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New Photo To me - Great Presidential Protection by the Secret Service et al. - Printable Version

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New Photo To me - Great Presidential Protection by the Secret Service et al. - Peter Lemkin - 02-09-2013



They could have had the gunmen in the bus - and look how close the crowd is near the bus - with no protection; just one outriding policeman. What a joke the 'protection' was. There was none - all groups that usually protect a President were either in on the hit; told to stand down; removed or re-positioned to not block the bullets.

New Photo To me - Great Presidential Protection by the Secret Service et al. - Tracy Riddle - 02-09-2013

There definitely was security stripping in Dallas, but we need to forget the idea that the SS secured every elevated position, every open window.

Here's Nixon in Cairo (!) in 1974:




New Photo To me - Great Presidential Protection by the Secret Service et al. - Steve Minnerly - 02-09-2013

Excellent find Peter and you made a great point.

New Photo To me - Great Presidential Protection by the Secret Service et al. - Marlene Zenker - 02-09-2013

I thought that picture was interesting too - it is from the article I posted from Sunday's NY Times.

New Photo To me - Great Presidential Protection by the Secret Service et al. - Tracy Riddle - 02-09-2013

That photo was published in Russ Baker's Family of Secrets and he points out that the sign on the bus was for the Bottlers' convention that Nixon attended.

New Photo To me - Great Presidential Protection by the Secret Service et al. - Peter Lemkin - 03-09-2013

Here is some information Frog got responses to the photo about...and a wider view [still only part of the original photo]

1. The late Mr. X told me that he was working for MCA in '63. Checking on acts, he went to the Zodiac Room (Adolphus) at 10:15 the night before and saw Nixon there with KENDALL And JOAN CRAWFORD. Some say Nixon could not have been there because of the Murchison party,but of course he could have left the party early.

2. Nixon told Larry King, after forgetting where he was for many years, that he left Dallas on a flight that morning, not knowing about the shooting, even though airports were closed during the visit. He says he landed in NYC and took a cab. A woman ran out when he was at a stoplight screaming that JFK had been killed and saw him in the cab and fainted.

3. Just a few observations:

1) according to Bob Walker on WFAA-TV's live coverage of JFK's arrival, he mentions Nixon had left "about an hour ago."
2) sure anyone could have fired from the bus, point blank. But escape would have probably been near impossible.
3) the picture was taken on Main St., where the crowds were the largest and thickest overflowing onto the streets, especially in the area near the Adolphus Hotel.
4) Clint Hill was on the bumper previous as the car turned onto Main St. He returned to the follow up car's running board soon after the turn was completed. And he returned to the bumper again later on Main St., and got off again.
5) yes the photographer was above the car. A newspaper photo of the turn onto Main St. shows several people on fire escapes on a few of the buildings in the background. Even two Altgens photos show at least one, maybe more people on the fire escape on the Dal-Tex building. And there are lots of photos of people in building windows and climbing street signs to get a high advantage. There were also photos taken above the car from the Adolphus Hotel. Up until JFK, no president had been shot or shot at while in a moving car. (Although FDR was president-elect when he was shot at and Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was fatally wounded while in a car). BTW, this photo is a blowup, not a full-frame version of the photo.
6) the back of JFK's "blacked out?" Nellie Connally's hair, John Connally's head and a few other spots looked just as "black out." Not only would the camera angle or type of film possibly account for this, but also the fact it's a black-and-white photo and the limo was in shadow. It makes no sense to black out the back of JFK's head in this photo.