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Ron Rosenbaum Whitewashes Angleton - Printable Version

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Ron Rosenbaum Whitewashes Angleton - Jim DiEugenio - 09-08-2013

Rosenbaum Part 2

If anything, I was too mild on him. God what a bunch of crud the guy writes about the JFK case.

Ron Rosenbaum Whitewashes Angleton - Albert Rossi - 09-08-2013

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Rosenbaum Part 2

If anything, I was too mild on him. God what a bunch of crud the guy writes about the JFK case.

Beyond the mincemeat it makes of Rosenbaum, the review is worth reading just for its precis of Angleton's "distinguished" career.

Ron Rosenbaum Whitewashes Angleton - Charles Drago - 09-08-2013

Jim's work on Angleton puts me in mind of Lisa Pease.

Can Jim or anyone else inform us as to her current involvement in deep politics research, writing, and/or editing?


Ron Rosenbaum Whitewashes Angleton - Jim DiEugenio - 10-08-2013


Yeah, I mean his pals and former workers all tried to make him into some incredibly efficient intelligence officer.

What a pile of garbage.

He should have been moved out much. much earlier.

I mean what he did to intelligence analysis in this country was a disgrace.

And BTW, I didn't even go into depth about him and Oswald. I just hope everyone reads my review of Newman's book, or gets the book.

I really hope Rosenbuam reads this.