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14th Admendment Anyone ? - Printable Version

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14th Admendment Anyone ? - Kenneth Kapel - 03-10-2013

If Barack Obama is not a a "frontman" for the cabal that Professror Carroll Quiqley exposes in his magnum opus "Tradedy & Hope" why doesn'the envoke this admendment in order to avoid a default of the U.S. budget. A budget default would cause much heart arch and suffering by cutting social securiry payments and the laying off even more U.S.Government employes. He has already seen, as a result of his non-evpcation of this admendment two years ago, a drastic cut in vital services that actually save lives, but he still actually promises NOT to invoke this admendent, which will cause even more death, grief, and despair. The Reid Senate budget is barely $20B above the Paul Ryan austerity budget which was rejected by the American electorate in 2012. Can a President decide what Constitutional Admendents that he enforces ?

14th Admendment Anyone ? - David Guyatt - 04-10-2013

Kenneth Kapel Wrote:If Barack Obama is not a a "frontman" for the cabal that Professror Carroll Quiqley exposes in his magnum opus "Tradedy & Hope" why doesn'the envoke this admendment in order to avoid a default of the U.S. budget. A budget default would cause much heart arch and suffering by cutting social securiry payments and the laying off even more U.S.Government employes. He has already seen, as a result of his non-evpcation of this admendment two years ago, a drastic cut in vital services that actually save lives, but he still actually promises NOT to invoke this admendent, which will cause even more death, grief, and despair. The Reid Senate budget is barely $20B above the Paul Ryan austerity budget which was rejected by the American electorate in 2012. Can a President decide what Constitutional Admendents that he enforces ?

Presidents do ignore the Constitution and the law of the land at their whim.

14th Amendment outline is HERE.

I put Obama clearly in the Trilateral Commission camp because of his, I suppose, sponsor, Zbigniew Brzesinski, which makes him a Rockefeller man, at the very least, I suppose.

14th Admendment Anyone ? - Kenneth Kapel - 04-10-2013

That is very true in regard to The Constitution, alas. Please keep in mind also that Mr. Obama has since at least 2003-2004 been a favorite of the Lester Crown family, who have been financial backers of his since his try at the U.S. Senate race in Illinois. Lester Crown is the son of the late Henry Crown, who in 1963 was the largest stockholder in the military-industrial giant General Dynamics and that Albert Jenner, the Crown family lawyer and who was a Board member of GD a few years later, and was a WC counsel, as was Maurice Moore who was also a GD Board member and WC counsel. According to Peter Dale Scott Mr. Moore was also on the Board of Directors of the Henry Luce Time-Life. Luce was a Skull & Bones member and his wife Clare was a Dame of the (Papal) Knights of Malta. John Kerry, the American Secretary of State, is also Skull & Bones and he is related to Henry Schroeder family of Schroeder Bank fame. Some sources have The Schroeder Bank as a stockholder in the American Federal Reserve banking System.

14th Admendment Anyone ? - David Guyatt - 05-10-2013

Kenneth Kapel Wrote:That is very true in regard to The Constitution, alas. Please keep in mind also that Mr. Obama has since at least 2003-2004 been a favorite of the Lester Crown family, who have been financial backers of his since his try at the U.S. Senate race in Illinois. Lester Crown is the son of the late Henry Crown, who in 1963 was the largest stockholder in the military-industrial giant General Dynamics and that Albert Jenner, the Crown family lawyer and who was a Board member of GD a few years later, and was a WC counsel, as was Maurice Moore who was also a GD Board member and WC counsel. According to Peter Dale Scott Mr. Moore was also on the Board of Directors of the Henry Luce Time-Life. Luce was a Skull & Bones member and his wife Clare was a Dame of the (Papal) Knights of Malta. John Kerry, the American Secretary of State, is also Skull & Bones and he is related to Henry Schroeder family of Schroeder Bank fame. Some sources have The Schroeder Bank as a stockholder in the American Federal Reserve banking System.

I know the Crown family quite well, Kenneth. I've written about them, including allegations about Henry Crown laundering Chicago mob money into the Empire State Building in NYC. This was when I was trying to track down Crown's apparent involvement in laundering WWII plunder hidden on the Philippine Islands prior to the end of WWII. Interestingly, Crown owned a mining company, the ideal skills needed to recover mineral wealth from deep, tricky locations, where the Japanese placed them. That is, if you don't have the US Army Corp of Engineers at your disposal, I suppose - and by a miracle of coincidence we learn Crown was assigned to during WWII.

I've never managed to finds any evidence that private families own the Federal Reserve. Ownership is publicly available. Things may have changed since the days it was established, however. The Schroeder bank was, as you probably know, a client of the Dulles boys, and a lovely nazi bank during its time. All that lovely Nazi loot eh.