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Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Jim DiEugenio - 11-06-2013

I have been hard at work on a new book coming out this fall.

It is a much expanded and revised version of my "Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi's Bungle" multi part series. I will be adding several chapters to it and altering and dropping others.

But I have been doing a lot of research on Bugliosi's early career.

Everyone knows he made his reputation and name and riches off of the Tate/La Bianca murders case.

I had never read Helter Skelter before this. When I did, I was kind of confused. Because I didn't buy the overall thesis. The whole thing about the race war etc as a motive for the murders.

So I went to some web sites out there about that case. I got a big surprise.

Many, many experts on that case do not buy Bugliosi's book AT ALL!

Get this: One guy actually called it a novel!

So now, I am reading other books on that case and its all very interesting. I think I may have made a new chapter for my book: Something like "Re-evaluating Helter Skelter"

Its a very questionable book today.

Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Jan Klimkowski - 11-06-2013

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I have been hard at work on a new book coming out this fall.

It is a much expanded and revised version of my "Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman, and Bugliosi's Bungle" multi part series. I will be adding several chapters to it and altering and dropping others.

But I have been doing a lot of research on Bugliosi's early career.

Everyone knows he made his reputation and name and riches off of the Tate/La Bianca murders case.

I had never read Helter Skelter before this. When I did, I was kind of confused. Because I didn't buy the overall thesis. The whole thing about the race war etc as a motive for the murders.

So I went to some web sites out there about that case. I got a big surprise.

Many, many experts on that case do not buy Bugliosi's book AT ALL!

Get this: One guy actually called it a novel!

So now, I am reading other books on that case and its all very interesting. I think I may have made a new chapter for my book: Something like "Re-evaluating Helter Skelter"

Its a very questionable book today.

Helter Skelter and the whole "Charlie's Race War" hypothesis was a scam which provided a very convenient narrative for MSM, enabling Manson to be labelled "the Man who killed the Sixties".

Helter Skelter was as spookily false as an L Ron Hubbard novel.

Bugliosi's chosen narrative omitted everything from the very connected The Process Church of the Final Judgement through to the possibility that Manson had an ONI handler providing a narcotic (not LSD) designed to permit the subject to be controlled in an MK-ULTRA field trial framework.

There are several DPF threads discussing this. For instance:

Naval Intelligence, MK-ULTRA and the hippie movement

The alleged ONI handler (now dead as far as I can establish) sued Rolling Stone and Paul Krassner.

There's a lot of good material in the thread here, as well.

Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Jan Klimkowski - 11-06-2013

See also the thread here.

Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Tracy Riddle - 11-06-2013

Mae Brussell did a lot of research on the Manson case:

Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Jim DiEugenio - 11-06-2013

Thanks. I had not gotten that far in the research yet.

And didn't know about Mae Brussell's work on this.

Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Tracy Riddle - 12-06-2013

A transcription of the radio broadcast:

Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Sandy Sherbrook - 12-06-2013

Dave McGowan in his Laurel Canyon stuff accuses Bugliosi of peddling disinfo regarding the Tate case, and neglecting to mention celebs who were close to Manson prior to the killings

McGowan also attacks the editing of the Altamont doco Gimme Shelter which depicts the Hunter murder out of its real sequence (he states that the killing took place early in the Stones' set, not at the climax)

Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Magda Hassan - 12-06-2013

Sandy Sherbrook Wrote:Dave McGowan in his Laurel Canyon stuff accuses Bugliosi of peddling disinfo regarding the Tate case, and neglecting to mention celebs who were close to Manson prior to the killings

McGowan also attacks the editing of the Altamont doco Gimme Shelter which depicts the Hunter murder out of its real sequence (he states that the killing took place early in the Stones' set, not at the climax)
Yes, not many wanted to be seen to be associated with him after the events but clearly once again Manson was no Lone Nut.
Quote:Jan Klimkowski
See also the thread here.
You may find Jan's link above useful Sandy.

Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Anthony Thorne - 15-06-2013

There's also a long, detailed chapter on the Manson killings in Peter Levenda's SINISTER FORCES VOL.2: A WARM GUN.

Vincent Bugliosi pre Reclaiming History - Tracy Riddle - 15-06-2013

I like most of Dave McGowan's stuff, except that he believes the moon landings were faked, which blows a rather large hole in his credibility for me. Still, I think he's on to something with his Laurel Canyon/Programmed to Kill work.