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Why intelligent people oppose government surveillance - Genocide and Profits for IBM in Nazi Germany - Printable Version

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Why intelligent people oppose government surveillance - Genocide and Profits for IBM in Nazi Germany - Adele Edisen - 21-03-2013

Wed, March 20, 2013 6:05:36 PM
Why intelligent people oppose government surveillance
From: Brasscheck TV <>

The dark roots of the Information

The Nazis, IBM, and the surveillance-
assisted holocaust.

"It's was just business."

Video: 5:48 minutes king

- Brasscheck

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Why intelligent people oppose government surveillance - Genocide and Profits for IBM in Nazi Germany - Jim Hackett II - 21-03-2013

Mr. Black's IBM and the Holocaust book is great.
It can or could be found at bargain shops cheap.
Thanks Adele