles of October meets Gandhi.

"Causus Pax" -- Just a Film Pitch, I Assure You - Phil Dragoo - 02-02-2013

A brilliant ploy by John F. Kennedy who saw in 1951 Vietnam a postcolonial nationalism and Nikita S. Khrushchev who realized it wasn't just Barbarossa meets the Russian winter at Stalingrad, but both sides glimpse the blinding light in time.

In The Package (1989) with Gene Hackman and Tommy Lee Jones, a joint effort by U.S. and Soviet hardliners strikes at each nation's principal at once: object: to continue the business model. A film reference by Charles which I see casting light on the removal of Kennedy the peacemaker November 22, 1963, and Khrushchev the insufficiently revolutionary in October 1964.

The perpetual war has been prosecuted in the name of Arab Spring while Chavez opens Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia and large parts of Brazil to the Iran puppet.

It has embraced Syria as Putin's regime withdraws its citizens.

The device of the Report from Iron Mountain regarding the cost-benefit analysis of peace and war may apply in the coming days.

On the fiftieth anniversary of the murder of the American peacemaker the removal of the southern air defense may allow another epic false-flag attack with encumbent cannibalization of constitutional and other civil rights, liberties, freedoms.

Tension is the strategy, it's been said.