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Official Bilderberg Attendee List Released - Printable Version

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Official Bilderberg Attendee List Released - Adele Edisen - 04-06-2013

Mon, June 3, 2013 8:09:42 PM
FW: Official Bilderberg Attendee List Released
From: Tree Frog <>



Official Bilderberg Attendee List Released - Peter Lemkin - 04-06-2013

Damn, I wasn't invited AGAIN!.......Pullhair

Along with the old 'guard', they always invite some 'new faces' that are being 'groomed' for some position...if one looks back at old lists, one finds names one wouldn't have heard of that year...but were in important and powerful positions in short order.....

Official Bilderberg Attendee List Released - David Guyatt - 10-06-2013

Alex Jones making a complete knob of himself on Andre Neil's (one time Murdoch's pitbull?) Sunday Politics Show with David Aaronovich

I should've captioned this with the title "How to make a Complete Arse of Yourself and Provide Aid and Sustenance to the Elite Propaganda Machine", I think?

My failing memory tells me that Andrew Neil was a one-time attendee at a Bilderberg meeting? David Arronovich is a well known debunker of conspiracy theories - and I suspect throws the baby out with the bathwater in that conspiracy facts get the same sort of treatment too. But that's just me being a silly old tart, I suppose.

Official Bilderberg Attendee List Released - Jan Klimkowski - 10-06-2013

Alex "never heard a CT he didn't believe in" Jones, David "professional skeptic for hire" Aaronovich and Andrew "one time Murdoch tool" Neil all in the same studio.

A circus to divert the masses from the urgent task of thinking critically.

Official Bilderberg Attendee List Released - John Mooney - 18-09-2013

I just recieved a reply from 10 Downing Street to my question "Can the Prime Minister tell us what was discussed at the 2013 Bilderberg meeting?".

Basically I was told that David Cameron attended in a private capacity, so no.. they can not tell me.

This is totally outrageous and possibly against Parliamentary rules regarding ministers secretly meeting with businessmen, lobbyists and foreign ministers.

Bilderberg claim all attendees attend in a private capacity.

However in 1997, cabinet minister Ken Clarke tried to wriggle out of not declaring his "free trip" to the 1993 Bilderberg meeting by claiming he (and Tony Blair) were attending as member of the Government and Opposition and he didn't think the declaring rules applied.

Here is the Parliamentary report:
Mr Clarke subsequently explained that he and Mr Blair considered that they were attending the conference as representatives of the Government and the Opposition respectively, and stated that `I was quite confident that I was at the time meeting the rules applying to Ministers, and it did not occur to me that the new rules concerning registration could apply to this visit'.

In 1998 Tony Blair told Parliament that none of the members of Government had attended Bilderberg - a lie - because he himself did in 1993.

I find this all quite sinister.

This year they couldn't ignore Bilderberg in the media any longer so they went on the offensive with people like David Aaronvich sitting in on BBC political programs describing BIlderberg as only "mildly interesting". They also invited Alex Jones onto the program doing his best cartoon impression just to cement the idea that all "conspiracy theorists" are nutters.

This was one of many media attempts to downplay Bilderberg.

I hate politcal secrecy, it's the enemy of democracy.

Official Bilderberg Attendee List Released - Peter Lemkin - 18-09-2013

John Mooney Wrote:I just recieved a reply from 10 Downing Street to my question "Can the Prime Minister tell us what was discussed at the 2013 Bilderberg meeting?".

Basically I was told that David Cameron attended in a private capacity, so no.. they can not tell me.

This is totally outrageous and possibly against Parliamentary rules regarding ministers secretly meeting with businessmen, lobbyists and foreign ministers.

Bilderberg claim all attendees attend in a private capacity.

However in 1997, cabinet minister Ken Clarke tried to wriggle out of not declaring his "free trip" to the 1993 Bilderberg meeting by claiming he (and Tony Blair) were attending as member of the Government and Opposition and he didn't think the declaring rules applied.

Here is the Parliamentary report:
Mr Clarke subsequently explained that he and Mr Blair considered that they were attending the conference as representatives of the Government and the Opposition respectively, and stated that `I was quite confident that I was at the time meeting the rules applying to Ministers, and it did not occur to me that the new rules concerning registration could apply to this visit'.

In 1998 Tony Blair told Parliament that none of the members of Government had attended Bilderberg - a lie - because he himself did in 1993.

I find this all quite sinister.

This year they couldn't ignore Bilderberg in the media any longer so they went on the offensive with people like David Aaronvich sitting in on BBC political programs describing BIlderberg as only "mildly interesting". They also invited Alex Jones onto the program doing his best cartoon impression just to cement the idea that all "conspiracy theorists" are nutters.

This was one of many media attempts to downplay Bilderberg.

I hate politcal secrecy, it's the enemy of democracy.

Its called having your cake and eating it too.....but rather than cake it is more like crap. Do as we tell you to do!...not as we do, is how politics is played, most places. There are precious few countries even approximating democracies any more and NONE of those are the Bigger Countries - which are all fighting to become the least democratic [under the fig leaf of 'democracy' in name only]. The US and UK are far in the lead, IMO....heading toward where China is....and beyond.