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It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Printable Version

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It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Charles Drago - 23-03-2013

"Irreconcilable differences" is one of the most commonly stated causes for divorce.

And so it is with the parting of the ways between the Deep Politics Forum and your humble correspondent.

No anger. No regret. Nothing ends that should not have ended.

Edward M. Kennedy:

And may it be said of us, both in dark passages and in bright days, in the words of Tennyson that my brothers quoted and loved, and that have special meaning for me now:

"I am a part of all that I have met
To [Tho] much is taken, much abides
That which we are, we are --
One equal temper of heroic hearts
Strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."

For me, a few hours ago, this campaign came to an end.

For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.

And what of the fight? My thoughts turn to Dylan Thomas:

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

So join me in thinking fondly and well of my DPF adventure, which comes to an end, but should not be mourned except in the greatest of good cheer:

I mean, it's not that we didn't have a few laughs ....

So farewell, good friends. Or to put it another way ...

It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Peter Lemkin - 23-03-2013

That is a sad event CD! Comes as a bit óf a surprise. Will keep in contact by other means and will have more to say after digesting this.....

It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Dawn Meredith - 23-03-2013

I am very sad to see this post. For the last almost five years I have come to see the founders as literally family. I love and cherish you all.

I will miss your brilliant mind CD. And your humor. And YOU.

I hope you will reconsider.


It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Jim DiEugenio - 23-03-2013

Good luck to you in the future Charles.

Hope you don't leave the community altogether.

I also hope you keep us informed of the status of the Evica archives.

It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Cliff Varnell - 23-03-2013

Absence from a forum is not absense from the foxhole.

Soldier on, Brother Charles!

It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Lauren Johnson - 23-03-2013

I take no pleasure in your leaving.

A proposal: How about if you assume the status of Op-Ed Contributor or Chief Curmudgeon or some such honorific. You put up your opinions with comments turned off.

It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Peter Lemkin - 23-03-2013

Some are permanently so; others are only temporarily so. How about a sabbatical and return? Or, I guess you could start your own Forum. What saddens me, generally, is how as we near the pivotal moment [the 50th] yet another fracture has occurred in the all-too-fractious 'research community'. Fascists always march in lock-step; we as anti-fascists, are all sometimes too loathe to cooperate and compromise. Well, CD, if you do leave for good, your many pearls of wisdom will in the internet aether. You are deeply knowledgeable about many of the standard and arcane points about the events of 11/22/63....don't let them go to waste......keep putting 'em out there, here, there, or somewhere........ Rodney King famously said, "Can't we all just get along?"

It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Phil Dragoo - 23-03-2013

Dick had showed us his family's house on Cape Cod with all its telephones for political organizing.

Jerry's dad was an airline executive; they passed Jack Parr in the elevator going, coming (now he looks like Art Garfunkel with a scarf and a knife)

Peter will be a professor

Later this year I'll sit next to that Mark Rudd whose comrade in one of those fabulous red armbands will now dart to this side of the street

breaking away

from the pack



"Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh

The NLF is gonna win"



the iron knocker (Gene Wilder take that)

on the Giant Door of Justice

Look. Up in the second-floor windows. At the shirtsleeved lawyers

flipping us the bird

It's a finger pointing to their moon of justice

For with that ragged tatter of jackals

it is just-us

The voice of truth will ring and the lie will clunk

but first may the baby jesu take your thumb off the mike button

It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - Dawn Meredith - 24-03-2013

Peter Lemkin Wrote:Some are permanently so; others are only temporarily so. How about a sabbatical and return? Or, I guess you could start your own Forum. What saddens me, generally, is how as we near the pivotal moment [the 50th] yet another fracture has occurred in the all-too-fractious 'research community'. Fascists always march in lock-step; we as anti-fascists, are all sometimes too loathe to cooperate and compromise. Well, CD, if you do leave for good, your many pearls of wisdom will in the internet aether. You are deeply knowledgeable about many of the standard and arcane points about the events of 11/22/63....don't let them go to waste......keep putting 'em out there, here, there, or somewhere........ Rodney King famously said, "Can't we all just get along?"
Peter: You have expressed my view on this with perfection.
Thank you.


It's All Been a Tremendous Lark - LR Trotter - 24-03-2013

I, especially being only a student of the JFK assassination dependent on the research of others, and somewhat limited there, do try to stay out of some of the back and forth among disagreeing posters. But, even for me, this is not good news, and I feel very disappointed.
