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John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Jim Hargrove - 13-08-2013


From 1999 until around 2005 or so, I ran the Harvey and Lee website, which was based on research by John Armstrong on what we believe was a U.S. intelligence project that sent a Russian-speaking (and long-time) Lee Harvey Oswald impersonator to the Soviet Union as a spy. Around 2005, Time Warner Cable unceremoniously dumped the "home pages" (websites) of all its paid subscribers, including mine.

Recently, I started working with John Armstrong again to bring the website back to life. You can review the revised pages starting here:

The revised site has a lot of new material, much of it written by Armstrong himself. The home page now includes a link to more than 101,000 documents from John's personal collection, scanned in 2011 and made available to all by the Poague Library at Baylor University, which includes thousands of documents from the FBI, Dallas Police Department, National Archives, etc.

My favorite page on the website is "November 22, 1963." Even if you find the concept of two Lee Harvey Oswalds impossible to accept, you may be surprised by the number of enduring mysteries that can be solved from the perspective of two Oswalds. John's thesis is that American-born LEE Oswald framed Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald for the assassination, killed J.D. Tippit, and then lured police to the Texas Theater where HARVEY was waiting.

Another of my favorite pages on the website is called "The Man Who Could--And Couldn't--Drive." It examines the massive amount of evidence that Oswald did, and didn't, have a driver's license. The solution to the riddle, of course, is that American-born LEE Oswald had a valid Texas driver's license, and Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald didn't. Anyway, if you're interested, please feel free to take the website for a spin! If you're unfamiliar with John Armstrong's work, this truly will be something completely different. The site includes many FBI and DPD documents often overlooked by other researchers.

Even if this all sounds completely crazy to you, the amount of evidence John has accumulated (some of it presented on the website) may well surprise you.


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Tracy Riddle - 13-08-2013

Excellent, and welcome to the forum. I've read Harvey & Lee twice, and while I don't agree with every single thing in it (Oswald never speaking Russian while in the USSR, for example), I think Armstrong has uncovered a lot of information that we have to reckon with. There is certainly something wrong with the official story of Oswald's life going back at least to the early 1950s.

John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Jim Hargrove - 13-08-2013

One thing I forgot,

If you haven't read the long-secret HSCA testimony of CIA accountant James Wilcott, you will probably want to take a look at this page from the Harvey and Lee website:

Wilcott testified he was told payments he disbursed at his desk in the CIA Tokyo station were for the "Oswald project or Oswald," when Oswald was stationed in Japan prior to the "defection."


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Peter Lemkin - 13-08-2013

Welcome, Welcome, WELCOME! IMHO not everything J.A. posits in his WONDERFUL book is likely so [exactly as he posits it]; BUT MANY are clearly true, and his viewpoint/unique way of viewing/back doorway into the events around LHO[s]/unique research opens up to any good researcher a unique and highly informative means of viewing the 'usually' unviewable/unseen/confusing/undefined.

J.A. did a great job, even it I'd not stand shoulder to shoulder with him on everything in his book! I hope at some point he will continue/further his work, as from Jack White, I know there is much more that he has, but decided not to put in the book because he didn't have enough sources for his own comfort. With the 50th approaching SOON, we need all the big 'GUNS' out we can muster.

The keepers of the Big Lie
are better funded and way ahead of 'us' on many counts.

On our side, however, are the beliefs of most World Citizens and the TRUTH. There were obviously, at many points, more than one 'LHO'...and J.A. has done more to define this, than anyone else! His work shows that the LHO we saw on TV arrested and then shot was a patsy and that there was a HUGE conspiracy, which included false LHO's to set him up for the 'fall'; as well as to add to the confusion to confound investigators for all time. Well, it didn't work. They stand exposed and naked now!....

His book Harvey and Lee is one I've read many times and always refer to. It is a great work in the JFK literature and kudos to J.A. for his work on this and hopefully his additions in the NEAR future! The book was a paradigm shift, much needed and welcome, IMO!

Can you get J.A. to come to this Forum?

John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Jan Klimkowski - 13-08-2013

Jim - welcome to DPF and thank you for your messages.

For everyone's information, there is a long DPF thread on Harvey and Lee begun by our dear departed friend, Jack White, here.

John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Karl Kinaski - 13-08-2013

Acc. to Armstrong, there not only where two Oswalds , but two Marguerit Oswalds (sic) -
Quote:quote, Armstrong: Harvey and Lee, page 14...

The "Marguerite Oswald" imposter who testified before the Warren Commission said, "I became with child, and he did not want any children. His family and my family tried to talk to him and, well, his family almost beat him up to say, but nobody could do anything with him." But Edward Pic, who had married the real Marguerite Oswald, denied that the reason for their breakup was Marguerite's pregnancy. Pic said,
"We couldn't make it. We just couldn't get along, you know, so we finally decided to quit
trying and call the whole thing off, which we did."

close quote



John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Peter Lemkin - 13-08-2013

Karl Kinaski Wrote:Acc. to Armstrong, there not only where two Oswalds , but two Marguerit Oswalds (sic) -
Quote:quote, Armstrong: Harvey and Lee, page 14...

The "Marguerite Oswald" imposter who testified before the Warren Commission said, "I became with child, and he did not want any children. His family and my family tried to talk to him and, well, his family almost beat him up to say, but nobody could do anything with him." But Edward Pic, who had married the real Marguerite Oswald, denied that the reason for their breakup was Marguerite's pregnancy. Pic said,
"We couldn't make it. We just couldn't get along, you know, so we finally decided to quit
trying and call the whole thing off, which we did."

close quote



a disinformation artiste, 'at work'

de rigueur.....

multiple possible attempt to disguise actual intent, about as well as an elephant hiding behind a clover flower.

John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - David Healy - 13-08-2013

Jim Hargrove Wrote:One thing I forgot,

If you haven't read the long-secret HSCA testimony of CIA accountant James Wilcott, you will probably want to take a look at this page from the Harvey and Lee website:

Wilcott testified he was told payments he disbursed at his desk in the CIA Tokyo station were for the "Oswald project or Oswald," when Oswald was stationed in Japan prior to the "defection."


good seeing you here, Jim.... Welcome!
--David Healy

John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Karl Kinaski - 13-08-2013

Another Armstrong Whopper. page: 21 Harvey and Lee...

Quote:NOTE: The real Lee Harvey Oswald had his tonsils removed in 1945 but, as we shall
see, the "Oswald" imposter was treated for tonsill itis while in the Marines.

Little problem here: pharyngeal tonsils can grow again...



John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Jan Klimkowski - 13-08-2013

Karl Kinaski Wrote:Another Armstrong Whopper. page: 21 Harvey and Lee...

Quote:NOTE: The real Lee Harvey Oswald had his tonsils removed in 1945 but, as we shall
see, the "Oswald" imposter was treated for tonsill itis while in the Marines.

Little problem here: pharyngeal tonsils can grow again...



Karl - this is certainly not a whopper.

If the tonsils are not completely removed in the original surgery, it is possible for them to grow back over time. Rare, but possible.

However, that does not make Armstrong's statement a "whopper". It is simply a factor to take into account when making a judgement about the fact that Oswald was treated for tonsilitis whilst in the Marines.