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The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - Adele Edisen - 18-04-2013

Wed, April 17, 2013 6:05:44 PM
"But the government would never do that..."
From: Brasscheck TV <>

Normal people have understandable
difficultly wrapping their minds around
the evil of people at the top.

But part of becoming an adult is confronting
the darkness of the world.

If you think "the government would never
do anything like that", think again.

Their track record is crystal clear.

Video: 2:00:52

- Brasscheck

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The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - Peter Lemkin - 18-04-2013

Yes, a very good and disturbing film. Both the Oklahoma bombing and the FIRST WTC bombing are grossly under-researched and the truth and full details of the events not known to the public. Both of these events were 'practice' and build-up to 9-11-01 and had overlapping techniques of how they were done and how they were covered-up that they share with the bigger event in 9-11-01. The next one will be even larger, I we, as a Nation, have put our heads in the sand and refused to look at/investigate/arrest/convict those who were really behind these events. Only a few researchers, enlightened freethinkers, and websites, like this one, have attempted to see through the fog of the ongoing psywar and war of tension.

The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - Lauren Johnson - 07-12-2017

The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - Dawn Meredith - 07-12-2017

Woke up too early today and Lauren had sent this to me via fb message. Sheds tons of new light on the why of OKC. Prepare to be sickened.

The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - Anthony Thorne - 07-12-2017

Wikipedia says the Alfred P. Murrah building contained the offices of 'the Department of Veterans Affairs vocational rehabilitation counseling center', which gels with what Cody Snodgres says about the Iraq war documentation. Does anyone know of any further links that back up what he says about the documents being stored there? I don't doubt his commentary but would like further references to link to if anyone comes across them.

The practice of burning, blowing up or otherwise destroying a building has obvious parallels to the events of 2001. WTC7 suffered fires on some floors before it collapsed. Less well reported, the Old Executive Office Building suffered a similar unexplained fire on the morning of 9/11. (Multiple online links confirm this, but most 9/11 books have not discussed it). Both buildings were linked to Cheney and Rumsfeld in various ways, and both had been outfitted with various private crisis communication networks, with the OEOB outfitted during the height of the Iran Contra machinations.

If Snodgres is pushing disinfo, he's a very good actor. From a cursory listen he does seem legit. From my experience Ole Dammegard is also a credible researcher. I'm agnostic on Jeff Rense and haven't listened to enough of his stuff to have an opinion, despite being aware that he often touches on more esoteric subject matter. Anyway, the Snodgres commentary passes the sniff test so far, and deserves further investigation.

The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - Anthony Thorne - 07-12-2017

The decision to re-use depleted uranium weaponry in a future, upcoming attack on Saddam in the Gulf - which various, obvious high-ranking members of the first Bush administration, and some in the Clinton administration, were pushing for - would make sense of the involvement of Joint Chiefs and Pentagon brass to facilitate the attack on the building. With the lingering controversy buried, and the prospect of compensation payments squashed, the road would be clear for a repeat use of the materials during the war in 2003.

The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - Peter Lemkin - 08-12-2017

I know Ole and he is a good researcher. He has on occasion gone into strange territory, but that has been rare. He has a wide background in false-flag operations and cut his teeth on the Palme assassination, while most of us did on JFK's. He chose to leave his native Sweden due to threats made to him in the course of his researching the murder of Prime Minister Olav Palme. It is just like JFK researchers who find opposition and worse even though the supposed assassin is dead.....even the assassin's assassin is dead. Ole's book on Palme is enlightening - it includes US players, S.A. players, Swedish players, and more.....the usual international false-flag assassination. Even Micheal V. Townley was in Stockholm at that time....

....but I digress, the OKC bombing was the modern start of large false-flag ops that have only grown in size and complexity. I don't think they have stopped and one can only imagine what something bigger and worse than 9-11 will look like...... Only studying these past ops will some become aware enough to learn the sad lessons of our covert history.

The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - David Andrews - 09-12-2017

Do we really believe the politicians-as-Satanists propaganda in part two of the Snodgres podcast? Are politics and government not bad enough without these distractions?

Does Snodgres really live in an armed patriot compound, shadowed by enemy snipers? Do former black ops guys who went to prison for talking really keep talking?

And of course, by the end of part two of the podcast, "the Alien Presence" in politics is suggested. I guess there are different breeds of sheeple out there.

Got something new on OKC? Something that names actual agency units and personnel?

The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - Anthony Thorne - 09-12-2017

Heh. There's always something. This is the sort of stuff Jeff Rense has been linked to before, I gather.

If any links pop up confirming what the guy said about the uranium documentation, great. Much of the rest seems to be someone selling a story. He is selling his book through postal CD-ROM format (cheaper I guess than printing the thing - someone should remind him you can chuck the whole thing up on Amazon Createspace for printed books without publishers ever having to say yes' or no').

There's a chance credible info is being packaged with a serving of junk to sour the visible trail for future researchers. "Oh yeah, I saw that crazy article." etc.

Ole has some stuff on his site linking to Jim Fetzer. Fetzer's M.O is to link useful, credible fields of research with shit, or send people barking up useless, fruitless cul de sacs. Ole seems sincere but maybe Jimbo was sent across to spread his flavour of crap just a bit further.

As an aside, we should probably keep our eyes out for any other historical rationales for the targeting of the building appearing in the news or in other sources of research in the near future. If any do appear, this current piece was probably drummed up to head it off at the pass. I need to listen again to the first half of the interview. Thanks for keeping a critical eye on the second half.

The Oklahoma City Bombing: A 'Noble" Lie - David Andrews - 09-12-2017

Anthony Thorne Wrote:Heh. There's always something. This is the sort of stuff Jeff Rense has been linked to before, I gather.

If any links pop up confirming what the guy said about the uranium documentation, great. Much of the rest seems to be someone selling a story. He is selling his book through postal CD-ROM format (cheaper I guess than printing the thing - someone should remind him you can chuck the whole thing up on Amazon Createspace for printed books without publishers ever having to say yes' or no').

There's a chance credible info is being packaged with a serving of junk to sour the visible trail for future researchers. "Oh yeah, I saw that crazy article." etc.

Ole has some stuff on his site linking to Jim Fetzer. Fetzer's M.O is to link useful, credible fields of research with shit, or send people barking up useless, fruitless cul de sacs. Ole seems sincere but maybe Jimbo was sent across to spread his flavour of crap just a bit further.

As an aside, we should probably keep our eyes out for any other historical rationales for the targeting of the building appearing in the news or in other sources of research in the near future. If any do appear, this current piece was probably drummed up to head it off at the pass. I need to listen again to the first half of the interview. Thanks for keeping a critical eye on the second half.

I hear you, but I checked out some Ole along with Snodgres, and Ole seems no less of a huckster. Beware "the Alien Presence" in research and testimony. Also, Rense's racist, anti-immigrant views on other of his podcasts are not far removed from Trump's blather.