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When People Fight Back - If They Could Do It, What's Our Excuse? - Printable Version

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When People Fight Back - If They Could Do It, What's Our Excuse? - Adele Edisen - 13-04-2013

Fri, April 12, 2013 6:03:44 PM
If they could do it, what's our excuse?
From: Brasscheck TV <>

Now that the New World Order
types are applying the screws to
citizens of the developed world...

It might pay to take a look around
the world to see how people who've
been receiving this treatment for
CENTURIES have fought back.

No group has been more abused
than so called "indigenous" peoples...
the people who were here BEFORE
Columbus (and Monsanto etc.)

Here's how one group turned things
around against all odds and continues
to this day to make steady progress.

If they could do it, what's our excuse?

Video: 1:32: 24 - worth watching

- Brasscheck

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