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Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Tracy Riddle - 28-09-2013

The latest from Russ Baker:

Here's part one:

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Tracy Riddle - 28-09-2013

The thing that impressed me about Family of Secrets was how he demonstrated the close ties between all these different groups that people tend to think of as being separate - Texas oilmen, military intelligence, Wall St, FBI, CIA, arms industry, organized crime, etc. It's a big revolving door, a huge network of the Old Boys Club.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Marlene Zenker - 30-09-2013

Tracy Riddle Wrote:The thing that impressed me about Family of Secrets was how he demonstrated the close ties between all these different groups that people tend to think of as being separate - Texas oilmen, military intelligence, Wall St, FBI, CIA, arms industry, organized crime, etc. It's a big revolving door, a huge network of the Old Boys Club.

When I started researching 9/11 - about 10 minutes after the towers fell - the incredible Greg Palast's postings were a big eye opener for me. He had already made the ties to the people and corporations who were involved in every awful thing that has happened past and present. When Russ Baker released his book a lot of it held true for me based on knowledge Palast's work.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Seamus Coogan - 04-10-2013

Marlene Zenker Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:The thing that impressed me about Family of Secrets was how he demonstrated the close ties between all these different groups that people tend to think of as being separate - Texas oilmen, military intelligence, Wall St, FBI, CIA, arms industry, organized crime, etc. It's a big revolving door, a huge network of the Old Boys Club.

When I started researching 9/11 - about 10 minutes after the towers fell - the incredible Greg Palast's postings were a big eye opener for me. He had already made the ties to the people and corporations who were involved in every awful thing that has happened past and present. When Russ Baker released his book a lot of it held true for me based on knowledge Palast's work.

One of the first pieces I ever did for CTKA was an expose on John Hankey. This can be seen here My next piece came after Jim Di did an excellent piece on Baker. This is it here A further run in bust up with Jim Fetzer happened on this forum which can be found. It is the opinion of Jim and I that Baker, and Hankey are guilty of overplaying George Bushes role in the assassination. I hope you both find these articles informative. If you want to see how pathetic the replies have been. I advise you go and see Fetzer and Hankey debating a tape recording of Jim. Why did Jim and I not debate Hankey? Well I was dead keen until Hankey, and his pal Gary King put a profile on Zimbio stating I was head of the CIA. A very good book on George Bush Snr is by Webster Tarpley unauthorised biography of Bush Snr it is online, and he avoids getting to flowery as far as JFK is concerned. A common problem with Baker and Hankey, is their source material can be traced back to a one Paul Kangas.
That guy is poison.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Marlene Zenker - 05-10-2013

Seamus, et al,

I'm not saying I support what Russ Baker has written & I have no idea if Poppy was involved in the assassination. It wouldn't surprise me if he was tangentially - as the Bush family has ties to a lot of deep political doings even if each member of the family is not very deep at all. What I don't like about Baker is that he seems to take credit for digging up information about the Bushes that so many of us knew for years.

Seamus Coogan Wrote:
Marlene Zenker Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:The thing that impressed me about Family of Secrets was how he demonstrated the close ties between all these different groups that people tend to think of as being separate - Texas oilmen, military intelligence, Wall St, FBI, CIA, arms industry, organized crime, etc. It's a big revolving door, a huge network of the Old Boys Club.

When I started researching 9/11 - about 10 minutes after the towers fell - the incredible Greg Palast's postings were a big eye opener for me. He had already made the ties to the people and corporations who were involved in every awful thing that has happened past and present. When Russ Baker released his book a lot of it held true for me based on knowledge Palast's work.

One of the first pieces I ever did for CTKA was an expose on John Hankey. This can be seen here My next piece came after Jim Di did an excellent piece on Baker. This is it here A further run in bust up with Jim Fetzer happened on this forum which can be found. It is the opinion of Jim and I that Baker, and Hankey are guilty of overplaying George Bushes role in the assassination. I hope you both find these articles informative. If you want to see how pathetic the replies have been. I advise you go and see Fetzer and Hankey debating a tape recording of Jim. Why did Jim and I not debate Hankey? Well I was dead keen until Hankey, and his pal Gary King put a profile on Zimbio stating I was head of the CIA. A very good book on George Bush Snr is by Webster Tarpley unauthorised biography of Bush Snr it is online, and he avoids getting to flowery as far as JFK is concerned. A common problem with Baker and Hankey, is their source material can be traced back to a one Paul Kangas.
That guy is poison.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Tracy Riddle - 05-10-2013

Seamus, I'm not saying Bush was involved in the plot to kill JFK. But he was part of the same groups and networks who were involved in the assassination, and my point was that Baker's book connects the dots very well.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Magda Hassan - 05-10-2013

Seamus Coogan Wrote:Well I was dead keen until Hankey, and his pal Gary King put a profile on Zimbio stating I was head of the CIA.
What was the follow up with this?

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Magda Hassan - 05-10-2013

Marlene Zenker Wrote:Seamus, et al,
I'm not saying I support what Russ Baker has written & I have no idea if Poppy was involved in the assassination. It wouldn't surprise me if he was tangentially - as the Bush family has ties to a lot of deep political doings even if each member of the family is not very deep at all. What I don't like about Baker is that he seems to take credit for digging up information about the Bushes that so many of us knew for years.

Tracy Riddle Wrote:Seamus, I'm not saying Bush was involved in the plot to kill JFK. But he was part of the same groups and networks who were involved in the assassination, and my point was that Baker's book connects the dots very well.

Plenty of dots there. And much to connect. Certainly the Bushes has deep political connections. How much was in play this day? Something was but it wasn't just the Bushes. Much more in play. And yes, others made the connections way before but still, well said.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Seamus Coogan - 13-10-2013

Magda Hassan Wrote:
Marlene Zenker Wrote:Seamus, et al,
I'm not saying I support what Russ Baker has written & I have no idea if Poppy was involved in the assassination. It wouldn't surprise me if he was tangentially - as the Bush family has ties to a lot of deep political doings even if each member of the family is not very deep at all. What I don't like about Baker is that he seems to take credit for digging up information about the Bushes that so many of us knew for years.

Tracy Riddle Wrote:Seamus, I'm not saying Bush was involved in the plot to kill JFK. But he was part of the same groups and networks who were involved in the assassination, and my point was that Baker's book connects the dots very well.

Plenty of dots there. And much to connect. Certainly the Bushes has deep political connections. How much was in play this day? Something was, but it wasn't just the Bushes. Much more in play. And yes, others made the connections way before but still, well said.

Sorry guys the Bush family had nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination. Full stop capital letter, sure there are some interesting links between the Bushes and the CIA. However, Jim and I have disconnected many of those dots. The Bush family inherited the poison chalice from guys like Dulles, whom they were merely 'bitches' by comparison. Like I say Webster Tarpley is far superior Tracey. Take some time and have a read... Madga I suggest you do as well sister. Its excellent!

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Magda Hassan - 13-10-2013

I don't think Bush was actively involved in the operation to kill Kennedy at all. And I don't think Marlene or Tracy are either. However you can't deny the family were involved in the CIA, the oil and banking industries, and were close to and of the same mind as those who were actually involved.

Yes, Tarlpley is great.