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John Kelin for the Fiftieth - Printable Version

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John Kelin for the Fiftieth - Jim DiEugenio - 25-06-2013

In addition to Len Osanic, John Kelin has put together a web site for the 50th.

Really nice stuff John.


John Kelin for the Fiftieth - Albert Rossi - 26-06-2013

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:

In addition to Len Osanic, John Kelin has put together a web site for the 50th.

Really nice stuff John.


Yes, indeed. I've been meaning to read his book; I think it's time I ordered it.

John Kelin for the Fiftieth - Charles Drago - 26-06-2013

I am honored to have had my essay, "In the Blossom of Our Sins," chosen by John for inclusion on his site.

Any encomia for John's work I might offer here could be read incorrectly as some sort of quid pro quo. So be it.

I number John Kelin among the most astute and honorable -- and thus trustworthy -- of JFK assassination authors.

John Kelin for the Fiftieth - Jim DiEugenio - 26-06-2013

John's book is really good.

It really filled in a niche between the assassination and Garrison.

Plus it has some really neat info in it about, for example, the fear in Dallas with certain witnesses like Markham.

They actually sell it at Sixth Floor.