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Better than jazz - Magda Hassan - 01-05-2013

Better than jazz - David Guyatt - 01-05-2013

I used to play the drums in a rock band a loooooong time ago (which is why I don't understand jazz).

But I never had tom toms like those to practice on.

I wonder how you tighten the vellum when it gets loose?

Or is it all plastic these days?

Better than jazz - Jan Klimkowski - 01-05-2013

David Guyatt Wrote:I used to play the drums in a rock band a loooooong time ago (which is why I don't understand jazz).

But I never had tom toms like those to practice on.

I wonder how you tighten the vellum when it gets loose?

Or is it all plastic these days?


In Essex, it's definitely plastic with an influx of silicone....

Better than jazz - David Guyatt - 01-05-2013

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:I used to play the drums in a rock band a loooooong time ago (which is why I don't understand jazz).

But I never had tom toms like those to practice on.

I wonder how you tighten the vellum when it gets loose?

Or is it all plastic these days?


In Essex, it's definitely plastic with an influx of silicone....

Silicone probably also adds a different quality to the sound of the snare drum. More of as crack than a thump. I should think.

Better than jazz - Keith Millea - 01-05-2013

I used to play percussion instruments,and still currently own 3 sets of conga drums.I'm just wondering how I could trade off a set for one of those nicely tuned hides...Confusedhutup:

Here is some Pancho Sanchez for ya!

Better than jazz - Dawn Meredith - 01-05-2013

David Guyatt Wrote:I used to play the drums in a rock band a loooooong time ago (which is why I don't understand jazz).

But I never had tom toms like those to practice on.

I wonder how you tighten the vellum when it gets loose?

Or is it all plastic these days?

Hey will come on over and play with me (giggle).

I do have a soundproof studio...
Does not get used nearly enough.
It got built (converted garage) when I first moved here and had to wait months for my bar app to be processed.
I met a guy who wrote the best original songs ever, (sang and played guitar). He had his own drummer and bass player, so they all moved in.
My then bf played lead guitar. We called ourselves "Roxx". Fun times. Leon was one kick ass drummer.

"I know it's only rock and roll but I like it".

And I also understand (and love) jazz.

Better than jazz - David Guyatt - 01-05-2013

This is war Keith, you know that don't ya!

For the discerning skin lover....

Whaddya use the soundproof studio for Dawn? Just curious... :mexican:

Better than jazz - Keith Millea - 01-05-2013

What a guy.First he declares war,and then drops a Buddy Rich Nuke on me...

I surrender....No Mas...Buddy Rich for President! Worship

David,here's the best I can come up with.An old friend no longer with us.He makes it all look so simple....Aye!!!

Better than jazz - Magda Hassan - 02-05-2013

I dare you not to want to tap your foot or get up and dance!

Better than jazz - David Guyatt - 02-05-2013

Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich and Paul Distel (who I don't know). Very cool guys.

I always loved Ginger Baker of the Cream too. But if you see him today (or at least recently on youtube) he looks like an old retired insurance salesman tending his hydrangeas and hugging trees - not the red headed, wild-eyes druggie who used to bash the hell out of his drums and broke a dozen pairs of sticks a gig.

Times change us all, I guess.

Back to the potting shed then...