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Lying Inc. - So now we learn what the 'Company' was doing all those years back - Printable Version

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Lying Inc. - So now we learn what the 'Company' was doing all those years back - Adele Edisen - 14-04-2013

Sat, April 13, 2013 6:04:11 PM
Lying Inc.
From: Brasscheck TV <>

In the 1970s and 1980s there was
an explosion of news reporting
about the CIA and its crimes around
the world - and against the US.


Not so much so we have to go
to the archive to learn how things
really work.

Video: 10:00 minutes long

- Brasscheck

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Lying Inc. - So now we learn what the 'Company' was doing all those years back - Peter Lemkin - 14-04-2013

...and for his brave and patriotic stance of telling the Truth, John Stockwell was villified, and had death threats and attempts from him old pals, etc. Nothing has changed and much of the news from 'offical sources said' are as much propaganda today and they were from Angola then. The MSM has learned nothing [is not allowed to by its owners] and told the Public nothing new [mostly more lies or 'circus' diversions]. The internet is a light in the darkness for the few who can discern information from disinformation....although some could see that light even before the internet age.