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NSA building "pre-crime" AI program - Printable Version

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NSA building "pre-crime" AI program - Tracy Riddle - 17-06-2013

NSA Building Big Brother "Pre-Crime" Artificial Intelligence Program

NSA building "pre-crime" AI program - Magda Hassan - 17-06-2013

And as they demonstrate everything is pre-crime.

NSA building "pre-crime" AI program - Jim Hackett II - 17-06-2013

"The court cannot accept a plea of not guilty form this defendant, the state material proves the defendant was about to commit the crime with which he/she is charged. Further no consideration of an Alford Guilty plea, nor a plea of nolo contendre will be considered in this matter before the court.

Only the good work of the state has kept us all safe from this criminal.
This criminal will be killed by firing squad for future sedition as the state has proven. May God have mercy on the Republic.
God bless America."

Jeez Louise.

NSA building "pre-crime" AI program - Peter Lemkin - 17-06-2013

..all seems pretty harmless to me Pirate! 1984 was a long time ago.....and we have gone well beyond its precepts, it seems. Well, we can all feel safe posting on this Forum....that wouldn't trigger and 'negative points' now, would it Dance?! Nor would the books I buy and read, nor would my JFK, 911 and anti-fascist research, nor would my past participation in demonstrations of all sorts, and work with and for progressive to radical groups. I feel safe as could be. If that article isn't a 'wake up call', I don't know what would be....short of knock on the door in the middle of the night.Spy Thought crimes were bad enough...but pre-thought or labeled as having the potential for thought crimes.....give me a 'break'. Welcome to the Totalitarian States of Amoralka! So, that is what the large new facility in Utah will be doing, among other things?...fine use of tax dollars. Protecting those who deserve no protection, and making criminals of those who would attempt to save this sinking ship......things are NOT in good shape, and getting worse at light speed.Hitler "Believe our lies; buy our toxic and destructive products; don't think for yourself; mind your own very menial business, obey all orders - or die!" And this they call Freedom and Democracy? - and something that the 'phantom and false enemy' would hate us for?! Sadly, there is no way to wake from this nightmare - only to fight it head on. Maybe in a new eugenics program, they'll sterilize couples with pre-crime tenancies against the State - so they don't teach their children such subversive thoughts or pass on those un'patriotic' genes. Of course, they could just kill them with drones or death squads; lock them away in FEMA/DHS camps forever. Yeah, 'they' hate us for our Freedoms, all right......the 'they' may be more indiginous than was first implied.

We are riding in the heart of the 'Death Star' on its mission of exploitation, TIA, oppression and thanatos. Wake up America and the World, the hour is VERY late!

NSA building "pre-crime" AI program - David Guyatt - 17-06-2013

When fiction becomes fact - when you're guilty unless proven innocent:

Minority Report.

NSA building "pre-crime" AI program - Jan Klimkowski - 17-06-2013

Magda Hassan Wrote:And as they demonstrate everything is pre-crime.



NSA building "pre-crime" AI program - Phil Dragoo - 17-06-2013

The system is so potentially intrusive that at least one researcher has quit, citing concerns over the dangers in placing such a powerful weapon in the hands of a top-secret agency with little accountability.

So in Maryland, College Park, is a TWO-million-square-foot facility, while in Utah NSA has a one-million-square-foot facility.

The convergence of systems couldn't possibly produce a problem to citizens who desire only stability and the steady guidance of an authority figure.

China is working on ASAT systems while the son of Malik Al Shabaaz redirects NASA to Muslim outreach.

Russia's Rubezh claims ability to defeat ABM systems.

What happens when the water supply is gone and martial law is declared.

On to Syria.

Barack Hope, Bing Putin, and Dorothy Beijing in Road to Damascus.

Snowden accused by Cheney of being a ChiCom spy.

Hong Kong is not China.

Snowden is falling through a hole in the datanet

following Country Joe and the Fish

And Kennedy was a traitor

NSA building "pre-crime" AI program - Tracy Riddle - 04-07-2013

One reason the Post Office is running in the red. Police states are expensive.

For a long time it was a surveillance system called Mail Covers, The Times reports, but that has been replaced by a much more ambitious program ominously called the Mail Isolation Control and Tracking program, "in which Postal Service computers photograph the exterior of every piece of paper mail that is processed in the United States about 160 billion pieces last year."